Develop My Action Plan
For Board Members & Concerned Citizens
Who Want to Support Chimorel’s Growth
Scroll to learn.
This section gives you 18 sample Action Plans for 18 separate goals. There are eight areas which cover these 18 Action Planning Goals. See the list below on the left. Each area has an Introduction followed by sample Action Plans. Each Action Plan is designed to deal with one goal. You should modify our goal suggestion and action steps so they work with the time you have available, your personal style and what you want to accomplish.
You will note the first Action Plan contains a section suggesting the method to accomplish each Action Step, using these notations:
Use Website
Plan / Track Time
Write Questions
Provide Feedback
You can certainly determine how you will implement your Action Plan without these suggestions, so we do not continue them in Plans 2-18. If you have questions, Contact Us.
Board & …
Action Plan Menu >>>
Learn (1)
Cash & Other Assets (2,3,4)
Board Service (5 & 6)
Donate/Solicit Services (7 & 8)
Develop Programs (9,10,11)
Sell Programs (12)
Member/Engage (13,14,15)
Help Chimorel Grow (16,17,18)
Action Plan 1: Learn About Chimorel
Goal 1: To spend 25 hours learning about Chimorel in the next three months.
Do Menu
Below we provide a sample Action Plan to learn about Chimorel. It might take you about 25+/- hours. Your time is valuable. The sooner you begin to do things the better. Note the Do Menu above.
[] Dedicate 2-5 hours this week and next week to learn about Chimorel. Plan Time
[] Dedicate 3-5 hours every other week during the next three months to learn about Chimorel. Plan Time
[] Quickly explore the Chimorel tab on the website. Link to Chimorel area site map. Use Website
[] Quickly explore the Board Member section of the website. Where your bio will be posted.
[] Re-read and reflect on Chimorel’s Core Principles. Link to our Core Principles. Please reflect. Use Website
[] Read about Memberships and Programs. Explore. Use Website
[] Write questions to ask us. Write Questions
[] Determine programs of greatest significance for you. Provide Feedback
For all of the following: Use Website | Write Questions | Provide Feedback
[] Skim Code of Regulations, Board Bylaws, BBB, City of Columbus, State, Federal.
[] Read Stories, Concepts, Committees In Action.
[] Read the New Recycling Story, Lifetime Memberships and I Got a Job.
[] Explore the Resource Developer Section.
[] Explore the other Tabs: Set Goal | Learn | Buy Stuff
[] Keep track of the time you spend. Track Time
[] Once your first goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal. Provide feedback.
To provide feedback Contact Us
Action Plan 2-4: Cash and Other Assets
In the goals below please note there is an action verb … give / solicit / implement
a dollar amount … $600 / $2000 / $5 million
and a time frame … $50/mo/ six months/ this year
Goal 2: To give $600 in $50/mo installments.
Goal 3: To solicit $2000 in cash and $1000 in other assets in the next six months.
Goal 4: To implement Chimorel’s $5 million Capital Campaign this year.
Cash is good. It definitely helps an organization grow. If you are in a position to give a significant cash contribution and you believe in what Chimorel is doing, please consider doing so as part of the goals you set.
As a Board member you should anticipate a minimum donation of $500 each year, the equivalent of a Business Membership. You can make payments of $50/mo. At the Donate Now link on the home page, note the Make This Recurring (monthly) check box. If this is a bit of a stretch for you, talk to us. We can show you how to earn/solicit your donation. When you are ready you may want to consider a bequest of cash, securities or other assets.
Gifts of tangible assets can take many forms. Chimorel is developing recycling centers and housing projects, providing transportation, recycling computers and other assets, and doing many things that will require a significant variety of other tangible assets. We will also be supporting many nonprofit organizations in need of tangible assets.
You can give cash and other assets personally or you can ask other people to give cash and other assets. It is not required to give cash to be a Board member. It is important that you realize Chimorel has cash requirements that must be met and that these requirements will increase in the future.
Your donations to Chimorel give you more than just a tax receipt. As a Voting Member your donations give you a Recommendation Privilege, the opportunity to help others, and can earn you Incentives. You will learn much more about these and other benefits as you continue to learn about Chimorel. For now it is important that you know Chimorel expects to earn your generosity by doing things to help you as you do things to help others.
Action Plan 2: Give Cash and Other Assets

[] Decide the amount of cash or other assets you will give.
[] Determine current Chimorel needs for other assets and what you will give.
[] Decide whether your cash contribution will be a lump sum or made in periodic installments.
[] Complete your cash commitment as decided. You can use the links above
[] Complete your other asset commitment as decided.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal
Action Plan 3: Solicit Cash and Other Assets

[] Decide the amount of cash or other assets you will solicit.
[] Break your solicitation target into discrete units: 5 people at $100, 50 people at $10, two cars, 20 computers, etc.
[] Identify the people and companies you will ask for contributions.
[] Develop the system you will use to ask for contributions.
[] Ask for the contributions. Determine if you want Chimorel to follow up with Thank Yous.
[] Follow up to be sure the contributions are received and Thank Yous are done.
[] Once your goal is completed, determine if you will increase your goal
Action Plan 4: $10 Million Capital Campaign

[] Learn about Chimorel’s current $10 million Capital Campaign.
[] Determine the renovation, equipment, program, down payment and related financial issues involved.
[] Give/solicit/find investors for approximately 25% of the required financing.
[] Determine how to obtain the funds to finance the balance required.
[] Consider donations of supplies, equipment, labor and other required resources.
[] Research grant, foundation, corporate, city, county and state funding possibilities for capital financing and ongoing operations.
[] Evaluate and plan ways to generate funds from recycling, training fees, etc.
[] Write/work with Chimorel staff to implement the business plan for the project.
Action Plan 5&6: Board Service

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Action Plan 7&8: Board Service

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.