How Do I Invite People?
Invitation Action Plan | Tool Box
Just pick up the phone or talk face to face. Invite ten friends, then follow up. Consider people who could make good Chimorel leaders or potential board members. Consider people who are struggling. Consider people who you believe could support you and whom you would like to support.
We provide a list of action steps you can use for your invitation Action Plan. For your convenience, we have designed an entire tool box of documents to support you. Feel free to briefly explore the tool box below. Each tool is a pdf file you can print. These tools are for your information. There is a brief discussion that accompanies each tool and more in the Q&A for this section. It is important to keep us informed and to provide the information shown with the Who Should We Invite tool.
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Invite People to Start Chimorel’s Free Success Journey
- Make a list of ten people you want to invite. Get their name, phone and email. Think about the reason for inviting them. There are several ways to invite people to get involved with Chimorel: Use the Double Eagle, use the Who Should We Invite tool, initiate their free Success Journey.
- Use whichever method feels most comfortable for you. When someone is struggling or genuinely has a heart to support people, the Success Journey is the fastest way to get them involved, but not every one wants to move that fast.
- Using the Double Eagle or Who Should we Invite slows things down a little. Who Should We Invite puts the follow up directly on you until you Tell Chimorel. The Double Eagle gets us involved immediately.
- Let’s start with the Double Eagle method. Click the Double Eagle on any header. You can invite someone each time you click the Double Eagle. Then return to invite someone else.
- Using Who Should We Invite is similar, but requires you to go to the tool box to get started. You can certainly simply call and then send your own email, as well.
- Because it is really important that you follow up, you should limit your initial list to ten. Return when you are ready to invite more.
- A friend can be a family member, a work or social associate, even a stranger who becomes a new friend. Please follow up with each friend you invite.
- If you make a mistake (no that will never happen), simply click the Double Eagle or use Who Should We Invite and start again.
- The important part of inviting someone is your follow up. First find out what is important to your friend – kid’s college, support grandchildren, dream home, start/strengthen a business, debt free, favorite charity or something else.
- As your friend tells you about the important things in his/her life, listening opens doors. Telling them what to do closes opportunities.
- If they are ready, invite your friends to start their own free Success Journey. Call them or sit down with them at a computer, then log in to our free Success Journey.
- Walk your friend through the registration process and support them on their Success Journey. Again, follow up with each friend you invite. Your follow up becomes an income opportunity to support the Special Project you create.
- When you sit down with your friend, use the favorite link you created to go directly to the Success Journey page. You did create a favorite link, right?
- If not or if you don’t want to send the link or read it out to them, ask them to open chimorel.com and click Free on the right of our Home page.
- Before asking each friend to register for their Success Journey, talk about those things that are important to them. You might even go back and share Chimorel’s Vision, Mission or some other part of our website.
- When you feel strongly that your friend is ready to take the next step, say something like ‘shall we begin your free Success Journey?’ If they are not eager and excited, give them the space they need. This is when the Double Eagle or Who Should We Invite method may be appropriate.
- Remember, before you actually enroll we give you many ways to learn more and to make a decision that will lead you to actually solving a major problem or achieving a significant goal in your life. Yes, we cloud the main menu, but we give you other options, as well. This is our way of providing space.
- Part of the space your friend might need is to explore the various parts of this enrollment process on their own. Tune in to when they need your support and when they need more space. When they need more space, say something like, “Now that you have gotten this far, let me let you explore this area on your own. I’ll follow up with you on set a time if they are willing.”
- Sometimes your friend may feel you are pushing too much. Back off. It is vital to your friend’s success that he/she make a heartfelt decision that spurs them to achieving their goals.
- As I struggle, always be available for me, even if it take a while for me to accept your enthusiasm, but the decision to change my life must always be mine.
- Learning about Chimorel is an ongoing process. Don’t try to do it all at once. Explore a little, then enroll in the free Success Journey. Lessons 4-6 walk you through learning about how you can use Chimorel’s Action Plan to learn and to create your own Action Plan.
- When your friend is ready, you open the first door. Others can come behind to support you, as you stay in touch.
The Action Plan above has a lot of explanatory detail. If you want a very clear Action Plan, here it is
- Make a list of ten people to invite.
- Decide what method you will use to make your invitation.
- Call / email to make your invitation.
- Give them the space they need.
- Follow up.

Who Should We Invite
Explanation for the first four tools
These tools are designed to: 1) keep track of whom you invite and 2) tell us whom you invite. It is a fill-in the blank pdf form for one person. On the first page it fills in the information for a Simple Invitation and to Notify Chimorel. On page two it fills in a Brief Board Invitation. You can copy and paste the completed emails to use as appropriate. Save your data, clear the form and invite more people. Could not be easier.
You will notice one minor glitches that is explained in the Q&A for this section. Scroll for an explanation of a Simple Invitation and a Brief Board Invitation. Send the completed Tell Chimorel to Contact Us. To save and fill out the form, hover over the form, click the three dots … and save to your Chimorel folder.
Simple Invitation
The Simple Invitation tool fills in from the Who Should We Invite tool. It is best used for people you have already contacted by phone or in person. This form says you will be following up soon. Couldn’t be easier.
The Simple Invitation says “inviting you to learn more” You may want to change this to “inviting you to become a Prospective Director” if that was how you phrased your invitation.
Brief Board Invitation
The Brief Board Invitation tool fills in from the Who Should We Invite tool. Please modify this tool to fit your personality. The bullet points below can also be used to create an invitation that fits your style. The bullet points are essentially a template you revise. You can use this template as a calling script or as an email.
You can modify the Board Invitation to use for any one you want to invite. Chances are you’ll just pick up the phone and call people you want to invite. The thoughts below can guide your discussion. As noted, you can also use them to create a letter or email.
- “I have just become a Prospective Director with a [dynamic, interesting, exciting … pick your own words] organization and would like to invite you to consider joining me.”
- You might indicate, Chimorel supports people as they get jobs, solve problems and achieve goals and they are always looking for competent leaders.
- You might give them Chimorel’s website and say something about our 2000 dynamic strategies that support individuals, businesses and nonprofits.
- You might ask for their support by talking about their unique strengths and skills.
When inviting prospective directors or others, you want to follow up your call by emailing the Brief Invitation. After you send this email, call back to determine how you can be supportive. Let us know if you want us to follow up in the Tell Chimorel message you send us.
Tell Chimorel
The Tell Chimorel tool fills in from the Who Should We Invite tool. You can learn to create an Excel spreadsheet from this tool or choose to use a Word document. When you have a number of records, send a copy of the spreadsheet/Word document to us. It takes time to understand all the possibilities Chimorel offers. We will support you as you become increasingly involved.
8 Page Introduction
This introduction is a little “heavy” as an invitation. It contains a lot of information that will guide your thinking as you decide what to say as you invite people. Here are some highlights:
- Current focus – Sanctuary, Virtual Auctions, Create a Career, I Got a Job, Property Renovation.
- Anticipate helping thousands of motivated clients achieve major goals & solve significant problems.
- Need strong leaders to develop the required resources.
- 0-4-0 philosophy – nothing comes for free. Clients are expected to contribute more than the cost of their services. Benefits available for active Board members, as well.
- Teach people to fish, rather than giving them a fish.
- Prospective Director reflects our Core Values. Can become Voting, Finance, Advisory Director or Committee member.
- Modus operandi – set goals, test goals against reality, develop action steps.
- Goals can include time, learning, cash, other assets, programs, memberships, resource development.
- We want your service with Chimorel to be meaningful, inspirational and potential profitable.
- We will ask for a bio, to register and confirm, to consider your covenant.
The Complete Board Introduction is primarily for your benefit. You want to think about the commitments you can make to develop the resources required for thousands of people. We truly need responsible leaders who play an active role and make things happen.
Board Covenant
As a Prospective Director, you are expected to agree to our Board Covenant. We anticipate a minimum of a 5 year commitment and a $10,000/ goal, as you become a serious Voting, Financial or Advisory Board member. Prior to to making this decision you can serve as a Prospective Board member or a Distribution Committee member and make a lesser commitment.
Elements of a Dynamic Organization
You may have seen the word “dynamic” several times already. Does it suggest vitality, energy, capability, credible or similar words to you? One of the nonprofit specialists, and an Advisory Board Member, we have worked with suggested these elements to us as a guideline.
We anticipate conducting periodic reviews using these guidelines. Spend a few minutes reflecting on these elements. We look forward to your input as we continue to become a “dynamic nonprofit.”
To download hover over the pdf, click the three dots … and save to your Chimorel folder.
Case Statement & Feasibility Study
Being able to provide someone with a case statement is an integral part of meaningful fund raising, especially with people of influence. You may also find using a feasibility study to be another useful strategy as you begin a fund raising campaign. Both of these strategies may be useful as you invite people to become Prospective Board members.
At this point we are just familiarizing you with these concepts. Should you choose to assist us with periodic campaigns or eventually with capital fund raising campaigns, we will work with you to enhance your skills. Consider yourself a “Person of Influence” and conduct a feasibility study with yourself to practice.
4 Page Program Explanation
Read about our programs: Create a Career, I Got a Job, Property Renovation, Client Assistance, Goal Setting, Free Success Journey, Odd Job, Concerned Citizen, 735/2100 Plans, Active Recycler, Computer Recycling, College Bound, Home Builder, Buy Stuff on our Shopping Mall and at Chimortel4U, 1000>5000 Nonprofit, Who Are Your Constituents, Cooperative Effort, Business Development.
6 Page Membership Explanation
Read about our memberships. This handout summarizes in six pages a significant amount of information. You should be familiar with our guarantee, upgrading/transferring and our integrity policy.
You want to understand Starter and Action Planning memberships. Later you will learn to upgrade people to higher level memberships and programs.
You should be aware that there are annual memberships and lifetime memberships.
Click the link above for a brief overview, then click Specific Strategies for a listing of nonprofit fund raising strategies. Which of these fund raising strategies appeals to you? Can you think of additional fund raising strategies? Did you note the lead time anticipated? You will have the opportunity to explore these strategies in significant depth as you learn more about Chimorel. Your first involvement may be with our Virtual Auction program, which supports affiliate nonprofits and Special Project members.
Make no mistake, raising funds involves 30-70% of the typical responsibilities for committed nonprofit leaders. It will involve very close to 100% of the responsibilities for Chimorel Financial Board Members, who focus on the nonprofit side. You can potentially earn 3-7+% of funds raised. Close the tab to return.
25 Person Excel Spreadsheet
Send an email to warren@chimorel.com to ask for a 25 Person Excel Spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is similar to the Who Should We Invite form. It gives you a spreadsheet you can duplicate for 25 people to contact at a time, which you can copy for your records and to keep us informed. It can be used to automatically create Simple Invitations, Brief Board Invitations and Notify Chimorel sheets if you use the accompanying “Mail Merge documents.”
Fund Raising Work Plan
In her book The Grass Roots Fund Raising Book Joan Flannagan outlined the elements involved in developing a fund raising work plan. We provide these elements to you for your reflection. With your input we will periodically devise/revise our own fund raising work plan.
Action Plan For Inviting People
Although we believe you are quite capable of figuring out how to Invite People, as you begin the process of developing the system you will use, you will find this guideline quite helpful.
To download hover over the pdf, click the three dots … and save to your Chimorel folder.