We will keep track of your cash contributions. When they equal or exceed a Membership level, you will automatically become a member.
To make this a monthly donation, click the Recurring check box.
Click the Donate button to donate to Chimorel via PayPal.
Explore our Memberships & Programs.
Donations to Chimorel are tax deductible. You can initiate an altruistic membership or program and your gift is tax deductible. Raise $1000 for a Chimorel Special Project and we’ll support your raising $5000+ for your church, favorite charity or your Special Project.
You can donate computers and other things to raise funds for special projects and charitable programs. Instead of throwing IT in the trash, let’s turn IT into cash. Create jobs, develop resources for special causes and protect the environment.
Work with us to solve problems and achieve goals for yourself, for someone else, for a cause you care about or perhaps even for a friend you may never meet.

Story Behind the Picture
You are out for a casual stroll this balmy afternoon. You walk out from the shadows into the bright sunlight. Off to your right is a waterfall, flowing with energy. The world is good.
Then it hits you. Back in the shadows you just left, off in the distance ahead, perhaps just over the wall beside the falls, the world is full of complex problems. You remember reading Chimorel’s vision. Let’s see, it said:
“We are all connected at a profoundly deep level. Rather than wax eloquently about the Universe, Love, quantum physics, non-judgment, existence, Ego, God, quiet inner space consciousness, subtle peace deep within, and undercurrent of awareness, let’s focus on seven concerns that have both personal and global dimensions.”
- Health of our people.
- Elan of soil, water, air.
- Climate change.
- Financial prosperity.
- Global peace and individual viability.
- Extreme poverty.
- Unknown personal & global risk
Which of these potentially existential threats is most important to the people in your life … to you. When people are looking down at you in your casket, what do you want them to say?
This is the Story Behind the Picture in your life. What you decide to do about it and take real action steps to accomplish will make all the difference. You will make a decision. Did you take the one less traveled and make the world a little better?

For Your Protection
Any time someone from Chimorel asks you for a donation, to become a member or to enter a program:
First ask for their name. If they don’t give it to you, they don’t represent Chimorel. If you would like, they can then take you to our website where their picture is posted as an Authorized Fund Raiser, so you can be sure they are from Chimorel.
Second, do not to give a donation, pay a membership fee or pay for a program directly to anyone claiming to be from Chimorel.
To become a member click: Become a Member or use the QR code provided.
A link used to enter each program is attached to that program.
When someone is approved to take cash at a Chimorel auction, sponsored event or meeting, they will be clearly identified as a Registration Person and have a cash box or credit card device.
An Authorized Chimorel Fund Raiser may suggest you send a donation or fee to our address and provide you with an envelope. In some cases they may give you a direct deposit slip you can use to make an ACH transaction or direct deposit.
In many cases they probably will take you to Donate Now, or give you a QR code where you can make a donation on line.
BBB Ten Tips
The Better Business Bureau has established Ten Tips for Better Giving. Click the link above to jump to this area now. To return Click the Donate Now tab, then the For Your Protection link.
Donations Are Tax Deductible

Chimorel Services Inc is a 501(c)(3) Ohio corporation. Donations to Chimorel are tax deductible. You can view our current IRS Form 990, our IRS Letter of Determination and related compliance issues. Chimorel’s Tax ID Number is 023-7227852.

If you have 20+ computer systems and are located near Columbus, OH, we can make arrangements to pick up your donated systems and dispose of them safely for you. If you have less than twenty systems, you can bring them to a drop off location. If you have laptops that work, we may be able to cover the shipping costs anywhere in the United States.
You can click on the Recycle Computers Now link above to learn more about our computer disposal program. You will leave this section and can return by clicking the Donate Now tab at the top of the page, then the Cash & Computers link above.

When you donate your car to a charity you want to 1) Do some Research. 2) Verify the tax exempt status of the charity. 3) Understand the deduction amounts. 4) Collect the tax deduction documentation. 5) Understand the amount going to the charity. 6) Transfer the title.
Gifting cars, trucks, motorcycles and other vehicles to charity is becoming a favorite way to dispose of unwanted vehicles. You want to research the charity you donate to, including verifying its tax exempt status, Chimorel is a 501(c)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible and can be verified here.
When a donated car is resold by a third party, the “gavel price” is your deductible value, meaning what the charity receives is your tax deduction. For many charities this price may be far less than the fair market value. Because Chimorel Group LLC is the dealer your deductible value can be much closer to the fair market value and sometimes higher when a purchaser wants to support our efforts. Group will be seeking the highest value, like any other dealer might. Group donates the full value, less expenses like transfer fees, of the proceeds to Chimorel and affiliate charities from cars sold at its auctions and otherwise. We also use Chimorel Bucks to provide fair market value to volunteers and others receiving our cars, which may qualify for a higher value donation. No third parties are involved.
For your tax write off you will need a) a receipt from Chimorel establishing what we received for the car. 2) the year, make, model and VIN. 3) Our statement indicting that you received no goods or services for your donation and that the vehicle was sold between unrelated parties. You will transfer title before your vehicle leaves your property to avoid liability. Chimorel will transfer title to the new owner.

Real Estate Donation
All real estate Chimorel acquires comes with a significant donation. This donation can take many forms. If you have real estate Chimorel might acquire, you will want to learn about Structuring a Chimorel Deal / Meeting the Real Estate Donation Requirement. To Learn More, click this link.
If you are a Realtor interested in assisting us with our current $50,000,000 property Acquisition program and participating in the approximate $2,000,000 in commissions projected, click Learn More.
Other Contributions
Chimorel can find a home for almost anything you want to donate. Sometimes we will ask for a donation to cover the costs of safe disposal and sometimes we may need some time to work out logistics.
We are developing procedures for items like stock, automobiles, airline miles, overstock inventory, equipment and … . You can also buy stuff from merchants listed on our website and a portion of your purchase will be donated to Chimorel or to a Chimorel Special Project.

You Are Truly Special
They entered our $1000>$5000 program and you stepped up to support them through a Special Project or the auction event being planned.
Your $100 donation enables a nonprofit you care about or a friend to begin to make their vision real. That nonprofit or friend asked you to take a small step. Coming to this page opens a huge door.
Your $100 donation, your decision to volunteer 25+ hours, your willingness to make a difference will transform lives. Thank You !!!
To complete your donation, click the donate button on the right. You can donate $100, $200, $300, $400 or a $500. You can use your donation to acquire a ticket valued at $110, $220, $330, $440 or $550 Chimorel Bucks at the auction event being planned.
Donate $100
button coming
for Now donate through Contact Us.
Yes, You Opened
a Huge Door
Your donation will partially fund a Special Project or a nonprofit goal, but you took a meaningful step to do something for yourself, as well.
The kind of generosity you just demonstrated comes with real rewards. Perhaps all you wanted was the good feeling that supporting this event brings.
But don’t stop there. Explore all the ways Chimorel can support you, as well. Start by exploring our programs, especially our free Success Journey.
Then become an Action Planning member. Perhaps you will create your own Special Project and ask 10+ people to donate $100 to support your goal.

Volunteer 25 Hours
The Special Project or auction event you are supporting, needs a lot of volunteer assistance. Your $100+ donation entitles you to Funding Your Project and significant other training, as well as, participation in the auction event. The event organizers also welcome your volunteer involvement. You can trade your volunteer hours for Chimorel Bucks to spend at the event.
Chimorel volunteers are very special people and they earn special rewards. As a voting member, one of the most powerful rewards you receive is your Recommendation Privilege.
In certain programs, a Chimorel volunteer can use his/her time to pay part or all of their tuition, a fee for a program or even rent on an apartment. Many use their Chimorel Bucks to buy items at an auction event.
You will tell the Chimorel story for an auction event you support, to raise funds for a Special Project you support or to undertake many things which support your project. When you do these things you earn Chimorel bucks which can be exchanged for certain auction items and activities.
We look forward to working with you as a Chimorel volunteer and giving you all the special rewards you earn.

Chimorel Says Thank You
Of course we thank you for donating to Chimorel or a Chimorel Special Project, but sometimes we also offer Thank You Gifts to show our appreciation. Being directed to this area from a Special Project, affiliate charity, fund raising event or a Go Fund Me campaign, means you qualify to receive a gift as shown below according to the level of your donation. Thank you again. We most certainly appreciate your support! Coming here by clicking a link in our nonprofit area or donation area, does not necessarily mean you qualify for a thank you gift. A thank you gift may remove part or all of the tax deductibility of your donation. See the notations below.
- $7-$24 Certificate of Appreciation, Membership in Chimorel’s Celebration Family, Newsletter.
- $25-$74 Celebration Family, Newsletter, 1-3 CDs of your choice.
- $75-$124 Celebration Family, Newsletter, 48 can inflatable cooler, Scrip PrestoPay.
- $125-$249 All of 1 above, free dance lessons from Fred Astaire Westerville.
- $250-$349 All of 4 above, Action Planning member with Special Project.
- $350+ Certificate of Appreciation. Create a Career Program for person of your choice.
- Real Estate Donation as agreed.
When you make a donation to Chimorel through a fund raising campaign or another way which entitles you to a Thank You gift, be sure we have your email, phone and birthday, so we can make arrangements for you to receive your gift.
Without your email, the gift essentially becomes an altruistic donation. To receive your tax deductible receipt we still need your email. In most cases receipt of a thank you gift reduces or negates the tax deductibility. To join our Celebration Family we also need your birthday. Your phone solves any problems that arise.
The gifts listed above are described more completely below. These gifts will change periodically, based on the availability of an item. Whenever an item becomes out of stock, we will replace it with an item of equal or greater value.
Certificate of Appreciation
Donation is fully tax deductible
You will receive an electronic Certificate of Appreciation similar to the one shown above With directions about how to print your Certificate. Thank you, we appreciate your donation!
Celebration Family
Donation is fully tax deductible
As long as you remain active with Chimorel, every year on your birthday you will receive a beautiful ecard from Jacquie Lawson and you will receive an ecard on other special occasions, like Christmas. One way to show our appreciation is to honor your birthday and other special occasions.
Donation is fully tax deductible
We will be starting a newsletter to keep you informed about all the ways Chimorel is changing lives. When we stay in touch through our newsletter, you stay informed and we show our appreciation.
1-3 CDS of Your Choice
Donation is fully tax deductible
These are older CDs typically running on Win 95, 98, XP, Vista, Win7 and/or MAC OS X or higher. Many CDs will not run on all newer operating systems, but they are fun, informative and useful. We can teach you how to install an older system and you can experience a little “timeliness.” These CDs typically retail from $14.99 to $59 each. You receive 1 CD for a $25 donation, 2 CDs for a $50 donation or 3 CDs for a $75 donation. You can see pictures and more complete descriptions at our eBay store, Chimorel4U. The (approximate quantity available), operating system, and copyright date are shown below: Postage is included with your CDs thank you gift; however, making arrangements to pick up your CDs maximizes your donation.
- All-Star Arcade 6 Game Pack (50+) Windows Vista / XP. © 2009.
- Azada Ancient Magic PC Game (50+) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. © 2010
- Clickart Presentation Graphics (50+) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or NT4. © 2002
- Complete Home Owner’s Reference Guide (100+) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or NT. © 2002.
- Discover Mexico Geographical Educational CD (30+) Windows 95, 98, ME or XP. © 2006.
- DK Eyewitness World Atlas (100+) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. © 2003.
- DK Eyewitness Virtual Reality Birds (50+) Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 1996.
- DK Family Photo Album (50+) Windows 95, 98 or XP. © 2002.
- DK Horse & Pony Encyclopedia (100+) Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. © 2007.
- DK Classic Tales: Oz, Beauty & Beast (50+) Windows 95, 98, ME or XP. Mac 8.1, 9.x, OS X. © 2004.
- Easy Chef’s Holiday Favorites (50+) Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2005.
- Easy Downhill Skiing (25) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista or Win 7. Mac7.0-9.2, OS X. © 2006.
- Easy Inline Skating (30+) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista or Win 7. Mac7.0-9.2, OS X. © 2006.
- Encore Family Tree Game (100+) Windows 95, 98, ME or NT. © 1997-1999.
- Fetch It Again (50+) Windows XP or Vista. © 2007.
- George Foreman Guide to Grilling (100+) Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2000.
- Greatest Moments of Our Time (40+) Windows 95, 98, ME, or XP. Mac 7.5.3. © 1996-2004.
- High Achiever US Government (40) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or Vista. © 1996-2008.
- Home Owner’s Reference Guide (100+) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP or NT © 2002.
- Hoyle Enchanted Puzzles (100+) Windows XP SP2. © 2008.
- iCarly Dream in Toons (100+) Windows 2000 or XP. © 2009.
- In Cold Blood (100+) Windows 95, 98, ME or XP. © 2001-2002.
- Learning Company’s Compton’s 99 Encyclopedia (100+) Windows 95 or 98. © 1998.
- Mahjong Match (100+) Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2006-2008.
- MS Office 2000 Windows Training (100+) Windows XP or higher. © 2006.
- Multimedia History of Music & Great Composers (100+) Windows 95, 98 or ME.
- My Boyfriend (100+) Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Win 7. © 2009.
- Mystery of the Mummy: Sherlock Holmes (100+) Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2003.
- Nancy Drew Lights Camera Action (100+) Windows XP or Vista. © 2008-2009.
- Oxford Thesaurus of English (100+) Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2005.
- Paparazzi Million Dollar Shot (40+) Windows XP. © 1996-2008.
- Passport to 35 Languages (50+) Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2006.
- PinBall Science (100+) Windows 95. © 1998.
- Preclick Silver Photo Organizer (50+) Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP.
- Quicken Legal Business Contracts (100+) Windows 2000, XP or Vista. © 2008.
- Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword Mac (100+) Mac OS X, 10.2.8-10.3. © 2003.
- Reader Rabbit Kindergarten (Age 4-6) (100+) Windows 98, ME or 2000. © 1994-2000.
- Rock Manager Manage Your Own Rock Band (100+) Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2002.
- Rock University: Naked Brothers Band (50+) Play Station 2. © 2008.
- Safari Photo Africa: Wild Earth (50+) Windows 98SE, ME or 2000. © 2006.
- Safecracker by Adventure (50+) Windows 98, ME, 2000 or XP. © 2006.

- Southpeak’s Igor the Game (100+) Windows XP SP2. © 2008.
- Southpeak’s Roogoo (100+) Windows XP SP2 or Vista. © 2007.
- Speak & Learn German (100+) Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista or Win 7. © 2008.
- Strategy Challenges in the Wild (100+) Windows 95, 98 or ME. © 1996.
- Twin Sector CD Game (50+) Windows XP SP3 or Vista SP2. © 2009.
- Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire (100+) Windows 95, 98, ME or XP. © 2000.
- World of Water Puzzle on CD (40+) Windows 3.1. © 1994.
You are going to shop at these stores anyway. Major retailers, groceries, gas stations, cinemas and other vendors encourage shopping at their stores by providing a discount to nonprofits through a Scrip program which Chimorel participates in. Scrip is a significant way for a nonprofit to get their constituents involved. It is painless, other than doing a little advance planning, and you are going to spend the money one way or another. The average family can generate approximately $600 or more each year. When 10, 20, 100 families get involved the amount available gets to be significant rather quickly.
To cover the cost of potential bounced checks, Chimorel asks each new Raise Right family to become a Starter member. A Starter membership gives you Presto Pay privileges through ACH technology, which enables you to renew or initiate your Raise Right cards almost instantly. You reduce the time between the desire to purchase and the ability to use your cards to actually purchase.
You don’t have to use Presto Pay, but you most likely will want to as you realize that it can take a week or so to get Raise Right Cards without Presto Pay and something similar each time you want to renew a Raise Right card. You will enjoy speeding the planning process significantly, especially when you take advantage of many Raise Right cards. Click the link above to learn more.

Mega Chill 48 Can Inflatable Cooler (50+)
Donation is not tax deductible
The compact, lightweight MEGA CHILL Yard Play large inflatable cooler inflates to keep your drinks and snacks cool wherever you go. Holds more than 40 cans or bottles, plus ice! 12+ gallon capacity. Built tough with heavy gauge PVC material. Resists puncturing and tearing. Deflates and folds to the size of a notebook. No more over-stuffing your car with a cooler! Great for tailgating, parties and more. Inflates using an inflator (not included) in seconds. Inflating by mouth is challenging. Includes transparent patch, patch glue and user guide. Colors include blue, white and black. $18 Postage is not included with this gift. We encourage you to make arrangements to pick it up in Columbus, OH. When the available quantity is reached, we will substitute and post an alternative gift of equal value. See picture above.

Free Dance Lessons at Fred Astaire Westerville
Donation is not tax deductible
Free group and/or individual lessons from Warren’s dance studio, depending on the size of your contribution and the number of people who sign up. Warren and his former wife met dancing. They have been competitive ballroom dancers for years. This passionate, fun, exhilarating sport can bring new life and connection to you and your friends. Typically, new students get two free dance lessons and existing students receive a free entry at an upcoming dance event. Call Amy at Fred Astaire Westerville, 614-890-9790 to learn more. See picture above.

Action Planning Member with Special Project
Donation is not tax deductible
When you become an Action Planner who chooses to initiate a Chimorel Special Project you will receive an eBook called Create A Chimorel Special Project. Creating a Chimorel Special Project involves developing the resources required to achieve a significant goal or solve a major problem. You apply for a Chimorel Special Project by becoming an Action Planner, paying the membership fee and indicating your interest in initiating a Special Project for a specific purpose.
Your application is assigned to a Planner for guidance. The planner may work alone or with a committee and will determine specific criteria you need to achieve to complete your Special Project. When you agree to complete these criteria, you have established a Chimorel Special Project.
There are three levels of Special Projects: 1st Level = $2500 to $25,000. 2nd Level = $25,000 to $500,000. 3rd Level = $500,000 and up. You successfully complete a First Level Special Project before moving to the Second Level. You may repeat a First Level Special Project as many times as necessary before you are ready to move on. Then you complete a Second Level Special Project, which you can repeat as appropriate, before being eligible to initiate a Third Level Special Project.
At each level your Application Fee is approximately 10% of the amount of funding you seek. Above $250 you will determine with your Planner/Committee certain criteria as part of determining what you need to do to accomplish your Special Project. Establishing these criteria can be time consuming or rapid fire depending mostly on your determination to develop a successful Special Project.
Although cash may be required to solve many problems and achieve many goals, cash is not the only resource you will require. You will also require time, energy, supplies, equipment, mindset and Sources of Strength. A very important resource is mindset. We will discuss mindset, when you are ready.
Altruistic Action Planning Member
Donation is tax deductible
An Altruistic Action Planning Member donates his/her/their membership to a Chimorel Special Project and uses our goal setting area to set, reality test and achieve their goals. This is the default choice if you do not begin to establish a Special Project within approximately one week of becoming a member.

Create a Career Program
$350+ Value
Donation is not tax deductible
Chimorel’s Create a Career program has been taught at two separate colleges. A student who earned his / her “$10,000 A” had a job by the end of the ten week class. We guarantee you will have a job by the end of three months, if you truly go above and beyond during this 30 hour/week three month very intensive program.
You can learn more about this program by clicking the link above. Be careful though, after a warning or two, your exploration could spend many hours. You can learn a skill or two and begin to take steps to get a job now right from the link above.
Real Estate Donation
Donation is tax deductible and can eliminate properety taxes
Chimorel will be acquiring a substantial real estate portfolio intended to generate an approximate 2% cash flow to support its programs like: Auctions, Rent to Own, Transitional Housing, Work 4 Rent, $1000>$5000 and more.
Every property Chimorel acquires will come with a substantial property donation. If you would like to learn more, click the link above.

You can buy stuff at an Auction event, as briefly discussed above, but you can support Chimorel, a favorite charity and your Special Project in many other ways as well. You are already going to buy the stuff anyway. You’ve set aside the money. You know what you want. Why not make your purchase count for more than the items you buy.
We have an eBay store, a Scrip program, affiliate programs and a shopping mall. When you buy stuff through any of these programs a portion of the purchase price is donated to Chimorel. When you click the Buy Stuff link on almost any page you will enter the area where buying stuff can lead to donations.
Our Scrip program can donate funds to Chimorel when you buy stuff from most major vendors in the United States. Here are just a few of hundreds of vendors where your shopping donates 2 to 18% from vendors like:
Amazon, AMC Theatres, American Airlines, Barnes & Noble, Block Buster, Burger King, Boston Market, BP Gas, Dell, Domino’s Pizza, Exxon, Giant Eagle, GNC, Halllmark, Home Depot, JC Penney, KFC, Kmart, Limited, Lowe’s, Macy’s, Marriott, Meijer, Mobil, Office Max, Radio Shack, Red Lobster, Sears, Sam’s Club, Staples, Walgreens, Wal-Mart.
At our online Chimorel4U ebay and website stores you can purchase items acquired by Chimorel Group LLC, which covers administrative costs for and donates profits to Chimorel Services Inc. Items donated to Chimorel are also sold through this system, as well. We have a shopping mall on our website. We hold auction events. We give you many ways to support changing lives and making the world better with the money you are going to spend anyway. Keeping for profit activities separate from nonprofit activities avoids IRS & UBIT concerns.

Donate & Enter a Program
Odd Job / Concerned Citizen Programs
All Programs | Special Project
Chimorel’s Odd Job and Concerned Citizen programs provide special opportunities to support others. Click the appropriate link above to learn more, then return.
Instead of making a donation you may want to enter a program to support yourself, a family member or a friend. Click the All Programs link to explore Chimorel’s many programs, then return to this page
You may want to support your favorite charity or fund a Special Project. Explore our $1000 > $5000 program to learn more.
Once you are a cash paid Action Planner, you can initiate a Chimorel Special Project. You can use a Chimorel Special Project to achieve a significant goal or solve a major problem in your own life. You can use a Chimorel Special Project to help your favorite charity (including Chimorel). You can eventually use a Chimorel Special Project to address a major national or international issue like Global Warming, Hunger, and World Peace

Your Donor Bill of Rights
Boards | Financial Statements
Chimorel Believes You Have the Right To:
1. Know what our mission is:
Chimorel helps individuals and organizations solve problems, achieve goals and assists each nation’s viability, one life at a time.
2.Know how we intend to use donated resources.
Donated resources are used to help individuals and organizations solve problems and achieve goals through a variety of program, memberships and Special Projects. Through your Recommend Privilege you can participate in deciding how funds are allocated.
3.Be assured donations will be used for their intended purpose.
Ask questions. Visit our website. Get involved. Tell us whenever you believe donations made to Chimorel are not used for their intended purpose. We will work with you to find out what is real.
4. Know who serves on our boards.
Click Boards above. Click the appropriate tab to return.
5. Expect that our board will be good stewards of donated resources.
Once again, get involved. Let us know about ways you think we can be better stewards.
6. Have access to our most recent financial statements.
Click Financial Statements above. Click the appropriate tab to return.
7. Receive appropriate acknowledgment and recognition.
Depending on your level of involvement you will be recognized on our website and in a variety of other ways. You will receive a receipt for each donation. As a Voting member you have a Recommendation Privilege.
8. Know that personal information will be handled with respect and confidentiality.
Your personal information is never traded, sold or given to others without your permission. Your personal information is kept confidential. Click Privacy Policy at the bottom of any page to learn more.
9. Know if solicitors are volunteers, staff or professional solicitors.
Ask. If someone does not give you their name and tell you they are a volunteer, staff or a professional solicitor, they are not with Chimorel. If someone does not give you their name and refer you to our website do not donate. Never give a donation or fee directly to an individual.
10. Be able to delete your names from shared mailing lists.
We do not share our mailing lists without your permission. You may ask to be removed from a list whenever you want.
11. Be able to ask questions before you donate to Chimorel.
Please visit our website. Ask questions. Seek answers. Be comfortable before you give.
12. Receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers to your questions.
If any Chimorel volunteer, staff or representative does not maintain the highest level of integrity and truthfulness, please Contact Us. To leave a message, speak clearly, spell your name and repeat your phone number twice.
The above Donor Bill of Rights has been adapted and simplified from a similar Bill of Rights developed by (1) the American Association of Fund Raising Counsel, (2) the Association for Healthcare Philanthropy, (3) the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, and (4) the National Society of Fund Raising Executives. Comments were written by Warren E Goodenow, Executive Director, Chimorel Services Inc,