Work With Chimorel:
You start as a volunteer. You can quickly become an Independent Contractor (as an Event Planner or a Resource Developer, for example). You will learn, develop your skills, demonstrate your ability and willingness to support people and make the world a little better.
In addition to becoming a Resource Developer or Event Planner we seek eBay Heroes, Authorized Fund Raisers, Active Recyclers, Managers, Coordinators, Planners, Coaches, Directors (Board Members – Voting, Finance, Advisory, Distribution Committee) and Work Trainees.
We anticipate needing Administrative Assistants, Case/Office/Business Managers, Client Services Coordinators, Business Services Coordinators, a Web Traffic Coordinator, Accountants, Warehouse Managers, Computer Repair Specialists, Cooks, Child Care Workers, Truck Drivers, Cooperative Advertising Coordinators, Neighborhood Recycling Coordinators, Business Incubation Coordinators, a Technology Manager, Auction Marketing Reps/Manager and many more.
To the right we provide a plan for you begin to see the initial stages of how we intend to implement our vision to impact the lives of 50,000 people over the next two years. Sign up for our free Success Journey for an in depth look at how you can enhance your life, touch the lives of others and witness how we are implementing our vision.
See Yourself as a Chimorel Leader
As we pursue our goal to enhance the lives of 50,000 people over the next few years, we will need at least 5000 competent Leaders who care about others and want to make the world a little better.
Chimorel Leaders start as a volunteer. They become paid Independent Contractors as they make things happen. They may be part or full-time. They may be invited to become employees. As a volunteer you learn about Chimorel and about supporting others. You set at least one significant goal and develop an action plan to achieve your goal. You prove yourself and your life becomes more complete. Leaders become involved in tasks like the following:
Easy: I don’t have a lot of time, but I want to be involved!
- Invite people to Events & Change Your Life meetings – see links on the left.
- Invite people to start their Free Success Journey – last chapter reveals more than 100 income possibilities. Available, not button clicky yet.
- Connect on Facebook, LinkedIn.
- Drop off aluminum cans and electronic waste – see Active Recycling.
- Make all your major purchases with Raise Right Presto Pay – generate $600/yr/avg family.
- Invite potential Leaders to Connect with us.
- More coming.
Moderate: I have some time (not a lot), but I can support several people / programs!
- Find food donors. Cook the food for Change Your Life meetings.
- Become an eBay Hero.
- Become an Authorized Fund Raiser.
- Become an Active Recycler
- I want to Create a Career. I need a Job Now. Support others to Create a Career. Not button clicky yet.
- Participate as an Action Leader in Change Your Life Meetings.
- More coming.
Challenging: I may or may not have a lot of time, but I want to make a real difference or I want to join the team.
- Become a Resource Developer, then Manager or Planner – Positions Start.
- Become a Create a Career Coach, a Work Experience Coordinator, Neighborhood Recycling Coordinator or any of our currently open positions – Positions Start.
- Become a Director – Prospective, Voting, Finance, Advisory, Committee.
- Plan, Implement, Conduct Change Your Life Meetings.
- More coming.

Plan to Implement Vision 1
50,000 People = 5000 Leaders: Consider the phrase “mind blowing” for a moment. Our vision is to support meaningfully enhancing the lives for 50,000 people. Now let’s touch base with reality for a second. I couldn’t even talk to 50,000 people, let alone genuinely enhance their lives in any reasonable time frame all by myself, so for the time being let’s just say “lots of” / many people and forget about the big number. We anticipate a 3-5yr time frame, but for the moment let’s not put an artificial time frame on this vision.
To genuinely enhance the lives for lots of people, we will need “lots of Leaders.” 5000 Leaders sounds a bit grandiose, so we’ll stick with “lots of” as plans for the vision unfold.
One way to have a significant impact would be to train 5000 people through Next Level’s – Discovery, Breakthrough and VIP program. Again, a tad highfalutin at present, so just think in terms of many. As time permits, we will implement plans to stretch the vision. To stay in touch, to support the vision and to learn more click any Single Eagle in a heading and Tell Us About You. Now let’s begin to implement the plan. What follows provides thoughts about various components. Lessons 4, 5 & 6 of the Success Journey lay out the plan in greater detail.
Change Your Life: Chimorel’s Change Your Life meetings open the door to Chimorel programs. These meetings offer exercises, activities and an opportunity to discuss Chimorel programs and training opportunities. There is food, a friendly atmosphere, lots of hugs and trained Leaders who explain how to take steps to change your life.
Some people instantly see their personal vision and may be ready to become a Leader now. Others may need loving and support to drop the scales from their eyes or to clear their subconscious of their limitations. Change Your Life meetings create the inspiration, understanding and support to guide you as you step into your own vision. Next Level Angels can support you at these meetings and may assist potential Leaders to seek powerful Next Level training.
Create a Career: A second alternative at Change Your Life meetings will be Chimorel’s Create a Career program. This program stems from Leadership Training classes Warren created and taught at two different colleges. It is incredibly powerful with ten classes, four focus objectives, more than 100 activities and many gifts. When a student in one of Warren’s courses truly went above and beyond he/she earned his/her $10,000 A in this course and had a job by the end of the class. The cost of the Create a Career with five hours of personalized coaching is $350.
Earned Scholarship / Special Project: An Earned Scholarship combined with our Change Your Life meetings can enable you to plan and to pay for the training expected as you become a Chimorel leader. You practice your skills at each meeting. You meet people who will step into ways to create the funding as you support them. You are expected to pay forward twice what you receive, thus expanding the training base to enhance more lives.
The earned part of the scholarship means that if your training costs money, which typically it will in programs like Next Level, The Human Journey and others, we will work with you to create the funds required. You can earn the full tuition in advance or if we advance the funds for you, you will pay forward twice what we advance on your behalf.
Here are four of more than 100 alternatives to raise funds: 1) Have 10 medium sized businesses donate all their ewaste and other items to Chimorel (small to significant). 2) Find 100 people who each bring in an additional 10 people to donate their aluminum cans to Chimorel (small but gets people involved). 3) Find 20-100 families who enroll in Chimorel’s Presto Pay Raise Right program, (can become significant). 4) Become an Authorized Fundraiser with a $50,000+ goal (potentialy significant).
Initial Funding: A few suggestions to make it happen.
1) 250 people give or raise $100 for $25,000. 500 people give or raise $1000 for $500,000. 5000 people give or raise $250 to generate $1,250,000.
2) As noted, Chimorel has more than 100 ways to generate revenue. One includes buying all the things you are going to buy already at major stores with a percent going to our nonprofit. The average family would generate $300 to $600/yr.
3) As a Chimorel Leader, we will brainstorm together many more strategies, including Go Fund Me campaigns, Chimorel Special Projects, Virtual Auction events, and more.

Long Term Funding | Additional Sites
Chimorel is planning to develop five large (200,000+ sqft) warehouse locations around Columbus and Franklin County. Eventually we intend to expand this strategy to major cities in the US and around the world.
At each of these locations, we expect to develop a restaurant /food service facility with the capacity to feed 250+ people and cater to 1000+ people/weekend/event. Chimorel will use these warehouse sites to provide work training programs designed to take approximately 1000 people/yr off welfare and/or train 500-1000+ inmates as they return to society.
At least once per month each facility will be used to raise funds through our Auction program for 5 to ten+ nonprofit and Special Project events. Minimum goal/event is $50,000 with the potential of raising $1,000,000+ per event.
On other weekends we anticipate conducting Leadership training, which could include Next Level or our own Leadership training. We will also conduct frequent Change Your Life meetings each month. A Change Your Life meeting might be a ten week Create a Career class (Chimorel’s employment training program), a marketing event for a group counseling event with a specific purpose (such as AA, NA, weight loss, smoking cessation, etc), a Cyber Security training event and other events.
Trainings at each warehouse will include actual work experience, as well as, warehouse, clerical, telemarketing, computer recycling and repair, food service, retail and other specific skill training targeted to the needs of employers in Columbus, surrounding cities, as well as, Franklin and Delaware Counties.
We expect to develop a transitional housing program for our trainees, which means acquiring apartment facilities reasonably close to the warehouse facilities. Investors in the warehouse and apartments will earn 8-20%/year (depending on the level of investment and investor intention) for a two year period. After two years investors will receive their initial investment plus their return. After the investors have been taken out, rent, etc. will go to support Chimorel programs which enhance people’s lives.
To acquire the warehouse and apartment facilities, we will conduct crowd-sourced fundraising. Such fundraising will be used for down payments, renovation, equipment and perhaps total funding at $6-10 million for each facility. We will also use a series of Sponsorships to generate additional funds.

Reaching Out
As mentioned, we are developing an Auction program to provide significant sources of funding for churches, nonprofits and Special Projects – $50,000 to $1 million+/event with 5-10 events/month. A church might raise money for its building program while simultaneously providing space for Change Your Life meetings and other trainings. A nonprofit can raise substantial funds for its programs while simultaneously working with Chimorel to enhance lives. Participants can establish a Chimorel Action Planning membership to create a $2500 to $25,000 first Level Special Project.
Meaningfully impacting 50,000 people means reaching out in significant ways. Behind all the alternatives to reach people and the talk about money is a constant intention to touch people’s lives in meaningful ways. Ten Change your life meetings for 100 happening 50 weeks/yr = 50,000. Then we move to meaningful impact with Create a Career, training leaders, funding projects, Follow Up, etc.
Special Projects: A Special Project might be used for the down payment on a house, college tuition for your children, initial capital to start a business, resource to support a favorite nonprofit, money to create Earned Scholarships or for any other significant purpose to support people as they enhance their lives. These are meaningful impact methods.
Next Level: One leadership training alternative is Next Level. At its VIP training level is included a fundraising program for one nonprofit during each VIP class. Once a nonprofit has received a generous level of funding, Chimorel can step in behind the VIP class to provide ongoing funding through its Auction program.
If you are catching this part of the vision, we can reach out to Next Level classes to both fund nonprofits and to create ways to train leaders. Yes, for the right person we will support you.
Breaking Down the Vision: As indicated, to truly change 50,000 lives we will need at least 5000 competent leaders. You are invited to become one of these leaders and we anticipate you will invite others to become a Chimorel leader, as well.
To achieve our goal we break the 50,000 goal into smaller targets of 2500, 500 and 50. From a leadership standpoint we break 5000 leaders into targets of 250, 500 and 10. We describe this breakdown process more completely in our free Success Journey.
Follow Up: Having a meaningful impact, means actually following up to support people as they take steps to transform their lives.
Follow up will take a variety of different paths depending on what is happening with the people involved. At Chimorel follow up starts with connecting on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, as well as, meeting people through our events and by invitations from people like you. Then we ask you to get involved. We may invite people, to attend events, to become a member, to join our Celebration Family. Incidentally as a participant in our Celebration Family you receive a beautiful, inspirational or comical ecard on your birthday and on other occasions like Christmas.
A significant part of follow up is teaching you to call and for us to send a series of emails to each new connection. These calls and emails are an important part of connecting people to the right part of our website providing newsletters pertinent to their needs, starting them on their free Success Journey, inviting them to become a Chimorel leader and actually having a meaningful impact on their lives.
Next Steps: From this point on many things can happen: periodic check in phone calls, interactions on social media, invitations to Change Your Life meetings and events, responses generated by our Success Journey, involvement in memberships and programs, opportunities to recycle ewaste and other recyclable or donations of eBay appropriate items. Undoubtedly, we will create much more as we brainstorm together.
Always the door is open, but what happens next depends on what part of our follow up system works for the person involved and the steps you take to support the people you invite.
The Beginning
Yes, we have provided a lot of stuff to think about above. Truly changing 50,000 lives is a mind blowing vision. But … we have just touched the surface of your adventure. At the moment you are discovering the possibilities. Soon you will breakthrough with new understanding and commitment to support others. Now might be a good time to decide to become a Chimorel Leader.

500,000,000 People
If 50,000 people sounded a bit grandiose to you, this next vision will be downright uppity. We were a little tentative as we started Vision 1 with you. But by now you have had the opportunity to visualize at least one way we can make 50,000 people happen in just one city. Now it’s time to let you know that it is not our nature to be timid.
When you first stepped into our vision, we gave you enough information to realize how our vision can happen. So now let’s expand the vision. 50,000 people who have meaningfully transformed their lives gives us a solid base to expand to 500,000. 5000 leaders for 50,000 people. 50,000 leaders for 500,000 people, then 5,000,000 people, then 50,000,000, then 500,000,000. Through social media it will take a little time, but reaching out to this many people, all over the world, is not unrealistic.
Now imagine a base of 500,000,000 people who genuinely want to make a difference regarding world hunger, climate change, even world peace. We have the beginnings of a solid plan to deal with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as one of the possibilities lurking behind the scenes. Come dream with us. We are putting in motion the actions that will truly make the world a little better after we are no longer around to see what we started.

Plan to Implement Vision 2
$10,000,000 Capital Campaign: The plan for a $10,000,000 capital campaign has been formulated. We will be hiring five Finance Directors and Fundraising Coordinators tasked with raising $2,000,000 each. If you paid attention to all the number crunching you saw things like 5000 x $250 = $1,250,000.
To accomplish this kind of fund raising we will need to recruit and train competent Authorized Fund Raisers, Event Planners and Finance Directors/Fund Raising Coordinators, three very special types of leaders. Call Warren @ 614-885-0000 if you are ready to step into these positions.