
        We are all connected at a profoundly deep level. Rather than wax eloquently about the Universe, love, quantum physics, thought forms, unconsciousness, materiality,  non-judgment, existence, Ego, God, quiet inner space,  subtle peace deep within, and undercurrent of awareness, let’s focus on seven concerns that have both personal and global dimensions. 

  1. Health of our people.
  2. Elan of the soil, water and air.
  3. Climate change.
  4. Financial prosperity.
  5. Global peace. Individual viability.
  6. Extreme poverty.
  7.  Unknown personal & global risk

Scroll down to view our seven concerns.  Scroll or click for additional insights.

Health of Our People

       In 1918 the Spanish Flu killed 2.7% of the world population, 50 million people, more than World War 1. Global health is improving, but the threat of a global pandemic still lurks around the corner, like Covid. For many there continues to be a constant struggle against incredible odds to enable their children to survive. Chimorel projects target both individual health and global concerns as you step up to make them happen

Elan of Soil, Water and Air

      Soil: Nutrient depletion affects soil quality, reduces crop yield, threatens global food security. Water: Lakes burn. Oil spills kill fish, birds, and animals. Deteriorating coral reefs support 25% of marine life. Ice melt endangers coastal & island populations. Air: Air quality disasters, volcanic eruptions, air pollution … impact everyone. 
      Chimorel has periodically been actively involved with a variety of scientists, entrepreneurs, activists and concerned volunteers who are taking realistic steps to impact the viability of soil, water and air. You are encouraged to learn more, then get involved.

Climate Change …

        … is real. Deniers imperil extinction. ”How dare you,” imperil our future. There are powerful voices and empowered efforts striving to avoid a potential tipping point approximately 12 years away. Join Chimorel to mitigate this existential threat. Life as we know it is truly in the cross hairs.

Financial Prosperity

        It all starts with money – Presidential elections, global health, climate change, viability, extreme poverty. Actually, that’s not quite right. It’s your attitude toward money, that makes the difference. 
      First, Chimorel supports you to be better than ok, then we challenge you to support others, individually and across the world. As we support you to change your life, we ask you to support changing the world. We start with how to pay for it and we offer strikingly more than one hundred ways to generate revenue. Be sure you understand, if you want it you must work to make it real.

Global Peace | Individual Viability

        Note the compelling word viablility. Destroying the nutritional value of our soil leads to global/individual death (figuratively & literally), as do war, climate change, corporate greed and many other factors which ignore our dependence on each other as connected individuals. The solution to global peace and individual viability is to walk in the others’ shoes until you truly understand (become enlightened), and then to act together in our mutual best interest. What I do that hurts you, hurts me. What you do that supports me, strengthens you

Extreme Poverty

       Enough food, proper health care, clean water, a dry roof and solid floor, a mind that can challenge the oppressors, a decent chance in life. The world’s resources are enough to support everyone, even at approximately 12 billion people, which is where we will most likely level off. We have made tremendous progress. There is much to do before we rest. Get involved. We are making it happen.

Unknown Risk

       The factual part of the unknown risk is that things are better than you think. We cannot buy insurance against a nuclear disaster or some other world ending catastrophe. We can be alert. We can move in the direction of a greater purpose. We can be more open, caring, understanding, enlightened. We can walk in each other’s shoes. We can remain nonreactive to threat and persistently active in causes. Once again, we can be alert.

       This is where we … Seek equal justice under the law. … Carefully evaluate weapons of mass destruction and reduce their proliferation. … Discover natural solutions to disease, strengthen immune systems, create nutritional food. … Stay alert to the red flags of war, injustice, poverty, ego, greed and all the potential personal & global threats.

        Yes, you are absolutely right…. The above is not a typical vision statement. It is instead a framework within which you can develop your own vision for a better world. That is our vision, a better world. First, you must decide what part you will play. Then we will empower you with alternatives to pay for implementing your vision. There are many ways to pay for it, but you must develop the mindset that makes it happen.

Tentative Steps Toward Enlightenment
       You will learn about being significantly connected at a profoundly deep level as you explore our free Success Journey, as you dig into mindset and as you participate in our Change Your Life / Change the World meetings. 
         You will also learn about two realities – one, a false reality, the other, your true reality. The words in our opening statement mix these two realities, a little like happens in our daily lives. Let’s separate them now. 
       The false reality is based on Ego, thought forms, unconsciousness or objective consciousness, temporary manifestations, an un-awakened you, inherited dysfunction, original sin, fear, greed, power, ossified structure, surface layer of reality, I, illusory self, intellect, identification with things, content, ownership, need for more, materiality, resentment, anger, reactivity, being right, relative truth, us vs them, resistance, feeling superior or inferior, role playing, unhappiness, pathos, suffering, cleverness, collective paranoia, emotion, pain body, a psychic parasite, blame, pretense, road rage, focus on finances, abuse, abandonment, anguish, drama, dwelling in the past, anticipating the future, judgement … and much more. 
       The true reality arises from being present now, an undercurrent glimpse of awareness, a quiet inner space consciousness, a subtle peace within, Tao Te Ching, no man, radical transformation, surrender, remaining nonreactive, sensing essential identity, joy of connectedness, detecting subtle changes, natural inner peace/well being, love that redeems the world, Universe, God, conscious Presence,  … and less.

       Most of us do not live in a perpetual state of enlightenment. Instead we take a walk in the woods and are suddenly struck by the beauty of the world around us. Briefly, thought is suspended and we are just deeply aware of an incredible majesty, a goodness in our life. Or, out of the blue an inspiration springs. Then thought pushes back trying to control, “how can this enrich me?” Perhaps, you pick up a pen. Words just flow. You see what can be done to make the world a little better and enlightenment lingers a little longer. You are not enlightened by thinking. You are enlightened by just being aware, acting in the interest of all. Yes, we are absolutely connected at a profoundly deep level. 
       To read this Vision framework you clicked the word Vision, a first step. Then you could reflect on your vision and perhaps be inspired. If you allowed yourself to suspend thought, however briefly, to just be aware, you took your first step toward enlightenment. Being aware of how to make the world a little better, and taking steps, with ego suspended, activates our Vision.

Four Strategies

        At the end of some of our agreements we sometimes offer the following four strategies, found in the book The Four Agreements:

  1. Be impeccable with your word.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.
  3. Don’t make assumptions.
  4. Always do your best.

Two Last Thoughts ...

     1  … create gaps in your thinking to let awareness flow to you. One way to do this is to become aware of your breathing. Deep breath in … Deep breath out … Mind floating free. 
     2  … let all you do be done in Love through Acceptance, Joy and Enthusiasm.