We Can Create a Job for Anyone Who Is Willing & Able to Work
“We will support / “hire” anyone who is genuinely able to support others.”
Positions | Overview | Compensation Plan | Leadership
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The job hunting process may appear to be “like climbing a mountain after swimming across a river.” We support you to find the path through the mountain range to your career or at least the boat to your next job.
Our Guarantee: If you (1) genuinely support others, (2) work hard and (3) maintain a high level of integrity, you can work with Chimorel. You most likely will start as a volunteer, but we will establish a source of support for you, as well. You complete training. You can earn what you need. Your career path can lead to $50,000/yr plus incredible benefits. You must earn what you receive.
When you enroll in our Create a Career program and go “above and beyond” we guarantee you will have a job within three months. If you need a job now, click Create a Career.
If you complete our I Got a Job program we will assist to get a job and will stay with you for at least one year after you do. Through our I Got a Job program we support anyone who is genuinely willing to work to find a job outside of Chimorel and if you have what it takes you can create a job with Chimorel.
If you want to Develop a Business or Fund a Nonprofit organization, we will support your efforts. Today you can become a Resource Developer Trainee, by volunteering at least 25 hours.
Our Guarantee slightly differently: Become a member, learn to work hard, do what you say you will do, show up consistently, complete your program, contact us at least once each week; we will support you to get a job or we will “hire” you and we will stay with you for at least one year after you begin working.
It is our expectation that everyone who gets seriously involved with Chimorel can earn or raise $50,000 in approximately one year. The key will be the mindset you bring to the table. Chimorel has more than one hundred ways to generate revenue.
Here are three examples: 1) Create a Special Project. Raise $50,000. We will allocate up to $25,000 to your first level Special Project. Do it twice in one year. 2) Work with Warren to become a Solar Project Consultant earning $3-7000/sale (average $5000+). Sell 10 Solar projects in one year. 3) Enter our Raise Right program, average/year/family is $300-600. Enroll 200 families. You earn 70-90%. You do the math.
Once again the key will be your mindset. Our memberships and programs support you as you develop the mindset you need. Be prepared to work hard and smart. You will learn a lot. You will become actively involved. You will work through the problems as they arise.

Current Openings
Employee Compensation Plan
Are You Willing to Work?
Test Reality
Start as a Volunteer
Become a Director
Resource Developer
Planner & Coach
Event Planner
Authorized Fund Raiser
Work Trainee
Work Experience Coordinator
Create a Career Manager
eBay Hero

Anticipated Positions
Cultivate a Career
Administrative Assistant
Business Incubation Coordinator
Business Services Coordinator
Client Services Coordinator
Child Care | Cook | Truck Driver
Office/Case Manager
Technology Technician
Web Traffic Coordinator
Accountant / Business Manager
Computer Repair Specialist
Neighborhood Recycling Coordinator
Warehouse Manager
Marketing Coordinator
Cooperative Advertising Coordinator

Most likely you will start your Chimorel career as a volunteer. This gives each of us an opportunity to get to know each other before any real commitments need to be made. Volunteers with Chimorel receive special perks. As you will discover in other parts of this website, we work with anyone who is willing to work, who earns their way and who genuinely supports our clients. You start as a volunteer, become an Independent Contractor, prove yourself and may be invited to become an employee.
An important part of your initial efforts with Chimorel is to learn about Chimorel and to tell others about what you learn. You can reality test your willingness by clicking the Reality Test. Once you become a fully paid Resource Developer, you might generate several hundred dollars every month by simply sending people to the Buy Stuff area of our website.
Did you take the time to test reality? For one or two merchants? For more than two? Will you tell others about what you learned? There will be many things to learn for each position with Chimorel. If you are willing to learn, tell others about what you learn and maintain a strong sense of integrity with your new clients, you can work with Chimorel.
Every successful organization is dependent on the productivity of the people who work for it. Productivity is concerned with quantity, quality and cost. As an Independent Contractor you are essentially paid on the basis of your productivity. This has benefits in terms of your income and as you prepare for April 15th each year. As an Independent Contractor, you can deduct costs like a computer, software, health insurance, office space, and many other things. And as an Independent Contractor you create your own raises.
When you demonstrate your ability as a Resource Developer, you can become a Manager, Planner or Coordinator. These titles do not reveal the full scope of the responsibilities available with these positions. Return to Chimorel Positions above to explore the opportunities more fully. It is important to note that each position will involve between 10% and 50+% marketing and/or fundraising responsibilities and some will require a much higher commitment to marketing and fund raising. You might begin with Start as a Volunteer.

Once you are invited to be an employee, you enter a unique compensation plan. You may need to think about all of the elements of this plan before it becomes really appealing. There are essentially five elements: (1) base, (2) a standard, (3) bonuses, (4) a cap and (5) benefits.
Base: The base, approximately equal to minimum wage, at this point will range from $10 to $15/hr. Every employee earns this base. There are no benefits attached to the base.
Standard: There are a number of components to standard pay: (a) approximately 10% below whatever is standard in the industry, (b) ability to buy at 20-60% below normal retail, (c) specific benefits, (d) a reduction factor during times of economic distress and (e) a production level equal to or better than standard in the industry.
Bonuses: based on a production level greater than standard in the industry. May consist of cash and benefits.
Cap: At this point everyone’s salary (cash) is capped at $100,000. Periodically this cap can be increased. Our expectation is that everyone who works with Chimorel will earn at least $50,000/yr. If you don’t rise to this level within a reasonable time frame you should reevaluate.
Benefits: Cafeteria style benefits are unlimited and based on achievement. Cafeteria Style means that you choose what benefits are most important to you and earn what you actually implement.
ESOP: We plan to create an Employee Stock Ownership Plan.

After you read about the compensation plan, think about it. Then ask questions. Parts of the plan will be continually improved. Your questions and suggestions should be part of these improvements. If you like what you are reading, continue your training. As you continue your training, you will begin to explore many sections of our website, learn how to upgrade people to higher levels and make a real difference in the lives of many people.

The Plan in Bullet Points
Below we list bullet points regarding the Compensation Plan. These bullet points are intended to give you a brief glimpse into the plan. We periodically offer a seminar which does a role play between management and a “tough” union to illustrate this plan. Invariably, once they understand it, the audience loves this plan.
- During good times, productive people will earn far more than is standard in their industry combined with an Employee Stock Ownership Plan.
- If we pay 10% less than standard and focus on productivity, we will always be competitive.
- If you can buy 20-60% better than normal retail, your purchasing power can more than make up for the lower standard pay and will enhance your productive bonus earnings.
- Our focus on productivity enhances your potential earnings, keeps us competitive and gives you many opportunities. Productivity can come from cost savings, new ideas, diversified work experiences and anything you do that adds genuine measurable economic value.
- During hard times, we use a reduction factor to reduce costs proportionately, thus enabling retention of as many valued employees as possible. The reduction factor can be partially offset by enhanced purchasing power and productivity bonuses. The reduction factor always starts with the highest paid employees.
- The salary cap eliminates unearned bonuses, golden parachutes and other compensation based on position or other factors unrelated to productivity. It also tends to create opportunities for additional employees.
- Benefits are partially based on what is standard in the industry, but are also earned by productivity and thus are essentially unlimited. Many benefits are before taxes, giving you a significant savings. Other benefits are after taxes, but still create savings based on purchasing power. Benefits are limited only by your imagination and productivity.
- Although the salary cap keeps the ratio between the highest and lowest paid employees equitable, benefits based on productivity can enable you to put your kids through college, have the best health care, build the home of your dreams, take vacations and essentially earn anything you need or want.
- Through Chimorel Bucks and the discount purchasing opportunity, we anticipate that most employees will be able to approximately double the cash value of their income, thus $15,000 would be the equivalent of $30,000. $35,000 = $70,000. $50,000 = $100,000. $100,000 = $200,000, depending on the level of Chimorel Bucks you can generate and your willingness to participate actively in the discount system.

Areas of Responsibility
Your responsibilities will fall into five categories, types or areas: Administrative, Marketing, Program, Supervision and Professional. Let’s explore these types briefly. The % listed is the estimated % of the overall budget allocated to this category. Whenever possible we try to reduce the amount allocated to administrative, sales and marketing, supervision & professional and increase the amount allocated to Program with the intention of allocating 80+% to Program. Currently we allocate 90+% to program, but as we grow this may not be possible.
Administrative 7%: These responsibilities involve all the paperwork, meeting, reporting, budgeting, etc tasks which must be done by all organizations. We allocate 7% of our overall budget to administration. Within each area we could allocate an additional amount toward administration if needed; however, every effort is made to keep Administrative tasks below 7%.
Sales & Marketing 25%: Programs, memberships, Special Projects, etc all have to be sold. Funds must be raised. Investments must be marketed. The % allocated to these activities will range from 3% to 25%. Because part of this allocation goes directly to the people selling the programs and raising the funds who are using the funds to solve a problem or achieve a goal, in many cases, this activity may be considered a Program activity. Part of the Sale & Marketing allocation might be used for supervision, training and administration.
Program, Planning & Assistance 51%: As much as possible we want to focus on Program activities. Where Sales and Marketing activities provide income, this may be considered an extension of the Program allocation. Where Supervision, Training and Professional activities are designed to support people as they achieve their goals it may be considered an extension of the Program area. The 51% allocated to Program is the minimum expected allocation, not the actual allocation. Enabling people and organizations to solve problems and achieve goals is the thrust of all our programs and we would like to allocate 80% or more of our budget for programs.
Supervision & Training 12%: As noted above, Supervision and Training may frequently be an extension of the Program area.
Technical, Professional, Other 5%: Because Professional activities may focus on supporting people as they solve problems and achieve goals these activities may frequently be considered an extension of the Program area. Technical and Other Activities are less likely to be an extension of the Program area; however, when intended to support others they may be considered an extension of Program Activities.
As an Independent Contractor you want to be aware of the allocation formula above as you structure your business. As a potential employee the allocation formula will be used by our Board as it determines Chimorel’s structure and organization.

Test Reallity
Here are two ways to test reality as you reflect on working with Chimorel. First explore our Fund Raising Alternatives. Any nonprofit can affiliate with Chimorel to use these alternatives to raise money for their nonprofit endeavors. Any individual or organization can use these alternatives to raise money for a Special Project by becoming an Action Planner or initiating a higher level program or membership. These alternatives include buying stuff you would buy anyway through our Shopping Mall, Raise Right, at Chimorel4U and through our Buy Stuff area. Click above or below to learn more.
The fund raising alternative reality check explores alternatives. Pick an alternative. Ask questions. Once you understand one fund raising alternative, you can use that alternative to create an income source.
The second test explores Buy Stuff where you will discover our Shopping Mall, Chimorel4U stores, Scrip, Auctions and Affiliate Opportunities. You might even buy something. Consider Albris where you can buy books at a significant discount. A small portion of your purchase will support Chimorel. At the Buy Stuff link you can learn about Chimorel Bucks and many other ways to support Chimorel, yourself and others.
The real test of reality lies within. What is it you want your life to be about? The door is open. When you walk through there will be real challenges and real opportunities. We will support you, but you must do the work.

Create This Position
The position description for this anticipated future position has not yet been written. This position is not yet a high priority for us. You may have the skills required and a significant interest in creating this position. You can create this position with Chimorel, if you develop an Action Plan that funds your position and your Action Plan works for you and for us.
Your first step is to write your job description:
Begin with a Description of the position, using action statements, “You are a …” Briefly describe the elements or duties you anticipate performing.
Initial Responsibilities: Make a detailed list of the initial responsibilities you anticipate performing. We would use this list to negotiate and define your specific initial responsibilities.
Guidelines & Expectations:
Compensation: Indicate your willingness to start as a volunteer. State your expected salary & benefits. Review our compensation plan to structure your expectations according to this plan. Determine the source of funds which will be used to pay you for the next two years.
Primary Responsibilities: Rank order your anticipated responsibilities based on priority. When time is limited, you will know which responsibilities you will do first.
Other Responsibilities: Suggest other responsibilities you would be willing to do as time permits. Include an Other Duties as assigned clause.
Skills and Keywords: List all the skills and keywords you believe are appropriate for your expected position. Brainstorm skills and keywords for other similar positions and research other skills and keywords for similar positions on the Internet. Include all skills and keywords you believe will be appropriate.
Blend with Chimorel Needs: Be sure you blend your anticipated position with our needs at this point in time or show us why you believe we should expand our needs to include your position.
Other Areas: There may be other programs or areas that you want to address that may be fitting. We have used find a location, other cities, fund raiser in some of our position descriptions, for example.
Next Steps
Your next steps are to generate the funds to pay you for at least two years and to create/cultivate your career.
This could involve grants, marketing Chimorel programs and memberships and many other activities. You would continue as a volunteer or independent contractor until funds were available. You would be invited to become an employee once the funds were available and you have proven your ability to meet the needs of our clients.