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How Does the Cooperative Effort Program Work?
Yesterday, someone invited you to come to a meeting, or perhaps to buy advertising or to enter our Business Development System and they directed you to the Cooperative Effort area of our website. Let’s say you made a decision to come to a meeting. Did you catch that important little phrase, you made a decision … to come?
The meeting lasted a little over an hour. The speaker taught you something to enhance your life or business or perhaps you participated in a brainstorm session to support someone. You registered. You set a tentative goal. You indicated who invited you, and you decided to explore this area of our website. Once again, did you catch that important phrase, you decided … to explore?
At the meeting several important things happen. You were intrigued and curious about this unique goal setting adventure. Perhaps, you began to feel something dynamic ready to happen. The person who brought you “earned $10 in Chimorel Bucks” toward a membership or a higher level fee. Because you participated in the brainstorming session, you also “earned $10 in Chimorel Bucks” toward your Action Planner membership, should you become Active. You met several great people. Several probably asked how they could support you. You decided to check: [x] Invite me weekly on the registration form. There it is again, you decided … to check.
So here you are. You followed some links. You had an opportunity to learn a bit about Chimorel. You know you can earn your Action Planner membership by things you do. You know we set goals, test these goals against reality and develop Action Plans to achieve these goals. We expect you to make “investments.” There are “higher levels” of involvement available to you. Now, its time to make another decision. Are you thinking about becoming Active?
So what did you decide? Yes, you decided something. If you weren’t quite ready to decide to become Active, you decided to wait a little, to procrastinate? That’s ok! You don’t need to decide to become Active yet. Just realize that not deciding something, means you did decide something. This important lesson will be part of learning to make changes that enable you to actually achieve your goals.
If you decided to become Active, you can make it happen now. Click the Making Decisions link. We suggest you choose the Special Project Action Planner Membership. This is perhaps the fastest way to fund your goal. You will use PayPal.
You can also pay your Membership Fee with the Registration Person at a meeting. You are now serious about being an Active member and will begin to formulate and reality test a tentative goal. You will continue to explore this website. Maybe you read the Agreement and Uncommon Sense articles under Review Forms. Let’s say you are comfortable with the Agreement and can live up to the expected standards. We trust you. If you believe you can meet our standards of competence and integrity, you are welcome. If there is a problem of competence or integrity in the future, we will have a serious discussion and agree together what is the best thing to do.
You initiate an Action Planning membership and now you are eligible to enroll other members and will earn fees which will be applied to higher memberships, programs or perhaps a Special Project you initiate. You continue to explore this section of the website carefully. Maybe you get excited about the opportunities that are opening up for you. You talk with another Active Member about your goals, and work through the Preliminary Marketing Analysis and Goal Setter forms under Review Forms.
You send an email to Warren using the Contact Us link and provide your contact information, goal and description of best prospect, product/service and perhaps a little about your current marketing efforts. Maybe you make some quick comments about other items on the Preliminary Marketing Analysis form. You check out the Action Step Questions and begin to make decisions from the Action Step Guidelines.
Then you begin to schedule goal setting interviews. Before long you are on your way to becoming truly Active with Chimorel and achieving the goal or goals you set as an Action Planner. Sometime soon you will want to explore our Agreement and to review some of the forms you will use to take additional steps.
Talking Points
We assume now that you are Actively involved. The next meaningful thing to do is to tell others about Chimorel. A truely Cooperative Effort means working with others to support them and earning the right to ask them to support you. Here are some talking points that can open doors:

- Chimorel provides opportunites to build your business, increase your income and enhance your life.
- Your time is valued and valuable.
- Your Active involvement creates your opportunities.
- To become Active you become a member, set a goal and demonstrate the competence and integrity to achieve your goal through Chimorel.
- Complete your Goal Setting Interview and receive ongoing coaching.
- Nothing happens until you take the first step. Support others, first. Earn the right to ask others to support you.
- Our goal for you is to give you a 100+% return on your investment of time and money.
- Our goal for Chimorel is to develop a constantly expanding network of competent members with integrity.
- For Active small businesses, we would like to double your gross income and/or increase your net income by 25%. How long this takes is up to you.
- For Active larger businesses, nonprofit groups and individuals, we will work with you to establish a realistic goal and develop strategies to enable you to achieve that goal.
- Calling others (members and prospects) is one of the fastest ways to meet more people when you initially get involved.
- If you call a member who does not welcome you warmly, please let us know, Warren at 614-885-0000 or use Contact Us.
- As a participant or Active member, you no longer work alone. You have many people who can support you to build your business and enhance your life.
- Coming to meetings and bringing your friends expands the opportunities for every one.
- Developing lists to call or for others to call continues to expand the opportunities for every one.
- If you don’t stay Active … you will loose interest, … your opportunities will be limited, … you will eventually loose your Active member status.
- As you move on to Higher Levels and Activities, you will save money by working with others to build your business and to enhance your life.
- In order to build your business, there is always a cost of some kind – time, money, something. By working with others you reduce the cost.
- When the program is created and the criteria are met, you can earn benefits like: short-term disability, cancer, accident, dental, child/dependent care, a medical savings account, prepaid legal, identity theft, tuition/scholarships and more by working with Chimorel.
- Chimorel’s programs will continue to evolve, to become more dynamic, and to support more people.
- Once you get to know more about Chimorel, there will be many, many other opportunities available.
- Feel free to explore other programs and opportunities.
As you become more Active, you will want to share many of these talking points with others !!!

How Do We Support You?
Set a Goal: Because you are Active we support you to set and reality test a goal. As you stay Active, we support you to develop an action plan and implement your goal.
Support Others: When you support enough other people, we believe you can earn anything you need. As you support others, you earn the right to ask them to support you.
Higher Levels: We offer many higher level ways to build your business and enhance your life. You start with Setting a Goal. Then you can quickly step into a Business Development Program, Planning, Email Opportunities, Similar Customer Groups, Developing and Working Leads, Contact Systems, Affiliation, Telemarketing, Canvassing, Cooperative Advertising, a Benefit Program and more.
What do you mean by ...
“… Solving Problems & Achieving Goals?”
We seek to develop the relationships which can enable any motivated individual or organization to solve any problem or achieve any goal, if they take the steps to develop the resources needed. As you become actively involved you support us to make this happen.
We support individuals, businesses and small groups in a number of specific ways. We support your business: (1) at the business incubation stage; (2) with marketing and sales, (3) with human resource needs and benefits; (4) with accounting, finance, strategic planning, crisis management and business coaching; and (5) with asset management programs. In addition to the above, we work with nonprofit groups to develop fund raising strategies by getting their constituents involved.

We support individuals with (1) goal setting and action plan development; (2) through our client assistance program; (3) through our I Got a Job Program; (4) with our Home Builder Program; (5) with our College Bound Program; (6) through our Active Recycler Program; and with ways to get involved through our (7) Concerned Citizen and Odd Job programs.
If you really wanted to, you could spend more than 200 hours learning how to help yourself and help others wandering around this website. There are many programs and opportunities. One of the best ways to get an overall glimpse is to take our Quick Tour. See the link on the Home page.
Do you know someone who “is overwhelmed with medical bills” or “is struggling to get a business started” or “wants to build the home of their dreams” or “will buy stuff and have part of their purchase go to support others.” Take a few minutes to click these links. Then realize there are a wealth of other opportunities just around the corner.

Back in 1969 Warren was working for the Ohio Youth Commission. Despite his efforts the kids kept coming back. Little by little Warren’s concern developed into a Financial Planning and Business Consulting practice. Click Warren’s picture to learn more.
The Cooperative Effort Program started shortly after Warren became an insurance representative. The company goal was to call on ten businesses every day. Using his database skills and the determination he has become known for he called on 50+ businesses daily. Within a short time, he developed a cervical neuritis problem, which created some serious limitations and precluded his going business to business. He could only work an hour or two before he “wiped out.” The neuritis also made it difficult for him to make presentations and phone calls. Physical therapy has helped relieve most of these issues. He is back to 14 hour days, but there are definite limitations. You might notice him shake his head to clear his vision and other fuzziness. He may need to pause to collect his thoughts occasionally or loose his train of a thought in mid-sentence.
Warren took himself on as a client. The end result was the Cooperative Effort Program. Warren continues to spend a significant amount of time developing Chimorel programs, this website and a variety of Chimorel projects. We are now focused on the Chimorel Sanctuary. You will learn about our computer recycling program. We bring many business and personal development skills to support you. Warren and others can enable you to build your business and enhance your life. You will have opportunities to enable us build Chimorel. Together we will enhance the lives of many others. By working cooperatively together, we all can achieve our goals.
One day late in December of 2003 Warren decided it was time to “fire his boss.” He was incredibly frustrated by the negative circumstances that were swirling around his efforts to enable students to get jobs. The night he made that decision, he got a call from an insurance company inviting him to consider their opportunity. The timing seemed a little “miraculous.” Could we say incredibly “miraculous?”
Within two weeks Warren had gotten his insurance license and started training at the insurance company. As we mentioned above, the goal was to knock on the door of 10 businesses every day, so Warren knocked on 40-50 for a short time. One day he came home completely exhausted. The next day he went out and couldn’t get past ten businesses. It was like “something” reached inside of his head and said, “You aren’t going to do this. Lie down!”
So a few weeks into a new job, he couldn’t do the job and he’s thinking, “so now what do you do?” That was when the Cooperative Effort Program started. At first Warren began handing out cards from people he met at networking events. When this got to the place where he didn’t have time to meet everybody, one at a time, he began to schedule the meetings described in this program. We developed coordinators to run meetings and plan programs. Yes, you are invited to get involved. We would like to help you build your business and enhance your life. And we really would like you to help us solve problems and achieve goals for future clients.
Now let’s return to that “incredibly miraculous” part. Things did not turn out at all as Warren had anticipated.
Incredibly Miraculous
Has it been your experience that miracles usually don’t go the way you expect them to? Warren had no income from selling insurance during the better part of 18 months. He used up the retirement he had earned teaching college, while he struggled through his cervical neuritis and other issues. It took almost six months just to figure out what the medical problem was.

But during this time Warren built much the first iteration of the website you are reading. It took over a year to build the first iteration. The website is still being improved many years later. It has gone through three iterations. During the same time the Cooperative Effort program was developed. Just about the time when there literally was no money left and the website seemed good to go, he picked up the phone called COTC and had a job teaching college the next day. A little later a grant he had written for another organization came through and they asked him to manage their employment program. The cervical neuritis responded to physical therapy and other miracles continued.
One day someone came to our meetings. He offered to give us 32 units in downtown Columbus. Like we said miracles never seem to go the way you think they will. For the next two years, Warren built the Property Renovation, I Got a Job and Work for Rent programs. The owner of the property had a significant mortgage and couldn’t “give” the property to Chimorel. His partner wouldn’t agree to anything, so we couldn’t enter into a purchase offer. We established a management contract with a 20% equity stake.The owner agreed to put $50,000 into renovation and indicated what appeared to be a serious intention to sell the property.
North 4th
The new program took an incredible amount of time, but it had significant potential. The Board and Warren decided to stop the Cooperative Effort program. Warren said a prayer, walked up to the back of the building where there was a small group of guys hanging out in the parking lot and asked if anyone wanted to work. Three said yes. The rest disappeared. We worked for two hours. Warren cleaned out the first floor. Two of the others made a small dent in the other two floors. The third pretended to work. The next day no one showed up. One of the tenants decided to “earn his rent.” Another guy hung out a window next door and asked to work. Before long we had a crew of six. Just before Warren went on vacation, the partner got into a fight with the owner. That night around 11 pm he came down, broke out windows and turned on the water. 8:30 am Warren is barefoot, walking through a foot of water on the basement level, avoiding the glass and finding the turnoff valve.

There are many, many stories we could tell about this adventure. Here are a few highlights. There was a constant stream of drug users, prostitutes and gang activity happening around the property. We got 12 of 17 units renovated and rented. The owner stopped paying the mortgage and for the renovation. We had very little money. Tenants stopped paying rent or stopped working. With no money we had to “talk the eviction process,” but still got people out. The bank agreed with the owner to appoint a receiver. At first we worked actively with the receiver and kept the program going. We got a lot of people jobs. We got real rent coming in. We fixed frozen pipes twice. The receiver evicted people who weren’t paying rent. Then the pipes froze and broke again. We were told we had to get a licensed plumber, but the receiver refused to fix the pipes. The city issued a vacate order.
In the middle of all this we found a prospective investor. Initially they liked the 20+% return, the city approved plans for renovation and the work for rent concept. Then the investor decided to “acquire” the property on his own. He offered Warren the “opportunity” for us to get a grant for him. He could never agree to a workable project and never developed the property. The IRS went after him for misusing TARP funds. The property eventually became a vacant lot. After investing approximately$20,000 of his own money, Warren had to move on. FLASH: A few years have passed, the vacant lot is now a developed property. The picture on the right shows the developed property. Like we said miracles don’t always go the way we plan, but this one worked out well.
Moving On
Shortly after it became obvious that N 4th was not going to materialize, Warren went back to teaching college and working with an organization he had written grants for. He started an eBay store, Chimorel4U, and began to learn Internet Marketing. For years Chimorel has been a recycler handling ewaste for SWACO and now the City of Columbus. A lot of time has passed. The website has been revised twice. We are looking forward to developing a major Internet effort reaching out to 50,000+ people.
Miracles require work. A problem can always be turned into an opportunity. Sometimes someone else makes it happen. Doing so requires a real plan, persistence, support from your Master Mind group and from your friends and the wisdom to let someone else do the heavy lifting sometimes.

We have moved on again, since the above was written. Adobe stopped supporting Muse, the program the original versions of the website was written in. We are transferring the website to WordPress and making a lot of upgrades. Warren’s wife has died. Warren bought a 10+ acre farm in Delaware, OH, which is being developed as the Chimorel Sanctuary. The recycling program continues. We have two people living with us. You may want to visit our Sanctuary page. The Cooperative Effort program will be part of the events planned at the Sanctuary.