Create Your Chimorel Special Project
When you become an Action Planner who chooses to initiate a Chimorel Special Project you will receive an ebook called Create A Chimorel Special Project, which contains the chapters indicated below. To assist in raising funds for your Special Project you may want to consider using our Thank You Gifts. You may also want to explore some of our Current Projects. Your Special Project is Unique to You, 3 Levels and Mindset. Invite Your Friends and Fund Your Project. Make a Donation the IRS likes.
Scroll or click to learn.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is a Chimorel Special Project?
Chapter 2: Is There a God?
Chapter 3: Mindset
Chapter 4: Networking and Relationships
Chapter 5: Show Me the Money
Chapter 6: Solving Problems
Chapter 7: Achieving Goals
Chapter 8: How Do I Do It?
Chapter 9: The Big Picture
Chapter 10: Your Invitation to Build Chimorel
What is a Chimorel Special Project?
Creating a Chimorel Special Project involves developing the resources required to achieve a significant goal or solve a major problem. You apply for a Chimorel Special Project by becoming an Action Planner and indicating your interest in initiating a Special Project for a specific purpose.
Your application is assigned to a Planner for guidance. The Planner may work alone or with a committee and will determine specific criteria you need to meet to complete your Special Project. When you agree to complete these criteria, you have established a Chimorel Special Project.
Your Special Project is Unique to You
Of course, your Special Project is unique to you. You decide the goal level. You determine what will be funded. The beneficiary of your Special Project must be involved in the negotiation. For the most part you actually raise the funds with a little help from your friends and the beneficiary. Raising the funds for your Special Project is your responsibility. Chimorel’s Planner will provide a great deal of support, suggest many alternatives and marketing possibilities and even invite people to support you; but you must be the driving force to get your project funded. Your beneficiary should be actively involved, as well. We support. You do. This unique 0-4-0 concept is a little hard for some to grasp at the beginning, but once you realize your own power you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Three Special Project Levels
There are three levels of Chimorel Special Projects:
1st Level = $2500 to $25,000.
2nd Level = $25,000 to $500,000.
3rd Level = $500,000 and up.
You successfully complete a First Level Special Project before moving to the Second Level. You may repeat a First Level Special Project as many times as necessary before you are ready to move on. Then you complete a Second Level Special Project, which you can repeat as desired, before being eligible to initiate a Third Level Special Project.
At each level your Application Fee is 10% of the amount of funding you seek. Above $2500 you will determine with your Planner/Committee certain criteria as part of determining what you need to do to accomplish your Special Project. Establishing these criteria can be time consuming or rapid fire depending mostly on your determination to develop a successful Special Project.
Although cash may be required to solve many problems and achieve many goals, cash is not the only resource you will require. You will also require time, energy, supplies, equipment, mindset and Sources of Strength. A very important resource is mindset.

Mindset is more than “positive thinking.” Mindset is about making decisions and following specific action steps. Mindset is about reaching deep within yourself and tapping into Sources of Strength you may not have known were there. Your Growth Mindset means it’s possible. A Fixed Mindset stops you cold. Once your goals are clear and you have determined the person you want to become, your daily actions and thoughts actually reflect your mindset. One of the best ways to develop a successful mindset is to spend time studying others who have achieved success.
The Master Mind is our first source of strength. As you can tell from the Table of Contents above, the second chapter of our ebook Create A Chimorel Special Project is dedicated to exploring the question “Is there a God?” You don’t need to believe in the angry Sky God of the Old Testament to be able to tap into this resource. You will want to have an open mind. Having an open mind may be just as important for the legalistic Christian, Muslim or other religious person as it is for the agnostic or atheist. Regardless of your belief, this incredible Source of Strength is there, knocking gently at the corners of your awareness.
Relationships with others is our second source of strength. Chapter three of our ebook is dedicated to Mindset. Chapter four involves Developing Relationships.” In these chapters our discussion will explore mindset and relationships in significant depth. These chapters will help you focus. You will consider networking. You will reflect on your relationship with your husband/wife and family. You can tap into the concept of universal connectedness, which we refer to as a “universal committee.”
Comfort Zone: Sometimes it is easy to stay in your comfort zone and put up with jobs and life circumstances that are predictable and safe. Our challenge to you is to get out of that comfort zone. Develop your Special Project to solve whatever problems you have and goals you want to achieve. Repeat level one several times if necessary. Go on to level two and level three when you are ready. Achieve your most ambitious dreams. As you are beginning to learn, a Chimorel Special Project can help make your dreams happen. Tap into all the resources available to you.

A large part of your success in developing a Special Project will involve others supporting you. Now is a good time to find out who your friends really are. Invite them to start their own Success Journey. Do something to genuinely support each friend. Now that you have earned the right to ask for their support give them specific ways to support you, like enroll in the Scrip program, or find ten items that can be sold or auctioned, or donate $100. The average family has $2000 sitting in closets that can support your Special Project and can buy enough items through Scrip to add $300 to $600 to your Special Project. If you are serious about your Success Journey, you are already inviting friends. Soon your friends will be traveling with you and supporting you as you achieve your first Special Project. They can support you and you can support them. Put the link above in your favorites. Make a list. Call your friends. Ask them to start their free Success Journey. Walk with them as they register and confirm. Anyone can afford the cost. Our Success Journey is free. If they start their journey with a serious mindset and don’t quit, the journey will transform their lives. Although there is no cash cost, the journey is not entirely free. You must invest the time and develop the mindset to learn the principles and implement your action plan.

Fund Your Special Project
The point of a Special Project is to find the funds to achieve your goal. When you initiate your free Success Journey, if you do your homework, you will be entitled to Lesson 7, which offers significantly more than 100 ways to generate funds. In the meantime, you can also explore our Fund Raising Alternatives.
Be sure you understand how the funds flow. The funds raised will flow to Chimorel Services Inc. They are a donation to Chimorel and thus are tax deductible. Chimorel will control distribution of the funds. First Chimorel will deduct its program fee of 10%. This is what covers the work we do with and for you. You will decide what your Project is and we will discuss how to assure the project gets accomplished. The funds will not flow to you. They will pay for what you and Chimorel agree needs to happen in order to achieve your goal. Let’s repeat that. The funds will not flow to you. They will pay for the goal you and Chimorel agree to fund.
Donations, IRS & Viewpoints

Sometimes people learn about Chimorel Special Projects because they are making a significant donation to Chimorel. The donation will be made to support the charity, but it may also be made because of the IRS deduction. When your donation is significant, get sound advice from a tax accountant who actually knows the IRS expectations. We provide a little guidance, but we are not experts in this area, so recognize our understanding may not cover everything you need to know.
Determining the value of the deduction essentially means determining the fair market value. “If you donate property other than cash to a qualified organization, you may generally deduct the fair market value of the property.” There are adjustments that must be made for appreciated value and because of your tax basis.
The IRS definition of fair market value essentially is an arm’s length transaction, that takes place close to valuation date in open market, where the buyer and seller know the relevant facts and do not have to act, and when the market did not change between purchase date and valuation date.
Your tax basis is the depreciated value on your books, which is one way to establish the value of an asset. Assuming an asset is fully depreciated, the fair market value could follow the definition above. If the charity sells the asset the cash received can be the value in an open market.
From Chimorel’s viewpoint the cash received covers the membership fee, which opens the door to a Special Project with an Action Planning or higher level membership. Let’s say your corporation donates a bunch of computers which we sell for $1075. You establish a Corporate annual membership which entitles you to create a Special Project to raise a minimum of $2500 or (in this case) a maximum of $10,000 for a project you are concerned about. Obviously, $10,000 is more than $1075, so there is not an even value exchange or “sale.”
From the IRS viewpoint the donation and the Special Project must be two separate transactions or the IRS might conflate the two as a purchase/sale and you lose your deduction. In the above example, your Special Project might be to generate $10,000 for your Corporate Scholarship fund. You probably will establish the fund/Special Project before or after (as opposed to at the time of) the donation. You make this and most likely other donations because you want to support Chimorel. You get your employees involved in volunteering to support Chimorel. Perhaps you sponsor some Chimorel events, create a Corporate Picnic at the Chimorel Sanctuary and actively pursue other Chimorel programs with your employees and customers. Perhaps you use the value of your donation to inscribe a brick on a path at the Sanctuary. All of this shows your commitment to supporting Chimorel. Once again the cash proceeds we receive from the sale of your donation can demonstrate an arm’s length value for the items you donate.

A Special Project is created by becoming an Action Planner or entering a higher level membership. You and the person who introduced you to Chimorel will set things up with a Planner and everything will flow from there.
You can become an Action Planner by clicking the link above and paying the fee. Your Welcome Email will provide directions. You will want to tell us what Special Project you want to fund by sending an email to Contact Us. Your Planner will then contact you and together you will make things happen.
As you complete your level one Special Project and anticipate your level two and level three Chimorel Special Projects, you will upgrade to higher level memberships and programs. This will happen automatically. You are embarking on a lifelong learning adventure. There will be an enormous number of opportunities to follow. Links will lead on to other learning adventures. Sometimes you can get so tied up in learning, that you forget to do. Your success is not dependent on what you learn. Your success is dependent on what you do after you learn. If your success journey seems a little slow, focus on doing. You can always come back to follow links and learn more when you need to. Do it now to become successful. Yes, that was another diamond in the rough. Pick it up and polish it.
Your First Assignment: When you begin your Special Project, you want to respond to the emails you receive. Starting a Special Project means you genuinely want to accomplish something. You make a choice between becoming an Altruistic Action Planning member and initiating a Special Project. We are unlikely to chase you to overcome a habit of procrastination and putting things off until tomorrow. If you do not decide to make your Special Project happen, it most likely will lapse into an Altruistic membership by default. This is ok, but we hope you want more. So your first assignment is to make a decision. Do you want your Action Planning membership to be Altruistic or do you want to initiate a Special Project. Send an email using Contact Us and let us know.
The Welcome to the Opportunity link above leads to initiating your Action Planning membership.