
2000 Dynamic Strategies

          Throughout this website you will uncover many diamonds, gems and gold nuggets. These “dynamic strategies” will support you as you solve major problems, achieve significant goals, build your business, fund your nonprofit and accomplish many, many things.  
          Below we share three strategies. Most of our strategies will not be labeled as strategies. Sometimes you will have to think about something and do something before a “strategy” works for you.

  1. Set Goals & Develop Action Plans. First set a goal, then test your goal against reality. Develop an Action Plan to accomplish your goal. If you struggle to accomplish your goal, revise it, test it and revise your Action Plan. If you have the motivation to achieve your goal and you follow this process, you will achieve it. If you aren’t willing to do what it takes, it won’t happen.
  2. Nothing comes for free. If you want something, you have to work for it. First learn to work hard. Then learn to work smart. Believe it or not Chimorel charges for its services, but in ways anyone can pay, if you are willing to work.
  3. Support others. If you support enough people; you can eventually earn anything you need. As you support others, you create a base of people who may be willing to support you!

       Reading the information on this website will enable you to uncover many more of our 2000+ strategies. We also provide individual coaching, business coaching and many other services through which you can learn about more of these strategies. When you return to the Home page, click the Free Success Journey  link, register and confirm to uncover more than 100 additional diamonds, gems and gold nuggets.  
        One more strategy that is hidden. Read the bold words in the first paragraph. The words after dynamic strategies are action verbs. Your goal starts with an action verb. Pick this one up. It is what you do that makes it happen.

Quick Tour

          You could easily spend more than two hundred hours browsing this website and not uncover all the diamonds, gems, and gold nuggets waiting for you.  
       The quick tours below will help you discover a few ideas in perhaps five to ten minutes. After you briefly explore the first screen or two in a section, close the screen and click the Worth Thinking About tab and click Quick Tours to return or just close the page you jump to.

After you click a link, read, then close the page and click the Quick Tour link to return.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is support at Chimorel free?                      No           Maybe     Yes
  2. Is this some kind of multi-level thing?     NO!!!          Bad?
  3. What is 0-4-0?                                            Quick          Learn More
  4. What is a Resource Developer?               Quick          Learn More
  5. How does a nonprofit raise money?        Quick           Learn More  

1. Is support at Chimorel free?

NO > Nothing in Life Is Free !!!  
          You may have just uncovered one of the most valuable diamonds on our website. Review our 0-4-0 FAQ. Once you expect to pay for what you get, you will be able to get a lot more. We will teach you how to be able to pay for what you need.  
          The staff at nonprofit organizations need to eat, pay bills, etc, even at Chimorel. The difference at Chimorel is that we expect YOU to pay as much of the cost of serving you as possible and probably a little more as you reach out to help others.

Free? Maybe!  
          You do not have to pay cash money to be supported by Chimorel. You can explore this website and pick up many gems, gold nuggets and diamonds. You can work for Chimorel and pay your fees. You can support others and we will support you. Of course, paying in cash usually is the least complicated way to make it happen.  
          Despite all of this, there are cash expenses that have to be met. When you are willing to donate, become a member or join a program you enable us to meet these cash expenses.  
          We appreciate your support. We see you as a motivated person. The M in ChiMorel stands for motivated. We like to invest our resources with truly motivated people.

Free? Yes?  
          Alright, alright already. Yes, you can explore this website, learn a lot of stuff and not pay any money out of your pocket.  
          But recognize, it still is not free. You have to take the time to explore many areas/sections (and there are a lot of sections to explore). More than that, while you are learning, you are not yet earning. You have to do something to earn something. This free gold nugget could be very valuable. If you pick it up, we expect someday you will pass it on. And maybe you will make a donation, enter a program or become a member.  
          One last thought, creating this website to support you has taken thousands of volunteer hours. It may not be money out of our pocket, but there certainly was a cost. These volunteer hours are our way of thanking you for exploring our website. If you pass it forward, you pay us back.

2. Is this some kind of multi-level thing?

Absolutely Not !!!

          Chimorel is absolutely not a multi-level thing !!! Like any business or nonprofit we do have a management structure.  
          What sometimes feels a little multi-level is that we reward you for working with us. Many for profits have incentives for productivity. Not too many nonprofits have incentives for making your life better and for supporting others.  
          We believe that “he/she who does the work gets the pay.” Multi-levels are structured so that the people at the top reap the rewards, while the people at the bottom do most of the work. 
       It is important that you recognize the fundamental difference between earning the rewards for the work you do and making someone else rich by your labor. Is that one more gem you could pick up?

Is Multi-Level Bad?

       Not necessarily. The man who opened the door to Chimorel’s initial Transitional Housing and Work for Rent programs was once one of the top 25 people in Amway. Many people in multi-level programs make a lot of money and support a lot of people. Success in a multi-level program generally takes a lot of work at the beginning, then requires you to constantly motivate your down-line.   
          Part of the opportunities Chimorel will uncover for those who want to earn more will be multi-level programs. Some of these programs may fund Chimorel through for profit entities associated with Chimorel.             But Chimorel’s programs are not based on any multi-level concept. They are based on the concept, “if you want it, you earn it.” We believe that this earn it concept is the basis of America’s free enterprise system. We just apply this 0-4-0 philosophy to our nonprofit programs.

3. What is 0-4-0?

          Nobody should get anything they are not willing to make a commitment for and to work for. That is the basis of our philosophy. “Nothing comes for free.” Or maybe, “Nothing for nothing.” The concept of 0-4-0 has three elements:

  • It takes money or some resource to support you.
  • You should participate in paying for the support you receive.
  • If you’re not ready, we’ll wait until you are.

          Now you know where the funds come from to provide the services you receive. You will pay for the services you receive, in cash or with work. To learn more click the link above.

4. What is a Resource Developer?

Give Me the Kind of Quick Version   
          A Resource Developer supports individuals, nonprofit groups and businesses as they develop the resources to solve problems and achieve goals. Sometimes you are a link between the person who is setting a goal and the resources that person needs to achieve their goal. Many times you will be a coach, counselor, mentor or teacher listening, guiding and supporting people to stretch so they can actually achieve significant goals in their lives by developing their own resources?
            A Resource Developer is a salesperson with a high degree of integrity who supports people to believe that they have a destiny and that they can achieve a higher calling in their lives, despite (maybe even because of) the problems they struggle with.  
          A Resource Developer believes in his/her heart of hearts that every problem has the seed of a great opportunity. He/she supports others to find this seed, to plant this seed in good soil, to water and fertilize the seed, to grow the seed and to reap a bountiful harvest.  
          The scope of a Resource Developer’s job can be quite broad. One caveat, as you begin to develop resources for more than one part of Chimorel, you must strengthen your organizational skills. Trying to do too much simultaneously can dissipate your focus, weaken your effectiveness and reduce your earning potential. Warren speaks from genuine experience.  
          A second caveat, although the things you are reading may sound like Chimorel is a vast organization, it is still at the very beginning of its development phase. We have worked with thousands of clients, seminar participants and students, but much of it has been in conjunction with other more established organizations. A lot of the original support we provided was as a volunteer or in exchange for other things or services. There is still a lot of work to do to make all the things you will read about real. To learn more click the link above.

5. How does a nonprofit raise money?

Tell Me Quickly: 
Click this link to see specific fund raising strategies and a link to a variety of Chimorel fundraising alternatives.

Lots More:
Click this link to begin an extensive training in fund raising.