Welcome !!! To our Challenge

Partial List By Category
Below are a few of more than 700 vendors.
Kroger is not one, but we also work with Kroger.
Best Sellers
Applebee’s 8% | CVS 6% | Gap 14% | Macy’s 10% \ Panera Bread 9%
Books & Music
Amazon 2.5% \ Barnes & Noble 9% | Itunes 5% | Kmart 4%
Children & Teens
Adidas 13% | Crew Cuts 13% | Dick’s 8% | J Crew 13% | Land’s End 16%
Clothing & Accessories
Aeropostal’s 10% | Foot Locker 8% | Meijer 3% | Payless 18% | Sears 4%
Department Store
Bed bath & 7% | Bloomingdale’s 12% | Neiman Marcus 12% | Saks 12%
Dining – Casual
Boston Market 12% | Buffalo Wild Wings 8% | Chilli’s 11% | TGI Friday’s 9%
Dining – Fine & On The Go
Everest 12% | Park Avenue 9% | | Arby’s 8% | Chipolte 10% | Domino’s 8%
Discount Store
Burlington 8% | Sam’s Club 2.5% | Target 2.5% | Walmart 2.5%
Electronics & Office
Best Buy 4% | Dell Computer4% | Office Depot 5% | Staples 5%
Entertainment AMC Theatre 8% | Cineplex 8% | Disney 2% | ToysRUs 3% | Xbox 6%
Gas & Auto
BP 1.5% | Exxon 1% | Gulf 1.5% | Jiffy Lube 8% | Marathon 3%
Giant Eagle 4% | Safeway 5% | Shoprite 4% | Whole Foods 3%
Health & Beauty
Bath & Body Works 13% | Best Cuts 8% | GNC 8% | Great Clips 8%
Home Décor & Home Improvement
Container Store 9% | LL Bean 16% | Overstock 8% | Home Depot 4%
Online & Catalog
1-800Flowers 12% | Cheryl’s Cookies 12% | eBay 3% | Omaha Steaks 11%
Auto Zone 8% | Fiesta Salons 8% | Jiffy Lube 8% | Spafinder 12%
Specialty Retailer
BabiesRUs 3% | Fruit Bouquets 12% | Honey Baked Ham 12% | Nike 12%
Sporting Goods
Bass Pro Shops 9% | GoPlayGolf 9% | Field&Stream 8% | UnderArmour 13%
Avis 8% | Best Western 12% | Hyatt Hotels 9% | Delta Air Lines 4%
Scroll down to explore.
Get Started Now: If you understand PrestoPay, are ready to become a Starter member or just like to make things happen quickly, click this PrestoPay & Donate link. As you read you’ll find the link available a few other places, as well. Clicking this link begins your Raise Right program. You can support a Special Project and even make a difference in your own life. You do not need to read everything below, but you may find a little reading very useful.
What Is Raise Right? Retailers and other vendors want to encourage you to shop, so they offer you rebates to support nonprofit programs. Raise Right cards are dollar for dollar the same as cash. Raise Right is fundraising while you shop. It does exactly what your cash, check or credit card will do. Be aware that each vendor wants to track its card usage and has its own criteria for use; therefore, each vendor has its own card.
The Challenge: We call it a challenge because while Raise Right supports funding a significant project, it takes a little learning, planning and effort to put all the pieces together. You can jump in and make it happen by clicking a few links or we will guide you through the steps to make it happen. To trust your intuition and ingenuity click Presto Pay and Donate. To be guided keep reading.
Presto Pay or Targeted Plan
The fastest way to use Raise Right is to become a PrestoPay Starter Member. There are physical (gift) cards and electronic cards you use with your cell phone or a printed document. You load (put money on) each individual card to use at each store. As noted each store has its own requirements and card. Electronic cards are easiest, but not all stores allow electronic cards.
You register for Raise Right and PrestoPay. Once registered a small $.15 convenience fee allows you to instantly buy and load electronic cards (cell phone / printed) and load your physical cards almost as quickly / overnight.
Frequently you might load your cell phone as you walk into a store. No cash or check required. It’s fast and convenient. Order and pay any time, day or night, within minutes. A $30 NSF fee is charged when your account is overdrawn. See Membership under Learn More above on the left for more details.
If you choose not to enroll in Presto Pay at the beginning while you learn the ropes, you can work with a Chimorel Coordinator to plan your purchases. Doing so might require planning as much as two weeks in advance to get your physical cards. Our Targeted Plan gives you several options you can Learn More about.
Plan Your Purchases
You can buy Raise Right to use at stores almost anywhere in the United States. The first thing you may want to do is review the Category Listings. Clicking the picture below will take you to RaiseRight with hundreds of possible vendors. You might start with Best Sellers, then Grocery and Gas listings. If you eat out a lot review the Dining Listings. Plan your weekly purchases first. Identify the stores you visit frequently at the Category picture below. We will offer several tools to enable you to make your list, however, you may find it just as easy to write out a list of all the stores you visit with pen and paper or on your computer.
Consider Entertainment, Stores, Services and other listings where you tend to shop at least once each month. Eventually, you can create a spreadsheet to tally all the specific cards you want. For now just identify most of the stores where you are likely to shop. Click Planning Calendar or the Video picture below to explore.
Your first order could be for 10+ physical cards you are most likely to use in the near future. 10 cards at $25 ea with shipping is $258.50, the smart way to buy your physical cards. Once you register for PrestoPay, electronic cards are a breeze. Click PrestoPay & Donate to make it happen now. Click the Raise Right picture below to put ShopWithScrip’s app on your phone, as well as, to explore vendors and how it works.
Click a picture below to visit the appropriate
page on ShopWithScrip
Action Plan for Scrip
- Learn enough about Scrip, PrestoPay and Starter Memberships to be comfortable making decisions.
- Decide to implement Scrip through PrestoPay, if your intuition, ingenuity and eagerness to make things happen quickly suggest you can click a few links and figure it out. Our follow up emails can guide you.
- Or decide to use the Targeted Plan if you want some guidance, to take time to learn, if you have a little difficulty understanding computers and the internet, and if the $100 membership is a little challenging.
- If appropriate, take it step by step.
- Read Learn More at least once.
- Use PrestoPay & Donate, if Learn More gives you enough guidance, especially if you want to support a Special Project.
- Use the Targeted Plan to receive support from a Coordinator, to fund a membership or program, to give directly to Chimorel, to pay nothing upfront, to receive cash rebates twice each year.
- Plan your purchases by browsing more than 600 Scrip merchants at the Category Listings picture above.
- Register for Scrip with or without support from your Coordinator, following the guidelines in the emails you receive or with support from your Coordinator.
- Create your own Special Project or support the Special Project of your choice as you are ready.

Raise Funds | Planning | Credit Card | Register & Order
Membership | Coordinator/Resource Developer
Planning Calendar | The Agreement | Tax Issues | Invite Others
There is a lot to learn in this section and in the emails you will receive. You need not read all of this right now. If you are ready to get started click PrestoPay & Donate. We will guide you in the emails you will receive. Nevertheless, if you are up for the challenge, learn more now and read on.

Use Scrip to Raise Funds
Chimorel’s Scrip program is one of many ways we give you to raise funds for your Special Project. This section suggests the possibility of how much you could earn using Scrip.
$300/yr: Let’s say you spend $75/wk on groceries, $50/mo on other shopping, $25/wk on gasoline and $50/mo eating out or on some other basic. That comes to $6400/yr on the basics. If you receive an average 5% rebate, $300/yr can be provided to the Special Projects you care about, to support Chimorel programs, to solve significant problems in your life, to achieve your major goals or to transform peoples’ lives. Your kids can pay for college. You can eliminate your debt. You can support your church or favorite charity, including Chimorel. You can start a business. Simply divide what you need by $300 or $600/yr and begin asking friends to support the Special Project of your choice.
$600+/yr: So what happens if you plan your computer, appliances, home remodeling, vacations, entertainment and other large purchases in advance? You can significantly improve all the ways we can support. You can easily double the amount available for people / organizations you love, even for friends you may never meet. You can do these things anywhere in the US.
We will teach you how. So $600 means you might buy approximately $12,000/yr using scrip. Some families might buy $20,000, even $30,000+/yr using Scrip and some of this added value is likely to be at higher rebate stores. That is what the + suggests for real planning.
$10,000 to $25,000+: How could $10,000 support you? … college, dream home, business, hospital bill, vacation, car, your favorite charity? A first level Special Project can fund up to $25,000. A 2nd Level Special Project = up to $500,000. A 3rd Level Special Project = multi-millions. Divide $10,000 or $25,000 by $300 or $600. Are you grasping the possibilities?
Other Alternatives: Scrip is not the only alternative Chimorel offers. Kroger is another. Our Shopping Mall, Chimorel4U stores and farm, Virtual and Warehouse auctions and Buy Stuff are others. Actually, when you initiate your free Success Journey you can learn about more than 100 other alternatives. The Success Journey is an automatic part of your PrestoPay Starter Membership. Click Other Alternatives to explore just a few of more than 100 possibilities.
Plan Your Purchases
You can use Scrip at stores almost anywhere in the United States and in national chains abroad. If you don’t register for PrestoPay, it may take two weeks or more to receive your physical cards. Your Coordinator will guide you, but the extra step will slow the process and reduces the allocation which supports your Special Project.
Planning in advance, using PrestoPay or otherwise, can create significant savings, especially for large purchases. You get the best buys. You reduce impulse buying. You may time your cash flow to maximize investments. You can even use coupons as part of your planning. This is one of those 2000 diamonds you may have heard about. Did you pick it up?
Plan Weekly, Then Monthly and Yearly: Plan your best seller and your weekly grocery, gas, drug store, restaurant, entertainment, etc purchases. Next anticipate your monthly (2-3 months is best) expectations. You want to establish a monthly budget for the year. Now you know approximately how much you will spend in each category. Yes, this is another of those diamonds, we encourage you to pick up.
You’ll determine where you like to shop and approximately how much you budget for each store. You’ll learn which vendors use electronic (cell phone/print) and which vendors use physical ($8.50 postage) cards. You’ll concentrate the purchase of physical

cards, asking Chimorel to combine the cards you want with other participants. Maybe you and some friends buy 25+ cards for $10/card to get the most from the shipping cost, then reload as you need to once you have the physical card.
Planning ahead will seem to be a bit of work at first. Then it will dawn on you how effective your savings can be when you plan. You’ll make one trip instead of three. You’ll know where the money is going and can adjust when money is tight. Is the light blinking yet? Use the Planning Calendar to begin planning future purchases.
Can I Use a Credit Card?

Absolutely!!! You can use PayPal to instantly become a Starter member and qualify for PrestoPay. Once you qualify for PrestoPay, you never need a credit card again. Your first order could put $395.57 on your card through PayPal: $250 for 10 $25 Gift/physical cards, $50 for 2 $25 electronic cards, $100 for your PrestoPay Starter membership, $11.82 PayPal fees and $8.75 for postage.
You may not want to use PayPal after that, because doing so adds 3% plus 30 cents to your order to pay by PayPal credit card. If a vendor only gives a 2.5% rebate, this is not the best use of your money. When you want to make a quick transaction, use PrestoPay. For $.15 you can reload many physical/electronic and buy more electronic cards, as many as you want each time you reload or buy. Keep a close watch on your bank balance to avoid an NSF event. And explore all the ways Chimorel can support increasing your income to put more in the bank. Hint, learn about becoming a Resource Developer.
Register & Order
Register: First you will register for Scrip. Using your cell phone or a computer go to RaiseRight.com. Scroll down to load the app from Apple or GooglePlay. Follow the onscreen directions to register. You will need Chimorel’s Enrollment Code, which you receive as part of your PrestoPay Starter Membership. Otherwise, your Coordinator will take care of registering for you. If you have difficulty, call 800-727-4715 opt 3, ShopWithScrip’s help center. They are incredibly helpful and will walk you through registering for Scrip once you have the enrollment code.
Your Coordinator will need the following information to register for you: Username, Password (8 Characters, Upper Case, Lower Case, Number, Special Character), First Name, Last Name, Gender, Street Address (1/2lines), City, State, Zipcode, Phone & Cell, Email. Your coordinator will identify the Special Project you want to fund. You do not need Chimorel’s enrollment code to work with a Coordinator. When you work with a Coordinator, the first $100 raised will cover your PrestoPay Starter Membership. $35 will cover administrative costs, $65 covers the Coordinator’s time.
It may be helpful to know that in many cases your coordinator is funding his/her own Special Project – a college education, a church building fund, a nonprofit project, etc. – as part of supporting you.
Targeted Agreement: Chimorel’s Targeted Agreement enables many options for the use of Scrip rebates, including: PrestoPay paid from Scrip proceeds, Action Planning membership paid from Scrip proceeds leading to a Special Project, allocating to more than one Special Project, allocations using Chimorel’s Recommendation Privilege and a Cash Rebate to you less an administrative fee. These choices are made via a Scrip Addendum, which can be changed after 60 days as your needs change. As above, the first $100 in rebates creates a Starter membership. At least until your PrestoPay Starter membership is covered, allocations using a Targeted Agreement are handled by your Coordinator who makes sure your payment method covers your orders before placing an order. You can continue to use your Coordinator to place orders as long as you want, but part of your rebates will cover your Coordinator’s time instead of being allocated toward the Special Project of your choice. For Cash rebates to you, this is in addition to the administrative fee. Once you qualify you can place your orders directly through PrestoPay without using your Coordinator. You enroll with our Targeted Agreement.
PrestoPay Starter membership: Because PrestoPay is the most effective way to use Scrip and because your membership covers

administrative fees, including an NSF event, all vistas eventually lead to a PrestoPay Starter membership. Using PrestoPay & Donate is the quickest way to initiate this membership. Your Thank You email walks you through the process. You may receive Chimorel’s enrollment code from a phone/Zoom call or via an email. Again whenever you need assistance, call 800-727-4715 opt 3, ShopWithScrip’s help center. They love to support you. The donate button gives you three options: $100 membership only; $193 coordinate initial purchase; and $383.50 go it alone. most people choose Membership only.
When you coordinate your initial purchase, you and two or more other families/people each buy up to 10 physical cards at $25 each with a $3 postage cost and a $15 Coordinator fee. You can buy fewer physical cards at a higher amount if you choose (say 2@$50). Coordinating requires at least four individuals/families, so inviting others to join you is to your advantage; otherwise, your Coordinator will need to seek at least three others to proceed.
When you go it alone, you do not need to coordinate your purchases. $383.50 covers $340 in Scrip cards, $35 for administration and $8.50 postage. You might buy 10 physical cards at $25/ea and two electronic cards at $50 each or any combination you choose. The administrative fee covers an NSF charge and gives you the benefits of an altruistic Starter membership, including a Recommendation Privilege. You enroll with our PrestoPay Agreement.
Ordering: If you choose the Targeted Agreement, you will place your orders through your Coordinator. This requires communicating directly with him/her to reload cards and place orders. Once you have PrestoPay privileges, you reload and order new cards directly, then use your gift or ecards to complete purchases at the stores of your choice.
Starter Members: Until you decide otherwise, your Starter Membership is altruistic, funding the Special Project you choose. This makes your membership deductible, unless the Special Project is for your benefit. You use our Set Goal area to set your goals and develop your action plans.
Higher Level Memberships: Your ongoing rebate donations to someone else’s Special Project automatically move you toward higher levels of altruistic membership. At some point you could choose to implement a Planning membership, which entitles you to establish your own Special Project. Funds allocated toward a Planning membership are not deductible. You will learn more about higher level memberships as part of your free Success Journey, which comes as part of each membership.
Recommendation Privilege: Your membership entitles you to a number of unique benefits, one of which is a Recommendation Privilege. Your Recommendation Privilege entitles you to allocate 50% of all funds you raise to one or more specific committees. If you want to support your church building fund, you or your church would apply to create a Special Project for your church. Once approved by our Nonprofit Development Committee, 50% of the funds you direct to this committee would be periodically sent to your church’s building fund. Once an organization enters into a Special Project, an even higher level of funds can be allocated toward that Special Project, based on the agreement which establishes that Special Project.
Changing from Your Altruistic Membership: After 60 days, you can change how your rebates are allocated. You do this by completing a new Scrip Addendum.

Your PrestoPay privileges continue, unless there is an NSF event, but how you allocate funds changes based on your current decision. We encourage you to continue with your original decision, but you do have the option to change your mind.
An NSF Event changes things. Your PrestoPay privileges are canceled. You must repay all funds owed. To continue, you reapply to become an Action Planner. Your rebates are initially applied toward your $250 Action Planning membership. You will work with a Chimorel Planner to set one or more goals. When the fee is covered, you can return to supporting your original Special Project. You may also decide to create your own Special Project or to establish a higher level membership or program. Depending on the decisions you make your rebates may or may not be tax deductible. Once again, we strongly encourage you to pay close attention to your bank account to avoid an NSF event.
Scrip Coordinator / Resource Developer

Most of the time your Scrip Coordinator works in the background, making sure your rebates are allocated properly, taking care of many administrative details and supporting the growth and funding of specific Special Projects. When you need support, however, your Coordinator is there to support you. When you ask for support the % allocated to your Special Project can be temporarily reallocated to cover the time your Coordinator spends with you and in some cases you could be billed directly. Your ongoing emails will teach you many ways to minimize the need for Coordinator assistance.
Your Scrip Coordinator may also be a Resource Developer, trained to develop a wide variety of resources to support the Special Projects for which he/she is responsible. Recognize that becoming a Resource Developer is an income opportunity for you, as well as, an additional way you can support the affiliate nonprofit you are concerned about.
Plan Your Big Purchases
Using Scrip

Planning Calendar
Below we summarize ideas which will assist you in planning your Scrip purchases at various times during the year. In addition to these time frames, pay attention every time you intend to make a big purchase and search for the vendor where you will make your purchase for a computer, a Stereo system, furniture, home remodeling, vacations and more.
Daily & Weekly: Try to keep your grocery, etc shopping to no more than twice per week. Line up your coupons. Buy your milk, bread and eggs, etc. once or twice per week. You will quickly begin to know where you shop and how much Scrip you will need for each store. Plan to use coupons and fund your Scrip in advance to maximize savings.
Monthly & Quarterly: Plan your entertainment, clothes, major appliance, etc shopping two weeks to three months in advance when possible. By reducing impulsive shopping you will manage your budget much more effectively. With two weeks to three months planning you can always use Scrip to maximize your shopping, solve problems, achieve goals and fund Special Projects. Planning ahead allows you to identify the sales and coupons, as well.
January & February: Take advantage of aggressive post-holiday clearance sales. Be ready for the Super Bowl parties. This is a great time for home interior decorating and renovation projects. Treat your Valentine to a dinner and a movie. Some people like to take vacations during this time.
March: Lent means seafood – pick a seafood restaurant or two. Spring break & family vacations are just around the corner. Pack Scrip for the trip.
April: Freshen your wardrobe for outdoor fun. Mother’s Day is coming. Plan employee vacations at our Scrip Center the first week in April. You might even use our auctions to plan a really special vacation and pay with Scrip.
May: Graduations, teacher thank you gifts coming. Plan ahead for summer activities and vacations. Remember to take advantage of ShopWithScrip.com during the summer.
June: June weddings are popular. Father’s Day is coming. Summer vacations, short trips, special activities. Time for all those remodeling projects, maybe a new mower or garden tiller.
July & August: Time to plan for back to school supplies and school clothes. There’s all that dorm stuff for your new & returning college student. Turn those huge college book bills into a little extra money for tuition.
September & October: Let’s tell your friends about Scrip through Introductory Parties and Potlucks. Winter is coming. Time to look at the wardrobe, new items for the house. Halloween, parties, football, tailgating. Scrip Gift Guide is available.
November: The holiday shopping season is here. If you don’t have it yet, download your Scrip Gift Guide. Day after Thanksgiving shopping specials. Black Friday. Cyber Monday.
December: Make your list. Check it twice. Remember your teacher, babysitter, coach and all the people who supported you this year. Christmas cards. Don’t forget the pets. Take a break at your favorite restaurant and theatre.
Coupons: Yes, you absolutely can combine your Scrip purchases with coupons. Breakout the scissors, if you want, but most stores offer digital coupons to clip online and save in your store account. To avoid coupon fever, go back over your shopping list to be sure you really need what you clip.
About The Agreement
Depending on your objectives, you will enter into one of two Agreements, PrestoPay or Targeted. When you initiate PrestoPay, your rebates will apply towards the Special Project you choose. With a Targeted Agreement, you have several options to target the impact of your rebates. After a 60 day learning period, you can change the application of your rebates through an Addendum. This time period gives you an opportunity to learn about Scrip and all the possibilities available to you.
After your initial Learning Period, you can choose among several options which can lead to higher level memberships, a Special Project to meet your goals, to support a nonprofit and cash rebates.
You can become a Voting member and use your Recommendation Privilege to support one or more of Chimorel’s Distribution Committees (Client Assistance, Education & Employment, Nonprofit Development or Business Incubation). Ongoing emails will teach you about an altruistic Starter Membership, the benefits of supporting various committees, Special Projects and much more.
Your PrestoPay Scrip Agreement, enables you to securely link to your bank account electronically. No cash or checks are required. It’s fast. I’ts secure. For a small convenience fee of $.15 / order you can order and pay anytime, day or night, within minutes. You become a Starter member and $65 of your Starter membership can be used to buy Scrip Cards or be allocated to the Special Project of your choice.
Tax Issues
The IRS considers Raise Right as a rebate or discount from the purchase price, not as income. Shop With Scrip has obtained Private Letter Ruling #118535-09 as of 7/29/09. This ruling establishes that the rebate constitutes an adjustment to the purchase price and is not includible in the taxpayer’s gross income, providing the charity gives the taxpayer the option to receive the rebate or allow the charity to retain the rebate as a donation. Our Agreements give you this option.
In the same PLR the IRS also allows the donor of a Scrip rebate to receive a tax deductible donation. If the taxpayer chooses to allow the charity to retain the rebate and complies with all other requirements of § 170 the taxpayer is treated as making a charitable contribution.
You determine your intention to make an altruistic donation when you complete a Targeted Project application for an Affiliate Charity. Chimorel uses your donation to cover fees, memberships and related costs. When you return the Agreement by email your typed signature in the signature space is your electronic signature verifying your intention. To substantiate your deductions you must maintain a bank record or written communication from us showing the dates and amounts of your contribution.

Tell Others About Raise Right

This is a really big deal. Multiply the support for your Special Project by inviting everyone to join you. It’s easy and they too will learn how to maximize the support for your Special Project. We will tell you more as part of our ongoing learning opportunities.
Assist Them to Enroll: Don’t just tell them, assist them to enroll. When you take the time to walk them through the enrollment process, you show you care. When you really care, more doors open and you take a small step to make the world a little better.
When you support someone to enroll in Chimorel’s PrestoPay Scrip program, they are automatically eligible for our free Success Journey. They will receive periodic newsletters and opportunities to change lives.
We encourage you to support them with our Success Journey. It will not cost them any money, but everything worthwhile does have a time cost. Together you and they want to invest the time and energy to learn the principles and implement your action plans.