Join Us
You are joining what is becoming thousands of people all over the world who really want to make the world a little better! Most of these new friends also take steps to achieve something important in their own lives.
You may have a significant goal in mind. Perhaps there is a major problem you need to solve. Or maybe there is just something very important you want to tell us about. To solve a problem or do something important, you set a goal.
As you tell us about your goal, your problem or something important, you open a door. Perhaps you are really excited and ready to jump in and get really active quickly. Or maybe you just need to dip your toe in the water, learn a little and share what you learn with a few friends.
If you are like many of Chimorel’s supporters you are quite busy, but you are also a little curious and truly enjoy learning about and sharing compelling opportunities. Let’s begin with your first goal or perhaps something that is really important to you.
Goals might be things like: Start a business. Go to college. Pay for my kid’s education. Build the house of my dreams. Get out of debt. Travel. Get a job. Earn more. Help others. Have a better relationship with my spouse. Help a specific nonprofit / your church. Help others. Anything else that you have wanted to do for a while. Everything Chimorel does starts with setting a goal, testing reality, then developing an action plan!
Things that might be important to you are: Grand kids. Your spouse. Your children. Your work. Your business. Your spiritual relationship. Anything else that is very important in your life.
Put numbers in it: A good goal has an action verb, a $ amount and a time frame. It’s the numbers that make your dream a reality. I want to earn $50,000 this year is something you can take action steps to achieve. I want to build the home of my dreams costing $375,000 in two years puts a $375,000 price on what you want and a two year time frame. Believe it. Achieve It !!!
Tell Us About You !!!
In the next approximate three years we anticipate having an impact on more than 50,000 new friends: Inspired Individuals and Aspirational Organizations. Right now YOU are the inspired person we want to befriend. So let’s get to know just a little about you. Then let’s Stay in Touch !!!
Click the link below to learn about Chimorel and begin our goal setting process. Aa good goal has an action verb, a time frame and a dollar amount. You could also tell us about something important to you or make a comment that we can work on together. We will guide you through setting a goal in our second email.
Join our Celebration Family. When you tell us your birthday you will receive a beautiful eCard on your birthday and other Special Occasions.
Scroll to Invite Your Friends
Click the links below to invite and support your friends
We are discovering thousands of new friends all over the world. Many start our free Success Journey. Others just ask for our newsletter to keep up to date on our activities, fund raising projects and suggestions to transform lives. Many even consider becoming a Chimorel Leader or Prospective Board Member.
If you have accomplished a goal using some of our 2000 dynamic strategies, Contact Us. We could include your story in a future newsletter.
To thank you for your interest in our community, you are invited to start your free Success Journey. You can explore your Why, learn about Warren’s Why and connect on social media. This Journey is powerful. It can change lives. And it is free.
Well almost free. This powerful life changing Journey will not cost you any money, until you decide to become a member or enter a program. But … you must invest the time and effort to learn the principles and implement your action plan. Again, thank you for your interest in joining our Chimorel community.
As you continue to explore our site, read Your Story. Note other success stories and stories with a lesson. Become a Member, start a Program and make a donation. You can volunteer, shop and take a quick tour. You may eventually want to initiate a Special Project. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals. We anticipate you will want to support others and will give you many opportunities to do so.
Invite others to join us. Make a list of people you want to support, then click the Double Eagle to Invite Friends. Ask your family, friends, coworkers and the stranger in line at the grocery store about their goals and dreams. Listen carefully. Use your cell phone to let them know about Chimorel. You just might change a life and might even create a way to fund a Special Project you initiate during your Success Journey.
If you haven’t already
Start Your Free Success Journey
then go to
Invite Your Friends and Support Your Friends
Please invite 2-10 friends to learn more about Chimorel
A friend is a family member, anyone you love, an associate at work, a social colleague … and your neighbor. A work associate is your boss, your fellow employees, any one you supervise and any one at work. A social colleague is the head of your favorite charity, your best friend, your pastor, a religious leader and anyone you care about outside the family. Your neighbor is a friend you haven’t met yet to whom you smile and say “Hello!”
Inviting a Friend is as simple as clicking the double eagle on almost any page or the link below, filling in a few pieces of information and clicking submit. Your friend will receive the email shown below. You are responsible for initially following up with your friend, so limit your invitations to approximately ten friends for now. Each time you send an invitation, you will have an opportunity to send another. Do limit your initial enthusiasm to ten. You will learn more about follow up as you begin to support your friends.

Supporting your friends means showing them you care in practical, realistic ways. We suggest inviting and supporting perhaps ten friends at a time. Inviting friends can become an income opportunity or a way to support a cause you are concerned about, just don’t overdo it.
At 3-7 minutes for each person per week, supporting 10 friends is not overwhelming. At 15-45 minutes/friend/week supporting 50-100+ friends is quite overwhelming. Again, don’t over do it. The best way to support someone is to ask what is important and then to listen carefully. Ask a few targeted questions. Your free Success Journey offers many suggestions to support your friends. You can also learn more at the Follow Up link below.
The links below provide significant learning opportunities. Follow Up gives you a great start as you enable your friends to take steps to transform their lives. Then continue to learn & strengthen your follow up & sales abilities. Principle Based Selling teaches you one of the basic skills you will need to achieve success, how to persuade people by meeting their needs. The Success Journey continues your learning opportunities. Inviting People and the Tool Box offer more alternatives.
Follow Up
Principle Based Selling | Start Your Free Success Journey today
Learn to Invite | Invite People Tool Box