
Click Pix to continue.  Scroll or click to learn.

       The intention of this area of our website is to provide information and to a limited degree an environment which can facilitate your learning about a number of specific topics. We will periodically add additional topics, as well as, indicate areas of interest to which you may contribute, the greyed out topics especially. You should never  consider any topic completed. We will continue to add information and you should suggest additional information, as well. Obviously, blue links take you somewhere and we are working on grayed out topics.

         Training modules involve serious reading and typically take time to complete. These modules are designed to train our Resource Developers and Leaders. The modules also provide you with opportunities to learn in depth about particular topics. The long-term intention is to create a process by which a great many people work together to transform their lives and make the world a little better.  
        The training modules above do not cost money, but they do expect you to make a commitment of time. If you start a module, we anticipate that you will complete the module and that you will use what you learn to support others. Once you start a module, we sometimes do not provide an easy way to click out.  
       Many training modules are part of an ongoing development process. In the “Buy Stuff” area of this website, you will eventually be able to buy other comprehensive training modules. The greyed out topics above are modules that will be developed, as time permits. You are, of course, welcome to participate in the development process, if you have skills in the appropriate area and seek to work with us to make the world a little better.  All of the pictures below suggest topics you can work with us to develop. 
      The Learn Menu, on the other hand, gives you many ways to learn more about Chimorel and how we do things without the time required for a training module. The Q&A link below leads to Learn Menu topics. The Training Modules will eventually each have their own Q&A section.

Membership Learn Menu

     One of your opportunities as a Board member is to be a volunteer Resource Developer. As a Board member who develops resources,  you may choose to market our memberships and programs. You should also  become a member and/or enter one or more programs. We currently have eight memberships. Please note: The 735 / 2100 and 5000 Plans are Lifetime memberships.  Within these plans are links that lead to more training.

Click pix to go to Member Start

Program Learn Menu

        Before you go any further, thank you for the time you have spent learning thus far. If you have clicked many of the links available, you have had an opportunity to learn quite a bit about Chimorel already.
       Regarding Programs, there is a program overview and there are more than 30 programs you can explore. Currently our primary focus is on the Chimorel Sanctuary, Free Success Journey, Fund Raising and Active Recycler programs.  As appropriate we step into the Business Coaching, Property Renovation,  Create a Career, I Got a Job and other programs. As a Prospective Board member you could choose to help expand these programs, as well as, help develop other programs you are interested in. Please note: The 735 / 2100 and 5000 Plan link below leads to learning more about these plans.

Click pix to go to Program Start

Governing Documents

   Now let’s review our governing documents. There are Board Bylaws, a Code of Regulations and policies. Clicking the links below will take you directly to the actual documents or policies.

      You may not want to take the time to read all the material on the left. By clicking a link below you can review just those documents with elements that are significantly different from documents at similar organizations.