Marketing Memberships / Programs
Ask for $100 | Engagements
You are about to learn to market Chimorel. These concepts can be useful for memberships, programs, donations & engagements. You can use this training as a Chimorel member to generate funds for your Special Project or to move to higher level memberships and programs. The concepts will be useful outside of Chimorel, as well.
You can use this training to grasp some basics about raising funds. Then go on to learn more about fund raising in other areas of our website. See Asking for Donations above.
You can use this training to help you grasp the basics for engaging business relationships, then go on to learn more about engagements in other areas of our website. The engagement section has not yet been written.
One important thing to grasp from this training is that selling or marketing is not about talking, it is about listening, wanting to support and expecting something from those you support.
Behind this discussion is a subtle reflection about the fact that you can achieve anything you need if you enable enough other people to achieve what they need. There is also a discussion about other kinds of training, opportunities available and decisions to make.
I’m Ready to Learn How
To Market Memberships & Programs
This training will teach you to market memberships and programs. Marketing Memberships supports Chimorel, of course. But Marketing Memberships and Programs also supports your Special Project. Once you establish your Special Project, it can be funded at a higher level than your 50% Recommendation Privilege.
For a minute let’s think about what “selling” a membership means with two examples we’ll call the Ask:

Ask for $100
… not so good
“Hi Pastor! I just learned about a fantastic new program. I am really excited. All I need is $100 to make you a member. Could you write me a check?” You are thinking, “With all the money I give this church, you certainly can afford it.
“Sounds like you are really enthusiastic. I’m not sure now is the best time, considering our new building fund campaign and all.” Your pastor is wondering why you’re not as enthusiastic about the building fund campaign.
If you had focused on the pastor’s need to raise money for the building fund, the conversation might easily have moved to Chimorel’s $1000>$5000 program.
You could have shown your pastor how to get ten people to donate $100 to a Chimorel project by donating the first $100 yourself, then helped them generate over $5000 for the church building fund. Along the way the church would become a Nonprofit member and entitled to coaching. That might lead to a campaign to raise $200,000/yr ($1 million in 5 years) for the building fund or to address other problems the church faces.
“All I need is “

The Close
You say, “Ted, let’s not spend $5000 yet. Let’s just invest $100 to start the process. If you don’t do anything more, you will be helping other people solve their problems and clarify your goal. You can upgrade later to higher levels and apply the $100 to those higher levels if you stay actively involved.”
The conversation will probably not be this succinct, but by focusing on Ted’s needs, he and Alice will probably take steps to get involved with Chimorel. At first they may just want to help others. Then as they begin to think seriously about their own needs, they may take steps to build their new home and save 20% or more along the way. That $100,000 could easily help them send their kids to college or help Ted start the new business he has been thinking about.
Talk About Problems & Goals
… much better
“Ted, I know you and Alice have been thinking about building a new home. How is that going?”
“Well, we have almost $20,000 saved, but considering today’s economy I don’t think we can afford the $250,000 the builder says it will cost.”
“Ted, if I could introduce you to an organization that can help you save up to 20% on that $250,000 cost, how much could you save?”
Ted replies, “$50,000.”
You respond,” Actually Ted, after taxes and interest your savings might be as much as $100,000. If you could invest just $100 to start the process, I think it would be worth your while.”
Ted asks, “Only $100?”
You respond “The $100 makes you a Starter member. Chimorel would help you set a goal to build your dream house. After that you would take steps to plan the project, earn the money to build your home and do many other things. During each step of the way you would agree to a fee for the services provided. Let’s say you paid $5000 to learn how to save $100,000, would it be worth it.”
Ted replies, “Sure.”
“How is that going?”

Think About What You Just Learned
People are always more likely to give money to a cause you believe in, if you enable them to meet their own needs. Your training will suggest ways to tell people about Chimorel using a telemarketing script, by inviting people to Change Your Life and Introductory Meetings, as you talk to people you know, and when you meet a stranger.
Chimorel can become a serious source of revenue for you. Learn to upgrade people to higher level memberships and programs. We will guide your understanding of the value of higher level memberships and programs. We will teach you how to upgrade members to these higher levels. We will empower you to begin the process of becoming a Chimorel Resource Developer, Manager, Planner and Coordinator.
Really Understand How ...
To Sell Memberships, Programs & Ask for Donations
For Your Protection
Written from a Prospective Member’s Point Perspective
Click Close to return

Tell everybody you know about Chimorel, but do not ask people to give you money. Ask people to go on-line to learn about Chimorel, then to donate or become a member.
Always give people your name to let them know you are from Chimorel and to receive credit for your referral. Then call us or send an email about who you have talked. We expect you know by now that integrity is a big deal at Chimorel. You may also want to provide people with a pre-addressed envelope.
The best way to introduce people is to sit down at a computer and show them the appropriate part of our website. When they are ready, starting a free Success Journey or becoming a member is just a few clicks away. Click For Your Protection on the left to be sure you understand our policy regarding asking for money. Later you will learn about becoming an Authorized Chimorel Fund Raiser.
The Secret Questions
would it be worth
You could ask for $100, $350, even $5000 to move people to a higher level membership or program. If you are a good enough salesperson (lots of confidence, genuinely want to help), the level is your choice.
We suggest not being greedy. It is better to start ten people as Starter members who move at their pace to Business Consulting, a 735 Plan, College Bound or Home Builder programs and memberships, than two people as Action Planners who never really begin to implement their plans.

to start the process
When you talk about $100 for a Starter membership, use the phrase “to start the process.” We can’t enable them to finish their dream house or write a business plan for $100.
The Starter membership entitles someone to receive support for setting and reality testing one (perhaps more) goal(s). It also provides other special benefits.
An Action Planning membership entitles an individual or a family with support for developing an Action Plan to achieve one goal, as well as, a $2500 Special Project. A $25,000 Special Project is approximately $2500.
Start the process. Then when your family member, friend or new acquaintance is ready, help them achieve their goals by moving on to higher levels.
what will you do
When someone says “I don’t have $xx” or you think they can’t afford the fee, ask “What will you do?” Later we will give you lots of alternatives to suggest. Right now get into the mindset of expecting something when you offer support. Yes, this is very different from the way many nonprofits work.
When you expect something, you give people the opportunity to grow. That may be the most valuable gift you can give them. Expect resistance, however, especially from those with a you owe me mentality. You may need a great deal of patience to enable someone to develop an “If I want it, I must earn it” mindset.
Once again, expect something in return for supporting. Teach people to fish. It may be the most valuable way you can support.

Telemarketing Script ...
Be excited !!! Ask about something that is important to your friend or relative – college for their kids, the home of their dreams, starting a new business, strengthening an existing business, getting a job, eliminating debt … ???
Let them talk. Ask more questions. Help them establish a value. Ask the would it be worth question. Explain what could happen. Here’s an example:
Angie, how are the plans for Jimmy’s college going? … Jimmy is a junior now isn’t he? How much will a year at [OSU] cost? Would it be worth $100 to start a process that could lead to a $2000 guaranteed scholarship?
I’ve just learned about a nonprofit that supports people. A $100 membership starts the process to set a goal for Jimmy to go to college. You can apply the $100 toward a $350 College Bound program, if you stay active. They have at least five ways to help you pay for college, including a guaranteed scholarship program when you raise money for their programs.
Telemarketing Script ...
Be warm and caring !!! Hello, this is Warren with Chimorel. Is this [First Name]? [First Name], do you have a few minutes to learn about ways we support people to solve problems and achieve goals?
No: I’d like to tell you about soon. Could I call you back later tonight or tomorrow evening? Thanks. Would you like to write down our website? www.c h i m o r e I’ll tell you more about how we support people soon.
Yes: Let me ask you to think about one goal or one problem that is important to you, while I tell you a little about Chimorel. We have more than 2000 dynamic strategies to enable people get out of debt, build a business, save 20% on the home of your dreams, get a job, go to college and much more.
What goal or problem would you like to work on? [Write it down.] I promised I wouldn’t take more than a few minutes. Our website is www.c h i m o r e That is After you have a chance to visit the website, can I call you back to share a little more? I’ll give you some insights about setting a goal to [repeat their goal.] When would be a good time? Did you get the website, www.c h i m o r e
We will work with you to create a script that is right for you.
Please do discuss your script with us before you begin.
Telemarketing Script ...
Be enthusiastic and friendly!!! [First Name] This is Warren with Chimorel. Are you close to a computer? Did you have a chance to explore our website? Is now a good time?
The last time we talked you told me about [problem or goal.] Be prepared to discuss how Chimorel could support. We’ll discuss other memberships and programs later in your training. Below is an example that considers the Odd Job program.
Mary, this is Warren with Chimorel. You thought you and Al might like to support trainees in our I Got a Job program. For $150 you could support three trainees as they began to earn Starter memberships. This would start you and Al on an Action Planning membership, which would entitle you to Special Benefits, like a Recommendation Privilege. As you introduce your friends to Chimorel, your Recommendation Privilege could be targeted to our Education & Employment programs to support other trainees in their job search.
Each trainee would work fifteen+ hours for Chimorel, you, other Odd Job sponsors or an affiliate nonprofit to earn their membership and start a process to find a job, have a place to stay and achieve the goals they set. Your Odd Job program would partially fund their program. When you are ready to focus on your own goals we will support you also. Let’s go to PayPal on our website.

Two ways to support Chimorel and develop friends who support your Special Project are to conduct Introductory or Change Your Life meetings. Click either link to learn more.
As you begin to plan your first Introductory Meeting, you will want to answer a few questions:
Where? Your house, your church, a Chimorel location.
When? You create or you can join a Chimorel event.
What? Your house: a small gathering of perhaps ten friends. Your church: 25 to 50 people, get others involved. Chimorel: 25 to 100+, we’ll help you put it together.
Who benefits? Your recommendation privilege can target 50% of funds raised to the committee (program) of your choice. You, your church, your favorite nonprofit or a friend you haven’t met yet can benefit.

Start talking to friends and family. For ten, get tentative commitments from 20+ people. For 25, you want 50+ people to say they’ll come. When someone says they’ll come, ask them for the names of 2-5 others. Teach them to ask their friends or call the friends yourself.
For an event at your church, get ten people to help. For a Chimorel event, we will link you up with several others and perhaps several Resource Developers.
There is a lot more to the How than we can provide right now. Click the Introductory link above, which discusses an Example Action Plan to gain some insights. This action plan is part of additional training available as you continue to learn more.
I don't live in Columbus, Oh.
For now, if you live in the USA, we support your goal setting, reality testing and developing Action Plans via email, Zoom and phone. If you live in another part of the world and speak English we support via Zoom and email. When appropriate, our consultants and coaches travel to support businesses and nonprofits entering into Service Agreements.
In the future, Chimorel intends to establish operations in many major US cities and other cities around the world. As our operations expand, we will implement programs and provide services closer to where you live. Perhaps, you may want to participate in this expansion.

I am authorized to raise funds for Chimorel.
I love what I do and I earn an income also.
This is your training to become an Authorized Chimorel Fund Raiser. We will need a picture to post on our website once you have completed your training. The essence of your training is: 1) You do not collect funds directly. 2) When anyone asks you for your name when you represent Chimorel you give it to them and offer to take them to where your picture is posted. 3) You represent Chimorel with the highest level of integrity. Be sure you understand and remember these three directives. Periodically, you will be asked what they are. If you know, you have completed your training and can serve as an Authorized Fund Raiser. Each time you are asked you must be able to provide these three directives and you must abide by them. Below we provide additional information and links which will assist you in your duties.
Use the link above to review the job description for an Authorized Fund Raiser.
For your protection tells each potential donor what is expected of our Authorized Fund Raisers. It is to your advantage to have envelops addressed to Chimorel Services Inc at 6306 Home Rd, Delaware, OH 43015 ready to hand to donors. You can walk them to a mail box and mail it together, if you want. Otherwise use the Donate Now link on the Home page for donations and the appropriate links for memberships and programs. Checks are made out to Chimorel Services Inc.
When asking for donations use the training above. You will raise much more when you are concerned about the donors needs rather than Chimorel’s needs or your needs.
You can increase your income by becoming a Resource Developer, Manager and Planner. The training involved will add to your skills as an Authorized Fund Raiser. You want to understand and use the skills and strategies described under Follow Up procedures. Follow Up is another way to add to your income.
Inviting people to start their free Success Journey is a nobrainer. “Hi I’m Warren. I just started a free Success Journey that is opening the door to transforming my life and offers more than 100 ways to generate an income in excess of $50,000/yr. Would you like to learn more?”
Another way to create an income is to secure Sponsors with Naming Rights and for events. Sponsors can be companies who spopnsor events or want name recognition for making certain parts of the Sanctuary happen. Individuals and groups will also provide support in exchange for Naming Rights.

Are You Ready?
Did you learn about and understand the Secret Questions:
Would it be Worth? What will you Do? Start the Process?
Can you develop a telemarketing script for:
People you know? A stranger?
Are you ready to plan an Introductory Meeting?
After you have reviewed all of the concepts above and feel relatively comfortable, you are ready!

A Little Perspective
Let’s put a little perspective on marketing memberships and programs. Marketing Starter, even Action Planner or Five Goal memberships can enable you to pay for higher level memberships or give you a little money to pay some bills. On the other hand, to earn a meaningful part-time income or a real full-time living with Chimorel, you want to do four, maybe five things:
- Learn to upgrade people to higher level memberships, programs and ongoing coaching.
- Become a fully paid Resource Developer.
- Move on to manage other Resource Developers.
- Develop the skills to become a Planner or Coordinator.
- Consider becoming a Work Experience Coordinator.
As a Work Experience Coordinator, you could earn $50,000/yr plus benefits helping 100-200 people get jobs each year. As a Planner you could earn a similar income helping 250+ individuals, small businesses and nonprofits solve problems and achieve goals. As a Manager you could earn $40-50,000/yr plus benefits training and managing 10+ Resource Developers who enrolled 250-400 members/yr, many of whom upgrade to higher levels. As a Resource Developer you could earn $15-25,000/yr part-time by enrolling 100+ individuals, small businesses and nonprofits, most of whom upgraded to higher levels.
Realize that through Chimorel’s unique Compensation Plan $50,000+ can be the equivalent of $100,000+ when you learn how to maximize the use of Chimorel Bucks.
Sales & Marketing Training
We are only touching the surface of the training available to you. When you go on to become a Resource Developer and perhaps a Manager, Planner and Coordinator, much more training will be available. Below we give you an insight into the initial possibilities.
Each of the links above go to other areas of the website. You can check them out now, but we suggest you continue with this training and go to these additional trainings as you decide to work with Chimorel.
- Principle Based Selling Course
- Marketing & Strategic Planning
- Cooperative Effort Program
- Scripts for Computer Donations
- Fund Raising Menu leading to very comprehensive fundraising training
- Begin as a Resource Developer, then go on to Manager, Planner, Coordinator
- Inviting People
- Follow Up
Upgrade to Higher Level
Memberships, Programs & Coaching
The secret to upgrading members to higher level memberships and programs starts when you are first learning about a prospective customer’s problems and goals. Remember this phrase “A $75 membership starts the process to set a goal for Jimmy to go to college. You can apply the $75 to a $350 College Bound program, if you stay active.”
Start someone at a level they are comfortable with. Uncover their real needs. Set the stage for higher level memberships and programs as they explore their options. Then follow up and help them achieve their goals. Here is a quick review of the Start Process screen. When someone understands they are taking small steps to achieve their goals, each step is a natural progression. They can use a payment plan. They can work. They can write another check to continue to make progress.
You follow up. You demonstrate that you care. You show each new member how to take the steps to achieve their goals. Sometimes a customer will get all they need from a program. Sometimes they will need ongoing coaching. If you go on to become a Resource Developer, you will learn more about ongoing coaching and helping people move to higher levels.
Now let’s follow a similar progression for your income. You start as a volunteer and progress to …
Progress from Volunteer to ....
Everyone who works with Chimorel starts as a volunteer. When you tell someone about Chimorel, you are volunteering to do so. As a cash paid member, you can earn higher level memberships and programs as one of the benefits of your membership. If you decide to market memberships and want to be paid, you will become a commission based Resource Developer. If you are successful, you may become a Manager, Planner or Coordinator.
Think about this progression – volunteer, member, commission, independent contractor and employee. At each step along this progression, you prove yourself and earn what you receive. Your progression moves at your pace, as slowly or as rapidly as you choose.
If you click Resource Developer you can learn about becoming an independent contractor and will leave this area. Now let’s learn about becoming a Chimorel employee. Anyone can become an Independent Contractor by following the steps outlined in the Resource Developer section. You become an employee only by invitation.
If you are invited to become a Chimorel employee, you have already proven yourself, probably in many ways. There are essentially five elements to Chimorel’s compensation plan: (1) base, (2) a standard, (3) bonuses, (4) a cap and (5) benefits. You can read a brief description of the plan by clicking the link on the left.
Periodically, Warren provides a more comprehensive discussion of this plan to college business students, Cooperative Effort participants and companies interested in implementing the plan.
Once again realize that through Chimorel’s unique Compensation Plan $50,000+ can be the equivalent of approximately $100,000 when you learn how to maximize the use of Chimorel Bucks.

It’s Time to Make Decisions
If you have taken the time to read and scroll all the way to this point, we expect Chimorel is more than just a passing interest for you. You can begin to get more involved with Chimorel by making decisions like: I want to …
- … become a Prospective Board Member.
- … learn about Chimorel’s Mastermind Group.
- … become an Affiliate.
- … become a Sponsor.
- … become a Resource Developer and perhaps a Manager, Planner or Coordinator.
- … learn more about Memberships.
- … learn more about Programs.
- … discover how much can I earn with Chimorel?
- … become an annual Starter Member.
- … become an Action Planner, initiate a Special Project.
- … learn about Lifetime membership. Becoming a Member creates an income opportunity $
- … learn about Nonprofit Membership, Small Business Membership, Corporate Membership
Did you make some decisions or did you “just kick the tires?” If you made some decisions, welcome. We will support your decisions as you stay in touch. We look forward to working with you soon. If you just kicked the tires, we strongly urge you to go back and make some decisions.
There are a many opportunities available with Chimorel. Nothing much will happen though, unless you make decisions and follow through.
Here is an easy decision to make.
I want to start my free Success Journey.