Sponsors will become a Major Part of Chimorel’s support in the future. Sponsors may be JV Partners, Investors, Advertisers or companies who hire our members and participants. We are in the process of developing sponsors. If you are interested in becoming a Major Sponsor send an email to Contact Us.
Event Sponsorship: Each event we provide will eventually be seeking sponsorship for that event. Sponsorship of events will be developed for each specific event as they are established.
Sponsors can also be Naming Rights Sponsors. Let’s look at naming Rights Sponsors. You could be both a Naming Rights Sponsor and an Event Sponsor.
The Chimorel Sanctuary is a Special Project with special naming rights. You can become an Honorary Pond Manager or Fire Chief; Inscribe Bricks, Moveable Panels, Pallet Holders and Other Components; Name Rooms and Other Parts of the Sanctuary and Label Equipment.

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Chimorel Sanctuary | Five Phase Plan
$10,000,000 Capital Campaign

During the next approximate three years Chimorel will be conducting a capital campaign to generate $10,000,000+. We anticipate buying / developing approximately $50,000,000 worth of property during the next 3+ years. We will be completing five phases in the Chimorel Sanctuary’s development and anticipate acquiring or building at least one 200,000+ sqft warehouse estimated at approximately $25/sqft. See our Sanctuary Five Phase Plan and ask for our Auction White-paper for a more complete description and analysis.
Naming Rights and Event Sponsors will play a major role in this campaign. As they are developed Major Sponsors can also play a significant role, as well.
Naming Rights Sponsors
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Honorary Pond Manager = $15,000 to $35,000+ Honorary fishermen = $1100 each
We are looking for one or more Honorary Pond Managers who will give or raise the approximate cost of maintaining the pond for two years. The Pond Manager will participate in determining what fish to stock, have a plaque installed at the pond with his/her name inscribed and receive five years of free fishing rights and event participation. The pond will be a significant source of water for our agricultural activities, so long term toxic chemicals will be avoided. Honorary Fishermen can initially support the pond manager, then their donations will be used to stock the pond and begin to build our aquaponics program.
Costs include the aeration pump system, the hoses, 6-8 diffusers, pond rakes, stocking & feeding the fish, installing the electric, annual electric cost, annual pond supplies and annual maintenance. We may need to replace part of the system in 5-7 years. The aeration system may run all year long. The diffusers sit on the bottom of the pond adding life giving oxygen, assisting in breaking down leaves/debris and enabling gas exchange. All of this contributes to maintaining a clear pond and healthy fish.

Adding a solar system is likely to increase the cost by a little less than $10,000. Adding waterfalls and more fountains, gravelling the perimeter and other pond features will bring the total cost to approximately $25,000. Beginning the aquaponic system will add another $10,000+ for a grand total of $35,000. If the system is operated during the winter months, it creates a thin ice situation which means we would not be able to use the pond when it freezes over. Disconnecting the system during the winter months increases maintenance costs but allows the pond to be used when it freezes over.
To cover the costs of maintaining the pond after two years and to complete the aquaponic system, we will add Honorary Pond Managers who will receive similar benefits in future years. This is a Phase One project.

Honorary Fire Chief = $10,000 to $12,000
Honorary Firefighters $950 each
We are looking for an Honorary Fire Chief who will give or raise $10,000, the approximate cost of acquiring the system and providing supplies for two years. The Fire Chief will have a plaque installed at the fire pit with his/her name inscribed, receive five years of free attendance at all events and have the authority to extinguish all bonfires he/she attends using our Suppression System.
Our research has determined that the portable, combination water/foam system pictured is safest for the environment with the most reasonable long term cost. The portable pump shown can use water from our pond with a normal garden hose or use what we believe to be a biodegradable foam. The portable six gallon backpack enables quick extinguishing of fires when & wherever an accidental fire might start. Good for dealing with sparks from our bonfire during the dry season.
Costs include a 14 HP Portable Firefighting Cart System, 1-3 Flame Foam Backpack Systems, two years of supplies and building the fire ring. The cart includes Class A Firefighting Foan & Water applicators, 170 PSIm >390′ of vertical lift, forestry firehose, ruggedized fire fighting nozzles, D-handle shutoff with a pistol grip and an automatic pressure relief system. The backpack Includes a six-gallon ballistic nylon shell with a removable inner bladder and comfortable shoulder harness system with waist straps, a 4′ hose & nozzle, a foam fast hand pump and six 3″ foam cartridges. Supplies include foam cartridges, a spanner wrench to disconnect hoses, a forestry hose clamp for burst hoses & fitting changes and hose winders. The fire ring needs blocks, cement and gravel.
Adding 2-4 backpacks and valves for ongoing maintenance would add up to approximately $2000. The systems have a limited 5 year warranty. For replacement and possibly for supplies beyond two years we would seek an additional Honorary Fire Chief. The Fire Chief is a Phase One project.
Honorary Firefighters will initially support the Fire Chief and then will support other building development projects, like driveways, locating water for our greenhouses on the 25 acres, etc. They will receive two years free attendance to all events, a 735 Plan Membership and be honored in other ways. Fire Fighters are initially a Phase One project, but may eventually support all five phases.
5+ Honorary Chefs = $25,000+
3+ Honorary Kitchen Managers = $15,000+
We must significantly upgrade or replace our kitchen cabinets. The dishwasher works, but the racks need to be replaced. As we complete the addition we will need approximately four new refrigerators and other appliances. As we build out the Cafe in the kitchen we will be upgrading the equipment and the environment. We will be developing other areas into food service venues as we move into the various phases for developing the Sanctuary.

The intent is to have as many Chefs and Kitchen Managers as possible at $5000 each. Each Chef or Kitchen Manager will receive a plaque, small label in the kitchen or living area, a $5000 Plan Lifetime membership, free attendance at all events for five years, will be invited to develop healthy menus and manage the kitchen at events of their choosing and may participate in the creation of all the nutrition enhancing activities we develop. The initial focus for funds raised through Chefs and Kitchen Managers will be the food service areas, but funds raised may also provide a variety of other living space requirements for our leaders, members and participants. Honorary Chefs & Kitchen Managers will support Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Honorary Parking Lot Managers = $3500 each
We have determined that it will cost approximately $4500 to install a semi-truck grade drive for the 340 feet that wind through the pine trees from the road back to the edge of the trees. This would allow us to bring in container storage for recycling and to move produce we grow in greenhouses at the back of our 10+ acres.
From that point we need a lesser drive for cars to reach our concrete pad which parks our 35′ trailer and five+ other cars. If we make this tripple wide we can park more cars along this part of the drive. By adding a parking lot behind the trees down to the pond we can add parking for 20+ cars to attend our events at the house and still not take away from the ambience of the pond and grassy area.
The intent is to have an many Parking Lot Managers as possible at $3500 each. We will be creating a better drive and parking at the “Dog House” and for the Farm Store/Consignment Shop/Aquaponics Garden area. The exact price for all the parking and drive areas has not yet been determined; however, the intent will be similar to the Chef/Kitchen Manager. We will provide free attendance at all events for three years and invite Parking Lot Managers to direct traffic at events of their choosing. They will receive a 735 Plan or 2100 Plan membership and may step up to a 5000 Plan Membership at any time for an additional donation of $1500. They will receive a plaque and large inscribed drive “brick.” The initial focus for funds raised through Parking Lot Managers will be the drive and parking areas, but funds raised may also provide a variety of other outdoor and building related improvements. Honorary Parking Lot Managers will support Phases 1 and 2.
Other Honorary Positions = $2500 each
We intend to create a portable Sawmill, approximate cost $10,000. We will need to do a lot of electrical, plumbing, HVAC and other skilled labor work. Cost at this point unknown, but most likely in the ball park of $100,000+/-.
We will need to hire people to man our farm store; to manage our greenhouses, vertical hydroponics, vermicomposting and other agricultural endeavors. These positions are anticipated to become self-sustaining, but need a solid base before they reach the self-sustaining level. There will undoubtedly be other program areas that will need initial support.

The intent is to establish as many Other Honorary Positions at $2500 as possible to support these endeavors. As noted in the picture, these positions may include Lumberjack, Electrician, Plumber, Farm Store Manager and many others. Other Honorary Positions will receive free attendance at all events for two years, a plaque and notation in various promotional materials. We will also agree on specific additional incentives based on what the donation is intended to support. Other Honorary Positions most likely will support all five phases.

Inscribed Pavers, Pallet Holders, Panels
Inscribed Pavers and Pallet Holders will follow a similar pattern to those described above. We will seek as many $750 pavers and $475 Pallet Holders as possible. Our “bricks” will be approximately 9×4″, made of a laser inscribable durable material that will cover paths, the edges of our driveways and certain wall space. Inscribed bricks most likely will support all five phases.
Our pallet holders Pallet holders are steel frames, each capable of holding 1 or 2 standard pallets. Each pallet holder can be stacked to fit within the 10′ ceiling of the warehouse/event space for our Addition and moved with a forklift. Each pallet holder will have a label with the donor’s name inscribed on a plate with an electronic number so we can track it’s location instantly. Pallet holder’s will be a vital part of keeping our inventory accessible and providing flexible space for warehousing, recycle processing and events. Similar pallet holders will be created for warehouse space with 20+ ceilings. Pallet holders most likely will support the first four phases, as well as, our warehouse acquisitions.
Moveable panels will be approximately $5-9000 per 2-5 line inscription with 5-12 inscriptions per panel. Panels will have a base through which electrical wiring can pass. Some panels will be highly durable acrylic, lexan or similar clear/semi-clear material. Other panels will be opaque or other colored inscribable materials. The number of inscribed panels will be limited, based on the facility actually built. Movable panels will be found in meeting room, office, conference and other areas throughout the facility. For example, a 5000 sqft room can be re-designed into two 2500 sqft rooms for smaller events using movable panels. Moveable panels most likely will support all five phases.
Facility, Space, Equipment
Facility Dedication: The Chimorel Sanctuary will not have naming rights. There will be naming rights for many components, and if the 25 acres are acquired for the 1000 person event center. Naming rights for other facilities will carry a twenty year designation. The amount will be established after an acquisition has been identified.

Shop: Our first major project construction project most likely will be to expand the former dog house, now Jeremy’s shop, and create training space to teach a variety of skills. Blended with printing, sales, design and fabrication using many tools, students will also learn the steps of realizing new ideas, critical thinking, finding their passion and environmental perspectives. We will be tripling the space at the shop for approximately $75,000 or fifteen $5000 donations.
Addition: Following closely on the heels of the shop construction project will be an approximately $450,000 addition to the house, which will provide up to eight bedrooms, kitchen and living room space upstairs and 2000 square feet for events, recycling and eBay storage downstairs This will be funded over an estimated 30 year period using some of the Honorary Positions, as well as, Pallet Holders, Panels, Room Dedication, events, auctions and event sponsorship.
Other Spaces: Within the Sanctuary and as part of other building projects in our 5 phase plan there will be kitchens, event and conference space, warehouse and training space, as well as, cabin clusters. These spaces will offer naming rights with a 5+ year designation. When the time frame expires, the area or right can be re-designated to a new donor. Your designation plaque will remain in perpetuity. The plaque for the new designated donor will be placed beside yours.
Other Components: We will need many other components and equipment to put the Sanctuary and other programs together. Here is what we have identified so far: Skid Steer with Attachments: At the Sanctuary we immediately need a skid steer with up to 20 attachments (to move logs, to dig the drives and spread the gravel, to trench plumbing and electric lines, to set posts and much more). We need a heavy duty trailer. Lawnmower and: With close to 10 acres to mow (soon 35), paths to create and woods to maintain we need a large lawnmower or at least a mower attachment for the skid steer, several chain saws and assistance from dedicated volunteers. Sawmill: We anticipate creating our own lumber (see lumberjack above) then assisting our neighbors and others who need to clear up their wooded areas. Kitchen Equipment & Food Service: We need kitchen equipment for the Cafe at the house and will need other food service equipment as we create additional event space. We will also need freeze drying equipment, large refrigerators and other food preparation equipment as we move into growing mushrooms and other produce. Warehouse equipment: We will need indoor forklifts, pallet jacks, a wide variety of other tools as we create combination warehouse, training and event space. Automotive Repair Equipment & Agricultural Equipment: As part of our 25 acre acquisition, we will be creating an auto dealership to provide high value items for our auctions. We will also be creating greenhouses, vermicomposting, vertical hydroponic, aquaponic and mushroom growing areas.
Creative Approach: Expect us to be creative in our approach to acquiring what we need. We will establish the need and the price that would be normal. Then we will seek the most cost effective way to obtain what we need. For example, it would have cost us approximately $15,0000 to buy and install our furnace and air from Home Depot. We completed the project for less than $5000, as described on the Sanctuary page. We might do something similar for our kitchen cabinets, sawmill equipment and other needs. When this is the case for something you fund, you receive the naming rights and we may use the unspent funds for some other need you can receive additional credit for.

Each event we offer seeks sponsorship. Event sponsorship is developed as events become well established. Some events will focus on Health-Wellness, Adventures like bonfires and a labyrinth. Other events will focus on fund raising. Events can be scheduled at the Sanctuary or at another venue.
Event Sponsorship is likely to offer a range of sponsoring levels from $250 to $5000. nonprofit affiliates and Special Project members may create their own sponsorship levels. You can sponsor more than one event. Donors of needed items will be honored at our events.

A Major Sponsor provides support at a $25,000 level or more. It takes time to develop the solid Event, JV Partner, Investor, Advertiser and Employer relationships at this level of sponsorship to develop and mature. Our initial focus will be event sponsors. We are not yet having events large enough for sponsorship at this level.
We will flesh out this section in greater detail when our events justify this level of sponsorship.