It really is what you do that makes things happen. Much of this website offers you lots of things to learn and to think about. This section gives you things to do. Let’s say that again!
It’s not what you talk about or even what you think about that makes it happen. It’s what you do! Welcome to the opportunity to make it happen.

Scroll down for the Story Behind the Picture and Thought Levels. Scroll up for the Menu.

Make it Happen Story
Look through the entrance, moving from a dark place into the light. Even in the dark place there is light pushing you forward. Then under the tree is a second entrance, blocked by inch thick bars and more darkness. And a third with light. Then a fourth and more darkness.
Life is challenging. You move out of darkness into light. There are barriers to overcome. New struggles, new challenges, moving in and out of the darkness into the light. When you persist, however, there is less darkness and more light.
See the trees, the sunlight streaming through. Even when the darkness surrounds you, there is light behind you, ahead of you and above you. Consider Chimorel’s logo, from darkness into light, rising up, leaning forward. Rise to each challenge and make it happen. Whenever you are ready, climb up the walls, up the tree and into the sunlight. Yes, make it happen!
Scroll up, then click the Single Eagle and tell us about you. We will support you with more than 2000 dynamic strategies, more than 100 ways to generate revenue, 8 Memberships, more than 20 programs and a determined mindset. Now click the Double Eagle and invite your friends, family and even new friends you meet along the way. Yes you may need to scroll up. This Source of Strength can support you and enable you to make it happen. Then search for a deeper Source of Strength. We are all connected at a profoundly deep level. Together we can indeed make it happen.
Thought Levels
There are various levels of thinking. At the surface level, you receive input from your senses, analyze the input and make decisions. When you decide to do something, you move to a deeper level, above the subconscious, that triggers action. At this level your thoughts and actions work together. At the surface level, when no decision has been made, there can be a disparity between your thoughts and actions.

Below the Action Level is the subconscious. The subconscious level can trigger action, as in danger, fire, run. It is better, however, for the decisions you make to guide the subconscious. Blind running may move into a smoke filled place where you are overcome by the smoke and burn. Thought and decision may move you through the flames (perhaps after dowsing yourself with water) and out the window where you live.
Your thoughts are very important. You need to learn to control your thoughts, both at the surface level and at the deeper level. Thoughts are things. They have a major impact on the environment you create and live in.
When we say “It is what you do that counts,” we are not discounting the importance of your thoughts. We are saying you need to get your thoughts at the decision level to conform to what must be done. Then you do what you think.
Did you notice that some of this section expected you to scroll / do something. You could get to Thought Levels by scrolling or by clicking. You could not get to the Menu without scrolling. Think about this for a few seconds. Decide to make something happen when you scroll to the Menu.