
Set Your Goal

Click pix for story behind the picture.

       Everything that happens at Chimorel starts with your goals, even solving problems. Set your goals. Test them against reality.  Develop your action plans. If appropriate break your plan into manageable targets. Then implement your action plans. 
       This is the first of our 2000 dynamic strategies. Your goal should have an action verb, a time frame and a dollar amount.

Struggling Upstream

       Setting goals starts with your goals as an individual. Until you are clear about your own personal goals, you may have real difficulty being enthusiastic about the goals of the organization you work with. Once you are clear about your personal goals, then bring what you want into conformity with your responsibilities where you work or find another place to work. We can support you in this journey. 
       When your personal goals meld with your work responsibilities there is an incredible source of energy pushing you forward. When your goals conflict with what you do, you constantly struggle upstream against the raging torrent and waves perhaps beyond your control. 
       Life is indeed challenging. Without clear direction your boat can overturn. You can be drowned in the raging swells. But if your goal is clear you can propel yourself through the currents to reach calmer waters upstream. 
       Reflect on the challenging journey in the picture. Set your goals. Then propel your journey upstream as far as you can go !!!

Decide to Transform

       Deciding to transform some part of your life or something in the world around you consists of making many small decisions. When you visit the Sanctuary we encourage you to make at least one decision and to ask someone to hold you accountable.
       So you decide to hug someone. Your focus is on strengthening a relationship. Then maybe you decide to listen thoughtfully, to give deserved compliments, to be sure you follow through, and many more small decisions. Your relationship strengthens and you have greater peace.
       You decide to improve your income. Most likely just asking for a raise won’t do it. You’ll have to make many small decisions that demonstrate you deserve the raise. When the raise does not happen, you may need to make more decisions to prepare to move on.
       Deciding to transform something in the world around you may involve decisions to get others involved, to raise funds, to learn more, to become more confident, and more. As we work together we can strengthen our lives and make the world a little better.

Yes, I Am Ready to Set My Goals

      Well, what do you think? You seem to be ready to get serious about achieving your goals. We are about to walk you through a comprehensive process to think about your life mission, consider the roles in your life, and make setting, then achieving, your goals realistic. You can skip the comprehensive process and Do It Quickly if you want, but you will miss all the fun stuff.
      There are several ways to set goals. Perhaps the easiest way is to just write down the things you want to do. If you include an action verb, time frame and dollar amount – you’ll probably create a good goal.
      Another way to do it is to draw or find a picture that represents what you want. You might use colored pens and markers. You might cut a picture out of a magazine. You might develop a computer graphic. Once you have your picture, post it where you will see it every day – the refrigerator!! bathroom mirror!! on the television!! the screen saver on your PC!! If you determine a dollar cost and time to achieve your goal – once again, you probably created a good goal.
      It is said that only 5% of the people in our country ever write their goals down. If this is true, why have so many people not taken the time to memorialize their goals? Perhaps they’ve never been sold on the importance of setting realistic goals! Maybe they were fearful or have a poor self-image. And maybe, they just didn’t know how.

When Warren talks in the first person,
you’ll see his picture.

Warren's Message

        “I want you to learn to set and achieve big goals. And, I want you to  teach others to do the same. You deserve to be happier, healthier and more prosperous. You may want to make more friends, be more secure, or enjoy greater peace of mind. The best way I know to Thank You for your time and financial support is to support you as you set and achieve big goals that make long range improvements in your life and the lives of others.”
      “After you set goals, you can learn to develop action plans to achieve your goals. There will be sample action plans available and we will introduce you to many programs which can help you turn your dreams into reality.”
        “There will be many opportunities to help others: your family, your friends and people you may never meet. We want you to take advantage of these opportunities. It has been said that when you help enough other people, you can have anything you want.”
      We prefer to say that if you support enough people to earn what they need, you can achieve anything you need.

       “If you already set and achieve goals on a regular basis, you might skip quickly through some of the next topics, but if you really need to focus harder on setting and achieving goals, the next section will give you many ideas to support setting, testing and achieving a powerful goal”

Let's Do It - With Examples

       So, let’s just do it! Get a piece of paper and a pen/pencil to make notes as you are thinking. Then we will work through a form that makes the process simple.
       As you start setting goals (and later as you develop action step to do’s) you really do want to spend meaningful time thinking and dreaming. Think about your Life Mission and the Roles in your life. Then set your goals, before planning action steps.
       As you set your goals, include an action verb, a time frame and a dollar amount for each goal. Be sure that your goals relate to your Life Mission and flow from your Role Priority.

Here are some examples. Note the action verbs in each goal.

  • By the time I am fifty-five I want to retire with a $70,000/yr annual income.
  • I want to increase my income from $35,000 to $50,000 as a Chimorel Resource Developer.
  • When my daughter is 18, I want to have a plan that will enable her to pay $15,000/yr for college.
  • Five years from now, I want to start my own business as an independent engineer. I will need annual sales of $100,000 to pay myself $65,000/yr.
  • I want to evaluate the major risks I might face. I will complete a risk exposure evaluation within three months and take steps to keep my exposure to under $10,000. Then I will develop a $10,000 emergency fund.
  • I want to make my community a better place to live. Starting this month I will volunteer eight hours per month and give $50/mo to achieve this goal.

Mission Roles & Goals

      Prepare to take notes. One of the first things that we want to do is to support you as you focus on your Mission, Roles and Goals.
      This is our way of saying thank you for taking the time to learn about Chimorel. It could be one of the most significant things we do to help. The only thing it costs YOU is a few minutes and a willingness to record some private thoughts.
      Your Goals will be powered by your Life Mission and will flow through the Roles (Relationships) in your life.

My Mission in Life Is To:
      On a separate sheet of paper write your mission statement. 
  Chimorel’s Old School Mission is to support motivated individuals and organizations as they achieve their financial (and personal) goals, to enable them solve problems, and to develop each nation’s resources for maximum viability, one life at a time. 
      After you have written down your Life Mission, you should feel free to revisit the process you just went through periodically as changes in your life happen and as you develop new perspectives.

Developing Your Mission Statement

      Are you totally alone? Away from phones? No friends, business or family distractions? Can you clear your mind and open up to your innermost feelings?
      Picture yourself looking back at your coffin as you are about to move on to what ever you believe happens after death. What do you wish people were saying your life was all about? This is your Life Mission.
      As you begin to formulate your Life Mission, here are a few questions to ask: If I had unlimited time and resources, what would I do? What are my greatest strengths? What character traits do I really admire in others? When was I really happy? Why? What would I change in my life? In the world I live in? What are my values?
      Dream! Let your mind soar! Be all that you can be! Get a separate piece of paper, then go to the next section to answer:

The Roles In Your Life

       When you first recognize, then prioritize the Roles in your life, you can begin to allocate your resources (time, money and energy) according to the things that are most important to you. Instead of Roles, you might want to think about Relationships. If you are a parent, then you have a relationship with your children.
    Using the table below, first add any additional Roles/ Relationships that are important in your life. If you have more than ten roles, reduce the list to ten or fewer, eliminating the roles that do not fit with your Life Mission or that are least important to you. Now set a value on each role, 10 being highest and 1 being lowest

The Relationships in Your Life

      You may want to focus on the relationships in your life instead of the roles in your life. Your roles and relationships are intertwined. Instead of writing “husband/wife” write the name of your spouse. After you have written down the names of the important people in your life, prioritize these relationships. You might, for example, write: 1. Christ. 2. Marlene, John, Sarah (wife and children). 3. Mr Bossman (your employer). 4. Hesa Friend (a friend).
       Each day/week make sure you spend time nurturing each important relationship. You might, for example, dedicate the two hours you spend making prospect calls to your wife. As you call each person, keep in mind the reason for calling is to provide support for her. This becomes a motivating factor, which adds importance to the success of each call.

Write your roles / relationships on a separate piece of paper,
then set the priority for each role / relationship.

How to Use the Process

      We have asked you to first, determine your mission, then prioritize your roles/relationships. In a minute we will establish your goals, then start to develop action plans to accomplish each goal. From this process will flow your weekly organizing: You will schedule time for your highest priority roles in order to accomplish your action plans for the goals you wish to achieve that week in each role. You can leverage your achievements by delegating with a focus on results where possible.
       For a moment let’s consider your roles for the next week of your life. As circumstances in your life change, so will the roles you assume. Below are three sets of examples and space for your roles. Two examples are conjecture, the third is for Warren. Each role is noted according to its priority for each person below. You should create your own version of the form below.

Once again, you can substitute the name of a relationship for a role, if you prefer.

Goal Setting Review

      You have seen much of this before. As you start setting goals (and later as you develop action step to do’s) you really do want to spend a little time thinking and dreaming. 

Think about your Life Mission and the Roles/Relationships in your life. Then:
set your goals, before planning action steps. 
    As you set your goals,
include an action verb, a time frame and a dollar amount
(or another way to measure progress) for each goal. 
Be sure that your goals relate to your Life Mission
and flow from your Role/Relationship Priority.

Your First Five Goals

     Now let’s set your goals! A simple way to set a goal is to just write down what you want to do. Include an action verb, a time frame and a dollar amount (or some way of putting a value on your goal). Space is provided to set up to five goals:

      If you want support as you set and achieve your goals you can take advantage of Chimorel’s many programs and memberships. These programs and memberships will provide  a multitude of opportunities, including ways to pay the cost of the programs and ways to support others. Soon you will begin to develop action plans for your goals. First let’s consider the cost.

    As you think about the roles which will consume your time next week and the relationships which are most important to you, are you clear about which roles and relationships are most important to you? Do you set aside time for your most important roles/relationships or does your life fill up with constant crises that have to be resolved before you can get to the more important things. By scheduling time for your important roles/relationships first, you make it possible to achieve your goals. Below is a process flow chart you may want to reflect on.

       Your long term planning starts with your life mission. It may take a little while before you clearly identify your life mission, but you will begin to formulate a life mission as you begin to think about what you want your life to stand for. You already assume certain roles in your life. Do these roles flow from a clear sense of purpose, or do they just happen? Take control of the roles you assume. Then begin to determine and clarify your goals. From your goals you will plan each week’s action steps. Scheduling some. Delegating others.

Here are some examples. Note the action verbs in each goal.

  • By the time I am sixty I want to retire with a $45,000/yr annual income.
  • When my two children are 18, I want to have a plan that will enable each of them to pay $10,000/yr for college.
  • Two years from now, I want to start my own business as a financial planner. I will need annual sales of $250,000 to pay myself $125,000/yr.
  • I just have to buy a new car now. I can afford $175/mo.
  • I want a place to stay tonight. I have 50 cents in my pocket.
  • I will raise $4000 for Chimorel in the next four months. Then I will apply for a $2000 scholarship.
  • In the next three months, I will find one prospective Board member for Chimorel who makes a commitment to raise or give $50,000 to Chimorel over the next five years.

These goals are just a little different from the previous examples. Think briefly about the differences. 

Download pdf

Under your Chimorel file, create a Set Goal folder, then save the file below. 
To Save hover over the document, click the three dots …  and save as  Mission Roles & Goals
to the folder you create on your computer. 

For some reason Microsoft did not like our Do It Quickly pdf.
When we figure out the problem we will make it available again. 
In the meantime you can use the following:

Form Outline

Mission, Roles & Goals Do It Quickly
My Name:
My Phone:
My Email:
My Mission In Life Is To:

My Current Roles Are:
My Current Goals Are:

What Is The Cost?

There are three ways to pay for Chimorel’s Goal Setting process. 
Free  |  Become a Member  |  As Needed

      Free means you browse the website, pick up ideas and do it yourself. You use the Set Goal area you are currently exploring. As a Member this is an altruistic decision that frees resources to help others.

      Become a Member: Your Starter membership sets and reality tests a goal. Your Action Planning membership develops an action plan to implement your goal. Higher level memberships and programs support businesses and nonprofits as they set and achieve goals, as well as, provide opportunities to support others and lifetime progress.

      As Needed: You pay a fee as you need support and we work with you to make it happen. Depending on the Planner you use, the services you require and other considerations, fees can range from $35 to $300+/hr.

Scroll down for “How Do We Make Goal Setting Happen?”


       Free could very well be the most expensive choice. There are two reasons for this. First, you are on your own and may need suggestions, guidance, support, encouragement, and more. Second, when you don’t pay for something you may not see a value in what is available.
     The end result may be that you don’t actually set goals, test the reality of your goals, develop an action plan and implement your plan. So if you’re goal was to increase your net income this year by $10,000 and you don’t do it, the cost was $10,000.

      If you want to achieve goals for yourself and want to support other people, becoming a member is your best choice. When everything is said and done, you will probably get there faster, it will be cheaper, you will have more benefits, and you will be supporting others.  
      Each membership  Starter, Action Planner, Five Goal Plan, Nonprofit, Small Business Membership or Corporate automatically upgrade to higher level memberships and programs as you respond to our emails and stay actively involved.
      You can move to 735 Plan,  2100 Business Plan or  5000 Plan lifetime memberships. Each membership has certain benefits and most memberships include benefits for more than one person.
      Click the link above to explore our memberships.

As Needed

       If you are not sure about becoming a member yet, start your goal setting program on an as needed basis. There are several ways to do this:
       Our initial fee for an individual session is $35. Each time we get together you would pay the $35 fee. Your goal setting session would typically last approximately 30-45 minutes, but if you are making good progress, we are not sticklers on how much time a session lasts.
      Our initial fee for a group session of at least five people is $15/each. Each time we get together as a group you would pay the $15 fee. If you brought the other four people who paid for their session, your session would be free. If you typically bring more than four people to the session, you might want to explore becoming a Resource Developer for Chimorel.
       An alternative is $25 plus work for Chimorel for an individual session or $10 plus work for Chimorel for a group session. Chimorel has a Client Assistance program, which can enable anyone who is willing to work, to afford our fees.
      A business or nonprofit organization might be billed $350/hr, depending on a variety of factors. You can learn more under Business Coaching.

Setting and achieving a goal enables you to move through the raging river into the peaceful stream. You can use our memberships and programs to navigate this journey.

How Do We Make Goal Setting Happen?

      If you choose to do your goal setting FREE, be sure you understand the consequences of not accomplishing your goals, then continue to explore the website. You can follow a comprehensive approach by returning to I Am Ready or you can Do It Quickly. Once you set a goal, be sure to develop an Action Plan to achieve your goal. Click Become a Member.  Choose an Action Planning membership and we will create a Special Project to support the funding you may need to achieve your goal.
       Did a Resource Developer or a friend send you to our website or give you a link to this section? Stay in touch with him/her to learn how to take the next steps. Did you learn about our website from an advertisement or online? Call 614-885-0000. We will assign you a Resource Developer.  Contact Us any time you need support.

Now that you have set and accomplished several significant goals, perhaps your life has settled to the place where you are no longer crossing the raging river. Perhaps now you are paddling peacefully upstream, supporting others and enjoying the fruits of your labor with those you love.