Yes, take a deep breath. Below we are going to show you a number of alternative ways to raise money for your nonprofit or for your Special Project. Behind a few of the links below are literally hundreds of possibilities. And behind some of those possibilities are thousands more. Not all of these possibilities are directly linked to Chimorel, but we can open the door.
No, not every link below leads directly to an alternative to generate revenue. Some of the topics below are informational and some have a revenue generation strategy tied to another topic.

Asking for donations has two important elements: 1) there must be an immediate personal connection or reason to donate and 2) you must offer to do something in return that has a value equal to or greater than the donation you receive. Ask for $50, $100 or a higher amount, then do something that is worth that amount – mow a lawn, mend some clothes, watch the children, cook a special meal, listen to their concerns, solve a problem, start their free Success Journey, sing their favorite song.
Now about that personal connection, the reason someone will help you is because you are struggling with an immediate, real and temporary issue for which you have a plan and are actively solving the issue. Go Fund me and similar programs work because there is a real need and people want to be supportive.
Immediate: If you need to pay $500 in rent this month five people who care about you will give you $100, especially when you support them in some way, but if you can’t pay your rent every month the game is over. Real and actively solving: You need an additional $25,000 for the down payment on a house. You have a skill with which you can earn $50/hr. You can get 25 people to advance you $1000. Then you use your skill to work 500 hours to repay them. As described this would be taxable, but there are ways you could make it not taxable by just being a friend and their giving the $1000 to you. If you created a Chimorel Special Project your friends could donate to Chimorel and receive a tax deduction. The repayment part would happen if you just helped your friends without trying to make it an exchange for value.
You will want to learn more about Special Projects in the future. There are many creative ways to ask for donations. There are many other alternatives to explore.

Using Scrip the average family can easily generate $300-$600 /yr on $6000+ in purchases/yr from discounts ranging from 1-17+% at just about every major store anywhere in America. You can also add your favorite local stores if they are willing. The amount of work involved once PrestoPay is set up is lower. so the contributions can be higher. Chimorel will contribute 50-90% of the discount received to your project. 100 families could generate $15,000 to $45,000/yr. When considering Alternatives, Scrip should be at the top of your list.

Chimorel4U on eBay
100 people buying $10 to $100/mo, averaging say $35/ea would buy $3500/mo or $420,000/yr. Finding, listing, shipping, etc has fees and is time consuming. We do not currently have listings that would support this volume consistently. Profit might range from 20% for purchased items to 100% for donated items. Chimorel will contribute 10-70% to your project or theoretically $21,000 to $147,000. Our contribution can be based either the amount listed (when the purchaser is someone not affiliated with Chimorel), the amount purchased (for Chimorel affiliates) or a split (when both the lister and purchaser are Chimorel affiliates). When considering Alternatives, Chimorel4U on eBay has limitations, but can be worthwhile.
We are developing a Chimorel4U store on our website. When it is active, the link below will work.
Chimorel4U Store

Shopping Mall
Profits on the mall will range from <2% to 30+%. The range of stores is currently somewhat limited and not yet operational. Should you want to expand the range of stores, we will teach you how. We will also expand the range as volunteers and staff time become available. The contributions will be similar to Chimorel4U on eBay.

A Chimorel affiliate can be a participant in our Cooperative Effort program, a Nonprofit affiliate, an Internet affiliate or vendors in our Buy Stuff program. We will be using ClickBank as one source you may want to explore for our auction items. In the future we anticipate other affiliate alternatives. Your suggestions are welcome.

Second Car: Estimated at $1000 to $5000+ per used car. Involves repairs, tiltle fees and other costs. Use $2500 per car to plan.
Guided Travel Packages: Estimated at $500 to $2500+ per travel package. Involves some costs. Use an average of $1500 per travel package to plan.
Downsizing: Estimated at $250 to $10,000+ per downsizing. Involves a variety of costs. Use an average of $750 per downsizing to plan.
Surplus Inventory: Thousands of potential items, which can be donated or purchased. Involves a variety of costs. Planning requires working through many factors. Use $2000-$5000 for bigger stores and $500 for smaller stores to plan.
Renovation/Remodeling: Projects may range from $5000 to $35,000+. There may be costs for labor and supplies. Typically management should be done by the buyer of the project or by you for a fee. Each project should be estimated on its own.
Finding Auction Items: Essentially, the limits are based on your creativity and persistence. The value can be minimal or larger than anything described above depending on many factors.
Charity Auction Alternatives
We anticipate the time when Chimorel might be one of your favorite charities, but right now, we will support your favorite charities in several ways.
Nonprofit Referral: You could buy a car or plan a vacation, then ask us to donate part of the proceeds to your favorite charity, even if that charity is not yet a Chimorel affiliate.
Virtual Auction Program: You may have learned about our Auction program and Alternatives because your favorite charity told you about Chimorel. Getting involved in our Virtual Auction Program is an excellent way to support your favorite charity, especially for tech savvy, busy people.
Warehouse Auction Program: Will be developed in the future.

Every membership and every program has a marketing element that gives you an opportunity to generate revenue for your project. See how much can I earn? You can market any membership or any program in which you participate. To qualify to market other memberships or programs, you become a Resource Developer and complete the appropriate training. Marketing and supporting people to change their lives can begin with Introductory and Change Your Life Meetings.
Become a Resource Developer: To become a Chimorel Resource developer, you start as a Volunteer and make some commitments. You train at 50%. When you complete your training you become fully paid. You can go on to become a Manager, Planner, even a Coordinator.
As an organization, one Alternative you should seriously consider is to establish your own group of volunteer Resource Developers. Their earnings are then donated to support your project(s).
Free Success Journey: The Success Journey is free. Once you develop the mindset, however, it teaches you more than 100 strategies to generate revenue. Behind some of these strategies are thousands of additional opportunities. It also gives you insight into Chimorel’s Action Plan to help more than 50,000 people in the next few years.
Change Your Life Meetings: Change Your Life meetings are held at the Chimorel Sanctuary, churches, other religious organizations and certain nonprofit groups with the intention of taking specific steps to help people change their lives. They can be employment or skill based targeting people who need jobs or they can be initially a fun activity designed to get people involved, which later breakdown in to specifically targeted groups like employment, debt, skill training, etc. When you initiate a Cooperative Effort program in your city you are essentially initiating an ongoing series of Introductory Meetings designed to help small businesses, nonprofits and individuals change their lives.
Introductory Meetings: Introductory meetings are intended to be fun, informative meetings which market some aspect of Chimorel’s programs. You will encounter Introductory Meetings when you explore our New Recycling Story and when you learn about setting goals with sub-goals. If you wanted to inspire your supporters to participate in an Auction fund raiser, you might conduct one or more Introductory Meetings.
Starter & Action Planner Memberships: This link leads directly to initiating your Starter or Action planning membership. Click Membership to learn more. Group Annual Memberships: Click this link to learn about our group memberships. Lifetime Memberships: Click this link to learn about our lifetime memberships. Once again, every membership is an income opportunity.
Membership Benefits: As you buy things at our Auctions, you fund your membership. Each membership has certain benefits. One Starter member benefit is to qualify for Presto Pay in our Scrip program. One Action Planning benefit is to qualify for a Chimorel Special Project. One benefit of a Nonprofit Group membership is to become a Chimorel affiliate. One benefit of a 735 Plan Lifetime membership is Step by Step Financial Planning.
Memberships can be either altruistic or planning. With an altruistic membership the proceeds go to support others, perhaps your favorite charity, and you use our Set Goal area to set, reality test and create an action plan for your goal. With a planning membership, we help you achieve your goal.
Chimorel Special Projects: Special Projects can use all of these alternatives to fund your project. You qualify when you initiate a Special Project Action Planning membership.
Step By Step Financial Planning: Step by Step Financial Planning is part of our 735 Plan Lifetime membership. The intention is to walk step by step through 1) Career Development & Training, 2) Resource Management, 3) Risk Management, 4) Investment Strategies and 5) Satisfaction Planning.

I Got a Job | Create a Career | Build Business | Work With Chimorel
The first step to actually solve any problem or to achieve any goal may be figuring out how to pay for it. Getting a job, Creating a Career, Building a Business and perhaps working with Chimorel are significant Alternatives to figure out how to pay for the things you need. Once you have a job/career/business that supports you adequately, you can find ways to support your favorite charity.
Before you are working, your volunteer effort can provide experience and open doors to support getting a job or creating a career, with Chimorel or building a business.
Many Programs Available
College Bound Program | Home Builder Program | Debt Reduction Program
Active Recycler Program | Business Development Program
Chimorel has more than 20 programs which can enable you to solve problems and achieve goals. Most of these programs have a marketing element which provides an Alternative to support funding your project. You can enter a program or you can be come a Chimorel Resource Developer to learn to market any program. Please note: Our debt reduction program starts as a free on-line program. It then moves to other memberships and programs to help you achieve your goal.

Nonprofit Development Strategies
$1000>$5000 Program: The best way to become a Chimorel affiliate is through our $10000>$5000 program. Ten people giving $100 makes it happen and creates your organization committee.
Involve Your Constituents: The best way to generate the funds you need is to get your constituents and the people who care about your constituents involved. You teach important skills. You build a strong base of support and committed volunteers. Your constituents gain the ability to receive a well-deserved sense of pride.
Memberships & Donations | Program Fees | Door to Door Canvassing | Recycling | Special Projects | Corporate Donations | Sponsorship | Special Events | Benefit Program | Be Creative | Major Donors | Speakers’ Bureau | Selling Products | Selling Training | Foundation Proposals | Newsletter | Bingo | Professional Canvassing | Government Grants | Business Incubation | Investments | Payroll Deduction | Professional Direct Mail | Planned Giving, Bequests, Insurance | Capital Campaign
The important thing about any of these specific fund raising strategies is that once you are a Chimorel affiliate we will work with you to learn about, plan for and implement any of them in joint fund raising ventures.