
This program is semi-active and ready to implement. 
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       There are significant reasons why some people cannot get and keep a job. If you want to assist in developing this comprehensive program which can enable anyone to find or create a job, ask for our white paper Warehouse Project by Contacting Us. 
      The I Got a Job program starts with Basic (modifiable) elements, then adds Enhancements. There are three funding levels which enable anyone willing to work to afford the program. The program is designed to eliminate reasons that keep motivated individuals from getting a good job and to enhance the motivation to work for everyone who becomes involved. 
       If you are looking for a job or want to change careers, you may want to explore Chimorel’s I Got A Job program in greater detail. 
       If you are an employer seeking motivated employees with entry level skills or who can learn on the job click this link.  
       The I Got a Job program is not free. As a client, you  earn / pay your way. Funding may come from your work at Chimorel, loans, fund raising you participate in and employers you work for.

What Are the Basic Elements?

Work Trainee
Career Assessment  |  Work Experience 
Job Readiness  |  Skills and Marketing

 Class  | Group Coaching  Incentives
Placement Assistance  |  Follow Up & Re-entry 

      When you structure your program, your actual costs are significantly less than those listed above as you combine the elements into a complete program. The above basic program if paid cash in advance would be $1500. 
       The discussion below covers both limited (Lo) and extensive (Hi) versions of these basic elements. It also includes  Skills and Marketing, which are part of other elements like Program Structuring, Job Readiness, Work Experience, Career Development, Group Counseling, Incentives,  Placement Assistance and Follow-up for those who already have some job skills.

Work Trainee

      You are a client in our I Got a Job program. Initially you earn Incentives and pay the cost of your program. Then your Incentives pay for other programs, like Work for Rent and a computer, refrigerator, college education. When you enter a Temp to Perm assignment you earn a salary, then go on to become a full-time employee.

Program Structuring

       Your first step is to structure your program. This involves (1) your needs/wants and (2) funding your program. If you want to enhance your career and can write a check for $1500, we structure a program which includes all the basic elements thus saving you $1000 off the Lo cost of $2500. 
       If you need a job now and agree to volunteer 50 hours as part of your Job Readiness Evaluation, we will initiate a program to help you solve an immediate income problem. Then as you are ready we will take additional steps to enable you to solve other issues and eventually develop a career.

       Program structuring determines which elements you need. Then together we plan a way to enable you to get a job, develop your career and make your life better. Program structuring can be done with an employer to meet its hiring needs, with a government or another funding source to meet needs within the community or directly with you. 
      A significant part of program structuring involves evaluating your needs as a client and always expects you to earn your way. As you make progress or encounter difficulties, we will re-structure your program accordingly. 

Career Assessment

limited and extensive

       Career Assessment involves both the evaluation of your readiness to work and the choice of the most appropriate career for you. At the ‘I need a job now’ stage, career assessment and program structuring are essentially the same thing and there is no additional charge. 
       Work Readiness involves attitudes and behavior patterns that are best evaluated in practical, active work experience over a period of weeks or months. Before someone can be truly employable, he/she must have the attitudes and behaviors that will enable him/her to get and keep a job. The question here is “Are you willing to work?” 

       Career Choice can be assisted through a variety of assessment tools. Discussion of these tools is beyond this brief description. Once you know what you want to do, we can help you get there. Until you are clear about your career direction and have made a commitment to a career choice, placement efforts are unlikely to be successful. The question here is “What do you want to do?” 
       If you need a job now, you must be willing to work at whatever you can find. If you need a job now, it doesn’t make any difference what you do. Get a job now. Then we will take steps to help you determine what the best career choices might be. 
       The difference between “limited” and “extensive” career assessment will be determined by your immediate needs. Doing a quick/limited career assessment is part of our Career Development Course. As you are exploring possible careers, you may want to work in the areas that interest you. We can open this door through our work experience opportunities. 
        An extensive career assessment is best done with a career coach. If this is a need, we will open this door for you.

Work Experience

       If you need a job now, you probably can’t afford to pay a fee. If an employer is going to hire you, they need to know you are willing to work and something about your actual skill levels. At Chimorel you can pay your fee by working for us (as a volunteer for a minimum of 50 hours). We will learn about your willingness to work and something about your skill level. 

       If you can afford to pay a fee, you may still want to reduce your cash expenses by volunteering for Chimorel. Once again working for Chimorel as a volunteer enables us evaluate your job readiness and skill level. 
       Proving yourself with Chimorel, strengthens our confidence as we support you to get a good job. If handling tasks like showing up on time and working hard are difficult for you, it may be better to work through these issues at Chimorel, where we don’t fire you. If you are genuinely competent, assisting you will be much easier. You may even want to develop a career with Chimorel. Although we don’t fire you, you can be terminated from the program for criminal or disruptive behavior. If terminated, you re-enter the program by convincing us you have resolved the problem. You can also be transferred to a high risk management program, including incarceration.

Job Readiness

Evaluation and Preparation

       As you volunteer with Chimorel we are evaluating your Job Readiness. If you decide to pay for your program with work, you will agree to volunteer 250 hours or more, to cover the cost of your program. Job readiness may involve both evaluation and preparation. 
       Job Readiness Evaluation: As you begin your 250 hour commitment, initial tasks will be simple. You may fill out forms, show up for an hour or two for orientation, take certain tests and other tasks that do not generate funds. As quickly as possible we expect you to do tasks which generate funds or reduce expenses. This partially pays the cost of your program. The test of reality here is do you demonstrate reasonable motivation to show up and do what is expected? 

       As you approach your 250 hour commitment, we will determine if you are performing at a level that generates approximately $20 per hour worked. If so we may agree to pay you $10/hr or some other amount based on your productivity and the costs of the program you structure. There is a gold nugget here. Typically, you will find it pretty easy to get a job when you give an employer three times the value of what you get paid. At Chimorel the initial multiple is two times. 
      You may work directly for Chimorel or with employers who work with Chimorel. If you are not yet “ready”, the volunteer commitment may be extended in 100+ hour increments or you and Chimorel may agree you are not yet ready to enter our program. Whenever, you are ready to re-enter the program you will be welcome. Our expectations for you may be gently increased. 
       Job Readiness Preparation: Not everyone will actually be ready to work. Some concerns may relate to attitude and behavioral issues. Some concerns may involve life circumstances beyond a client’s immediate control. Job readiness is a complex issue beyond the scope of this brief explanation. Chimorel has developed many strategies to deal with job readiness, which can be uncovered elsewhere on our website and in other programs/packages we will market in the future. 
       The best way to evaluate and teach job readiness is to provide volunteer job training where you can make mistakes without being fired. Once again realize you can be terminated for criminal or disruptive behavior and you and Chimorel may agree you are not ready to enter the program. You can continue working as a volunteer as long as needed to develop skills, willingness to work and behavior patterns that enable you to be employable. Along the way you are expected to pay the cost of your program The longer it takes, the higher the cost. Our Work Experience and Job Readiness elements give you the opportunity to keep going until you get it right, thus preparing you for work in an increasingly tough world.

Skills and Marketing

       Getting and keeping a job involves at least two components: (1) your skills and (2) marketing. It is not enough to have skills. You must also convince someone to pay you for your skills. 

     You might start at Chimorel by doing a specific task, but almost immediately we will ask you to invite others to learn about Chimorel, to bring friends to a meeting or in some way to begin to use your marketing/selling skills. 
       Skills may involve technical ability, your ability to work with others or your ability to manage others. Marketing/selling will involve your ability to work with others. Much of your ability to work with others starts with listening to and supporting their needs. If you want to work with Chimorel, listening to people andsupporting their needs will become increasingly important. 

Career Development Class

       Chimorel’s Career Development Class has been taught at the college level. A textbook is available. The class has four objectives and 25 tasks. The four objectives are (1) To get serious about creating a career. (2) To get ready to find employment. (3) To look for employment. (4) To find employment, create a career, grow and earn the rewards. 

       Some of the tasks include (1) Set an initial career goal. (6) Do a career assessment. (9) Write a career plan and confirm a realistic goal. (11) Write a rough draft resume. (16) Learn to register on a job site. (17) Learn to develop job leads. (22) Practice interviews. (24) Find employment. (25) Follow up afterwards.
      Students in Mr Warren’s class, who earned their $10,000 A, had a job by the end of the 10 week class. Typically, this was from 25 to 50+% of the class.

Placement and Coaching

Group and Individual

       You’re $10,000 A in the Career Development Class means you have already found employment. Perhaps, however, you didn’t get an A and may still need additional assistance after completing the class. Through placement and coaching we assure you can find employment, then if you want, we continue to support you as you develop your career.      

      Your $1500 check gives you limited placement and coaching assistance through Chimorel. Developing your career could happen in several ways. You could follow the plan we establish and open many doors. You could work for Chimorel. You could work with a placement agency to find temporary or permanent employment. Chimorel could be your placement agency. 
       Part of finding a job is developing company lists, making calls, sending emails/letters and setting appointments. You will be expected to do this at Chimorel. Your efforts will develop our database, sell our program and open doors for yourself and others. In the process we will teach you how to become more effective and you will be paying part of the cost of your program. 
        This is an active kind of placement and coaching, different from a typical agency. You are not only supporting yourself, you are also supporting others and they are supporting you.


       As a Work Trainee you are not paid a salary. Instead you pay a tuition fee, similar to a college tuition or skills training.  But you can “earn” what you need through Incentives.
      Initially, Incentives cover your program cost, but you can also earn everything from diapers and cell phone payments to a college education and the down payment on a house.  Learn more about Incentives and Chimorel Bucks.

Follow Up and Re-entry

       Every program should be evaluated to determine its success. Chimorel’s I Got a Job program goes beyond evaluation to actively work with each graduate to achieve success.

      We plan follow up at 2 week, 1 mo, 3 mo, 6 mo, 9 mo and 12 mo intervals and more often, if appropriate. You are also expected to stay in contact with us every week by phone, visit or email. This follow up is intended to determine your current employment status and ongoing needs after you graduate. If you lose a job within three months of employment, you may re-enter your program. If you leave the program without graduating, re-entry after 30 days may require a new agreement and/or additional fees.
       You graduate when you pay for and complete your program, but our services do not stop when you graduate. We will follow you for at least one year. We will also offer you many other services to help you continue school, build the house of your dreams and much more. Your program is complete when all its elements have been achieved. This can include employment, training, housing, child care or whatever was agreed to when your program is structured. On graduation you become a lifetime member and are eligible to participate in our Cooperative (saving money), as well as, receive special rates on other programs.  When we say we want to enable you to enhance your life, we mean much more than just getting a job.

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       When you add additional elements, your actual costs will be determined. For someone with limited skills, additional elements are like a college education or a skill training program and can actually provide this kind of training. 
      See above for Career Assessment, Individual Counseling and Job Readiness. In each of these areas there is a limited version covered by the basic program and an extended version which could incur a higher negotiated fee.
      Some of the following elements are provided directly by Chimorel. Other elements [like college, career management and placement assistance] may be provided by others in cooperation with Chimorel.

Basic Needs

       A major reason why some people cannot get or keep a job is because they are struggling unsuccessfully to meet the basic needs in their life. These needs may include child care, transportation, housing, furniture, even food and clothing. When appropriate we will develop programs to provide child care and transportation. We will work with existing programs to provide food, clothing, furniture, etc. We will develop relationships with homeless shelters, battered women programs and similar groups to establish additional ways to meet client needs. Many of these relationships will also generate client referrals. Obviously, Basic Needs are different from Basic Elements.

Drug Screen, Background Check

       Many employers and some funding sources will expect drug screening and background checks. When appropriate, drug screens and background checks will be part of your program. 
        If you seek employment with Chimorel expect periodic drug screens and an initial background check to be part of your employment experience.

Training and Life Planning

       In order to get, keep and grow on a job you may need to complete high school, get a GED, learn to read, develop job readiness skills, develop specific job skills, attend college, obtain another type of training or even develop certain life skills. 
       The full details of these additional elements are beyond the scope of this brief discussion. Wherever possible we will develop relationships with colleges and existing programs to provide services our clients may need. Extensive job readiness, job preparation and work experiences. are provided as part of training and life planning.

Job Creation

        Chimorel has done considerable research into recycling, which can create thousands of jobs from materials that are currently discarded. Through business conaching and other strategies beyond the scope of this discussion, Chimorel will create many additional jobs. Any client who is sufficiently motivated will be able to work with Chimorel to create his/her own job. 
       Work with Chimorel: We will expect you to demonstrate your job readiness and willingness to work. Then, if you want, we will work with you to create a job at Chimorel. Depending on your agreement, part or all of your initial earnings may go to pay the costs of your program, child care, transportation, housing and other needs.

      It doesn’t matter what your past has been. You will probably start at $10/hr and can earn raises to $15+/hr. You can also return to volunteer status based on your performance. If your performance is stellar you can develop ways to earn $20+/hr. You can continue working with Chimorel or develop a career outside of Chimorel. In either case you will have the opportunity to earn better pay, benefits and promotions.

Career Management

       In the future we intend to develop an extensive section on our website devoted to Career Management and Coaching. At this point you will want to know that part of Chimorel’s team include a number of excellent coaches and people who can provide you with meaningful career management.

Step By Step Financial Planning & Other Programs

       Chimorel has many other programs which are available to graduates. Among these programs will be Step by Step Financial Planning, our 735 Plan and Business Development. 
       Chimorel’s 735 Plan includes a Lifetime membership and many benefits beyond the I Got a Job program, including ongoing website access. All graduates of the I Got a Job program are automatically 735 Plan lifetime members. 
        The first step in our Step by Step Financial Planning is to get and keep a satisfactory job. Graduates may want to continue on to manage their resources, control their risks, develop investment strategies and plan other things that provide satisfaction in their lives. Much of this program can be achieved with no extra cost by access to the website. 

        Other programs like Stock Tracker, Home Builder and College Bound programs may have additional costs depending on how the programs are structured. As a 735 Plan member you can significantly reduce your out of pocket cash, just by staying involved.

Business Development

       Consider our Cooperative Effort Program. It reaches out to small businesses who could be prospective employers. Or you may want to start your own business and work with other businesses to build your business. You might consider Starting or Strengthening your business.

       An important part of paying for your program is your willingness to make it happen. If you are genuinely willing to work, you won’t have any problem paying for what it takes to make it happen. We will open many doors. Will you walk through the doors we open? 
      If you are looking for someone to do it for you, this is the wrong program. We will not pay you to go to school. We will suggest ways to earn your tuition. We will not give you a job. We will support you to find or create a career that fulfills your destiny. We will not give you a fish. We will teach you how to have plenty to eat. 
     Are you ready?

Yes, I'm Ready

       Let’s test reality for a minute. We are about to ask you to pay from $1500 to $2500 (at a minimum) to create a career or find a job that could easily add $100,000 or more to your lifetime earnings. Are you willing to pay the cost?
      Do you have children? Do you need a car? Do you need a place to live? Do you need skill training? Are you willing to work? Chimorel will support you, but you must be willing to pay the cost. Paying the cost may require you to reach inside yourself to tap resources you didn’t know you have. It will not be easy, but you can do it. And we will support you. 
       If we teach you to have $50,000 or more for college or another training, enable you to find a job and are there when you need support, can you write a check for $1500 today? If we work with you to solve child care and transportation problems, will you pay $250 down and work off a $1500 balance on your loan? If we assist you to overcome a prison record or ten years of being homeless or twenty years of not being able to keep a steady job, would you volunteer a minimum of 250 hours for us? 

Three Basic Tuition Levels

       Your basic program will cost $1500, $1750 or $2500. Additional costs may be incurred for college tuition, child care, transportation and other enhancements. It is important that you are willing to pay the cost of the program you structure. If you are not willing to make a commitment to pay the costs of your program, you won’t achieve your goal. Our tuition levels are:

Level 1: $1500+ Cash in Advance 
Level 2: $1750+ Job Readiness Evaluation 
Level 3: $2500+ Work Preparation

      The + covers enhancements like child care, transportation, skill training and other elements outside the basic program. We will work with you to develop sources to cover additional costs. 
       At Level 1 you write a check, use a credit card or obtain a bank loan for $1500. Chimorel is not involved in establishing or securing the loan. You probably don’t need to do extensive job readiness evaluation. 
       At Level 2 you pay $250 cash and sign a loan agreement for $1500 with Chimorel, a bank or another funding source. Chimorel secures your loan and will repay part or all of the loan as you complete your program. Job readiness is required and will involve 50 to 500+ hours of volunteer work before funds are accepted from the lending source. The number of job readiness hours will depend on the program you structure and the motivation you demonstrate. If you are not ready to meet the normal expectations of a work environment your volunteer hours may be extended. 
       At Level 3 you volunteer a minimum of 250 hours. You may sign a loan agreement with Chimorel for $2500+ or an employer may cover the fee through a grant or temporary fee. The job readiness volunteer requirement starts at 250 hours and may increase as appropriate. You can choose to work off your entire fee whether or not you could afford to pay your tuition. If you need a lot of support before you are truly ready to work, your work preparation volunteer hours could extend to 1000 hours or more.

Job Readiness (be aware)

       If you have difficulty getting and keeping a job, you may have to work through a lot of things before you are genuinely ready to work. You start your job readiness program doing simple things like completing paper work and structuring your program. You might do a career assessment. You might work on a resume. You might learn to type a little or watch some videos. If you show up and do what is expected, you will begin to do tasks which generate revenue or reduce costs.

        It might take 50, 250, 500, 1000 hours or longer before you are ready to do tasks which pay you something. You agree to a minimum of 250 hours, which might be 50 days at 5 hours, 25 days at 10 hours, 100 days at 2.5 hours or whatever we (you and Chimorel) agree to. Your actual time could be less or more depending on how quickly you prove yourself. You choose, but you are expected to do what you agree to. If you don’t do what you agree to, your volunteer time is extended. If you get there quickly, your volunteer time can be reduced. 
       If you handle simple tasks consistently, you will quickly move to tasks that generate money, pay for your program, provide Incentives and as you prove yourself  you will begin to earn an income. If you are struggling with life, we will never give up. We will always be there. You won’t get paid until you are productive, but we will work with you each time you come back. When you are ready, you will move on to pay your way and create all the opportunities you can.

Start Your I Got a Job Program Today

To start your I Got a Job program send: 
(1) Your email address, name and phone; 
(2) Your indication of how you will pay (PayPal / check / work) and 
(3) Your indication of which level (cash, loan, work) you are interested in (and why) to the email at Contact Us.

You can begin immediately with 

You will receive an email confirming the start of your program.
You will then be contacted to structure your program and take the first steps to get, keep and grow on your job.