What you earn will depend on your role
and several other factors.
Starter Member
$10 – Starter member enrolled
$20 – Action Planner enrolled
Action Planner
$15 – Starter member enrolled
$25 – Action Planner enrolled
Resource Developer
$25 – Starter Member enrolled
$50 – Action Planner enrolled
$35 – Nonprofit member
$50 – Small Business member
$70 – 735 Member / Create a Career
$150 – I Got a Job program
$450 – Home Builder program
Managers & Planners earn more. Prices increase periodically. The amount earned is subject to change as prices and conditions change.

One of the benefits of membership is that you can be credited for introducing others to Chimorel and for certain other activities. How much you earn will depend on what membership level, what training you have completed and what you actually do. If you go on to complete Resource Developer training you can increase your earning potential.
A Starter Member can earn credit toward your Action Planner membership for introducing other members and for introducing others to our Scrip Program. You can also credit part of the purchases made at our Chimorel4U stores and our Shopping mall. You earn credit equal to $10/Starter and $20/Action Planner each time you introduce new members. The % credited for purchases will vary from approximately 1/2% to 10+% depending on many factors, including invoice tracking.
An Action Planner can earn credit toward a higher level membership for introducing other members and for introducing others to our Scrip Presto Pay opportunity. You can also credit part of the purchases made at our Chimorel4U stores and our Shopping mall. You earn credit equal to $15/Starter and $25/Action Planner you introduce new members. As before, the % credited for purchases will vary from approximately 1/2% to 10+% depending on many factors, including invoice tracking. An Action Planner can be credited with approximately 50% of altruistic memberships toward his/her Special Project, when the member agrees, as well as many other potential sources from memberships, programs and affiliate relationships.
Higher Level Members and Program Participants can earn credit similar to an Action Planner, as well as, credit for introducing members and participants to the membership or program in which they are involved, for example $30/Nonprofit, $35/Small Business, $50/Corporate/735 Plan, $75/2100 Plan, up to $35/Create a Career Program, up to $75/I Got a Job Program and up to $200/Home Builder Program. There are many other programs we have not included.
A Resource Developer Trainee earns 50% of what a fully trained Resource Developer earns. The balance covers the cost of training and is paid to your Manager, up to $250.
A fully trained Resource Developer can earn $25/Starter member, $50/Action Planner, $35/Nonprofit, $50/Small Business, $70/735 Plan, up to $70/Create a Career Program and up to $150/I Got a Job Program. A competent Resource Developer may go on to become a Manager/Planner by demonstrating certain skills, completing additional training and meeting certain other criteria.
A Manager earns $30/Starter member, $65/Action Planner, $65/Nonprofit, $75/Small Business, $100/ Corporate, $100/735 Plan, $150/2100 Plan, $500/5000 Plan, up to $80/Create a Career Program and up to $160/I Got a Job Program. A Manager also earns an override for supervising Resource Developers equal to the difference between what they earn and what he/she earns.
A Manager who is also a Planner earns $55/Starter member, $150/Action Planner, $190/Nonprofit, $200/Small Business, $350/ Corporate, $450/735 Plan, $500/2100 Plan, $500/5000 Plan, up to $240/Create a Career Program and up to $1410/I Got a Job Program.
The discussion above is intended only to indicate the potential earnings and is not all inclusive. When you reach Lesson 7 of our free Success Journey, you will discover more than 100 ways to generate revenue. Funding your Special Project can take advantage of almost every one of these possibilities. You will discover even more possibilities once you explore our Affiliate opportunities.