In the process of starting or strengthening a business, we strongly suggest the following priorities:
(1) Know what your product or service is.
(2) Develop and take care of your customers.
(3) Take care of your employees.
(4) Take control of your finances.
(5) Develop dynamic operational systems.
(6) Understand your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
(7) Take care of yourself.
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The Priorities in Your Business
Know Your Product or Service
Take Care of Your Customers & Employees
If you don’t really understand what your product or service is, what makes you different from your competition, and why people should do business with you instead of your competition, you may have a lot of trouble attracting customers. Without satisfied customers you may not have any employees or for that matter a business. Without happy employees who know how to take care of your customers you may lose your customers.

Control Your Finances
Develop Dynamic Systems
Once you are taking care of your customers and your employees, you must know where your money is coming from and where it is going. As you begin to grow you will need to develop dynamic operational systems which keep your customers satisfied, your employees happy and your finances under control. Without good systems you will quickly discover that you don’t have time to satisfy all your customers, keep all your employees happy and watch all your money.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats
There are many, many aspects to growing and managing a business. One of the more important keys is to constantly know/review your strengths and weaknesses and to become constantly aware of the opportunities and threats you face. As you develop a solid relationship with Chimorel and our affiliates, you will have many opportunities to expand on this very brief priority list. In some circles SWOT is considered a little old fashioned, but it is a quick way to get a handle on things you need to be thinking about.

Take Care of the Important People
Now that you know what you do, your customers are satisfied, your employees are happy, your finances are under control, your systems work and you are managing your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, take time for yourself. Your wife and kids are pretty important. Maybe you even have time to do something for someone else, as well as, yourself.

I’m Ready, Let’s Do It | A Little More Reality | I’m Not Discouraged Yet
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Starting a business can be a real waste of time and money, if you are not prepared to do what it takes to make it work. It is very important to reality test your idea and your abilities. Over 90% of all startups fail in the first two years. The best thing we can do for you, if you are going to fail, is to talk you out of starting in the first place. If we help you realize you are not yet ready, we will save you a lot of time and money. The time and money saved may also include that of your friends, family and other possible investors in your business.
The good news is that you don’t have to pay us a lot of money to discover whether or not you are ready. Upfront we will tell you that we bill our time at $300/hr. If that doesn’t scare you away, we will ask you a few questions to help you do a very basic level of reality testing. Then we will ask you how you can add value equal to $300 for yourself, for Chimorel or for someone else for each hour we spend together. We will agree on a rate you can live with or you will volunteer time. What matters is that you do what you say you will do. If you do what you say you’ll do, the time will come when adding value will be a piece of cake. The first 15 minutes is a free consultation. After that we will expect you to do something.

Sometimes we will ask you to send 20 people to our website and give us feedback about what they say. If you do this right, it will probably take you from 2-7 hours, in exchange for the approximate 1 hour we spend with you. This is a test. If you don’t see a value in what we have done for you and are not willing to do something that provides value in return, you are not ready to start a business. When you do something for someone else, you will want to get paid. If you are not willing to pay for the advice you get, you are not likely to get people who pay you. Don’t start until you are ready to give something for what you get. Then you have the right to expect the same courtesy in return.
Sometimes we will ask you to join our Cooperative Effort Program. This is an excellent way to get started. Give us say five solid referrals and we will spend time helping you build your business. You support us. We support you. And your cash cost is something you can live with. Most of the time we will expect you to become an Action Planning, Small Business or Nonprofit member. Sometimes we will expect you to initiate our $1000>$5000 program.
To start a new business where I can earn at least $4000/mo.
I'm Ready, Let's Do It
First Question: Did you just move to “I’m Ready, Let’s Do It.” or did you read the information first, think about it and decide you are ready?
You will find that integrity is a pretty valuable part of building your business. Making quick, seat-of-the-pants decisions will be valuable occasionally, but most of the time it will get you into more trouble and expense than the cost of the time it would take to do it right the first time. So if your not really ready. Stop now. Save yourself a lot of time and money. If you want to go back and read the information on the previous section, scroll up and re-read.
Second Question: Do you understand that we expect to get paid for the work we do to support you?
You should know by now that you can afford us and that at the beginning you tell us how much you can afford. There are many ways to pay us. We discussed two in the previous section. In time we will tell you about many other ways to pay us. But we do expect to get paid. So if you say you will do something, do it and do it well. Then you have paid your bill.
Now that I think about it, I’ll scroll up to Re-read the Previous section.
Would you like to review some stories that will help make the point? The stories below on the left are less than satisfying. The stories below on the right are going somewhere. After reading each story below, click close to return to this page. Otherwise you may get lost.
Let's Test Reality a Little More

Question 3: How much do you need to survive?
We didn’t ask how much do you want to make. Before you get to making as much as you want, you may have to go through a dry period. If your family bills have to be paid, don’t quit your day job to start a business with a shaky income. Build your business part-time until the demands of your business and the actual income pull you away from your day job.
Question 4: Why is your product or service better than your competition?
Don’t kid yourself. You will have competition. Maybe the competition is the discretionary income someone could spend with you or someone else. Maybe the competition is for someone’s time. So why should they spend their time and money with you? It is critically important that you be realistic here.
Question 5: How are you going to train your employees?
Your first employee is you. Would you hire you to do all the jobs that someone is going to have to do? If not, you are going to have to re-train yourself or find some way to sell, keep the books, make the service calls, do the repairs, write the advertising copy, handle customer complaints and everything else that someone has to do. Then when you do hire others, how will you train them to provide the excellent customer service that has built your business thus far?
Question 6: Do you have the foggiest clue as to what all needs to be done?
We’re not going to give all this away in this brief reality testing, but there is more to do than most people have any hint about. Should you incorporate/or not? What is your chart of accounts? Do you need a business plan? Do you have a marketing plan? What marketing research are you aware of? Who is the real customer? Who are the suppliers? Where do you get financing? How do you pay the mortgage and feed your family? … and we’ve only just begun !!!
Question 7: Have we discouraged you yet?
We haven’t even scratched the surface of all that is involved in taking an idea and turning it into a viable business that can provide you a better income than you are already making and give you a better return on your investment than other alternatives for the money you and others might be willing to invest. So if you are having any second thoughts, stop and re-evaluate. That doesn’t mean don’t plan your business. It does mean don’t do something you will regret two years from now after you have wasted a lot of time, money and a big piece of your self-confidence.
There are more than 85 tough questions we may eventually ask you, if you need to write a busines plan. One of our affiliates has 100 questions as part of the survey they’ll do to see if you are ready for them to help you? We give you 30 questions to help you prioritize if you explore the “Strengthen Your Business” portion of the website. If you are serious, there is a lot of thinking to do before you take the plunge. But if you really are serious, we would love to enable you to get where you are going.
I'm Not Discouraged Yet
Good For You! We genuinely hope you are ready to turn your idea into reality. The next step will involve two important questions: (1) How much money do I need? and (2) Who is my customer?
How much money you need will depend on the financial requirements of your business and how long it will take you to generate enough revenue from your business to survive. Remember Question 3 “How much do you need to survive?” with its comments about shaky income and staying with your day job. Try to keep your financial requirements as low as possible. Be very stingy at the beginning.
When you know who your customer is you can take real steps to attract and sell to your customer. Once you are selling to enough customers your business can survive and your family can eat. Once you are attracting customers, you need to know what they really need and keep them satisfied. Then you will be able to grow your business and give your family more than just stale bread crumbs.
Now you have a real business and it is time to …

Scroll to learn.
Evaluating Your Priorities
To Save hover over the top of the document, click the three dots … and save to the folder you create on your computer.
Strengthen Your Business
You are already making money. Now you want to strengthen your business and make more money or perhaps achieve some other priority, like having more time. You know that you pay for what you get. Our billing rate starts at $300/hr with a minimum commitment of $2100 in advance. We negotiate, depending on many factors. If you are just starting your business, we have plans that anyone can afford; but you will have to work, be creative and support Chimorel’s growth in lieu of cash.
If you are making money, you know what your products/ services are, who your customer is and how to reach your customer. Warren and other affiliate coaches can support your growth in many ways.
Let’s clarify your initial focus. The priorities above are ranked in order: Customer, Employees, Finances, Systems, SWOT and You. You may have other areas you want to focus on and can work on more than one area by prioritizing your focus. Review the questions above and establish your initial focus.
A Tentative Goal:
To increase my net profit by $10,000/mo.
Make Something Happen
At some point you will Enter into a Contract or complete a Letter of Understanding. Here are options to reflect on:
Do it yourself
Begin to read books
Enter a program and/or Become a member
Continue to explore other areas of this website
Retain Chimorel to address one or more priorities
Letter of Understanding
Coaching | Warren Resume
Initiate a Small Business Annual Membership
Initiate a Corporate Annual Membership
Become an I Got a Job Employer
Become a Concerned Citizen
Recycle With Chimorel
Do It Yourself
If you genuinely want to strengthen your business, doing nothing is not an option, but is a possibility.
Doing it yourself, on the other hand, may be a very viable option. If you have successfully built your business, perhaps that is all you may need to do. If you really do want to make it happen, let us suggest three options that are almost the same as doing it yourself:
Begin to read books that might help.
Continue to explore other areas of this website.
Join Chimorel’s Cooperative Effort Program.
Read Books
To take care of your customers … and your employees; … to control your finances … or develop dynamic operational systems … to analyze your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats … to take care of yourself and if you want to continuously learn, you may want to begin a reading and research program.
Below we provide lists of books organized by title an category. You may find many of these books at a library. For your convenience, we have an affiliate program with Alibris where you can buy new and gently used copies of these and other books at significant savings.
All of the books listed can be purchased at a discount, frequently at substantial savings, sometimes for $2.50 + shipping or less. We suggest you highlight the title of the books you are interested in, copy the title to a separate word document, then explore. By linking to Albris through our site, you support us with your purchase. Check out our Earn Chimorel Bucks program.
These books are timeless, but a little old. Because they are not currently the most popular, you can buy them cheaper than the latest rage. Get the latest and greatest from your library. Then buy them when the price drops.
Title / Category
2020 Vision, Transform Your Business Today To Succeed in Tomorrow’s Economy Leadership
Acres of Diamonds Christianity, Motivational
As a Man Thinketh Inspirational
Business By the Book, Complete Guide of Biblical Principles for Business Men & Women
Business Etiquette: 101 Ways to Conduct Business with Charm and Savvy Business Etiquette
Changing the Game: The New Way to Sell Selling Techniques
Connections, Quadrant II Time Management
Dig Your Well Before You’re Thirsty, the Only Networking Book You’ll Ever Need Networking, Business Communication
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute Employee Development, Entrepreneurship
Everyone’s Coach Consulting, Leadership
Exploring the World of Business Business
Extraordinary Guarantees Quality Control, Customer Service
First Break All the Rules, What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently Management
Future Perfect Globalization, Economic History
Gemba Kaizen, Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management Entrepreneurship, Cost Control
Getting Things Done, The Art of Stress-free Productivity Productivity
Getting to Plan B Business Model
Going to the Top: A Road Map for Success from America’s Leading Women Executive Careers, Executive Ability
Good to Great Management
Gung Ho!, Turn On the People in Any Organization Entrepreneurship
High Impact Consulting: How Clients and Consultants Can Work Together to Achieve Extraordinary Results Consulting
High Probability Selling Selling Techniques
How To Become CEO, The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization Careers, Executive Ability
How to Think Like a CEO, 22 Vital Traits Success, Executive Ability
Inside the Magic Kingdom Marketing, Entrepreneurship
Jump Start Your Brain Strategic Planning, Creative Ability
Jump Start Your Business Brain, Win More Lose Less Make More Money with Your Sales, Marketing & Business Development Strategic Planning
Leaders, The Strategies for Taking Charge Leadership
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Leadership
Leading Self-Directed Work Teams, A Guide to Developing New Team Leadership Skills Teams
Managing By Values Entrepreneurship, Values
Mission Possible, Becoming a World-Class Organization While There’s Still Time Strategic Planning, Structural Adjustment
One Minute For Myself, How to Manage Your Most Valuable Asset Self Actualization
Organizational Change Through Effective Leadership Structural Adjustment
Outrageous, Unforgettable Service…Guilt-Free Selling Selling Techniques, Customer Service
Putting the One Minute Manager to Work Entrepreneurship
Raving Fans Customer Service
Successful Mergers, Acquisitions, and Strategic Alliances: How to Bridge Corporate Cultures Mergers & Acquisitions
Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive Motivation, Management
The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player, Becoming the Kind of Person Every Team Wants Teams, Management Science
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Self Actualization
The Consultant’s Tool Kit Advertising & Promotion
The E Myth Contractor, Why Most Contractors’ Businesses Don’t Work & What to Do About It Contracting, Small Business Management
The Effective Executive Executive Ability
The Emyth Revisited Small Business Management
The Eternally Successful Organization, The Art of Corporate Wellness Leadership, Organizational Behavior
The Family Game: A Situational Approach to Effective Parenting Parenting
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Teams, Management Science
The Five Temptations of a CEO Entrepreneurship
The Four Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive Inspirational, Business Life
The Goal, A Process of Ongoing Improvement
The Greatest Salesman in the World Selling Techniques, Inspirational
The Greatest Secret In the World Inspiration & Personal Growth
The Heart of a Leader Management
The Leadership Challenge Leadership, Organizational Behavior
The Leadership Pill, The Missing Ingredient in Motivating People Today Leadership
The Lean Startup Entrepreneurship
The One Minute Apology Conflict Resolution
The One Minute Manager Builds High Performing Teams Teams, Management Science
The Ownership Solution, Toward a Shared Capitalism for the 21st Century Free Enterprise, Sustainable Development
The Power of Ethical Management Business Ethics
The Professional’s Guide to Value Pricing Financial, Marketing Research, Pricing
The Three Keys to Empowerment, Release the Power Within People for Astonishing Results Leadership
There’s No Such Thing as “Business Ethics” Business Ethics
We are the Beloved Inspirational, Executives
We’ve Got to Start Meeting Like This, How to Reach for Results In Every Team Meeting Meeting Planning
Whale Done Careers, Interpersonal Relationships
Who Moved My Cheese? Business Life
Why Leaders Can’t Lead Management
Your Road Map For Success, You Can Get There From Here Inspirational
Ziglar On Selling Selling Techniques
Enter a Program or
Become a Member
We strongly encourage you to enter Chimorel’s Cooperative Effort program. It is an excellent way to meet a lot of good people and, if you take it seriously, this program will definitely build your business over time.
There are several other Membership and Program choices you may want to explore. Some businesses find our Concerned Citizen Program an excellent way to support the community. Others discover hiring our trainees an excellent way to enhance their bottom line. Almost every business can support Chimorel by Recycling, especially their computers.

Explore Website
This is a pretty obvious choice. Of course, you can Read Books and learn about our Cooperative Effort program. You can Evaluate Your Priorities.
You can also go to the Business Development area under the Learn section. In this area you can explore how to achieve your goal to increase your company’s net profit by $10,000/mo. You can learn how to write a Business Plan or learn to Control Expenses. You can explore Human Resources, Sales and Marketing. There’s even a course to learn about Accounting.
You really should take a serious look at the Riches, Wealth and More discussion, and you may want to explore Business Incubation.
If you run a nonprofit you can learn ways to fund your nonprofit. At the Nonprofit link, we encourage you to get a solid grasp on getting your constituents involved and to explore our $1000 to $5000 Program.
There are many ways to use Recycling to Create Jobs and to maximize your resources by Recycling Your Computers safely. At the Recycling link, you will find an intriguing New Recycling story and other Recycling Stories.
Of course, there are many other areas to explore like Setting Goals and Buy Stuff and Building Your Dream Home. Before you spend a lot of time chasing all these wind mills, however, let’s focus on strengthening your business.
Warren’s billing rate starts at $300 to $350/hr. Other coaches and consultants within our network may have higher or lower fees. If you know you want to invest in at least 100 hours and are ready to make a $10,000 nonrefundable, advance payment, we will negotiate depending on many factors. Your most cost effective strategy to engage Chimorel is to enter a plan that leads to our 2100 Lifetime membership. We might also refer you to other Independent Consultants/Coaches who could charge a different amount.
It is important to note here that we do not spend a lot of time personally selling our services. We will spend time getting to know you and to clarify your focus. The intent of this section of the website is to provide all the information you need to make a decision. When you are ready to retain us, we are ready to support you, but do not expect a sales pitch. We will be friendly, but expect things to happen the moment you call.
Clicking the Retain Chimorel link, gives you enough information to make a decision. Our discussion under Coaching explains the factors. Then you decide to make it happen.

Letter of Understanding
Chimorel uses a Letter of Understanding to enter into Business Ventures, Affiliate Relationships or an exchange of services. We call all of these proposing a business venture. It is important to recognize that business ventures are high risk. We could spend hundreds of hours that do not materialize into a viable undertaking in an effort to support you as you try to start a business or solve a problem.
When the risk is higher the anticipated returns are also higher. Our billing rate at this level is a minimum of $300/hr, but is more likely to be project by project. When there is cash involved, as well as, a genuine benefit to Chimorel we will negotiate.
Once again, do not expect a sales pitch. Actually, at this point, you are the sales person. You must convince us that your project is something that will support a lot of people and that the project is a sound business venture. Scroll to Propose a Business Venture and make something happen.
Propose a Business Venture
Did catch our phrase, “Actually, at this point, you are the sales person. You must convince us that your project is something that will support a lot of people and that the project is a sound business venture.”
Warren knows how to raise money. He has enabled hundreds of large and small businesses to solve a wide variety of complicated problems. He has taught about every business subject, including eight levels of accounting, business law, strategic management for three different colleges. Feel free to read his resume. If you spend a little time wandering around this website, you will get a feel for the depth of possibilities you can explore.
So if you want us to get involved, you are indeed the salesperson.
Start with your rough draft two page Executive Summary, then call. Your sales pitch should address the Evaluating Your Priorities questions, should convince us that your venture can be a success and that you are indeed willing to work with Chimorel to enable us to achieve our goals.

The ultimate goal is to empower you to be a transformative coach
within your organization’s effective leadership structure .
These two books will lead the way.
When you initiate coaching within your organization, you no longer do things on the website. You decide to Retain Chimorel or enter into a Letter of Understanding.
You recognize you want to deal with one or more issues or you want to pursue a venture with Chimorel. You are willing to spend some money to improve your business / nonprofit performance. You may even want to transform your corporate culture into an entrepreneurial, coach-manager mindset.
Coaching can be informal or formal. At the beginning we are likely to enter into a formal agreement, set specific objectives and work toward an effective leadership structure. As you are ready, we will move toward a less formal structure and your managers will become the coaches. There will be times when we do team coaching with the ultimate goal that each employee becomes skilled at self-coaching. One coaching model you will learn is the GROW model. Goal=What do you want? Reality=Where are you now? Options=What could you do? Will=What will you do?
We strongly encourage you to develop a coaching mindset, both in your business and in your life. We are always looking for good coaches and effective leaders at Chimorel. If you would like to work with Chimorel as a coach or to develop coaching skills in your own life click the link above.
I’m serious! I’m ready! Let’s make it happen.
Decide to retain Chimorel or to enter into a Letter of Understanding by using How It Works below.
How It Works
Let’s return to $300 to $350/hr. More than anything this number measures your value. It should not be a high fee that scares you away. If our fee scares you, you may not be ready to work with us. We hope you decide that you are worth $300+/hr and that you will work with us to demonstrate your value.
Warren will negotiate between $100 and $350/hr. $300/hr cash. $350/hr exchange services. $100/hr barter. $0+/hr to support people who volunteer 25+ hours.
Now let’s look at bartering, volunteering and supporting Chimorel. Then we’ll check out memberships, programs and the Chimorel Sanctuary. When an attorney, accountant or another professional says “we charge $250 or $350/hr”, I say “we charge $350/hr, and what are the tax implications.”

Barter, Volunteering, Supporting Chimorel
As you may have learned barter is taxable, but the value is negotiable. Volunteering at Chimorel comes with certain perks once you get past 25 hours of productive effort. When you support someone through Chimorel, your valuable assistance may just transform a life (certainly worth $300+/hr) and it earns you the right to ask for their support in return. We are reaching out to 50,000 people all over the world in the next three years. You have skills and resources that can support these people. When a friend supports a friend there are no taxes involved. When an attorney charges $350/hr you have to earn more than $350 just to cover the taxes. This disparate group of thoughts comes down to something very simple. When I support you, I expect you to support Chimorel activities in a meaningful way. Supporting Chimorel in ameaningful way covers my $300+/hr.
We may not put an actual dollar amount on everything we do, but in general you should be willing to create a value of $300 or more when we spend time together. We won’t be sticklers on actual time spent. Let me say that in a different way. We will do what needs to be done without wasting time. You will see yourself as capable of generating a real value of $300 or more in an efficient, effective manner. If you have computers to recycle, need to hire entry level people, can sponsor events and Chimorel’s growth, enable us to tackle some big problems, need to develop your EAP program and perhaps are ready to create an entrepreneurial coach-manager mindset at your organization we will uncover the most cost effective, lowest taxable, way to work together. Otherwise, we bill our time at $300+/hr with a nonrefundable $10,000 advance deposit after you sign a tough contract. If you want to support Chimorel, enter into a $2100 Lifetime Membership.
Membership, Programs, Chimorel Sanctuary
Chimorel memberships start wherever you are willing to start (minimum $100) and automatically upgrade (to well over $5000) as you get more involved. Chimorel programs are designed to support you (personally) and your organization to solve any major problem and achieve any significant goal you are motivated to achieve. The Chimorel Sanctuary is a place to find peace, inspiration and empowerment, imbued with a sense of adventure. Every time you visit the sanctuary you will be encouraged to make decisions that can transform your life and enhance the world.
We are into the third year at the sanctuary. Many of the items on our check list for the first phase of our five phase plan have been accomplished. Many more to do and we expect the list will grow for a while. Getting involved in creating our events, sponsorship and volunteering is an easy way to trade for things that need done and can reduce overall costs. Telling people about Chimorel is similar.
Let’s walk through a simple scenario. You want to strengthen your business and call. We talk. Initially, you are not ready to deposit $2100 and volunteer 210 hours, so we ask you to tell twenty people about Chimorel and give us feedback about their exploring our website. Together we follow up. Three become Action Planning members with Special Projects. Two more enter into a Coaching program. Soon almost all get involved in some way. As you see others getting involved, you become a Small Business member with the intention of moving toward a $2100 Plan. We identify areas in your marketing that can be strengthened. You decide to sponsor our monthly bonfires as a “Fire Chief” covering ongoing coaching each month and to recycle all your computers with us. Your employees volunteer (more than 210 hours) at our fund raising events and in doing work at the Sanctuary. This mutual support continues. Your business doubles in size. You hire our entry level trainees through our Temp to Hire process and we assist you to find a few top level managers. You establish our entrepreneurial, coach-manager mindset at your business. Your business doubles again. We enable you to build a new building saving 20% in the process. The relationship continues to grow and most of our fees are covered in unusual ways that keep a lot more money in your pocket and strengthen Chimorel’s growth.
So now it’s your turn to make some decisions:
[] Will you tell others about Chimorel?
[] Do you have computers and other items we can recycle?
[] Will your employees volunteer to support Chimorel?
[] Would you prefer to become a member or start with a $10,000 nonrefundable deposit.
[] A member spends an initial $500, $1000 or $2100, each with different levels of support, and makes a commitment to support Chimorel.
[] Have you reviewed our Evaluating Your Priorities and decided what your initial focus will be?
[] Did you notice you had to find this section on your own by scrolling and looking to see what was next or clicking $200 to $350/hr and scrolling some more? Why do you think than might be? Hint: Success in business requires uncovering what your competition doesn’t take the time to find.

Warren's Resume
Pearl, my new wife, says the tie picture doesn’t really reflect the true Warren. So here are two other perspectives.
The resume below with slight modifications is the one Warren has used to create many consulting assignments. Although it is three pages it is only reflective of some of the hundreds of projects and consulting assignments Warren has been involved in since Chimorel first came in to being in 1972. Since college Warren has always been doing something fulltime and two other somethings part-time. Today at 81 the focus is on developing the Chimorel Sanctuary and an AirB&B with many events. We will continue to develop Chimorel’s overall vision and will support your vision if you are ready. Today Warren’s efforts are joined by a constantly growing team of competent Leaders.