The positions that follow are our Strategic Development positions. Collectively each position is a fund raiser. An Event Planner shortens Fund Raising Event Planner, Director = Finance Director serving on our Board, Coordinator = a Fund Raising Coordinator and a Fund Raiser = an Authorized Fund Raiser. Event Planners and Fund Raisers require a certain level of training to be effective. Initially, this training will be conducted by Warren at the Sanctuary. Eventually, it will be a combination of online and working with a Director or Coordinator to polish skills.
A Director or Coordinator is expected to know how to raise funds and may teach us skills we can learn. At the same time there will be Chimorel procedures and practices we will develop together. For example, fund raisers do not collect funds directly. They invite donors to go online or use other procedures to assure Chimorel knows about the funds donated and actually receives these funds.
Fund Raising Event Planner
You are a significant member of our fund raising team. You plan and create fund raising events with nonprofit affiliates and Special Project members. You are a primary agent for developing Sponsors.
With training you may serve as a Resource Developer, Manager, Planner or Coordinator. You may assist Planners, Coaches and Distribution Committees to develop and implement goals, action plans, programs and Special Projects. Your efforts are most likely to target nonprofit affiliates and Special Project members.
You should become very familiar with our follow up procedures and able to support the individuals, organizations and sponsors you work with, including inviting people to initiate their free Success Journey.

You can hear the needs of Nonprofit Groups and Sponsors. You can support meeting the needs of Nonprofit Groups, Sponsors and Special Project members. You can easily market and close nonprofits to become affiliates with whom we establish joint fund raising projects. When appropriate, you coordinate several Special Project members to conduct one joint fund raising project.
Your goal for each virtual event is a minimum of $35,000 and for each event hosted at a facility a minimum of $50,000. You are capable of managing and facilitating events of $1,000,000 or more. You can evaluate progress with Nonprofit Groups and determine when they need to reschedule an event or bring in other affiliates/Special Project members to achieve a minimum goal.

You start as a volunteer and demonstrate your skills. You become an Independent Contractor. You are paid on a commission basis, beginning with 3% of joint funds raised. This commission can be raised to 7% through bonuses and separate agreements.
You can be invited to become an employee. As an employee your salary is capped at $100,000/yr with potentially unlimited benefits and Chimorel Buck opportunities. You will determine your salary and benefit expectations based on actual accomplishments. If you do not meet your expectations you can return to Independent Contractor status.
Your primary responsibility is to create and implement events at Chimorel facilities and other venues. You are expected to:
- Create five to ten+ events each month which meet minimum fund raising goals or fewer events each month which meet higher goals.
- At $35,000 this would generate $175,000 to $350,000 and offer you an approximate $5000 to $10,000/mo commission.
- At $50,000 this would generate $250,000 to $500,000 and offer you an approximate $7500 to $15,000/mo commission.
- At $1,000,000 for one affiliate/mo you would receive an approximate $30,000 commission for that month.
- Plan, organize and coordinate potlucks, Introductory and Change Your Life meetings which open the doors to Nonprofit Affiliate and Special Project events.
- Assist Nonprofit Affiliates and Special Project members to set goals, plan and implement the details of each event, typically starting 6-8 months prior to the actual event. For motivated, action oriented nonprofits the time frame could be as short as one month. For nonprofits just getting up to speed, the time frame could be 1 year or longer.
- Develop Sponsor relationships with employers, groups, companies and individuals – both event and naming right sponsors. This suggests you are aware of and work closely with other leaders to coordinate efforts to support clients.
- As Nonprofits are learning and developing their projects, teach them to implement our Alternative Fund Raising strategies and involve their constituents. Doing so can provide immediate revenue for you, for the nonprofit and provide meaningful transformation for their clients.
- Establish the framework for and implement large fund raising events and meetings that can raise $1,000,000 or more and attract 25,000+ people.
- Other duties as assigned or created, including recognition that you do not receive funds directly.
Skills & Keywords
- Any educational level. This is a skilled position requiring the ability to sell, serve clients competently, previous event planning or fund raising experience desirable, but not required.
- Active learner. Enthusiastic reader. Active listener. Effective writer and speaker.
- Able to identify strengths and weaknesses, determine alternatives and make decisions.
- Strong customer focus. Knowledge of and ability to implement effective marketing strategies.
Administrative 3-15%, Marketing 25-60%,
Program 30-75%, Technical 3-20%
Ask for a spreadsheet to calculate earnings.
You may sign an Independent Contractor Agreement as you enter this position.
Finance Director
Fund Raising Coordinator
You are a primary leader on our fund raising team. You have significant fund raising experience and can manage and coordinate 10 to 25+ Event Planners and Authorized Fund Raisers. You act on your own to solicit funds from Major Donors and Sponsors.

A Finance Director is a board member. A Fund Raising Coordinator is not. A Director is likely to supervise a Coordinator. Otherwise, the positions are essentially the same. With training you can serve as a Resource Developer, Manager or Planner. Your efforts are most likely to focus on coordinating others to support clients, rather than directly supporting clients, except for Major Donors and Sponsors. You should understand follow up procedures and inviting people to initiate their free Success Journey.
You can hear the needs of Major Donors and Sponsors. You work closely with Major Donors and Sponsors to support their needs, to determine why they want to support Chimorel and how they can support Chimorel in a way that meets their needs. Your goal for each Major Donor and Sponsor should be a minimum of $50,000 more or less, perhaps spread over time. You are capable of soliciting $2,000,000 or more in the next year. Of course, larger and smaller donations are welcome.

You start as a volunteer and demonstrate your skills. You are an Independent Contractor. You are paid on a commission basis, beginning with 3% of joint funds raised. This commission can be raised to 7% through bonuses and separate agreements.
As a Coordinator, you can be invited to become an employee. As a Director, potentially eligible to Vote at Board meetings, you would move to a Coordinator and step off the Board before becoming an employee. As an employee your salary is capped at $100,000/yr with potentially unlimited benefits and Chimorel Buck opportunities. You will determine your salary and benefit expectations based on actual accomplishments. If you do not meet your expectations, you can return to Independent Contractor status.
Your primary responsibility is to coordinate the fund raising activities of Authorized Fund Raisers and to a lesser degree Event Planners. A second primary responsibility is to develop relationships with and solicit funds from Major Donors and Sponsors. You are expected to:
- Raise a minimum of $2,000,000 in funds:
- By coordinating the talents of Event Planners and Authorized Fund Raisers.
- By directly soliciting Major Donors and Sponsors.
- Your compensation for raising $2,000,000 would be $60,000, which can increase through bonuses and separate agreements, when you raise funds directly from Major Donors and Sponsors.
- Set a time frame for raising the funds. It could be six months or less. It typically would be 1 year. The maximum would be three years. Establish a plan to raise the funds committed to within the time frame.
- Develop a plan to attract, involve and secure high level sponsors. This means understanding existing sponsorship options and creating additional sponsorship models.
- Other duties as assigned or created, including recognition that you do not receive funds directly.
Skills & Keywords
- Any educational level, college degree preferred. This is a highly skilled position requiring the ability to sell and serve clients competently,
- Significant previous fund raising experience expected or existing meaningful contacts with major potential donors.
- Active learner. Enthusiastic reader. Active listener. Highly effective writer and speaker.
- Able to identify strengths and weaknesses, determine alternatives and make decisions.
- Strong customer focus. Knowledge of and ability to implement effective fund raising strategies.
Administrative 5-15%, Marketing 30-50%,
Program 30-75%, Technical 3-15%
Ask for a spreadsheet to calculate earnings.
You will sign an Independent Contractor Agreement as you enter this position.
Train to be the backbone of our fund raising team. You learn fast and love to interact positively with everyone you meet. You relish telling the Chimorel story and inviting people to get involved. With training you can also serve as a Resource Developer, Manager or Planner.
You should be very familiar with Chimorel’s follow up procedures and able to support the individuals and organizations you work with, including inviting people to initiate their free Success Journey.

You hear the needs of individual and organizational clients. You become skilled in supporting clients to develop the resources needed to solve their problems, achieve their goals and implement Special Projects. You enable members and participants to fish for a lifetime, rather than giving them a fish today. You are very active in developing Sponsors, especially Naming Rights Sponsors.
An Authorized Fund Raiser can enter into a Special Project. Depending on many factors this opens the door to receiving perhaps 50% of funds raised for your Special Project. Pay attention to what you just learned. 50% is significantly higher than 3-7%.
Click the link above to complete your Authorized Fund Raiser Training.

You start as a volunteer and demonstrate your skills. You are an Independent Contractor paid 3% of funds raised, which can be increased through bonuses and separate agreements, leading to perhaps 50+%.
When you prove yourself you can be invited to become an employee. As an employee your salary is capped at $100,000/yr with potentially unlimited benefits and Chimorel Buck opportunities. You will determine your salary and benefit expectations based on actual accomplishments. If you do not meet your expectations, you can return to Independent Contractor status.
Your primary responsibility is to open the doors for individual donations. You also initiate certain naming rights donations and sponsorships. As you learn you can increase your fund raising responsibilities to your stretch level of comfort and become a Fund Raising Coordinator. You are expected to:
- Complete the Authorized Fund Raiser Training, which includes an understanding that you will not receive funds directly.
- Determine whether you will be paid on the basis of a commission or use funds raised to fund a Special Project. You will enter into a separate agreement for a Special Project.
- Establish a monthly fund raising goal, no less than $ Recognize that no commissions are paid on less than $1000/mo raised, but lesser amounts can be rolled into future months.
- Establish a plan to raise the funds anticipated by your goal and implement your plan.
Skills & Keywords
- Any educational level. This is an entry level position with significant responsibility to open doors for individuals and organizations to become meaningfully involved with Chimorel.
- You initiate certain Sponsors and can grow to whatever comfort level you choose.
- Active learner. Enthusiastic reader. Active listener. Effective writer and speaker.
- Able to identify strengths and weaknesses, seek alternatives, assist others.
- Strong customer focus. Willingness to learn and implement effective fund raising strategies.
Ask for a spreadsheet to calculate earnings.
You will sign an Independent Contractor Agreement as you enter this position.

Commission Split
When monthly funds raised/fund raiser equal $250,000 to approximately $1,000,000:
1-3% for direct solicitation and coordinating.
1-3% for Event Planners and Authorized Fund Raisers.
1-4% for fund raising expenses.
1-4% for bonuses and Chimorel Bucks, bonuses & training.
7-10% of funds raised total.
Balance of funds raised to Chimorel.

When annual compensation exceeds $100,000 the percentages can move toward the lower end of the scale, except for bonuses. Through Chimorel Bucks an Independent Contractor or employee has the potential to significantly increase the value of the actual compensation paid, but must be tuned in to how to use Chimorel Bucks and implement strategies to actually use Chimorel Bucks.
Each Event Planner, Director/Coordinator and Authorized Fund Raiser will enter into an agreement which specify the percentages for each area of the commission split for that person.
For lower level fund raising the commission split can be at the high end, assuming expenses are minimized. For example:
<$1000/mo time for a serious conversation. Move to volunteer retraining.
$1000 to $10,000/mo 3-50% or $30 to $5000 when expenses are >/=2% and a Special Project is initiated
$10,000 to $100,000/mo 3 to <50% or $300 to less than $50,000 when expenses are >/=2% and a Specia Project is initiated.
$100,000 to $250,000/mo 3-4+% or $3000 to $10,000+ when expenses are >/=1% without a Special Project
When you establish a Special Project to fund a need you have the impact of your fund raising changes dramatically. 50% and sometimes more of funds raised can be allocated to your Special Project through your Recommendation Privilege. Thus as a voting member when you raise $1000, $500 could be allocated to your Special Project and there would be no serious conversation.
To maintain integrity with our donors we keep all fund raising costs at or below 10%. At high levels of donations, $250,000 or higher from one donor or sponsor we keep our fund raising costs at 7% or less. For individual donations or monthly donations of $1,000,000+/fund raiser we reduce our cash payout to approximately 3%. In this event an additional 4% of funds raised is allocated to the cash portion for Chimorel Bucks, which in many cases can involve benefits which are not taxable, while maintaining a maximum fund raising cost of 7%.
Fund raising can be a somewhat volatile process which does not lead to a consistent monthly income when the monthly bills are coming in at a steady pace.
- Especially for an event planner and fund raiser, as you start the process do not leave a steady income, until you have proven yourself. This will require juggling whatever you do now with Chimorel until you learn and become proficient. Most likely this will mean an initial part-time effort.
- Use Alternative Fund Raising strategies to build a base of support until the time you are hitting home runs.
- Have us set aside a portion of high month’s revenue to support you during the initial ebb and flow. Money you don’t receive when correctly structured, is not taxable until received.
- Learn to use Chimorel Bucks to get many of the things you need.
- Develop a well planned process to establish a regular, steady income and inspire those you work with to both act promptly and to use Alternative Fund Raising Strategies.

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