
       A Chimorel Resource Developer supports individuals and organizations as they solve significant problems and achieve major goals. In time you may even support nations to become more viable. Your support will involve enabling those you work with to develop the resources they need. You can have a meaningful impact on the lives and organizations you work with. 
      You begin as a Volunteer. As a part-time Resource Developer you should decide to earn $15-25,000+/yr. As a full-time Resource Development Manager or Planner you should anticipate earning $35-50,000+/yr. Our unique compensation program  enables this compensation to have a potential effective value of $70-$100,000, when you learn to maximize your Chimorel Bucks. Salaries are currently capped at $100,000 with unlimited benefits. 
        You will  make certain commitments and achieve certain goals. If your focus is to make a lot of money without real support for client growth, being a Chimorel Resource Developer is probably not a good fit for you.  If you genuinely want to support people and are willing to learn a lot about Chimorel,  yourself and coaching you could do very well as a Resource Developer.

Tentative Goal 
I would like to become a Chimorel Resource Developer, 
earning $250+/wk working in my spare time as I complete my education.

       A Resource Developer supports individuals and organizations as they develop the resources needed to solve problems and achieve goals.  You start as a volunteer and make certain commitments which entitle you to earn 50% while you train. You complete specific training tracks, pass certain tests and make progress on your commitments. You become an Independent Contractor and a fully paid Resource Developer.  
       We would like you to go on to become a Manager and perhaps a Planner or a Coordinator. Our expectations for these positions is a minimum of $50,000/yr, potentially equivalent to $100,000 under our unique Compensation system.   
       Your first commitment is to agree to spend at least twenty-five hours learning more about Chimorel, the Resource Developer position and yourself. Making this commitment initiates your training. 
       Briefly a Chimorel Resource Developer is someone who raises funds, enrolls members and program participants,  coordinates volunteers, organizes recycling,  finds computers, and develops the resources to support others. It is a rewarding position that has a meaningful impact on individual lives, on organizations and can make a difference in the world. 

Sccrol to learn

        You will make commitments regarding Time, Supporting Others, Training Tracks, and Goals. You can become a member or enter a program. You will set a goal regarding your desired earnings. You will understanding the cost of your training. 
       Regarding Time, it can take 25 to 100+ hours to complete training, depending on your choice of training tracks, your learning and other factors.  You can train in less than a week or spread your training out over six months or longer. To remain a paid trainee or fully paid Resource Developer you will commit to and document an effort of at least 5 hours/wk. 
       Supporting Others is what Chimorel is all about. You decide where you will target your efforts as you choose your Training Track – enabling others go to college …  or build the house of their dreams  … or find a better job  … or conserve our nation’s resources … all of these … or something else. You will test the reality of your support by completing at least one project before you become a fully paid Resource Developer. 
       Setting Goals and Developing Action Plans is how we get things done. You will set your own goal or goals. As you test reality and develop your own action plan you will learn how to support others as they set goals, test reality and develop their action plans.
      Become a Member or enter a Program: You are not required to become a member or enter a program to become a Resource Developer; however, when you are supporting others they will undoubtedly ask you what you did. When you can speak from the heart about what is happening in your life, people are likely to do something similar to what you do.
       The Cost of your Training:  Your Manager is paid to train you. The cost of your training is covered by the other half of your 50% earnings as you train. Completing at least one project is part of how you can cover this cost. 

Scroll for Commitment link

Continue as Volunteer

       Under certain circumstances you may want to continue as a Volunteer, until you are ready to take the next step. You may be on welfare, social security or another program where earnings could jeopardize your benefits. You may not feel confident in your marketing or organizational abilities yet. You may want your earnings to go to your church or another nonprofit group. 
      Volunteers receive certain perks you may want to take advantage of. One of the most important perks you receive as a volunteer Voting Member is your Recommendation Privilege.

Use the link above to instantly make your Resource Developer commitments.

50% Trainee Compensation

       While you complete your training You earn 50%  of normal commissions. This includes training for specific membership and program tracks.  Once you and your Manager agree to certain commitments and you no longer want to be a volunteer, you will earn 50% of the amount a fully trained Resource Developer would earn as you continue your training. 
        The other 50% covers the cost of your training, any placement fees incurred from an outside agency and ongoing funding for Chimorel projects. Part of your commitments can include your involvement in decisions regarding what this other 50% covers. 
       When you complete the training for specific program tracks, pass certain tests, and have made adequate progress regarding your commitments, you will ask to become a fully paid Resource Developer and will complete an Independent Contractor Agreement. 
       You may want to continue as an Independent Contractor or can prove yourself and be invited to become an Employee. As an Independent Contractor you will potentially earn more running your own business and may be more interested in the marketing side of being a Resource Developer. An employee might earn less, have greater security and be more interested in the administrative, coaching and Planner side of being a Resource Developer.

11 Training Tracks

      There are currently eleven Chimorel training tracks. Each track involves specific concepts, memberships and/or programs.
      The first track covers Chimorel Basics. Everyone completes this training track. The second track covers Setting Goals. You are likely to complete this track, as well. 
      The other nine tracks represent earning opportunities for which you train and qualify as a Resource Developer, Manager, Planner and/or Coordinator. You choose which of these tracks you want to qualify for. The training tracks are:

Scroll to Decide

  1. Chimorel Basics: Introduction, 0-4-0 Philosophy, Integrity, Core Values, Resource Development, Basic Finances, Donations, Goal Setting, Stories and Concepts, How It Works, Job Descriptions and Compensation System. 
  2. Goal Setting: Starter, Action Planning, 5 Goal memberships; Get Out of Debt; Change Your Life and Introductory Meetings; Market Memberships, Support Friends with Follow Up. 
  3. Buy Stuff: Scrip, Event Planning, Auctions, Chimorel4U, Shopping Mall, Chimorel Bucks. 
  4. Higher Level Memberships: Small Business, Nonprofit, 735 Lifetime Plan; Step By Step Financial Planning. 
  5. Career Programs: Create a Career, I Got a Job , College Bound. 
  6. Recycling Programs: Computer Recycling, Asset Management, Active Recycling. 
  7. Business Programs: Cooperative Effort, Business Development, Business Coaching – Manager/Coordinator training. 
  8. Nonprofit Programs: 1000>5000, Involve Your Constituents, Affiliate Fund Raising, Authorized Fund Raiser. 
  9. Property Programs: Property Acquisition, Work 4 Rent, Rent 2 Own, Home Builder. 
  10. Manager Level Memberships and Programs: A Resource Developer becomes a Manager to train for Corporate, 2100 Lifetime Plan, 5000 Lifetime Plan; Cooperative Effort, Chimorel Cooperative; Become a Planner. 
  11. Other Programs: Explore It, Stock Tracker.

       You can train within each training track of interest; however, we suggest you consider training in the order above. Master one track, earn a decent income within that track, then consider expanding your skills and knowledge. Your initial focus will be on Setting Goals.
      Your training prepares you for a part-time or full-time career with Chimorel. You will pass certain tests, develop skills, take a serious look at yourself and explore many opportunities. You will learn to upgrade participants and members to higher level memberships and programs. You will support them to achieve goals and they will enhance your resources.

Are you ready?

      When you click “I’ll Volunteer 25 Hours” you apply to become a Chimorel Resource Developer and enter the first training module. You immediately begin training. You will have several options: begin training, quick resume, application. Making these choices is part of your training. You will continue to make choices,  be encouraged to be organized and you will:

  • Set goals for yourself.
  • Invite others to learn about Chimorel.
  • Be able to support others as they achieve their goals.
  • Take and create tests  to determine your knowledge.
  • Begin to support a lot of people achieve their goals.
  • Complete Training Modules.
  • Become a fully paid Resource Developer when you are ready.

There are many, many opportunities which will open once you get serious about your training. You will be expected to pursue these opportunities without a lot of initial managerial follow up. Your Manager will always support you, but you are given the freedom and independence to make things happen as quickly as you choose.

About Your Training Program

       You are about to learn how we inspire motivated individuals, small businesses and nonprofit groups with opportunities to revitalize the economy and lives with love.  You will discover some fundamental concepts and learn three financial planning tips [FP Tips]. You will share in decisions we’ve made, dreams we have and reasons to stay involved. As you learn these concepts, apply what you are learning to your own life. This is the first step in learning about yourself.  
       If you are just browsing, you may not want to follow all the links below. If  you are actually training to become a fully paid Resource Developer, following these links will be the second fastest way to complete your training. The links take you to other areas of the website, thus avoiding duplication. The most important link is the Questions link below. It can expedite your training.

If you haven’t done so yet,
Start your free Success Journey Today!

As you continue your training, you will … 
       … learn many financial planning concepts. 
       … learn recycling ideas to create jobs. 
        … learn to use our nation’s resources more productively. 
       … learn about programs to support you and others. 
       … learn to set goals and develop action plans.

       Your training will will cause you to think. We very much expect you to solve problems and achieve goals for yourself and others. Now ask: How much would a college degree cost? How many years training do I need to develop an income of $15,000 to $50,000 plus benefits, which can have an actual value of $30-$100,000. The training you are beginning will make a $15,000 to $50,000 income possible. And you could earn an unlimited amount of benefits. Among these benefits could be enabling you pay for college or some other training. 
         As we have indicated before, it is important that you not only decide to support others, but that you also take steps to achieve your own goals. Now never, never stop achieving your goals and supporting others. 
         Incidentally, clicking the Questions link below is the fastest way to learn, but you might miss a lot of the fun stuff when you click the links.

How Much Did I Learn?

       You will have frequent opportunities to check up on what you are learning. These questions allow you to evaluate how much you know about Becoming a Resource Developer. To become a fully paid Resource Developer you will score  close to 100% on a series of comprehensive tests.
      These How Much Did I Learn quizzes are an excellent way to prepare. Realize that these questions will teach you exactly what you need to know to become a fully paid Resource Developer, so you can go directly to the questions and skip a lot of reading. Of course reading will give you the full context, but it is not required if time is of the essence for you.
      Realize also that these congested appearing answers require focus and paying attention. This is deliberate. Your focused attention will speed your learning, but the concentration required is not easy.
       As you scroll through these questions, you may want to cover the answer and hint, then immediately reinforce your learning by viewing the answer.