Expedite Your Journey
Three Alternative Opportunities
Here are three+ ways to expedite your journey.
1. Download Lessons 2. Set Goals 3. Enhance the World
Complete Assignments Form | Dynamic Strategy Summary
1. Download Lessons 1-6, Complete Your Assignments
First, you can simply click on the links below to get each of the first six lessons and Complete Your Assignments now.

Lesson 1: What is Chimorel? This may be the lesson that directed you to this section. It sets up the story and gives you the opportunity to expedite your journey.
Lesson 2: Set Goals, Develop Action Plans. Are you paddling upstream without direction or have you set an unshakable goal with the wind and waves pushing you forward.
Lesson 3:Your Secret to Success. Use 14 Success Principles from Think & Grow Rich to implement your plan, then go above & beyond with more strategies from The New Earth, The Science of Getting Rich and Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
Lesson 4: Chimorel’s Action Plan 1. Action Strategies you can implement in your life. Fasten your seat belt as you learn about becoming a Chimorel Resource Developer, Business & Nonprofit Development strategies, how Recycling can create thousands of jobs. Then go above and beyond as you learn how to use Chimorel’s Action Plan to implement your own action plan.
Lesson 5: Chimorel’s Action Plan 2. More life changing Action Strategies. Learn how to earn Chimorel Bucks and transform lives through Chimorel4U, Auctions, our Shopping Mall and Scrip by buying stuff you already buy anyway. Then go above and beyond as you learn about building the home of your dreams, paying for college, involving your constituents to raise funds, getting a job, investment strategies for Accredited Investors, sponsors, affiliates, memberships and programs.
Lesson 6: Chimorel’s Action Plan 3. Even more Action Strategies. Implement your success plan as you become a member, enter a program and make decisions. Then go above and beyond as you re-look at Chimorel stories, concepts and more. Continue your journey as you revisit setting goals, training to be a Resource Developer, creating recycling jobs, starting & strengthening a business and funding your favorite nonprofit.
Lesson 7: Income Opportunities. To receive Lesson 7, complete your assignments, then request that Lesson 7 be released to you. You can also become an Action Planner and you will receive Lesson 7 as part of your Action Planning process.
Complete Assignments for Lessons 1-6: Use this link to Complete Your Assignments now, then request Lesson 7 be released to you.
2. Set Goals
Second, set one or more goals now. Pursue each goal separately. Setting more than five goals at once is likely to spread your efforts too thinly and be counterproductive. We suggest you start with one major goal with perhaps a maximum of ten subgoals, then pursue these subgoals in a logical fashion. The topics below support many of the most common goals.
To get a job now. To create a career.
To Start or Strengthen a business.
To fund a nonprofit.
To go to college or get training to improve your skill level.
To build your dream home.
To get out of debt and increase your income.
To pursue Step by Step Financial Planning.
Start your 735 Plan or your 2100 Plan.
… To plan greater satisfaction for your life.
… To achieve anything you want to achieve.
Setting goals is frequently something you do for yourself; however, you might want to set a goal to support others. You will find many clear strategies to support others by exploring Specific Ways below.
3. Explore Specific Ways to Make the World Better
… And maybe you want to support others. Perhaps things in your life are going well. You have mastered our Step By Step Financial planning Process. You have a satisfying income. You manage the risks in your life. This expediting alternative is designed for prospective Board Members, Concerned Citizens and Resource Developers who want to grow Chimorel and to have a meaningful impact on making the world a little better.
Mr Influence: an inspirational story designed to stretch your imagination.
Learn Menu: Learn more about Chimorel, Memberships and Programs.
Step by Step Do Menu: Take steps that lead you from inviting people to changing the world.
Do Menu – Major Focus Areas: Learn and do by major focus areas.
Become a Resource Developer: Training in a variety of areas to help others and create income.
Active Recycling: Learn about recycling. Help create jobs and training opportunities.
Develop My Action Plan: 18 sample action plans to support Chimorel & make the world or your life better.
Make Commitments: Focus on Time; People; Programs, Memberships & Engagements;
Cash & Other Assets; or Building Chimorel.
Get Involved In a Chimorel Project: A growing list of ways to make the world a little better.
Except for Mr Influence’s inspirational story, each of the above links gives you ways to step into a variety of specific areas to learn and do things to help Chimorel make the world a little better. Of course, Mr Influence describes many things you could do, as well.

To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save Lesson 1 to the folder you create on your computer.
Completing this form entitles you to Lesson 7: More than 100 Ways to Generate Revenue.
You can also become an Action Planner to receive Lesson 7.

Lesson 1: What Is Chimorel?
Have the electronic version of Lesson 1 open to follow all the links,
when you read a printed version of the lesson.
Under your Chimorel file, create a Free Success Journey folder, then save the file below.
To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save Lesson 1 to the folder you create on your computer.
To Read all 8 pages use the scroll bar on the document.
To click links save and open your electronic version.
Lesson 2: Goals & Action Plans
Have the electronic version of Lesson 2 open to follow all the links,
when you read a printed version of the lesson.
Under your Chimorel file, create a Free Success Journey folder, then save the file below.
To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save Lesson 2 to the folder you create on your computer.
To Read all 24 pages use the scroll bar on the document.
To click links save and open your electronic version.
Lesson 3: Your Secret to Success
Have the electronic version of Lesson 3 open to follow all the links,
when you read a printed version of the lesson.
Under your Chimorel file, create a Free Success Journey folder, then save the file below.
To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save Lesson 3 to the folder you create on your computer.
To Read all 43 pages use the scroll bar on the document.
To click links save and open your electronic version.
Lesson 4: Chimorel's Action Plan 1
Have the electronic version of Lesson 4 open to follow all the links,
when you read a printed version of the lesson.
Under your Chimorel file, create a Free Success Journey folder, then save the file below.
To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save Lesson 4 to the folder you create on your computer.
To Read all 21 pages use the scroll bar on the document.
To click links save and open your electronic version.
Lesson 5: Chimorel's Action Plan 2
Have the electronic version of Lesson 5 open to follow all the links,
when you read a printed version of the lesson.
Under your Chimorel file, create a Free Success Journey folder, then save the file below.
To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save Lesson 5 to the folder you create on your computer.
To Read all 27 pages use the scroll bar on the document.
To click links save and open your electronic version.
Lesson 6: Chimorel's Action Plan 3
Have the electronic version of Lesson 6 open to follow all the links,
when you read a printed version of the lesson.
Under your Chimorel file, create a Free Success Journey folder, then save the file below.
To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save Lesson 6 to the folder you create on your computer.
To Read all 16 pages use the scroll bar on the document.
To click links save and open your electronic version.

We like to deliver more than we promise. In this case the + is our dynamic strategy summary. You could explore our Success Journey by just reviewing all the dynamic strategies. You would get the sizzle, but you would miss the steak. We promised 100+ dynamic strategies. We delivered 320 actual strategies in Lessons 1-6. Actually 322 if you add up the lesson counts. Lesson 7 adds 280 income opportunities, not exactly dynamic strategies, but certainly useful. Below is the strategy list in pdf format.