Follow up begins the moment you invite someone to learn more about Chimorel. Instead of giving them a link and hoping, you walk them through the process. When you hope, at best maybe 10% may follow through.
You begin with some friendly discussion that shows you care. You find out what their concerns and needs are. After you know what they want, your actual invitation might be something like, “Let me take you to Chimorel’s website. See the Single Eagle at the top of the page. Click it. Now click ‘Please Tell Us About You.’” As you take your friends by the hand and walk them through, close to 100% will walk with you, when they know you will support them and have identified something that is really important to them. If they don’t know you very well yet, make a friend before you invite them. Get to know what is important. Share something meaningful. Laugh. Enjoy the journey. Smile together.
Invite and Walk With Them
Inviting someone and walking with them works for the Success Journey, Becoming a Member, Entering a Program, Registering for an Auction, Becoming a Resource Developer, Inviting a Prospective Director, asking for a meaningful donation, anytime you ask someone to get involved. When you invite someone to a Change Your Life meeting or any other meeting you walk them through registration, then you drive them to the first meeting. Your personal involvement shows your concern and support.
When you care, you open the door to something new, real, worthwhile, their transformation and your income opportunity. Yes, it really does take some extra effort to show that you care. Showing you care pays big dividends when you need to ask for support.
Once someone has signed up for … (whatever), set up a time for your first callback (usually a few days / less than a week.) At times you will work with your manager or someone else from Chimorel to handle follow up. We prefer, however, that you stay involved until their progress is real and you have made a little money. You should see your follow up as a responsibility. It is also how you create and grow an income (cash / Chimorel Bucks) and develop a base for your own support.
In the Beginning ...
… was the person who cared enough to find out “… why I was hurting,” “… that I was worried I couldn’t pay for all three of my children to attend college,” “… that my dream house was just a little outside my current income,” “… that I had been wanting to start a new business for eight years,” “… that I had a significant goal or a major problem and …”
All follow up must demonstrate that you care. At the same time you want to encourage responsibility and self-reliance, while recognizing that procrastination is a pretty common illness. Set a time for the next contact with something worthwhile expected. Encourage them to call you. “So you would like to discuss how to pay for college for Sarah in about six years? Would you mind calling me on Saturday around 4pm? If you forget, I’ll reach out around 4:10. Ok?”

Success Journey
Your follow up for the Success Journey supports their progress. Initially, you might stay in touch approximately every week or two. They will have your phone and email. Encourage them to contact you as needed. Their objective is to get answers to their questions and to learn about Chimorel. As you keep learning about Chimorel using information on our website, in the Success Journey, in Create a Special Project and other sources, answering questions will become easier and easier. Your objective is to support them in setting a goal and taking the first steps to achieve their goal. Be aware of your time. Always be supportive. Always listen and demonstrate that you care. Don’t spend a lot of time hoping.
At the same time expect action. Don’t hope anxiously or waste time. Every time you do something to be supportive, give an assignment and expect it to be done. “I have enjoyed our discussion today. When you call on Saturday at 4pm, you will have a goal with an action word, a time frame and a dollar amount for me, right?” “You’ll ask Sarah to take charge of collecting aluminum cans for college. Ok?” “You’ll read about Chimorel’s College Bound program and have at least five questions for me. Right?”
Become a Member
Once someone becomes a member, you earn an income based on your status (participant, member, resource developer, manager, planner, etc.) and their level of membership. Depending on your status and their membership, you will continue to follow up or hand them off to a Resource Developer and Planner. As a Resource Developer, etc. your income stream continues. As a participant when someone else is following through, your income most likely will stop. However, as you enroll people in higher level memberships and follow through, you potentially earn additional income because you follow up.

By the time someone becomes a member, they should have at least one significant goal. You set a goal to solve a problem. The next task is to develop a realistic action plan to achieve the goal. As a Resource Developer, you may want to discuss how a Starter member can use our Raise Right Program or invite Members to cover the cost of becoming an Action Planner. Or, you may want to set up an appointment with a Planner who will walk Action Planning Bill, through the process of creating a Special Project to pay for Sarah’s college.
Once you become an Action Planner, your Manager or Planner will work through multiple scenarios with you: how to capitalize a business, plan your dream home, pay for college, get out of debt, take steps to mitigate climate change, fund your church’s building project, finance your nonprofit’s project in Africa, etc. You can learn how to do all these things and almost anything else you can imagine using free tools like our website, the Success Journey and Create a Special Project.
Of course, you can ask the person who introduced you to the Success Journey questions, just remember that if that person is doing his/her job they will expect you to take responsibility. They will give you things to do and anticipate that you will do them. And, that person, just like you, may still be in the learning process.

Once someone enters a program, you earn an additional income, if you are qualified, (meaning you enter the same program or as a Resource Developer you train to enroll people in that program), otherwise your income stops. The person who enrolls earns the income and is responsible for follow up. Understand what is happening. We always want to be supportive and the people who provide the support earn the income. Programs usually require training. Higher level programs provide more support and provide higher income. The initial income as a participant is not significant. Frequently participants who do not go on to become Resource Developers direct this income to a cause through a Chimorel Special Project.
Each program provides a level of support that is clearly defined. For example, our Create a Career program provides a guarantee that a participant who goes above and beyond will have a job within three months. This course has been taught at the college level and students who earned their “$10,000 A” had a job by the end of the ten week course. For $350 each participant receives a manual, many extras called Gifts, five hours of targeted coaching, 15+ targeted email responses based on needs, the Guarantee, an immediate income opportunity and more. We offer an earned scholarship, a payment plan and other alternatives. You may also want to explore the elements of our I Got a Job program. We have more than 20 programs.
To illustrate another program, our Change Your Life program will meet with groups of 25 to 100+ people each week or month. Initial meetings will expose participants to ideas and experiences designed to 1) Seek Abundance, 2) Enhance Relationships, 3) Invigorate Health, 4) Manifest Vision, 5) Develop Leaders, 6) Change Lives and 7) more. Eventually meetings will target specific needs, like seeking employment, AA / NA, smoking cessation, weight loss, etc., as well as, global concerns and mind set.
Level of Support
All Follow Up anticipates a certain level of support, which potentially could go beyond the value paid for, especially at the beginning. This means you could be volunteering your time, rather than earning a healthy income. One of our programs is in fact Follow Up. A client is billed $50, $100, $150 per month for 2-3, 3-5 for 4-7 approximately 15 minute support/coaching sessions per month for an agreed upon number of months.
The other side of the coin is also true. Because many people tend to procrastinate and give up, there can be times when someone quits part way through after they have paid for a program or membership. After seven days from enrolling, there are no refunds. You are expected to follow up with encouragement, holding people accountable and expectations of responsibility; but you are not expected to chase people who do not take their commitments seriously. You care, but you also hold people responsible, the hallmark of a great coach.

Resource Developer, Manager, Planner, Coordinator/Coach
These are our strategic support positions. We are always looking for people who can carry the ball to support our clients. Each of these positions require training and other qualifications. Each position offers support and pays higher income. Each position provides a specific level of support based on the membership or program involved. All Chimorel positions start as a volunteer and move to higher levels as you prove yourself.
Becoming a Resource Developer is the most effective initial way to establish an ongoing income stream or support a cause you believe in. The income level is still not significant, but it can be useful. A $15,000 part-time income suggests supporting approximately 100 people at $150 each. Much of this income would flow from assisting a Manager or Planner and from higher level memberships and programs for which you are trained.
Stepping up to become a Manager is where your income level can begin to become significant. At Chimorel $35,000+ income can be the equivalent of perhaps $70,000 because of the way our Compensation Program is structured; however, this higher level means taking an active role using Chimorel Bucks and purchase savings. $35,000+ full-time suggests supporting possibly 500 people thru your team at $70+ each, managing 5-10+ people from whom you receive a management override, assisting one or more Planners as needed and involvement in higher level memberships and programs. You qualify by meeting certain criteria.
A Planner must either have certain credentials or earn these credentials. A $50,000+ income can be equivalent to $100,000 and suggests supporting 1000 people a $50 each through your team. A Planner can also be a Manager. There are high level tasks like coaching, counseling, mentoring, leading support groups, conducting Change Your Life meetings and similar roles. There are also significant follow up and administrative tasks, at least some of which a Planner will most likely delegate to Managers, Resource Developers and an Office/Case Manager. A Planner is usually responsible for multiple level memberships and a variety of programs.
A Coordinator/Coach is usually responsible for one or a limited number of programs. A Coordinator could also be a Planner and/or a Manager. Depending on the program, a Coordinator might create his/her position, meet certain criteria or have/earn certain credentials. A Coach is similar to a Coordinator depending on the program for which he/she is responsible. A $50,000+ income suggests supporting perhaps 500 people at $100 each and can be equivalent to approximately $100,000.

One of our most effective follow up activities is participation in an Auction. There is a lot of work involved which moves the mind toward supporting others. For some this is a significant mindset change.
Volunteers at an Auction open the door to supporting Chimorel, as well as, a nonprofit affiliate or at least one Special Project. Once a volunteer donates $100 or volunteers the first five of a 25+ hour commitment, he or she receives a Training Manual which details the tasks involved, as well as, the support and follow up expected. Once a volunteer achieves a 25 hour minimum he/she steps into a world of perks and rewards that can be meaningful.
A Change Your Life meeting involves participants who invite people, volunteers and Action Leaders who take care of many details (food, involve friends, plan & implement activities) and meeting Coordinators and Assistants, all of whom support people to take real steps to change their lives and change the world.

Invite a Prospective Board Member
If you decide to become a Prospective Board Member, one of the first expectations is to plan to replace yourself. This means inviting someone to join our Prospective Board toward the beginning of your term, rather than at the end when you may have many distracting things on your plate.
Any Concerned Citizen can invite someone who they believe could be a valuable board member to consider becoming a Chimorel Prospective Director. The Prospective Director would explore Becoming a Director and contact Warren or another board member to express his/her interest.
When you click the link above, you will learn about who makes a good Director and discover our Invite People Tool Box. This tool box gives you many tools to support you as you invite others to get involved. Some of these tools can be useful for a variety of other inviting tasks, as well. Obviously, Board Members support the overall growth of Chimorel and may or may not support individual and organizational members and program participants, as well.
After a Meaningful Donation
Your well to do friend just made a $50,000 donation to support developing the Chimorel Sanctuary. What do you do? Write a thank you note, of course. But much more than just a thank you note is expected. As you were asking for the donation, you got to know them. Maybe they want to do something about the death penalty or there is a problem employee or their spouse has a serious medical condition. It is your responsibility to uncover these things and tell us about things we can do to be supportive. We will work with you to figure the best way to express our gratitude. This is a joint responsibility. A very important joint responsibility.

For a moment imagine you are spending say 15-30 minutes each week following up with perhaps 100 friends, 1500 to 3000 minutes or 25 to 50 hours each week. Might be pretty difficult.
There are never enough resources to respond personally to thousands of people seeking to stay in touch, looking for feedback, asking questions. Our emails and group meetings help but …
… we ask you to be our voice, our heart and hands, as well as, our eyes and ears. Instead of 100 friends/week work with approximately 5 this week and another 5 every two weeks or so. You can support perhaps 50 to 100+ people each year. This is manageable. Your friends will move on to other parts of our system. You will have space to breathe and will have a genuine impact on many people.
Let’s focus on just 100 people per year, ten today then 1-5 every week or two throughout the year. At first your caring, answering questions, listening and genuine supportive concern for two to perhaps four weeks point the direction. Perhaps your support enables them to volunteer, become a member, enter a program, attend Change Your Life meetings, come to bonfires and other experiences, drop out and maybe come back later. You talk briefly with 5 or so people several times each week. Because you completed our free Success Journey, you know enough about Chimorel to show them how to get additional support and they move on to involvement with others – resource developers, managers, planners, meetings, adventure activities, fund raising, their own Special Project, listening to and supporting their friends. They become part of a growing community of caring, responsible people who take a few minutes each week to transform lives and make the world a little better. You support 100 people each year. Many of these people support 50-100 people each year. Soon we have had a meaningful (even transformational) influence on 5000, then 50,000, then 500,000, then 5 million and 50 million, perhaps even 500 million people. At this point tackling some of the most challenging issues in the world becomes realistic. Noone is overwhelmed, but everyone is concerned and active to the degree they can be.
Each person has the opportunity to work with Resource Developers, Managers and Planners. Each person can participate in a wide variety of meetings and exciting activities. Through our Success Journey, emails, ebooks, website, meetings and activities each person can develop powerful skills to support others. Each person can discover opportunities to increase their income and gain stability. Each person can reflect on significant worldwide concerns and options to do something about these concerns. Each person can initiate a Special Project, strengthen his/her mindset to do something about significant issues and …
Perhaps you are ready to have an impact on more than 50-100 people each year. You step up to become a Resource Developer, then a Manager. You take on greater responsibility and support more people, say 100 to 300+/yr and earn $15,000 to $35,000/yr. Perhaps you move on to become a Planner or Coordinator supporting 500-1000 people each year, backed up by assistance from all the resources we have just described, and earn $50,000+/yr. You discover Chimorel Bucks and our Compensation Program. Before long you understand that $15,000 using Chimorel Bucks can be like $30,000 real value and that $50,000 with Chimorel Bucks could be equivalent to $100,000 value to you and your family. Part of this equivalent means ways to save on things you buy, part means ways to buy that earn Chimorel Bucks, volunteering that earns Chimorel Bucks and other alternatives you will learn about and can create.
Whenever possible, we intend to demonstrate that we are all truly connected at a profoundly deep level. What would it be worth to your great grandchildren, if because we act together collectively, we avoid an existential crisis that could take our world back to the Stone Age or some other rather miserable existence? There is another important reason why we ask you to do the initial follow up. As you support others there is a very strong possibility that you will grow as well.