Will You Volunteer at Least 25 Hours?
One of the fastest ways to make things happen at Chimorel is to decide to volunteer at least 25 hours. You open a door to a wealth of opportunities and perks. Most likely you will also support one or more people or organizations in the process.
Let’s focus on supporting someone first. Whatever challenges you face, having someone who supports you improves things. Hearing yes when everyone is saying no is a real blessing.
When you are the person who provides the support and says yes, you earn the right to ask for support in return. Understand which way the wind is blowing. You didn’t ask for support first. You provided support first. Supporting someone else, not only earns the right to ask for support, it actually empowers you.
Chimorel starts this process by providing you a website filled with opportunities as our way of thanking you for taking the time to learn about us. At the beginning we suggest you click and feel. Then when you are ready to invest a little time, you read and think. Then you decide to make something happen and you volunteer.
We ask you to volunteer at least 25 hours. We open the door to many opportunities. At the beginning you might only sense the possibilities. They are not real yet. We thank you by providing an immersive experience where you click and feel. You dig deeper as you read and think. Now if you are ready it may be time to make the opportunities and perks of volunteering with Chimorel real. If not, feel free to scroll and learn more.
Independent Contractor
Make the Opportunities & Perks Real
Volunteer Time Sheet
Current Volunteer Opportunities
More Ways to Get Involved
Everyone Starts as a Volunteer
Every one who works for any member of the Chimorel group starts as a volunteer for Chimorel Services Inc, kind of. See Independent Contractor below. This is an important test of your abilities and your motivation. For a second think about why this is important for you as well as for us?
Chimorel Services Inc is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. Funds from the profit members of the Chimorel group flow to Chimorel Services and to other affiliate nonprofits.
This means three things: (1) There potentially are additional resources available. (2) Affiliate nonprofits can share in these resources. (3) We intend to avoid mixing for profit and nonprofit activities.
As a volunteer this is important because: a) You have a source which can potentially enable you to move from volunteer to paid status. b) You can support a charity you are concerned about. c) You know we are very concerned about keeping for profit and nonprofit activities separate. Think about this for a minute. Why do you think we want to develop additional resources? Support other charities? Avoid jeopardizing our tax exempt status?
You are expected to support people as they solve problems and achieve goals, whether or not they can afford to pay you at that moment. Teach people to fish, rather than give them a fish. Always expect them to do something to pay forward, but you may not always earn your all your income directly from everyone you serve.
Sometimes you will support someone who supports two other people who refer ten people who then pay you to support them. Are you catching this entrepreneurial pay it forward approach to supporting people?
You are expected to serve everyone who asks for your support. Then expect them to do something. You trust that if you support enough people, you will have anything you need. Until you are willing to enter into this volunteer, service, pay forward, entrepreneurial attitude, you are unlikely to be successful at Chimorel.
You are not expected to spend a lot of time with people who don’t follow through with your expectations. Give them something to do. Then wait.
If you are willing to start as a volunteer and to continue to volunteer time to support people, you will be able to create a solid position at Chimorel. How much you earn will depend on how quickly you grasp the skills needed, how many people you serve, your integrity and your organizational ability.

The other side of volunteering, is to expect something. Once you prove yourself, you should expect to be paid. Expect the people you support to pay their way. Say “If I support you, what will you do?” When you teach people to fish, they eat for a life time. Teaching people to fish, has a lot to do with expecting them to pay their way. Once you learn how to do this, you can earn anything you need and they will learn self-sufficiency.
Be willing to start as a volunteer, but as you create your career with Chimorel, we absolutely want you to receive value for the time you spend. As a volunteer, you receive many perks, including access to computers and training. However, you should expect to move beyond volunteer status. Now let’s briefly explore some perks you receive as a Chimorel volunteer.
Volunteer Rewards
There is something powerful and meaningful that happens inside of you when someone, perhaps with tears in their eyes, looks up at you and offers their heartfelt appreciation. This may be one of the best rewards or perks you can receive. At Chimorel, however, there are many more possibilities.
Yes, you start as a volunteer, kind of; but we also hire Independent Contractors who want to join our team and have a desire to make Chimorel grow. So take a deep breath or two, in thru the nose, out thru the mouth. Relax and understand what the next few sentences are really saying.
As an Independent Contractor you will typically work a 4-5 hour shift, which frequently includes a meal. We will give you specific tasks that need to be done. You will set your own hours and use your own tools, as much as possible. You are expected to have the skills required and not need supervision. If you work more than a few shifts, you most likely will sign an Independent Contractor agreement. The value of a 4-5 hour shift, including meal time, is $50/shift. You can earn bonuses that raise the value to $100+/shift. You can also volunteer your time.
Now let’s return to the desire to make Chimorel grow and to join our team. Joining our team means eventually becoming one of the 5000+ Chimorel leaders we need to support enhancing the lives of 50,000 people. Desire to make Chimorel grow means being willing to volunteer as requested, becoming an Action Planning member, actively getting others involved and learning how to generate revenue for a Special Project in many other ways.
To become a member you will volunteer 1-2 shifts and periodically thereafter. The shift value will cover part of your membership cost. Enrolling new members generates revenue that can cover your membership initially, then can fund a $2500 to $25,000 Special Project to achieve one or more of your goals. Commissions from enrolling members can also become a taxable revenue source for you. Your efforts can fund a Chimorel Special Project or can fund your Special Project.
As you may know Chimorel has eight memberships and more than 20 programs designed to support you, your friends and family, as well as, friends you don’t know yet. All of these memberships and programs can be revenue sources for you. We have more than 100 ways to generate revenue. Many of these ways can generate revenue to fund your Special Project without being taxable to you. When you earn more than $600, easy to do an $50-$100+/shift, as an Independent Contractor you will receive an annual 1099 and will be responsible for filing and paying your own taxes. You can legally reduce these taxes through methods we will teach you. Paying in cash under the table is not legal.
Now scroll down to Make the Perks Real. Realize as you read that volunteering without tracking your time can have a significant impact on the taxes you pay. Let’s conclude this section by asking if you are a giver or a taker. A giver does not keep track of the gifts he/she gives and the gifts that bless others are essentially not taxable. A taker wants to be paid for every little thing he/she does and the payment is taxable. Think about this and go on to explore Make the Perks Real./-
You just made a decision. You could have scrolled and learned more, perhaps you clicked and are serious. Either decision makes progress. Deciding to become a Chimorel volunteer also makes progress and there are some real perks available to you when you make that decision. Now let’s make the perks real.
And as we make the perks real, let’s test reality. Your perks can have genuine value for you. In return we anticipate you will provide genuine value to Chimorel, to the people we support and to our nonprofit affiliate partners. So ask yourself if you created a value of $15+ for each hour you spent volunteering, or did you spend your time chatting with some friends where no real value was created. Value created establishes perks created.

Heart Tug: The very first perk or reward a volunteer receives at Chimorel, and at most charities, is that powerful, heart tug of appreciation when you truly support someone. That perk is powerful and real and you deserve the empowering feeling it offers. At Chimorel there are also many more possibilities to discover.
Use of a used Chimorel computer: We recycle hundreds of laptops and computers every year. When you volunteer 25 hours, we can make one of these computers available to you or someone you care about, especially if you use the computer to support Chimorel, as an eBay Hero, recycling researcher or database entry person, for example. Chimorel still owns the computer and you will return it to Chimorel when you are done; however, it is yours to use until you return it and we may also provide the software you need. The picture on the right shows a few of hundreds of laptops we process every year.

Use of a new Chimorel Computer: We have an arrangement with Dell to acquire Chimorel computers for a variable discount, typically 10-20%. The more we buy at one time, the better the likely discount.
Because Chimorel owns the computer we don’t pay tax on the acquisition. Because we own the computers we can acquire most of the software you may need at a significant discount. You donate perhaps a little more than our price for the computer and software and can use the computer for an agreed upon period of time.
When you return the computer to get a newer one, you will receive an agreed upon value for returning the computer toward a discounted price of the new computer. You can make this arrangement for essentially anything Dell sells. Again Chimorel owns the computer.
As an active Chimorel volunteer we provide this perk to you as our way of thanking you for your service and because you use the computer to meet our needs.
Employee Discount: Employees, Independent Contractors, Volunteers and Lifetime members working with Chimorel receive a variety of discounts from many vendors, as well as, from Chimorel’s purchasing power and donations received.
As an active volunteer you can receive these discounts. A donation is like a 100% discount. You will want to learn more about our developing Chimorel Coop program and Chimorel Bucks.
Our Auction program will include a used car dealership. You will be able to use Chimorel Bucks to offset part of the profit on a used car. When a car is donated, we could provide you a car. When a mechanic volunteers to fix the car, we may also be able to provide maintenance.
Using this same basic principle for almost anything you need, there are a great many ways we can thank you. Perhaps an attorney volunteers time. Perhaps we can buy something for pennies on the dollar. We get donations of electronic items constantly. A little creative asking can meet a lot of needs.

Vacations: We have taken some of our very active volunteers to Branson, MO, Orlando, FL and Palm Springs for short vacations. We anticipate developing a travel agency as part of our Auction program and will provide discounted vacation packages to very active volunteers and significant donors (approximate $5000+ value). If you want to plan vacations with us, we will work together to make something exciting happen when you are a very active volunteer (100+ hours each year).
Recognize that the perks we offer are essentially gifts and that the value of the gift is not directly tied to a specific amount of volunteer hours. You might volunteer 100-300 hours and get a vacation package. There will be some relationship, like a lot of hours means a vacation and a few hours means a toaster oven. Not tying specific hours to a specific reward keeps your perks essentially tax-free and expects you to give or volunteer more than the value of the perk.
Home Builder and Remodeling: As part of our Auction, Home Builder and Rent to Own programs, we teach you how to build the home of your dreams. In many cases you may be able to save 15+% as part of the program. If you build a Cob house, the savings can exceed 70% of the value of a stick built house. Through these programs active volunteers can learn to save significantly on their home building and remodeling projects or buy a home they might otherwise not be able to afford.
When remodeling his former home, Warren saved approximately 40% on the total remodeling cost. We are doing the same thing now at the Chimorel Sanctuary. We saved more than 50% installing a new furnace.

Chimorel Memberships and Programs: Many of our memberships and programs give you the opportunity to “earn” part or all of the membership or program, as well as, certain perks within the program created by your volunteer efforts. Active Chimorel volunteers earn Chimorel Bucks. Many of our programs allow you to use Chimorel Bucks to obtain things you need, which might include bus tickets, cell phones, items we sell on eBay or in our Chimorel4U stores, TVs, cars, part of a college education, a down payment on a home, professional services, essentially anything we receive as a donation or from another volunteer.
25 Hour Threshold: Once you pass the 25 hour threshold of volunteer effort that provides real value to Chimorel, a Chimorel client or a Chimorel affiliate, you prove you are serious.
As you approach 25 hours, talk with your event planner, resource developer or Warren about how we can support you. The brief list above is only the beginning. There are many other potential “perks” available to Chimorel volunteers. When you are ready, let’s talk about it.
Tracking Your Time: Below we provide a timesheet used for your individual volunteer activity. We have a group activity Time Sheet we use, as well. There will be times when you support someone or do something that we would not be aware of, unless you tell us. Use this timesheet to let us know what you do.
Your efforts can have a meaningful impact which makes a difference in someone’s life. Recognize that tracking your hours is primarily for the benefit of grant makers and others interested in how many people support our programs, not to calculate rewards offered. If we use the sheet to calculate hours, this would have a taxable effect.

Click the Volunteer Opportunities banner to return to the top.
Scroll up to learn about perks and benefits of being a Chimorel Volunteer. Scroll down to Get Involved.
Warren 614-885-0000 | Pearl 937-284-1235 | John 614-804-7947 | Jeff 614-354-3737 |
Dave Scarbrough 614-361-4653 | Cheryl 614-580-5131 | Mike 614-433-6543
For Chimorel
Contribute to / Edit Newsletter – Warren
Website Design – Warren. Mike
Nonprofit Affiliation – Warren
Business Development – Warren, Pearl
The Human Journey – Warren, Dave
Property Acquisition – Warren
World Wide Opportunities – Warren, Pearl
At the Sanctuary
Assist with Events – Pearl, Warren
Scheduling Activities – Pearl, Warren
Grounds & Farming – Warren, Pearl
Renovation – Warren, Pearl
Global Won & ACE – John, Jeff
Unstoppable Connections – Cheryl
Current Focus
Click to sign up. Contact Us to tell us about your interest.
Newsletter – Design format, write articles, organize content, publish consistently.
Grounds & Farming – Create paths, bonfire ring, drive & parking, vertical hydroponics, green house, aquaponics, vermicomposting & more.
Events & Scheduling – Plan weekly and monthly events and activities. Weddings, Geese Patrol, Spiritual Activities, Bonfires, Learning Experiences, Guided Meditation, Forrest Schools.
Renovation – Electricity, plumbing, design addition and other structures, expand studio, paint, kitchen cabinets.
Global Won & ACE – plan events, raise funds, implement yoga & other programs.
Website – create cell phone version. Complete Success Journey, Special Project, Create a Career. Review sections of website for clarity and presentation.
In the USA & Around the World
Become a member. Enter a program. Create Change Your Life meetings in your city. Tell us about You (click Single Eagle). Invite a Friend (click Double Eagle). Of course, you can make a donation, but before you donate discover the possibilities of enhancing your life and supporting others. Then your donation opens the door to a transformative membership or program and something meaningful begins to happen.
You can enable Chimorel to grow anywhere in the USA or around the world. We do not yet have a global team of translators, but if you also speak English, you can be one of our first translators.
In every heading you will see a Single Eagle and a Double Eagle. Most of them work. Click the Single Eagle to Tell Us About You. Click the Double Eagle to Invite a Friend. We have transferred our website from Muse (no longer supported by Adobe) to WordPress. If something is not complete yet, bear with us. Better yet get involved and work with us to fix it.
Opportunities Available
Nonprofit Affiliation: raise funds, involve your constituents, start a nonprofit.
Business Development: learn, start/strengthen your business, coaching, sponsor events.
Property Acquisition: distressed farms, 200,000+ SF warehouses, Transistional housing, condominiums, houses.
The Human Journey: an approximate four hour game/play-like activity that can make a significant difference for struggling families and small groups 6 people at a time, $350-$450/4+ hours/six people. Includes a Starter Membership for each person or an Action Panning membership for a family. Periodically, we do a 15+ minute preview for groups of 12+ people to introduce you to the concept. Free, plus discounted price to $350 or less, if you sign up at the preview.
Home Builder, College Bound, Debt Reduction, Create a Career, I Got a Job, Active Recycling programs: Click the links to learn costs and more about these programs. Click Programs to explore other programs, more than 20 available.
Most likely you will start your volunteer involvement as a participant. You are intrigued by what is happening at the Chimorel Sanctuary and there was something you could do to support our growth. As you began to approach your 25 hour threshold, however, it dawned on you that you were beginning to actually live our experience. You weren’t just supporting a good cause, you were actually beginning to be affected by what you were involved in. You did indeed find peace, inspiration and empowerment, imbued with a sense of adventure, and you were making decisions that were transforming your life and parts of the world around you. So little by little you got more involved. Below are some of the ways that involvement could happen.

Get involved as a …
… Volunteer – yes of course
… Participant
… Member
… Affiliate
… Sponsor
… Resource Developer
… Leader
Our intention is to develop meaningful connections with more than 50,000 people all over the world, then step by step, to grow these meaningful connections to perhaps 500,000,000 involved, concerned citizens who transform the problems we face and the goals we must achieve if we are to create a sustainable world.
We are already peripherally involved with a variety of nonprofit and other networks linking us globally to thousands of missionaries and millions of concerned citizens. We are beginning to develop a fairly strong Internet presence. We have supported thousands of people since 1972. All of these people have, do and can participate in our programs.
You can strengthen our impact. If you know of (a) someone who is struggling, but motivated, or (b) people who are doing well and interested in supporting others – ask them “What is important to you?” Then invite them to Get Involved using the Double Eagle or have them click the Single Eagle to Tell Us About Themselves.
One of the secrets to success is to develop meaningful relationships with people who will support you. To start this process, we ask potential participants “What is important?” or perhaps “What is your why?” These simple but profound questions are intended to get below the surface to the real person. When you explore our Success Journey, be sure to register and confirm. Then invite your friends to join you. Because they are involved and learning, they can become a powerful source of support for you.

In the future we will begin to post goals for a few our members with the intention of enabling them to seek assistance in achieving their goals and giving you insight into setting and achieving your own goals. Members frequently go on to become sponsors, affiliates, Resource Developers and Chimorel Staff. They sometimes develop affiliate relationships with other members.
Affiliates can earn income and/or provide income & training opportunities to Chimorel members and participants. Affiliates may be participants in Chimorel’s Cooperative Effort program, nonprofit organizations working with Chimorel to raise funds, merchants in our Shopping Mall and Scrip program or internet affiliates working with Chimorel to sell their products or our products and services.

Chimorel’s Cooperative Effort program is discussed in significant detail at this link. You can learn about this program under Business at Learn or use this link.
Nonprofit affiliates will work with Chimorel to accomplish one or more specific projects. It is important to recognize Chimorel strongly suggests involving your constituents in the fund raising process and will enter into projects where we work with your constituents to undertake joint fund raising efforts. You can learn more about nonprofit affiliates under Nonprofit at Learn or use this link.
Chimorel4U, our Shopping Mall and Scrip programs give you, organizations you are concerned about and others opportunities to develop income and do fund raising. You can explore these programs at Buy Stuff or use this link.
Our Internet Affiliate program is developing. We have a few affiliate opportunities already available. As we explore, research and test other opportunities we will open the door to many more. It is important to note, however, that not every opportunity you discover is one you should pursue. We cover this concern in greater detail in the 7th lesson of our Success Journey.

Sponsors will become a major part of Chimorel’s support in the future. Sponsors may be JV Partners, Investors, Advertisers or companies who hire our members and clients. We are in the process of developing sponsors. In the future you will have a form to initiate your interest in becoming a sponsor. For now just send an email to Contact Us.
A JV Partner will participate in a variety of Chimorel projects on the Internet and possibly other areas. It is premature to announce it now, but plans are being made for a major effort to establish JV Partners who have the potential to earn $50,000/yr through Chimorel memberships and programs. If you are interested send us an email through Contact Us.
An Investor will have the opportunity to earn 8 to 20%/yr in a variety of Chimorel projects designed to renovate property, create jobs, recycle computers and start businesses. Currently we seek Accredited Investors for Chimorel Group LLC. Eventually, we will register various offerings for sale to the general public. If you are an interested Accredited Investor, send us an email through Contact Us.
Advertisers can participate in Chimorel’s Cooperative Advertising program which reduces costs, works with other companies to generate leads and promotes Chimorel. If you are interested send us an email through Contact Us.
Employers will hire our members and participants after these members and participants have worked through Chimorel’s I Got a Job program. Employers can also benefit from many other programs Chimorel offers, including Recycling, Business Coaching, Cooperative Advertising and much more. If you are interested send us an email through Contact Us.
When you become a Chimorel Resource Developer, you will enable individuals and organizations to solve problems, achieve goals and each nation to become more viable.
You begin as a Volunteer. You can earn $15-25,000/yr part-time as a Resource Developer; $35-50,000 as a full-time Resource Development Manager or Planner.

You will make certain commitments and achieve certain goals. If your focus is only to make a lot of money without doing real work to support client growth, you probably should look elsewhere.
If you genuinely want to support people and are willing to learn a lot (about Chimorel and yourself) you could do very well as a Resource Developer, then Manager, Planner and Coordinator.