
Get Ready for
Your Human Journey Experience

         The Human Journey is a little like a board game and a lot like a three act play. It supports you, your family and/or an intimate group of six people to feel more connected. You might think of the Journey as a story board of your life. You might see it as watching a plant grow from its roots, to the stem, to the flowers. You might even see your Journey as sitting around a campfire swapping stories about what has happened in your life. 
         For many people the Human Journey may be a persuasive first step into Chimorel’s life altering strategies. Our $350 fee for your family or an intimate group simultaneously creates an Action Planning membership, which entitles you to establish a $2500 to $25,000 Special Project. You can make decisions that will open the door to an incredible transformation in your life, the life of your family or in the group with which you take your Human Journey. 
        You can do the Journey online, if members of your family or group are in different parts of the country. It is a more powerful experience, however, when you can see the participants, look them in the eye, feel the energy of their presence and enjoy the interaction in person.

The Complete Program

$350  |  Six Participants   |   4 hours   |  Make Decisions

Who Is Responsible?

            We will provide: Snacks, like crackers & cheese, as well as, veggies or fruit, Hersey’s kisses to send a little love as you complete a scene, a box of tissues for a moment of joy or sadness, The Human Journey materials and three candles.
            You will want to bring a pen/pencil and a pad of sticky notes. You also want to bring two objects: 1) something that evokes your childhood for you. 2) Something that represents the person you are becoming. Your objects can be an actual object or can be your memory of an imagined object you will describe. Someone from your group will play some music, gentle but vibrant like Man from LaManche or music your family or group finds inspirational.

Ground Rules

  • Bring the gift of your attention. Turn off cell phones and ask people who are not part of the experience not to disturb you during this four hour time period.
  • Ask only clarifying questions, like “What you were saying is …”
  • Wait silently for the person choosing a card to answer. This begins your listening challenge.
  • Avoid cross talk. You are the authority for your own experience. No one can speak for you.
  • Practice confidentiality. What is revealed belongs to the person sharing and that person alone.
  • Create an analysis and interpretation free zone. It may seem important, but only the person talking can know and judge what is happening for them.
  • Delegate authority to the Conductor to keep your family or group in adherence to the Ground Rules and safe.


       Your Journey will begin with an Introduction and Rehearsal. It is a three act play, after all. Before the Journey begins, you will learn the name for your Fellow Silent Traveler. For some Journeys the Fellow Traveler will change for each act.  Act 1 will begin. After each of the three Acts there is a Listening Challenge, then we will light a candle to celebrate progress on our journey, and we will take an approximate 5 minute intermission.

The listening challenge for each Act is:
Act 1: Mirroring / Reflecting
Act 2: Hear the Goodness & Strength of Your Fellow Traveler
Act 3: Understand and invite Your Fellow Traveler to participate in the future.

         Someone from your group will play music at the beginning. At the end of each intermission they will play music again to bring you back.  During your Journey, you should participate at the level that is comfortable for you. You will have the opportunity to practice a deep kind of listening that is not typical in many families or groups. The Conductor has the prerogative to ask deepening questions. Your role is to listen intently and perhaps ask an occasional clarifying question. The Conductor may participate as one of the travelers on your journey, especially if there are fewer than six participants. 
         You can not do the Human Journey wrong. You can learn a kind of listening that you may not have done before. Your role is to listen intently. If you are uncomfortable with a question, you can flash your “Don’t want to go there card” or just say you don’t want to go there. We will talk about other safety mechanisms as we begin Act 1. 
       Before we begin Rehearsal each person will share 1) something that evokes your childhood for you. Listen. When the first person is done we will mirror back what we think they said. Then each person will speak in turn. Your reflection will flow from the first object that you brought.


        During Rehearsal you will select Condition cards. Condition cards reflect the “cards” you were dealt with or born into. You don’t earn or deserve the conditions you are dealt. They can be good, neutral or bad. They are not your fault. You can’t be blamed for what you are born into. The images on the Conditions card include a bat, a skunk, a snake, a prickly cactus and a knife. They also include a balloon, a baby elephant and musical notes. After you choose your Condition cards, we will conduct an editing round to select 3-5 cards that have truly influenced the decisions you have made. If someone chooses a card that you would select, write down your choice on a sticky note and attach it to a blank card. You can also add a condition you don’t see.

      During Rehearsal you will also select Gift cards. Gift cards include those inborn traits you are born with. They are implicit strengths that help you survive the conditions you are born into. You may have a gift for writing, reading, science, sports, language or caring. You can add a gift you don’t see and a sticky note for a gift someone else chooses. You define the gifts you have been given. You will not disclose your gifts, but want to keep them handy and reflect on them as you answer your questions. You will edit your gift cards to 3-5. 
         At the end of Rehearsal, play music for one minute. During this time practice deep breathing. Deep breath in thru the nose. Hold for five seconds. Deep breath out thru the mouth. Repeat during the music. Use this technique before speaking anytime you feel agitated, angry or are considering doing something that will hurt you or someone else. You can also use this technique when you feel joy. While you breathe spread your arms to let the love from the Universe fill your soul. We will have a five minute Intermission, during which you can enjoy some snacks. At the end of Intermission, play music to bring people back.

Act 1: Birth to Teen

       As the First Act begins, you will decide who goes first, etc by a roll of the die or just pick a number among yourselves.  Roll again if a number is already chosen or just pick a number. #1 will select a card, then read the card aloud. We will wait, giving you the time and space to answer. You can decide: “You Don’t Want to Go There” if you’re not ready to answer. You can select another card. You can answer someone else’s card. Please answer at the level you are comfortable with. Someone else may choose to dive deep. You don’t need to do so. 
       Act 1 explores the beginning of life from birth to teenage (when the roots are formed) and a little beyond. You are forming your life based on the Conditions and Gifts you were born into and with. When we look at the cards note the Icons. 
       Again the Conductor may ask a deepening question, something like “Did ___ capture what you were trying to share?” You will listen for the meaning behind the words. The listening challenge for Act 1 is to Mirror back something meaningful that your Silent Partner said. Then take a five minute intermission. At the end of Intermission, play music to bring people back.

Act 2: Become Adult

      Act 2 moves out from your original home base to explore the world (the trunk of the tree). You are chiseling yourself out of stone. You are owning yourself as an adult. Here the colors move from darker (troubling) to lighter (enlightenment). Again note the Icons on the Labyrinth. 
     The listening challenge for Act 2 is to hear and reflect the Goodness & Strength of Your Fellow Traveler. Take a break. At the end of break, play music to bring people back.

Act 3

       Act 3 begins to open you to the world outside yourself. You are redefining your role with your family and with the world to include enriched relationships. The card colors are a deep tropical green suggesting fruitfulness. Again note the Icons on the Labyrinth. 
      At the end of Act 3 each person will share something about the person they are becoming. When the first person is done we will mirror back what we think they said. Each person will speak in turn. Your reflection will flow from the second object that you brought. 

         The listening challenge for Act 3 is to hear your Fellow Travelor’s need and invite them to do something with you in the future. 
       When Act 3 is over we will join hands, look into each person’s eyes around the table and let the peace of the moment fill the room. Then we will come back into the real world and you will make some decisions.

     The first decision you will make is to reaffirm what you and your fellow traveler have agreed to do together.   
     The second decision will flow from the realization that your Journey has created an Action Planning membership for your family and your $350 fee is applied to an automatic upgrade for a $735 Lifetime membership or another higher level membership or program of your choosing.. Together your family will decide on a Special Project you want to achieve. If you are not yet ready to choose a Special Project, the Chimorel Sanctuary will be your project until you are ready. 

       The third decision will flow from your Special Project. Your goal will be a minimum of $2500 and maximum of $25,000.  You will begin to develop an Action Plan. Because you will spend approximately four hours during the THJ experience, it is best to initiate these decisions before the Human Journey starts and confirm after. We can have an informal dinner or small potluck or we can schedule a follow up meeting shortly after your Journey. Typically, we will schedule the potluck or follow up meeting at the time we schedule the Human Journey. 
     Action Planner? For a close knit group, the Action Planning membership and automatic upgrade will apply to the group and the kind of higher level membership the group wants to upgrade to. For a disparate group a decision will be made regarding the Action Planning membership. In either case, the group can decide on a Special Project or the Chimorel Sanctuary will be the project until the group makes a different decision.

Intimate Group

       It is usually best to have six participants: If your family is really struggling and including extended family members or close friends is not feasible, this may not be the case; however, having six people involved tends to  deepen the experience by offering a variety of insights.  

        Not all groups that decide to do the Human Journey will be families or even really close knit / intimate groups. This was true for the three groups Warren trained during his Conductor training and authorization. As a result of the Journey experience each of these groups had the opportunity to form much closer relationships. Two of the groups have gone on to become much more involved with Chimorel and other projects. One more or less dissolved shortly after the training. 
        This will be the experience you will have, as well. When your group forms deeper relationships, the group will go on to work with Chimorel or on their own projects. When the group is likely to dissolve, the decision can be for one person, couple or small family to receive the Action Planner membership and for the other participants to receive Starter Memberships. If all six participants got Starter memberships, this benefit alone would be valued at $600.
      Regardless of what happens to the group, the individuals who go through the Human Journey experience consistently express how powerful the experience was for them personally.

Running Numbers & Thinking

        Now let’s crunch some numbers and think a little bit. You receive the right to convert your Human Journey Experience to either an Action Planning membership for your family/group or six Starter Memberships for six adults. As noted six starter memberships would be a value of $600.
       An Action Planning Membership entitles your family or group to fund a  $2500 – $25,000 goal and to a Presto Pay membership. A Starter membership entitles each person to receive guidance as they set and reality test one goal. There are other benefits  you can discover at the Starter link, as well.  One benefit is conversion to a Raise Right Presto Pay membership.    
      To convert your Human Journey Experience into six PrestoPay Starter Memberships, each person would pay an additional $35-50 to cover the cost of an NSF experience. Most groups will choose one Action Planning membership for the group or family. 
      Converting to one Action Planning membership has no additional $30 cost. If your family/group generated $600/yr using Rasie Right, you would have more than covered your Human Journey experience. If you got 100 family members, friends and neighbors to support your Special Project through Scrip, you could potentially generate $27,000 to $54,000 each year for your Special Project. ($300x100x90%=$27,000).
Raise Right PrestoPay is one of more than 100 ways Chimorel offers to generate revenue.  Let’s repeat that 1 of more than 100 ways to generate revenue. 
        The family, group or person receiving an Action Planning membership is entitled to create a $2500 to $25,000 Special Project. This means that Chimorel will teach you how and provide significant resources for you to achieve funding a $2500 to $25,000 goal. Let’s emphasize that this is not “free money.” It involves real effort, but effort that almost anyone can do. Using $350 to learn how to fund a project valued at $2500 or higher would seem to be a pretty good investment. We just explained how you could generate $27,000/yr or more. Again 1 of more than 100.

            $350/6 = a little less than $60. $60/4=$15/hr. A fun, exciting and therapeutic experience for $15/hr that can change your life would seem to be a pretty reasonable valuable. Three thoughts:
      1st if your family is less than six people, invite others to join you to provide six people the Human Journey experience and assist covering the cost. Your family would receive the Action Planning membership. The others would receive a Starter Membership.
      2nd At this point Warren is Chimorel’s only authorized Human Journey Conductor. His schedule would not permit more than 20, more likely 10, Human Journey experiences/mo. We are looking for other caring prospective conductors and can assist in the cost of the training under the right circumstances.
      3rd Once you have completed the Human Journey experience, you can earn $35/family or group you enroll in our Human Journey experience. Every membership or program you participate in entitles you to earn revenue enrolling others in that membership or program. Two more of more than 100 (1=memberships, 2=programs). There are eight membership levels and more than 20 programs.

Let's Make It Happen

      If you have taken the time to read all the way through this discussion, you are a pretty good candidate for the Human Journey experience.

  1. Who will be the other, up to five, people you will include in your Journey? 5 people offer greater insights.
  2. When & where can  you schedule? At Sanctuary? Your place? Internet?
  3. When do you want to make your decisions? Informal dinner/potluck before? Just after when your mind may be a little fuzzy? Soon after at a separate meeting?
  4. Pay $350 using PayPal below.
  5. Call 614-885-0000 to schedule and decide.

Limited Program

$150 / Free   |   10+ Participants   |   1+ Hours

       Sometimes you don’t have four hours available. Sometimes we need to support ten or more people. And … sometimes guests in our Airb&b or another program earn the right to a limited program.  For these reasons we have created our Limited The Human Journey program. 
      The Ground Rules are the same. Each participant will be asked to share something that evokes your childhood. We will do a limited Rehearsal and several questions from Act One. We will not make decisions going forward but may give people the opportunity to reflect on their experience and the opportunity to decide if they want to complete the full course. The Limited Program entitles one person to become a Starter member.


Donation   |   15+ Minutes   | 10-30+ Participants

      We are frequently asked to provide a demonstration of The Human Journey, so people can get a flavor for the program. Our Introduction provides this demonstration. It is a bit of a sales pitch. We ask a few of the First Act questions and briefly explain the program.  We may or may not complete the program with an offer to do the Full Program. If an offer is made you can use your donation toward the cost of a Full Program.