You can pay with PayPal, using a credit card, check or your PayPal balance
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Automatic Upgrade: All payments and fees are automatically credited to the next level membership / program you choose as you respond to our emails and use Scrip, our Shopping Mall, our eBay store, Chimorel4U and other strategies to fund higher level memberships/programs and implement these strategies.
See Payment Plans to the right
Can I Earn My Membership?
How much can I earn with a Starter or Action Planning membership?
Choose Either an Altruistic Plan or a Special Project
Action Planner Annual Membership
Special Project $250
Pay $250 cash, an agreed higher amount for a cash/service mix or enroll members. Your Action Planning membership will initiate your Chimorel Special Project to fund achieving a $2500 to $25,000 goal. Renews annually as a 735 Plan or higher Membership.
Action Planner Annual Membership Altruistic $250
Pay $250 cash, an agreed higher amount for a cash/service mix or enroll members. Your Action Planner membership will support others.
You will use Chimorel’s Set Goal link to develop your Action Plan. Renews annually as a 735 Plan or higher membership
Starter Annual Membership $100
Pay $100 cash, $150 cash/service mix or enroll members. Respond to our emails and upgrade automatically to become an Action Planner. Renews annually as an Action Planning or higher membership.
Payment Plans
1yr: Starter >>> 735 Plan Payments @ $70/mo
= $735+ | Automatically move from Starter to Action Planner to a $735 Plan in less than 1 year. Great for those using Sanctuary activities weekly or more often. Ongoing monthly payment.
2yr: Starter >>> 735 Plan Payments @ $35/mo
= $735+ | Automatically move from Starter to Action Planner to a $735 Plan in less than 2 years. Great for those using Sanctuary activities 1-3 times each month. Ongoing monthly payment.
Starter Payments @ $10/mo
= $120/yr | All payments credited to your Action Plan upgrade. Good for those using the Sanctuary intermittently. Ongoing monthly payment.
Other Options
Five Goal Plan $350
Pay $350 cash or an agreed higher amount for a cash/service mix. Your Five Goal Plan will initiate a Chimorel Special Project with 5+ subgoals to achieve goals ranging from $2500 to $25,000. Renews annually as a 735 Plan or higher membership.
Concerned Citizen Program $350
Pay $350 cash or an agreed higher amount for a cash/service mix. This is like an Altruistic Five Goal Plan. You will use Chimorel’s Goal Setting section to focus on supporting others. Renews annually as a 735 Plan or higher membership.
Do not give your membership fee or a donation to another member or to a Resource Developer. Use PayPal or Contact Us. We have set up this procedure for your protection. If you want to create an alternative payment plan, we can work that out.
You will receive emails confirming your membership, explaining your benefits and the automatic upgrade process. If you don’t have an email address, go to a library, talk to a friend or get a computer to set one up. The emails will encourage you to become a voting member. They offer many ways to achieve your goals and support others.
Nonprofit Options
Nonprofit Annual $350
Pay $350 cash, an agreed higher amount for a cash/service mix or enroll members. Your membership can initiate a Special Project. Renews annually with a 2100 Plan.
Nonprofit Payments $20/2wk
= $500+/yr | All payments credited to your 2100 Plan 4+ year upgrade. Before 4 years you most likely will move to the $1000>$5000 Program. Good for those nonprofits using the Sanctuary intermittently. Ongoing biweekly payment.
Nonprofit Payments 10x$50/mo
= $600/yr | All payments credited to your 2100 Plan 3+ year upgrade. Before 3 years you most likely will move to the $1000>$5000 Program. Good for those nonprofits using the Sanctuary intermittently. Ongoing monthly payment.
$1000>$5000 Program = $1000
Ten committed people giving $100 toward a Chimorel Special Project creates an opportunity to generate $5000 for your Special Project. These ten committed people provide the foundation on which to build your organization, especially if you enter our Auction program. Can easily move towards a 5000 Plan through our Auction Program.
Small Business & Corporate Options

Small Business Annual $500
Pay $500 cash, an agreed higher amount for a cash/service mix or enroll members. Your membership can initiate a Special Project. Renews annually with a 2100 Plan.
Small Business >>> 2100 Plan Payments @ $75/mo
= $900/yr | All payments credited to your 2100 Plan 3+ year upgrade. Before 3 years you most likely will move to the $1000>$5000 Program. Good for those nonprofits using the Sanctuary intermittently. Ongoing biweekly payment.
Corporate Annual $1000
Pay $1000 cash, an agreed higher amount for a cash/service mix or enroll members. Your membership can initiate a Special Project. Renews annually with a 2100 Plan.
Corporate >>> 5000 Plan Payments @ $250/mo
= $3000/yr | All payments credited to your 5000 Plan 2 year upgrade. You may use your payments for Cooperative Advertising, ongoing coaching and more. Ongoing monthly payment.
735 Plan = $735+
Pay $735+ and 75 service hours for an agreed cash/service mix. You can initiate a Special Project. + means a higher agreed amount based on either/both cash/service mix or additional benefits and services.
Starter >>> Action Planner Payment Plan $35+/mo
= $735+ and 75+ service hours | Automatically move from Starter to Action Planner to a $735 Plan in less than 2 years. Great for those regularly using the Sanctuary activities. Ongoing monthly payment.
Starter >>> Action Planner Payment Plan $75+/mo
= $900+ and 75+ service hours | Automatically move from Starter to Action Planner to a $735 Plan in 1 year. Great for those regularly using the Sanctuary activities and needing and additional benefits/services. Ongoing monthly payment.

2100 Plan = $2100+
When your contributions reach the $2100 level and you or your organization have completed 210 services hours, you automatically become a 2100 Plan Lifetime member.

5000 Plan = $5000+
When your contributions reach the $5000 level, you automatically become a 5000 Plan Lifetime member. Then you move to higher multiple 5000 Plan levels.

Starter Membership
Yes!!! However, earning your Starter Annual Membership is not easy. You are expected to generate $150+ in cash. One way is to enroll ten+ Starter members who pay cash for their memberships.
Another way is to apply for Client Assistance, then work at least ten hours doing something that actually generates a minimum of $150 cash for Chimorel.
You can begin your Starter Membership by making the commitments necessary to become a Resource Developer, then going on to become a fully paid Resource Developer. Before becoming fully paid you will generate at least $500 cash. As a Resource Developer you earn cash and/or credit toward higher level memberships.
You can also earn your Starter membership through our Raise Right, Chimorel4U, Auction and other Buy Stuff programs. Again, you will generate at least $150 cash in the process.
You may find it easier to just pay the initial $100 in cash. If you don’t have $100, start with $25 or even $10 and enter a payment program. If you don’t have $10, apply for Client Assistance.
Action Planning Membership
If you want to earn your Action Planning Membership, you will upgrade to a 735 Plan Lifetime membership. Through a variety of strategies you will generate $735 cash and provide a minimum of 75 service hours.
Your Cash Paid Action Planning membership entitles you to initiate a Special Project through which you generate $2500 to $25,000. You can also enter a payment program. The fee for a Special Project above $2500 is 10% of the anticipated goal.
As an Action Planner, you automatically upgrade to a Five Goal Program, a 735 Plan or a higher level membership or program.
Again, you may find it easier to pay cash or enter a payment plan.
Generate More Than $100
Much of what happens at Chimorel encourages you to support others in lieu of paying cash, but if no one ever pays cash for anything, no one ever earns cash. When you pay $100 in cash we begin to believe you are serious about achieving your goals. From this point forward you can blend cash, enrolling members, volunteer work and supporting others to pay for memberships and programs.
If you are really serious about supporting others and earning an income, you will become a Resource Developer. You make certain commitments and initiate a comprehensive training program. Along the way you may learn to ask others for money, to enroll new members, to recycle computers and to do much more that will eventually generate far more than $100 cash.
Please remember that every time you tell some one about Chimorel, they will want to know what you did. Once you pay or generate more than $100 cash, you will have something to say that means something.
We show creating an email with either Yahoo or Gmail. Click either link to create an email address.
Yahoo: You need First Name, Last Name, your ID (wegoodenow), a password, your birthday and gender (optional). Your username will be added to to create your Yahoo username. You will be asked to create a verification code (cell phone is best) and to enter the code. You have created an email on
Gmail: You need First Name, Last Name, your username (wegoodenow) and a password (confirmed). Google will suggest a username or you can create one that is meaningful to you. Your username will be added to to create your Google Login ID. You will be asked to create a verification code (cell phone is best) and to enter the code. You have created an email on