Stories & Concepts | Memberships | Programs | Administration
Each page or section of the website has its own set of questions. These questions provide Resource Developers with the training they need to qualify to market certain programs and memberships. They also guide you to grasp the deeper meanings and pick up the diamonds, gems and gold nuggets waiting for you.
The Chimorel area is essentially a Menu of our memberships, stories, administration and programs. Click the blue C H I M O R E L and be curious. Click other links to learn. Be sure to explore Your Story, Mr Influence, Be a Leader and Work With Chimorel. There are lots of stories and a compliance section. When you are ready become a member or enter a program.
Q: Chimorel is an acronym that stands for “Concerned Citizens Helping Individuals (and organizations) who are Motivated with Opportunities to Revitalize the Economy and Lives with Love.” T/F [2]
A: True. Were you curious enough to click the blue C?
Q: Which of the following is incorrect about the Chimorel group? M/C [2]
- Chimorel Services Inc (nonprofit) and Chimorel Group LLC (for profit) work together to make the world a little better.
- Funds from Group (profit) support Services (nonprofit). The two entities are kept separate to avoid UBIT and to provide funding for Services.
- Chimorel Development LLC is an active part of the group.
- In the Do It Now part of the Brief Site Map you can Become a Member, learn about Sponsorship, initiate an Affiliate Auction program or Make It Happen.
A: (3) Chimorel Development LLC is not an active part of the Chimorel group.
Q: If you were curious enough to click the blue C you discovered the C in Chimorel stands for Christ Centered. Loving our neighbor is not particularly important because we are not connected. T/F [2]
A: False. Yes, the C in Chimorel also quietly stands for Christ Centered, but we truly are connected and loving our neighbor is incredibly important.
Q: When you click the yellow Chimorel link at the top of any page you go to the Chimorel Menu. On the Chimorel page there are only links under Memberships, Stories & Concepts and Administration. T/F
A: False. There are also links to Programs and to C H I M O R E L.

Q: Which of the following is not correct about Chimorel Stories & Concepts? M/C [2]
- There are Lessons to Learn and More Lessons to Learn.
- Clicking Stories and Concepts leads to a few Success Stories. This is the only way to get to the Success Stories.
- Clicking Committees in Action leads to a discussion about four Distribution Committees. five example stories and a discussion about Never Say No.
- Clicking Concepts leads to seven concepts that Resource Developers want to become very familiar with.
- Clicking Recycling leads to stories about Palestinians & Israel, Africa, getting jobs and candidate George Bush.
A: (2) Clicking Stories and Concepts leads to links for Stories with a Lesson, Success Stories, Recycling Stories, Concepts, Committees in Action and 735 Stories. On the same page are the first Stories with a Lesson. Success Stories can be reached directly from the Chimorel Menu page and from links on other pages.
Q: What doesn’t happen when you click 2000 Strategies? M/C [2]
- The 2000 Strategy page opens up.
- There are links to Quick Tour and Frequently Asked Questions.
- Sometimes you will have to think about something and do something before a strategy works for you.
- You learn that diamonds, gems, gold nuggets and dynamic strategies essentially mean the same thing.
- You read that dynamic strategies support you as you solve problems, achieve goals, build business, fund a nonprofit, and accomplish many things.
A: (1) The Worth Thinking About page opens up.
Q: We share three dynamic strategies and one hidden strategy. Which is not one of the three \ strategies shared? Which is the hidden strategy? M/C [2] Scroll to reach all the strategies.
- Leaders are Readers.
- Set goals, Develop Action Plans: Use the process – Set a goal. Test reality. Develop an Action Plan. Implement your plan. Revise when you struggle.
- Nothing Comes for Free: Work hard. Work smart. Be willing to pay the price.
- Start your goal with an Action Verb. It’s what you do that makes things happen.
- Support others: Earn anything you need. Create a base for your support.
A: (1, 4) Leaders are Readers is a dynamic strategy, but is not one of the first three shared. Start with an Action Verb is pointed out, but hidden. Most of our dynamic strategies will have to be uncovered by thinking.
Q: On the Quick Tour you can click links to learn about ways we support Individuals, Businesses and Nonprofits. T/F [2]
A: And more. You can also click links to learn about Memberships, Programs and Create a Career. And you can start your free Success Journey, Become a Director and Be a Leader.
Q: Which of the following does not apply accurately to our Frequently Asked Questions? M/C [2]
- Chimorel is a multi-level program.
- Support at Chimorel is free.
- 040: You pay for the support you receive with cash/work. If you are not ready, we will wait.
- A Resource Developer supports individuals, businesses and nonprofits as they develop the resources to solve problems and achieve goals.
- We have extensive training to learn how to raise funds for our nonprofit and yours.
A: (2, 1) Nothing comes for free. When you learn to pay for what you get, you can get more. You must spend time and thinking to benefit from our no cash cost learning on our website. No Chimorel is not a multi-level thing.
What happens when you click Make It Happen? M/C [2]
- You see a Story Behind the Picture
- You discovered that it is what you do that makes things happen
- You could click to get to the Make It Happen menu.
- You could click to get to the Thought Level section.
- All of the above, except 3, are correct
A: (5) You must scroll to get to the Make It Happen section. You must do something to make things happen.
Q: You begin to make it happen by setting a goal, testing it against reality and developing an action plan. T/F [2]
A: True. But to actually achieve your goal, you must also implement your plan and if it isn’t working, or it is working slowly, you may need to revise your plan. Don’t make it complicated: Set, Test, Develop, Implement, Revise
Q: The Make It Happen menu talks about Recycling, Financial Planning, building your Dream Home, building a Business, Raising Funds and getting Jobs. What else can you discover thru the Make It Happen Menu? Essay [2]
A: You can learn about Sponsoring, Investing, Getting Out of Debt, Transforming You Life, Awareness & Enlightenment. Additional nuances include: Two recycling areas; Step by Step Financial Planning vs Comprehensive Planning; Developing Resources; involving constituents & Special Projects are part of fund raising; Creating a Career, I Got a Job, Hiring Our Trainees & Working with Chimorel are part of getting jobs. Investing in Chimorel is distinct from learning how to invest, both are part of making things happen. Property Acquisition offers investment opportunities, jobs and training. Transforming your life is more dynamic than changing you life. Awareness & enlightenment is a journey you might want to consider.
Q: Have you ever noticed that life’s journey seems to be a frequent moving from a dark place into light? T/F
A: Yes. We certainly have. This does not mean you are bipolar. It does suggest that life offers constant opportunities in the midst of your struggle. Keep moving toward the light. In time there is more sunshine, less clouds.
Q: The levels of thinking ‘include: M/C [2]
- Surface – sensory input, analysis, decision.
- Decision moves deeper, above the subconscious, take action
- Subconscious – triggers action, perhaps without thought.
- You can’t control your thoughts, especially at the subconscious level.
- All are correct, except 4.
A: (5) You can control your thoughts, thus your actions. It takes greater effort and skill development to affect your subconscious. You can decide not to run into the fire and to avoid the smoke.

Q: When you click the Membership link what happens? Read & Think [2]
- We ask you to relax for a few seconds, to clear your mind and to become focused before you click the picture to continue.
- In the Membership Overview you can click the mother duck caring for her children to learn about our Starter Membership.
- You can click other pictures to unfreeze your Action Plan, enjoy the sweet smell of success with our Group memberships or enter the verdant journey of our Lifetime memberships.
- You can also learn to Market Memberships, as well as, about our Guaranty, Voting, Integrity and Upgrading.
- There is significant symbolism in the pictures and the links.
A: Take the time to feel the symbolism in the pictures. The symbolism in the links is not a feeling thing. They are a learning thing. Chimorel’s website is designed to start as a click and feel immersive experience. As you continue you begin to read and think. Eventually you learn to actually pick up and incorporate the diamonds, gems and gold nuggets scattered throughout our website and eBooks into your life. Then you begin to transform your life. We truly are deeply connected. How we live our lives affects what happens to our planet and to our children’s children for millennia into the future. Feel the pictures, then learn to transform your life.
Q: You receive similar services as a voting and a nonvoting member. Which two privileges do you also receive as a voting member ? M/C
- A Recommendation Privilege.
- The right to Vote at membership meetings.
- A membership card.
- Free entrance into all events.
- A Chimorel T shirt.
A: (1 & 2) Your Recommendation Privilege enables you to allocate funds. When available your membership card will give discounts to many non-Chimorel restaurants & stores and Chimorel events to all members, voting or nonvoting. Chimorel T shirts will be given to active volunteers in the future.
Q: Your Recommendation Privilege entitles you to determine …? Short Answer [2]
A: … which Distribution Committee will receive 50% of the funds you raise. An Authorized Fund Raiser, a Resource Developer or an Action Planner can allocate 50% of funds raised to the Committee responsible for their Special Project. This changes the amounts generated from a 3-10+% commission to a 50% allocation to your Special Project. Scroll to learn.
Q: Regarding the guarantee, integrity, upgrading and responding, which is incorrect? M/C [2]
- All donations and program fees are refundable within seven days.
- Failure to maintain a high degree of integrity at Chimorel has consequences.
- Each membership automatically upgrades to a higher level membership or program if you stay actively involved.
- Simply respond to our emails to fund achieving your goals.
A: (4) Staying actively involved means you do things that make things happen. Making things happen generates funds or offsets expenses. Simply responding to emails does not necessarily make something happen, but it could when you make the appropriate decisions.
Q: Which of the following are benefits of a Starter membership? M/C [2]
- A Starter Membership is an easy first step to becoming an Action Planner and initiating your Special Project.
- Your Starter Membership covers your Raise Right Fee.
- Responding to our emails as a Starter Member opens many doors to support you and others.
- An active Starter Member can be a vendor at a Chimorel auction or event.
- You will support others to achieve their goals. This gives you the right to ask for their support to achieve your goals.
- You might be able to upgrade to higher level memberships and programs.
- Five group coaching sessions.
- Earning Incentives to acquire things, coaching, etc.
- Your Recommendation Privilege.
- Initiating a Special Project as you stay active.
- All of the above, except f, are benefits of a Starter membership.
A: (11) You do automatically upgrade to higher level memberships and programs. You receive all of the benefits listed above and other benefits depending on where you take your membership.
Q: What can happen based on your motive to become a member? M/C [2]
- Altruistic motive: Approximately 40% are expected to start with an altruistic motive, which means they use the Set Goal area to determine and achieve their goals.
- You Want More: Another 35% will want to solve a problem or achieve a goal.
- You Have a Problem: Perhaps 25% will need to solve a problem before being ready to support others.
- All of the above are approximately correct, but the percentages may vary from time to time.
A: (4) All of the above are correct, but don’t hold us to the exact percentages.
Q: Which payment method is more likely, cash or work, for the following: Read & Think [2]
- Altruistic: cash.
- You Want More: probably cash.
- You Have a Problem: work.
A: Although the suggestions are more likely, you can use either cash or work to pay for memberships above the Starter membership level. If you use work for a Starter membership, you will generate $150 cash through our Client Assistance program and will not be eligible for voting membership, until more is accomplished.