Hospital Bill, Dan’s Story, Jean’s Story, 3 More Success Stories

This story is imaginary, based on a
compilation of real stories.
$80,000 Hospital Bill
You are overwhelmed with an $80,000 hospital bill. You earn $21,000/yr and your spouse is tasked with taking care of your five children. Your employer is not happy with the dunning letters you and it are receiving from the collection agency.
We talk with your employer who donates 50 computers. We use the proceeds from the computers to cover your $735 program. We negotiate with the hospital and get your hospital bill reduced to $20,000 in exchange for a stable monthly plan.
You create a Special Project. You put down $500 also generated from the computers. 30 friends, some of whom bought computers, enter our Raise Right program, which generates approximately $9000/yr or $750/mo. Because these funds come from donations by friends they are not taxable. You become a Resource Developer to generate another $1500/mo. These funds are taxable. You participate in three auctions which generate $9,000 each, or $16,200 for your Special Project ($27,000 x .60%) and are again not taxable. We pay off your hospital debt ($16,200+3750+500=$20,450) and $450 in other bills. You increase your income by $18,000/yr working as a Resource Developer. We assume management of the Raise Right program for you and these proceeds go to fund other Chimorel programs/projects ($3750=750*5). It only took you five months. The hospital is happy and agrees to sponsor Chimorel events. The employer is so happy you get a promotion with a 10% raise, and it steps into other Chimorel projects. Click our debt reduction program.
Dan's Story
One day Warren was invited to attend a Full Gospel business meeting. He met a young man who was struggling to develop a group home program. Dan had temporary access to a deteriorating farm house, several boxes of packaged Mexican meals and four people living with him. The house was heated by a wood stove in the kitchen with winter coming. It was near a private school that was interested in buying the property and pressuring the owner to evict the group. The group had a few steady donations, but weren’t tax exempt. Dan paid an initial fee of $100.
Although there were a lot of hopes and the beginnings of a program, the management skills needed to organize a viable, ongoing program just weren’t there. I helped the group organize a board of directors, started to develop a fund raising plan and found a location which would be initially shared with another group. Then it was time to test reality.
The first test was to work out the details of sharing the new location. The demands made by Dan’s group were not reasonable and this fell through. The second test came at the first board meeting. The board was ready to begin the first stages of a serious fund raising campaign. After two hours, however, Dan was still talking dreams and no meaningful plans had been made. The board decided not to continue the program. Dan found a job working in a group home for mentally retarded clients. We found temporary homes for the other four people. We got two of them jobs and the other two entered a program to become nurse aides. Later Dan wrote us a letter. It was his way of thanking us for the support he received.

Dan's Letter
Chimorel, Warren Goodenow, began an active part in the reconstruction of my financial life and that of my ministry, The House of David, as the result of our meeting at a F.G.B.M.I. luncheon. After hearing what Chimorel’s purpose was, I expressed my need and Warren began to do what Chimorel does.
I had no idea of the concept by which Chimorel operated, but I found out fast. It works well, and better the more you put into it. It is the insight into things I was too close to see. The ideas and connections to get done what needs to be done to accomplish your goals. Advice backed up by action, for the serious.
My financial situation is the best it’s been. The operation of Chimorel is unique in that Warren can see what you have and what you can do with it, then provides the driving force to start you on your way. Soon he has you taking over with the goal of you controlling and doing.
The time spent with Chimorel can be short and very successful, or longer depending on your needs, but the success depends on your sincerity in working with Chimorel’s unique plan.
Dan’s story is true, but not as complicated as it really was. The letter is word for word his thank you letter to us. Names and certain other details have been changed.

Jean’s story is also true, with a few additions that compile elements of other true stories.
Jean's Story
Jean had a fantastic idea for a communication device you could wear on your wrist. She guessed she would need $100,000 to get the idea going and even had a relative who would invest $5000. She just knew she was going to make a lot of money, if only … .
When she first came to me she was only interested in investors with lots of money. I asked her what the investors were going to get for their money. She responded with lots of enthusiasm, but very few details. I asked her to provide a chart of accounts, a marketing plan, a business plan. I asked her if she had a working model. I asked for an initial $350 fee, which was advanced by her relative.
I introduced Jean to an Entrepreneurship Test. It suggested she was not quite ready to make a genuine commitment, but although her enthusiasm was dampened, she wanted “her money’s worth” of business planning. Now I started to get enthusiastic. She was beginning to place a value on what she wanted. If she could recognize that investors wanted a real return on their investment (0-4-0), then she might put together a workable business plan. I helped her develop a rough chart of accounts and the beginning of a viable marketing plan. I provided a Business Plan package and set a deadline for the next meeting. She was to write the answers to 15 out of 85 questions and mail them to me for review prior to a meeting two weeks away. Six weeks later I got a call from her father. He had actually been prepared to invest as much as $50,000. He thanked me profusely, saying that the $350 he advanced was the best insurance policy he bought that year. I was able to help him with several other investment decisions and he made a $500 donation. Later that year Jean sent me a wedding invitation with a cryptic, “Thanks!”
Jean was not ready to do what it takes to turn her idea into a success, but she was successful. She learned she was not ready for business and went on with another plan. More than 90% of new businesses fail within five years. One of the most valuable services Chimorel can provide is to help you realize that your not ready before you lose a lot of money and several years of your life. And if you really are ready, we can help you develop your idea into a successful business.

Dance Into The Future
She had started a nonprofit program to enable guys and gals to meet. (Warren actually met his deased wife through this program). She wasn’t making any money from the nonprofit program though and wanted to start something to make money. She thought about a weekly dinner-date, but the numbers didn’t add up. Then at Warren’s suggestion she seized on the idea of a dance club. She got a DJ, distributed flyers, talked to her friends and made it happen. The last time we checked she had 500 or more people coming each week at $5/ea and she had other irons in the fire.
This is a success story. There are other elements to the story that could lead in another direction. We’ll ignore these for now.

The Salesman
Ed came in one day. He is a salesman earning good money, but he never has enough money to pay his bills. He traveled and his company reimburses him for his expenses, but may take two or three months before they do. We work with him to negotiate an interest allocation of 1%/month from the company on any amount unpaid after 15 days of providing his expense report and help him develop a computer tracking of his expenses to make it easy to complete and turn in his expenses quickly. Then he gets a credit card with an interest rate of 9%. His company starts paying his invoices more rapidly and when they don’t he actually makes money on the delay. His cash flow evens out and he starts making more sales because he can concentrate on his skills without creditors hassling him. This is another actual success story.
A Lost Sale
Warren sets an appointment with a copy machine wholesaler. The wholesaler’s existing policy with Community Mutual is much better than the one we offer him. At the time of our interview Warren suggests several ideas which can help him put his children through college. After a thorough investigation Warren develops a relationship with Community Mutual. Reva at Community Mutual suggests we consider becoming a member of The Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce. We do join for several years. As a result we learn about the Chambers CIIG program. We meet several Venture Capitalists and refer clients to them occasionally. This is a third actual success story.