Relax for at least a few seconds.
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Your Action Planning membership opens the door to a Special Project and a world of other opportunities.
Look at the picture and just relax.
Let the river take you downstream to a quiet place.
Be sure your mind is clear and focused.
Your Action Planning membership begins a small step
to change the world and could transform your life.

Click the picture above to initiate your Action Planning membership.
Click the picture above to learn about Action Plans.
Click the Member Action Planner tab to return.

Click the picture above to learn about
a 735 Plan Lifetime membership.
Action Planning Annual Membership
Unfreeze your potential as an Action Planner. An Action Planner opens the door to a Chimorel Special Project. You not only set a goal, you take real steps to plan and implement an action plan to achieve your goal. The purpose of an Action Planning membership is to enable you to develop and implement your Action Plan. Click the Action Planner picture on the left to become an Action Planner.
Your Action Planning membership includes many benefits, the most significant of which is a Chimorel Special Project. Although the membership will increase periodically, no increase is presently planned. You could work, enroll other members, buy stuff and explore other alternatives to earn your Action Planning membership. Your Action Planning membership is an annual family membership. If you stay active, in January or July the year following your enrollment, you will renew your membership as explained in your emails and you automatically move on to our 735 Plan. Click the Action Planner picture to start your membership.
Action Planners automatically enroll in our 735 Plan Lifetime membership process. Simply respond to the emails you receive. You can choose other membership/program upgrades. You can choose up to 3 hours of individual or significant group coaching to develop your Action Plan. Click the 735 Plan picture to learn more.
Action Planner Guidance
Your Action Planning membership can initiate a Special Project or be altruistic. An altruistic membership is tax deductible and you set your goal using the yellow Set Goal link above. Your membership supports others. The default choice is to initiate a Special Project.
A Special Project membership is not tax deductible and provides significant group coaching, supplemented by your free Success Journey. You automatically upgrade to a 735 or 2100 plan as you stay active. These plans provide additional group and individual coaching to support achieving your goals.
Your Success Journey gives you opportunities to step into Chimorel’s Action Plan, using Lessons 4, 5 and 6. In earlier lessons you discover the key to achieving goals is your mindset. If you are determined, you will set a realistic goal, plan the steps to achieve your goal and then implement the action plan that will enable you to achieve your goal. Then you will go on to achieve bigger goals.
As you initiate your Special Project, one of the criteria you establish is to step up to higher level memberships and programs. You will target a first level $2500 to $25,000 goal, then might move up to higher level $25,000-$500,000 and multi-million goals.
You work with a Planner/Coach to develop action plans to achieve your goals. At higher levels you may also work with a committee with expertise in the areas you need to achieve your goals. The automatic upgrades and various planning/coaching give you an ongoing source of support which can continue to whatever level of goal(s) you want to achieve.
Action Planning Benefits
Special Project: Probably your most important Action Planning benefit is your ability to initiate a Special Project. You will receive Create a Chimorel Special Project and will be assigned a Planner/Coach. You will develop the resources to achieve a significant goal or solve a major problem. As noted there are three phases/levels, which can enable you to achieve a goal of any size. You successfully complete each level to learn the skills needed to progress to higher levels. You can repeat a level as often as necessary, until you are ready to move to the next level. Achieving goals requires cash, time, energy, supplies, equipment, mindset and Sources of Strength.
Upgrade to Higher Memberships & Programs: Upgrading is automatic, as long as you actively respond to our emails and interact with your Planner. Your choices can involve a Five Goal Plan, Business/Nonprofit membership, a 735/2100 Plan, I Got a Job/Create a Career programs and many other alternatives, depending on your needs and goal. As long as you stay active with Chimorel, the money and time you invest at lower levels is credited toward higher levels. Let’s briefly explain your automatic upgrade. You use your Special Project to raise funds which initially flow to Chimorel. You enter into an Agreement which spells out how the funds are distributed and what they will be used for. Your automatic upgrade is part of this process.
Earn Credit/Money: As an Action Planner, you earn credit toward higher level memberships and programs for each new member you enroll. When you go on to become a Resource Developer you can earn money, as well. As a Resource Developer you can learn to market memberships and programs which you have not participated in by completing certain training modules.
Group & Individual Coaching: Your Action Planning membership entitles you to a significant amount of support as you develop your Action Plan. This support is dependent on your scheduling individual/group coaching. You initiate this planning with your free Success Journey and expand it by working with your coach/planner. You can also step into a variety of other programs. We provide coaching in English anywhere in the world via Zoom.
Career Development: Your membership opens the door to our Create a Career course. This course has been taught at the college level. Students who get an A in the course have a job by the end of the course. If you go above and beyond, we guarantee you will have a job or a better job within three months.
Complete I Got a Job Program: The complete I Got a Job program is a very comprehensive program designed to take someone on welfare to a full-time job within six months to a year. It involves assessment, job readiness, work experience, ten career development lessons, ongoing group/individual coaching, guaranteed placement assistance, follow up and career development. You will get a job or we will hire you, as long as you don’t drop out.
Affiliate Programs: Chimorel is getting involved with a number of affiliate programs which offer significant training and income opportunities, depending on choices you make. See our Explore It program for more details.
Earn Incentives: Within the I Got a Job program as an Action Planning member you can earn incentives for a variety of things like diapers, bus tickets, appliances, a computer, a car, even the down payment on a house or a college education. See I Got a Job program to learn more about Incentives.
Support Your Family: Your Action Planning membership provides all the benefits described to everyone in your immediate family. This means we will help your kids get jobs. We will Support your spouse with setting goals. We will enable you to solve problems. Your family membership also entitles husband, wife and kids entrance to Chimorel events at reduced admission when these events are planned.
Recommendation Privilege: As a voting member you receive a Recommendation Privilege. This means that as you raise funds and develop other resources for Chimorel, you determine what Committee will allocate 50% of the funds and resources you generate. It also means you can apply to that Committee to solve a specific problem in your life using the funds generated.
Future Benefits: We intend to implement a member card good for discounts at over 60,000 restaurants, stores and other businesses nationwide. We are planning a flash drive which can help with job search, financial planning and Resource Developer training. An on-line newsletter is in the final stages at this point.
Action Planner Payment Alternatives
For motivated individuals there is never a reason to not become an Action Planner. Getting this far into our discussion about Action Planners strongly suggests you are one of those motivated people. So here are some alternatives:
- You can pay cash, check or any credit card through PayPal.
- You can upgrade to a 735 Plan membership and use one or more of the following strategies:
- You can use a payment plan and initiate a Special Project. Your initial earnings will be applied to your payment plan, then to your Special Project. Your Special Project starts after your second payment. We will teach you how to earn the rest.
- You can earn your membership by enrolling others, becoming a Resource Developer or generating funds through many of Chimorel’s programs.
- You can Buy Stuff at our Chimorel4U eBay or online store, at Chimorel auctions and through our Scrip program. We will credit part of your purchase toward your membership.

- You can find stuff for us to sell in our store, on eBay, at auction or that we recycle and we will credit you with part of the funds generated.
- You can become an Authorized Fund Raiser and have your friends donate toward your membership, your Special Project, to Chimorel or to an affiliate nonprofit.
- You can start our free Success Journey and we will teach you more than 100 ways to generate revenue which can pay for your membership and fund your Special Project.
So, are we right? Are you the kind of motivated person who makes things happen? Click the link below to initiate your membership. Send a separate email through Contact Us to tell us about your interest in one or more of the above alternatives.

Altruistic Action Planner
Many people choose to use their Action Planning membership to support a Chimorel Special Project, like the Sanctuary, Global Won, Climate Change or Change Your LIfe/Change The World projects. They may also choose to support a family member’s or a friend’s Specal Project. Our default choice if you do not begin to implement a Special Project of your own within one week is an Altruistic Action Planning membership. As an Altruistic Action Planner, you will use our Set Goal area to set, reality test and implement your goal.
5 Goal Plan
Your Five Goal Plan sets the stage to set, reality test and develop an Action Plan for five significant goals. You are an Action Planner focused on five goals instead of just one. A quick word of caution here, trying to focus on more than five significant goals can drain your focus and nothing much is likely to happen.
Once again you can earn revenue by enrolling other members. Your Five Goal Plan, like an Action Planning memberships, extends benefits to your entire family including 25 hours of group or seven hours of individual coaching. If your intention is Altruistic, you will use the Set Goal area, and your membership will support others. You will automatically upgrade to a 735 Plan, business membership or other higher level membership.