So How Much Can I Earn?
One benefit of your membership is credit for introducing others to Chimorel and certain other activities. How much you earn will depend on your membership level and/or role, the training you complete and what you actually accomplish. Completing Resource Developer training increases your earning potential.
You can earn as a member, as a Resource Developer / Manager / Planner / Coach, and as an Authorized Fund Raiser/Event Planner. As you read through the discussion below you will encounter ideas and concepts which will be unfamiliar. If at first you don’t completely understand, shake your head, re-read and develop a list of questions. Feel free to ask your questions or just keep going. As you continue to explore, especially as a Resource Developer Trainee it will all come together.
A Starter Member earns $10/Starter and $20/Action Planner toward an Action Planner membership for introducing other members. To enroll higher level members, you must complete Resource Developer Training. You earn credit from our Raise Right Program. You earn credit for purchases at Chimorel4U stores and our Shopping mall.
An Action Planner earns $15/Starter and $25/Action Planner credit toward higher level memberships for introducing other members. Higher level enrollment requires Resource Developer training. You earn from Scrip Presto Pay, Chimorel4U, Shopping Mall stores and our Shopping mall. The % credited for purchases will vary from approximately 1/2% to 10+% depending on many factors, including invoice tracking. An Action Planner can be credited with approximately 50% of altruistic memberships toward his/her Special Project, when the member agrees. This is the effect of using your Recommend Privilege.
Higher Level Members and Program Participants earn credit similar to an Action Planner and for introducing members and participants to the membership or program in which they are involved. For example $30/Nonprofit, $35/Small Business/Create a Career, $50/Corporate/735 Plan, $75/2100 Plan, up to $75/I Got a Job Program and up to $200/Home Builder Program. There are many other programs we have not included. To earn credit for a higher level membership or program which you are not enrolled in you train as a Resource Developer and for some as a Manager.
A fully trained Resource Developer earns $25/Starter member, $50/Action Planner, $35/Nonprofit, $50/Small Business, $70/735 Plan, up to $70/Create a Career Program and up to $150/I Got a Job Program. A competent Resource Developer may go on to become a Manager &/Planner.
A Manager earns $30/Starter member, $65/Action Planner, $65/Nonprofit, $75/Small Business, $100/Corporate, $100/735 Plan, $150/2100 Plan, $500/5000 Plan, up to $80/Create a Career Program and up to $160/I Got a Job Program. A Manager also earns an override for supervising Resource Developers equal to the difference between what they earn and what he/she earns.
A Planner/Coach earns $55/Starter member, $150/Action Planner, $190/Nonprofit, $200/Small Business, $350+/Corporate, $450+/735 Plan, $500+/2100 Plan, $500/5000 Plan, up to $240/Create a Career Program and up to $1410/I Got a Job Program. In addition a Planner/Coach can also be a Manager and earn the amounts in this role.
You may also want to consider the possibilities as an Authorized Fund Raiser and/or as an Event Planner. Both of these positions receive commissions of 3 to 50%, depending on the amount of commissions generated, the agreements with affiliate nonprofits / Special Projects for Action Planners and other factors. Both positions can also use all of Chimorel’s Alternative Fund Raising options, which are not covered in the example below. When you see shown in the Earnings Spreadsheet, not here, you know that your earning for that area can be higher than shown.
The discussion above is intended only to whet your appetite and is not all inclusive. You will discover even more possibilities once you explore our Affiliate opportunities. Other earning possibilities include becoming a Neighborhood Recycling Coordinator, a Work Experience Coordinator, a Create a Career Manager and an Online Store Coordinator. When you reach Lesson 7 of our free Success Journey, you will discover more than 100 ways to generate revenue. Funding your Special Project can take advantage of almost every one of these possibilities. Ask for our Earnings Spreadsheet through Contact Us to explore more opportunities.

A Starter Member applies earnings from enrolling Starter Members, Action Planning members and Scrip participants to their Action Planning automatic upgrade and then to earnings or to a Special Project. We do not show potential earnings from Scrip with this illustration. If you enroll 100 Starter or 50 Action Planning members, you more than cover your automatic upgrade.
By using your Recommendation Privilege and getting altruistic members to support your Special project, you actually receive a greater benefit than earning commissions and because your supporters are donating to your Special Project, you may receive some tax breaks.
The benefits of your automatic upgrade, Recommendation Privilege and creating a Special Project enable you to become an Action Planner quickly. Because you upgrade automatically, as soon as you generate $150, you automatically become an Action Planner so much of the earnings shown above can be applied to your Special Project or put money in your pocket at a slightly higher earning level.

As an Action Planner you earn a little more than a Starter member, but the real power is your opportunity to create a $2500 to $25,000 first level Special Project. You fund your Special Project using your Recommendation Privilege, as well as, our Scrip, Chimorel4U, Auction and other Alternative Fund-Raising options.
When Altruistic Members support your Special Project, they do not expect support to achieve their goals. Instead they use our Set Goal section to set, reality test and develop action plans to achieve their goals. When you enroll a member, you are the first level of support for that member. You will pass some of your support to a Resource Developer and/or a Planner; but you are always the first level of support for the person you enroll.
Please note that if you were as successful as the Action Planner in the example above, you would have funded more than two $25,000 Special Projects. Enrolling Scrip PrestoPay members who support your Special Project puts 90% of rebates generated into your Special Project. 50 families generating an average of $600/yr in rebates creates $30,000. 90% of $30k is $27,000 to fund your Special Project. Scrip Targeted members will most likely generate lower amounts per family, thus $300/yr x 50 families x 90% equals $13,500 to fund your Special Project. Learn more about Scrip here.

A fully paid Resource Developer (has completed his/her training) earns twice as much as an Action Planner, but carries a higher level of responsibility. He/she is responsible to actively support new members as they set, reality test and create action plans to achieve their goals. This is both a first level responsibility for members they enroll and an ongoing level of support for members enrolled by their downstream members. It is reasonable for an organized Resource Developer to support approximately 100 members at a time. It may take 1+ months of support for each new member. Initial support should be provided by those who enroll members and program participants; however, you pick up the ongoing support for the downstream members and program participants you enroll.
When the level of support exceeds the time provided for as part of a membership/program, members enter into a monthly support program paid separately or through a higher level of membership/program. Most of the time a Resource Developer’s support consists of brief phone calls, inviting new members to Change Your Life meetings, etc. Actual planning is done by Planners and Coaches.
Training for all Resource Developers includes enrolling Starter and Action Planning members. Training for higher level memberships and programs will depend on which Training Track a Resource Developer chooses; therefore, earning for enrolling group and lifetime memberships, Create a Career and other programs is shown in the Earnings Spreadsheet, not here.

Most of a Manager‘s time should be spent on recruiting and training Resource Developers and on enrolling higher level memberships and programs, which require a higher level of training and pay better. Compensation for higher level membership and programs are considered in the Earnings Spreadsheet, not here.
Note the focus has moved from Recommendation Privilege to compensation as a Manager and that most of the earning potential comes from Training and Managing Resource Developers. A significant part of training is to ensure that Resource Developers and members take responsibility for supporting new members as they set, reality test and develop action plans to achieve goals.
Competent Managers are likely to become an employee. As an employee direct earnings are capped at $100,000, but benefits are unlimited which can have significant tax advantages. Much of the Chimorel Buck program which can potentially double the value of earnings operates in the benefit area. Chimorel Bucks flow from bonuses, donations and volunteer activity.

Most of a Planner’s or Coach‘s time should be spent supporting clients. Referrals will be made by members and Resource Developers, but a Planner may also enroll members and program participants, especially if he/she is also a Manager. A Planner can be a Manager and a Coach. In general, a Planner picks up the support process for Starters and Action Planners to enable them to set realistic goals and develop achievable action plans. When members move on to higher level memberships a coach will support them with their 735 or higher plans, as well as, with business or nonprofit development. A Planner’s role may be a little more directive. A Coach’s role is more an active listener who holds people accountable.

An Authorized Fund Raiser will usually raise funds for Chimorel. An Event Planner will work with nonprofit and civic groups, as well as, with individual and business Special Projects to raise funds for Chimorel and for the affiliate organization or Special Project. Frequently Chimorel receives 41% or less and the affiliate/Special Project receives 59% or more, depending on who actually does what.
Authorized Fund Raisers and Event Planners can step into whatever roles they choose and train for, so the potential for any of the above compensation is available to them.