Relax for at least a few seconds.
Membership Overview
Are you relaxed now? Is your mind clear and focused? You are about to change your life and support your neighbor. Today you can start (where ever you are in life) to solve problems and achieve goals for yourself and for others.
Our memberships meet the needs of individuals, businesses and nonprofit groups – each year or for your lifetime. It is our intention to support you as you enhance your life, build your business, fund your projects and share our Sources of Strength. Each step along the way we will ask you to support others. At the same time it is very important that we enable you to meet your needs. You must want something enough to take the action steps required.
All memberships carry a guarantee and are automatically upgraded to higher level memberships and programs. Everyone associated with Chimorel is expected to maintain a high degree of integrity. You are encouraged to become a Voting member which entitles you to a Recommendation Privilege.
Click one of the pictures above to learn more about our Starter, Action Planning or other memberships. You can also go on to learn how to Market Memberships, as well as Chimorel’s Guarantee, Integrity Policy and Automatic Upgrade.
Voting Member
You receive similar services as a Voting or Nonvoting member; however, Voting members also receive:
(1) Recommendation Privileges and
(2) A vote at membership meetings.
There will be no membership meetings until there are at least 1000 voting members.
When you become a member of Chimorel Services, we will send you a form with a Revocable Proxy Statement on it. By completing the form you are registering to vote with Chimorel. By signing the proxy statement and returning the form you become a voting member
Recommendation Privileges
Voting Members at Chimorel have a unique benefit – a Recommendation Privilege. Each member is encouraged to get involved to help others and to help themselves. Your Recommendation Privilege enables you and those working with you to determine which Distribution Committee will receive 50% of the funds you raise. Many program decisions are made by Chimorel’s Four Distribution Committees:
• Client Assistance Committee
• Education & Employment Committee
• Business Incubation Committee
• Nonprofit Development Committee
Let’s say your church wants to fund part of its building program. You could specify that 50% of the funds you raise go to our Nonprofit Development Committee. Your church could then apply for a grant and your Recommendation Privilege would carry significant weight with the committee’s members.
Perhaps you want to pay for your college education, buy a car, start a business, or build the home of your dreams. For a college education you would work with the Education & Employment Committee. To buy a car or build your dream home you would work with the Client Assistance Committee. To start a business you would work with the Business Incubation Committee.
These committees are essentially extensions of Chimorel’s Board. The Recommendation Privileges of volunteers who raise money for Chimorel have a direct impact on the programs that Chimorel creates. We have created several examples of how Distribution Committees function. You can visit these examples here. Close the new page to return.

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Guarantee: All donations and program fees are refundable within seven days at your request. After seven days you may apply for a refund by writing a letter or email explaining your reason for requesting a refund, providing you have not received any of the services within your program. No refunds are provided after 30 days.
Integrity Policy: Integrity is a very important principle at Chimorel. Failure to maintain a high degree of integrity in your relationship with Chimorel, with Chimorel clients and with Chimorel affiliates can be grounds for loss of membership benefits for a limited period or permanently at any membership level.
Upgrade: Your membership automatically upgrades to a higher level membership/program as long as you respond to our emails and stay active. You will find this benefit incredibly valuable because it allows you to upgrade and transfer the amount you have already paid to higher level memberships. You pay $75 for a Starter Membership, then an additional $175 for your Action Planning Membership, then an additional $485 for your 735 plan, then an additional $1365 for your 2100 Plan, then an additional $2900 for your 5000 Plan. Without this automatic upgrade, you would pay a total of $8085 for the same level of benefits, instead of $5000.
Simply respond to our emails and take action steps that fund achieving your goal(s). With a $5000 Plan, if you were participating in a second level Special Project, you could potentially have funded a $50,000 Special Project – a good start on a college education, down payment on the house of your dreams, or getting a business up and going.

Starter Annual Membership
You set and reality test one goal with a Starter Membership. You can do this with an altruistic, tax deductible, intent by using our on-line goal setting process. You can also initiate a Raise Right PrestoPay Starter membership, the default choice many of our Starter Members make, because it starts a significant way to fund Special Projects.
Your altruistic choice frees resources to support others. Your PrestoPay Choice can fund a Special Project. In either case you can use our online Goal Setting process by clicking the yellow Set Goal at the top of any page. Starter Members automatically enroll in our Action Planning process, which includes your free Success Journey. Simply respond to the emails you will receive.
You can choose to ask for support to set your goal. Your membership is no longer tax deductible. You receive approximately one hour of individual coaching in English, typically via phone or Zoom, anywhere in the world. As available, you can participate in group / change your life coaching, which targets reality testing and begins to move into action planning. Like a mother duck tending her children, if you need us we will be there. We suspect, however, you can set a goal and test it against reality without us, then use your PrestoPay membership to find the funds to actually implement your goal.
The cost of a Starter Membership will increase periodically. No increase is currently scheduled. Your Starter Membership is an annual membership, which is renewed approximately 1+ years in January or July the year after your initial enrollment. As you stay active with Chimorel, you will renew as an Action Planner as explained in our email follow-up.
You could earn your Starter Membership through our Client Assistance program or make installment payments. In either case the actual cost of membership is higher. We explain Client Assistance a little later in this discussion. Most people find it easy to pay the membership fee and automatically move on to an Action Planning membership
Benefits of a Starter Membership
A First Step: A Starter Membership is an easy first step to becoming an Action Planner and initiating your Special Project. As a Starter Member you can actually begin your Special Project to fund a $2500 to $25,000 goal. Part of the funds raised would initially cover the cost of your Action Planning membership.
Being Active With Raise Right: Your Starter membership covers your Raise Right fee and can provide $50+ to Chimorel or another affiliate nonprofit. Learn more by clicking the link or the picture on the right.
Being Active By Responding to Emails: Whatever else you do, respond to our emails. Responding to our emails opens many doors to support you and others. Most of our emails will give you at least one link to make a decision. You respond by clicking the link and making a decision.
Being Active As a Vendor: As an active member, who responds to our emails, you can be a vendor at a Chimorel auction or event. You could apply your membership to vendor fees/entrance fees. This could be a fundraising possibility to fund your Special Project.
Supporting Others: You may meet friends who support you as you achieve your goals. Most likely you will first support others as they achieve their goals, thus earning the right to ask for their support. Supporting others is a benefit you will never cease to enjoy, especially as you realize that supporting others provides you with a base of support when you tackle significant goals and problems.
Higher Level Memberships & Programs: With your Starter Member you automatically upgrade to Action Planning membership as you respond to our emails, enroll other members, volunteer and buy stuff. All of these actions credit “Chimorel Bucks” which move you to higher-level memberships and programs.
Group Coaching: When you register with our I Got a Job program, your first five group coaching sessions are covered by your Stater membership. As you work toward your Action Planning membership, you earn additional coaching.
Earn Incentives: A Starter Member enrolled in our I Got a Job program earns Incentives, which can be used for a variety of things. Previous Starter Members have earned appliances, assistance buying a car, diapers for their baby, payment of cell phone fees, bus tickets, and much more. See I Got a Job program to learn more.
Recommendation Privilege: As a voting member you receive a Recommendation Privilege. This means that as you raise funds with us and as you develop other resources, you determine what Committee will allocate up to 50% of the funds and resources you generate. You can apply to that Committee to solve a major problem or achieve a significant goal.
Special Project: A Starter Member automatically upgrades to an Action Planning membership. As you stay active you can initiate a Special Project to fund a significant goal or solve a major problem. Special Projects are open to individuals, small businesses, and nonprofits. The first level of your Special Project is designed to fund a $2500 to $25,000 goal. Once you accomplish a first level Special Project, you can move to Levels 2 & 3, which fund projects up to $500,000 (Level 2) and multi-millions (Level 3).
Other Benefits: As a Starter member other special benefits may include Job Guides, Group Coaching and Earning Incentives, depending on the eventual program you enroll in. As an Action Planner your special benefits may include all of the Starter benefits plus Individual Coaching, Career Development and starting an I Got a Job Program, depending on the eventual program you enroll in.

What Can Happen?
Your Motive is Altruistic: About 40% of our members will probably start with an altruistic motive. You like the cause. You want to support others. You agree to support someone’s Special Project. You see your membership as a donation and perhaps nothing more. We appreciate your donation, but we encourage you to move at some point to wanting more.
You Want More: Another 35% or so will start with a desire to support others, but will also want to solve some problem or achieve some goal. We encourage you to want more. Altruism is great, but it doesn’t pay the bills. When you set and achieve big goals, you will have more to support others with. You will also be a good steward of your talents, skills and abilities.
You Have a Problem: Perhaps 25% of our Starter members will have a major problem. Before they can focus on supporting others they need to deal with that problem. If the desire to solve a problem motivates you to action, this is a good thing. You will eventually support others, but we will focus on your problem first.
The next question is how will you pay for your membership? You may not have the ability to pay cash for your membership. You can earn your membership through work and by referring other members.
Pay with Cash or Work?
If Your Motive is Altruistic, you will probably pay cash/check/card for your membership. As a cash paid Voting member you can direct potential earnings to a specific committee (Client Assistance, Education / Employment, Business Incubation, Nonprofit Development) through your Recommendation Privilege. As a Cash Paid member you earn several Special Benefits.
If You Want More, again you will probably pay $100/$250 cash/check/card for your Starter/Action Planning membership. You may use potential earnings for higher level memberships or to fund a Special Project. As you enter higher level memberships and programs, we will help you achieve significant goals, solve big problems and give you opportunities to help many others. Again as a Cash Paid member you earn several Special Benefits.
If You Have a Problem: You may not have the ability to pay cash for your membership immediately. You can earn your membership through work and by referring other members. If you cannot pay cash for your membership, it will be to your advantage to refer at least ten cash paid members, so you can earn Cash Paid member status and other Special Benefits. You can also enter our Client Assistance program.