For Board Members, Concerned Citizens,
Resource Developers and Anyone Who
Wants Chimorel to Grow
Scroll to get involved
Fasten your seat belt. This is where you make things happen. The Action Plan Menu enables you to explore hypothetical action plans. The Commitment Menu let’s you focus among a variety of commitment choices. The Learn Menu guides you to learn about our core principles, memberships, programs, governing documents and more. All of this information is helpful, but these things do not make things actually happen.
We expect you want to actually make things happen. The Major Focus Sections and the emails you receive are designed to make things happen. Some of the links below give you specific things to do. Others give you an overall guide anticipating you have the creativity to actually make things happen.
To take a series of progressive steps click the Step By Step menu on the left. If you are not sure what direction you want to take yet, go the step by step route. If you are passionate about something, pick a major area to focus on.
Whenever you have time to do something, you can reach this Do Menu
by clicking the yellow Chimorel link, then Do under Administration.

HowCan We Support You?
Set Goals? | Go 4 the Gusto!
Get A Job Now? | Go to College? | Get Out of Debt?
Create a Career? | Build Your Dream Home?
How Can We Support Your Business?
Do I Need a Business Plan? | Expense Control?
Increase My Net Profit by $10,000/mo?
Start/Strengthen a Business? | Sales & Marketing?
What is Cooperative Effort? | Learn Accounting?
What Is the Difference Between Riches & Wealth?
Find Good Employees?
How Can We Support Your Nonprofit?
Involve Your Constituents? | Raise Funds?
Affiliate Auction Program? | Fund Raising Alternatives!
Specific Strategies | Our $1000>$5000 Program?
Become an Authorized Chimorel Fund Raiser!
How Do I Start My Own Nonprofit?
How Can I Transform Lives?
Support You/Others! | Change Your Life!
I’m Homeless/Hungry! I’m Leaving Prison/Jail!
Why Don’t You Just Get a Job?
I’m Hurting, Struggling!
Solve a Major Problem!
More Ways to Do Something!
Chimorel’s Action Plan
Business Incubation
Introductory Meetings

For Board Members, Concerned Citizens, Resource Developers & You
- Read and do Simple Things to Transform Your Life and the World.
- Break bread with some friends and tell them about Chimorel. Then Tell us.
- Get your friends involved in something to support you or to make the world a little better. Then Tell us.
- Invite people to start our free Success Journey.
- Learn about Introductory Meetings.
- Learn about Change Your Life Meetings.
- Invite friends & family to become a member.
- Invite strangers to become a member.
- Introduce your church or another nonprofit to Chimorel’s Affiliate Auction Program.
- Volunteer 25 hours to help Chimorel/your church/a nonprofit raise funds for a Special Project or Auction event.
- Give $100 to help your church/nonprofit become a Chimorel affiliate. You will receive Chimorel’s Virtual Auction Training Package.
- Become a Resource Developer.
- Recruit Resource Developers.
- Train Resource Developers and become a Manager.
- Invite Prospective Directors.
- Make your own commitments to support Chimorel.
- Support others as they make Commitments by Following Up
- Determine which committee is most appealing, then join the committee.
- Support others to join committees by Following Up.
- Learn about, develop and market Chimorel4 and the Shopping Mall.
- Learn about and market the Raise Right program, including PrestoPay Starter member.
- Become a Raise Right Coordinator.
- Become an eBay Hero.
- Become an Action Planner.
- Learn about and market Altruistic Action Planning memberships.
- Learn about and market Special Project Action Planning memberships.
- Learn about and market large Special Projects for members.
- Learn about and Develop the 735 Plan.
- Support members as they upgrade to a 735 Lifetime Membership.
- Develop & market 2100 Lifetime Memberships.
- Develop & market 5000 Lifetime Memberships.
- Market the Odd Job Program.
- Develop and Market the Client Assistance program.
- Support members as they upgrade to a Concerned Citizen program.
- Develop & market the I Got a Job program.
- Develop & market the Create a Career program.
- Develop & market the College Bound program.
- Develop & market the Home Builder Program.
- Develop & market the Active Recycling program
- Develop & market Nonprofit Memberships.
- Develop & market the $1000-$5000 program.
- Develop and market the nonprofit Affiliate Auction fund raising program.
- Develop & market Computer Recycling at large and small businesses.
- Develop & market Small Business memberships.
- Develop & market Corporate memberships.
- Develop & market Coaching engagements.
- Develop & market the Property Acquisition program – Realtors.
- Develop & market the Property Acquisition program – Accredited Investors.
- Develop & market the Property Acquisition program – Work for Rent.
- Develop & market Business Incubation Program
- Develop & Market Who Are Your Constituents Program.
- Conduct Feasibility Studies.
- Develop & Market Cooperative Effort Program – one city
- Develop & Market Cooperative Effort Program – multiple cities
- Develop & Implement Change Your Life Meetings – 25-100 attendees
- Develop & Implement Introductory Meetings – 100-500 attendees
- Develop & Implement Introductory Meetings – 500-2500 attendees
- Develop & Implement Introductory Meetings – 2500-10,000 attendees
- Develop & Implement Introductory Meetings – 10,000-25,000+ attendees
- Learn About Chimorel’s Naming Rights Fund Raising.
- Become an Authorized Fund Raiser for our Capital Campaign with a $25,00 goal.
- Become an Event Planner raising $50,000 to $1,000,000 per event.
- Become a Finance Director with a $2,000,000 Goal.
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Memberhips & Donations
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Program Fees
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Recycling
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Special Projects
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Corporate Donations
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Special Events
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Auctions
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Sponsorships
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Grants & Foundations
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Newsletters
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Major Donors
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Speakers Bureau
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Sell Products / Training
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Bingo
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Professional Fund Raising
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Government Grants
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Business Incubation
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Professional Direct Mail
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Payroll Deductions
- Develop & Implement Chimorel Fund Raising – Planned Giving
- Implement Full Action Plan – Individual Cities
- Implement Full Action Plan – US Regions
- Implement Full Action Plan – United States & World Areas
- Implement Full Action Plan – World Wide