All pictures are of actual renovation, pond and events. Design for roads and parking not completed.
Phase 1: Renovate, Roads and Parking, Pond | Create Events
- Negotiate 25 acre acquisition with Joe Liu.
- Develop a preliminary fund for major volunteer perks – vacations, cars, computers, etc.
- Fix holes in drive.
- Get rid of squirrels. Fix holes.
- Complete Health-Wellness area.
- Design, implement and promote multiple events.
- Install/upgrade electric (House, pond, outdoor sound)
- Build bonfire pit. Acquire Fire Suppression Equipment.
- Clear branches & dead trees. Grind stumps.
- Install house driveway and parking.
- Install shop road and parking.
- Install farm store, etc. parking.
- Install wellness/event center parking.
- Upgrade shop for Jeremy.
- Design & implement daily events.
- Add additional tasks as identified.
- Fix leaks in bath, kitchen faucet, basement.
- Clean pond.
- Power wash porch & steps, caulk, paint.
- Get permits
- Replace hot water heater, furnace & air conditioning.
- Install washer & dryer.
- Fix plumbing.
- Install electric for trailer.
- Gravel muddy drive.
- Implement events – Meditation, Bonfires
- Develop finance plan.
- Partially developed use plan.
- Get rid of mice
- Some dead trees & branches cleared
- Plant seed beds for vegetables

The land is the actual 25 acres. The equipment and event center plan are symbolic and are not the actual equipment and design we will use.
Phase 2: 25 Acre Acquisition
- Acquire a Skid Steer.
- Develop use plan.
- Implement initial revenue sources – camping, bamboo, event fund raising, etc.
- Identify and plan for water sources.
- Design multipurpose 1000 people event center.
- Design other buildings, parking, other facilities.
- Structure & obtain. financing.
- Acquire initial equipment.
- Build buildings, etc.
- Implement marketing and operational plan.
- Develop finance plan.
- Partially developed use plan.

These pictures are symbolic and are not the acutual design we will use.
Phase 3: Remodel the Home – Bedrooms/Living, Warehouse/Event Center
- Develop use plan.
- Design home renovation.
- Obtain financing.
- Acquire initial equipment – pond filtration, sawmill, tractor with attachments (bobcat, lawn mowing deck, forklift).
- Dig opening for lower level.
- Build shell & roof.
- Finish interior.
- Install solar panels.
- Implement use plan.
- Develop finance plan.
- Partially developed use plan.

These pictures are symbolic and are not the actual designs we will use.
Phase 4: Build Farm Store, Greenhouse, Aquaponics, Mushroom Farm, Vertical Hydroponic Farm, Vermi-Composting, Aviary, Butterflies, Animals
- Study needs for each system.
- Develop marketing and operational plan.
- Design each element.
- Obtain Financing.
- Acquire equipment.
- Build each element shell.
- Finish each element interior.
- Install solar panels.
- Implement farm marketing and operational plan.
- Needs study begun
- Develop finance plan.
- Partially developed use plan.

This picture is symbolic. It may not be the actual design we will use.
Phase 5: Build/Buy Cabin Clusters & Other Housing
- Create Jeff’s greenhouse, living pod.
- Create mini pods for meditation, relaxing and working.
- Develop marketing and operational plan.
- Design cabin clusters.
- Identify other sources of housing – on our property or nearby.
- Obtain financing.
- Acquire supplies & equipment.
- Build clusters in stages.
- Build or acquire other sources of housing.
- Implement cabin cluster marketing & operational plan.
- Develop finance plan.
- Partially developed use plan.
- Begin building Jeff’s greenhouse, living pod and mini pods.
Projected Statements Return Pix
2022 Projected Statements

Chimorel Services Inc
6306 Home Rd
Delaware, OH 43015
Tentative Balance Sheet 12/31/22
Cash & Savings
Investment in Chimorel Group LLC
Real Estate
Total Assets
Fund Balance
Tentative Income Statement 2022
Contributions $21,000
Program Revenue 2,930,000
Membership Sales 696,000
Large Event 250,000
Gain or Loss on Investment -0-
Asset Sales -0-
Other Special Events TBD -0-
Other Revenue -0-
Total Revenue $3,897,000
Member Expense $14,500
Program Expense 3,550,000
Administrative Expense 135,000
Total Expenses $3,699,500
Gain for 2022 $197,500
Chimorel Tentative Budget for 2022
Chimorel’s Tentative Budget for 2022 makes the following assumptions:
- The cash account is not reconciled with the 2021 end of year account, because that number is not yet known. It is instead a rough estimate based on the other estimates made.
- The investment in Chimorel Group LLC is a fairly accurate estimate, based on previous history.
- The real estate assumes $850,000 from the acquisition of the Sanctuary, $700,000 in debt, acquisition of 25 acres from Joe Liu for $1,000,000. No depreciation or debt service has been calculated for this tentative budget.
- Program revenue and membership sales are estimated. The basis of the estimates are provided below.
- One large event is anticipated. The amount shown is the net receipts donated by Chimorel Group LLC after it conducts the event.
- Member expense assumes $10/member cost. The calculation is shown below.
- The calculation for program expense is shown below.
- The calculation for administrative expense is shown below. It provides for two administrative assistants, an accountant to audit the year end statements and other expenses. Note administrative expenses are 3.45% of the total budget.
The numbers shown below are taken directly from the spreadsheet where the calculations were made.
WEG Cash $1,000
Chimorel4U – cash 10,000
Chimorel Group LLC In Kind 10,000
Total Contributions $21,000
Program Revenue
Recycling Revenue $50,000
Inventory Donations 1,000,000
Scrip Rebates 180,000
Car sales donated 500,000
Vacation sales donated 200,000
Other Auction Revenue 1,000,000
Total Program Revenue $2,930,000
Recycling Revenue is an estimate which is an increase from what we have done in the past.
Inventory Donations and Other Auction Revenue estimate a total of $2,000,000 generated through our auction program. This means we will have at least 40 auction events generating $50,000/event. It is possible to hold 10+ events/month and to generate as much as $1,000,000/event. We need to get several event planners hired soon.
Scrip Rebates estimates that 200 families will generate $300/yr and 200 families will generate $600/yr.
Car sales donated and Vacation sales donated are estimated separately from the other aspect of the auction program. Car sales estimates 100 cars netting an average of $5000/ea. Vacation sales estimates 100 vacationers netting an average of $2000/ea. We should be able to meet some of the vacation demand from Warren’s time share.
Program revenue will also flow from our Green house, Vertical Hydroponic, Aqua-ponic and activity programs. This revenue has not been estimated at this point.
Program revenue also does not estimate revenue that will be generated by Chimorel’s $1000>$5000 nonprofit affiliate program. This is in part estimated with the Nonprofit membership below.
Membership Sales Amt # of
$10/month $10/mo 12,000 mos $120,000
Starter Memberships $100 250 mbr $25,000
Action Planner Memberships $250 250 mbr $62,500
Nonprofit Memberships $350 100 mbr $35,000
Small Business Memberships $500 100 mbr $50,000
Corporate Memberships $1000 100 mbr $100,000
735 Plan Lifetime $735 100 mbr $73,500
2100 Plan Lifetime $2100 50 mbr $105,000
5000 Plan Lifetime $5000 25 mbr $125,000
Total 725* $696,000
12,000 months estimates regular monthly payments from approximately 1000 people with fewer in the early months and more in the later months. $10/mo entitles people to participate in some of our activities and events. Actual monthly revenue may range from $10/event to $75+/mo. Monthly contributions will move to higher level memberships, as noted below.
*725 totals the number of members starting with Action Planner memberships. 60% of the 1000 $10/mo members are estimated to upgrade to Action Planner status, thus 600. 50% of the Starter Members are estimated to upgrade to Action Planner Status, thus 125. This totals 1450.
Large Event Revenue
We eventually anticipate having four large 25,000 to 50,000 events each year. For 2022 we anticipate having one event. Chimorel Group LLC will organize and manage the event, then donate the net proceeds to Services. At $20/participant and 25,000 participants we would generate a gross of $500,000 or a potential net of $250,000+. In part this minimizes the concern that BBB and others might have regarding the cost of running an event. Services gets the proceeds. Group manages the costs.
Member Expense
Approximately $10/member will provide a unique benefit that allows a member to get discounts at 60,000 nationwide restaurants and other venues. Once we have approximately 1000 Action Planning or higher level members we will initiate this benefit. 1450 x $10 = $14,500.
Program Expense
Inventory Immediate Write Down $1,050,000
Global Won Special Project $500,000
Other Special Projects $1,500.000
Other Program Expense $250,000
Sanctuary Cost $250,000
Total Program Expense $3,550,000
Inventory Write Down is a program expense, because the donations Chimorel receives are part of its recycling program or auction program and fund specific programs or special projects. All inventory donations received are immediately written off. The value is the actual value received, thus the revenue and write off are equal.
Global Won has created a Special Project which has been funded from Scrip and other donations. We anticipate being able to provide a substantial donation to Global Won, as our revenue projections materialize. This would be a little more than a 10% of revenue contribution.
Other Special Projects will frequently be funded by the Auction and Scrip programs. If a nonprofit meets its contract it will receive approximately 60% of proceeds. A Special Project funded by Scrip will receive up to 90% of proceeds. $1.5 million / $2 million = 75% of proceeds.
There will be many other programs and activities to fund, such as climbing walls, labyrinth, all kinds of activities. We estimate $250,000 for these expenses.
The cost of making the addition and several other building and equipment costs will be covered by the Sanctuary Cost of $250,000. Once we have established a consistent $10,000/mo level of income, we can go to the bank and get the funding for an approximately $400,000 addition, equipment, etc. The payments will be covered by the Sanctuary Cost.
Administrative Costs
Staff Costs $75,000
Consultant Costs $10,000
Other Expenses $50,000
Total Costs $135,000
Staff = at least two semi-full time administrative assistants. Consultant = CPA auditor. Other Expenses = as needed. 3.45% of revenue generated.