Chimorel Area: Invite People
Every question contains the seed of a dynamic strategy. If we believe a question has the potential for two or more diamonds, gems or gold nuggets, we use [2] to indicate that two or more dynamic strategies could be uncovered. Even if you do not see a [2] you might want to think about the possibilities each question offers.
We begin by inviting people to become Prospective Directors. This invitation is both a privilege and a responsibility. Next we provide an invitation Tool Box you can use to invite anyone. Then we focus on Marketing Memberships and by extension Programs. We continue with questions about Principle Based Selling. We conclude with questions about Following Up.
This Q&A section is quite lengthy with several subsections and many questions that require thinking. When your brain fries a little, take a break. Then come back when you are ready.
Invite Prospective Directors | Invite People
Q: You should boldly invite people to become Prospective Directors? T/F
A: False. As you consider inviting people to become Prospective Directors, or for any Leadership position, just invite them to learn about Chimorel. Then listen. They will reveal how they feel, how much time they have and what their needs are. Once they understand Chimorel and you understand where they are coming from, things can evolve naturally into the next appropriate step.
Q: Inviting someone to become a Prospective Director at the beginning leaves a gap when you must leave because of a family emergency, a business crisis or something else. T/F [2] Use the link above. Scroll down.
A: False. The wrong time to try to replace yourself is when you are suddenly called away. It is your responsibility to replace yourself as a Prospective Director. Do it now at the beginning. Thank you.
Q: We need seven Voting Directors, who do not have financial ties to Chimorel, as well as, an unlimited number of Prospective Directors, Advisory and Finance directors, and Committee Members. T/F [2] Scroll down.
A: True. We need a Treasurer yesterday. We are constantly seeking competent directors to enhance our growth. Thank you for considering joining one of our Boards.
Q: Who can Chimorel Support? Short Answer [2]
A: Motivated people who want something – for themselves, and hopefully for others, as well.
Q: Who can support Chimorel? Essay [2]
A: People who can support Chimorel may have one or more of these skills: marketing, grant research/writing, real estate acquisition, nonprofit legal/accounting, program development/implementation, nonprofit fund raising, security registration/marketing, banking and finance. Scroll for specific program areas.
Q: How do I invite people? Short Answer [2]
A: Pick up the phone or talk to people you believe could support you or whom you would like to support.
Q: Which of the following is not part of Chimorel’s Invitation Action Plan? M/C [2]
- Make a list of ten people you want to invite. Get their name, email, phone. Think of a reason you want to invite them.
- Click the Double Eagle on any header. Click Invite a Friend. Complete the form. Submit. An Invitation will be sent. Repeat nine more times.
- Because Follow Up is very important, limit your initial list to ten. Then Follow Up.
- If you make a mistake, simply click the Double Eagle and start again.
- Find out what is important to your friend. Ask powerful questions.
A: All of the above are part of Chimorel’s Invitation Action Plan. Not everything in the website Action Plan is listed. Some of the wording is not the same.
Q: Which of the following is part of Chimorel’s Invitation Action Plan? M/C [2]
- Tell your friend what to do.
- Log into our website.
- Say let’s begin your free Success Journey.
- Back off. Your friend needs to make his/her own decision without any support from you.
- You are the only person who can support your friend.
A: None of the above are part of the invitation action plan. Yes your friend needs the space to make his/her own decision, but you back off if your friend feels you are pushing too much. Guiding your friend with friendly questions and teaching them about Chimorel can be supportive. Ask questions. Don’t tell your friend what to do. Ask your friend to log into the free Success Journey. After you log in, ask friendly questions, develop some rapport, then ask to begin the Success Journey. Don’t tell them to. Set things up so that many people will support your friend.
Q: The Invitation Action Plan has a lot of explanatory detail. There is also short five point Action Plan to clarify the actual action steps. T/F [2]
A: True. Don’t get lost in the detail. Use the detail when you need to. Use the five point plan to get it done.
Q: There are 9 questions in this area, 8 point toward two or more dynamic strategies. T/F A: True This question does not count.
Q: What is the purpose of “Who Should We Invite?” How should this tool be used? M/C [2]
- The purpose of Who Should We Invite is to 1) Tell us whom you invite and 2) For you to keep track of the people you invite.
- No, the purpose of Who Should We Invite is 1) For you to know who you invite and 2) For us to keep track of people.
- Automatically creates a memo to Send Simple Invitations.
- Tells us whom you invite, when you send us the listing.
- Gives you the option to ask us to send the invitations.
A: (1) You need to keep track of those you invite and to tell us who you invite so we can support your efforts. Knowing who you invite is not quite the same as having a database to track them. Our interest is to support you, not to keep track of people. We do use the database to market our programs and services.
(3, 4 & 5) When all the protocols are set up, this form will automatically create a database to send Simple Invitations, tell us whom you invite and asks us when you want us to send the invitations for you. All the protocols are not yet set up, but you can use the form to copy and paste your email memo, to copy and paste the information to send to us and to ask us to send your emails for you. Let us know if you are unsure how to make it work.
Q: How does the “Who Should We Invite” tool work? Essay [2]
A: The protocols have not been set up yet. You can use the tool to easily copy and paste one person’s Invitation, Tell Chimorel and Board Invitation record. Save all the records created by each tool into separate documents.
Q: How do you use the other three Who Should We Invite tools? M/C [2]
- All three tools fill in from the Who Should We Invite tool and can be copy & pasted into a Word Document you can use to send an email, a letter, for your records and to Tell Chimorel.
- You will want to save the Tell Chimorel records into one document. You could save the Simple Invitation records and the Board Invitation records into two separate documents, or you could save these two records into one document for each person you invite.
- It is a bit of a pain to clear each field individually. So save a blank form to use each time for a new invitation. Then save all the Simple Invitation records in a separate document (for your records) and all the Tell Chimorel records in a different separate document (to send to us). If you use/modify the Board Invitation save in the way that will be most appropriate for you.
- The Simple Invitation tool provides an email ready document you can use/modify, then send to a friend.
- The Tell Chimorel tool collects all the data for one record. There are several ways to transfer this data to an Excel spreadsheet. You can send us a group of records in a Word document and we will make the transfer.
- The Brief Board Information tool creates a board invitation with the Greeting and some other information filled in. Modify this “template” as appropriate or create your own follow up documents.
- All of the above are Correct.
A: (7) This is almost a Read & Think question. The intent is to clarify how to use each tool.
Q: There are three major glitches in the Who Should We Invite tool? T/F
A: False. There is one minor glitch in this tool. The tool does not tab from Your Name to Your Phone. Click to move to Your Phone, then tab through the tool to fill in the blanks.
Q: The 8 Page Introduction is a little heavy. It contains information to think about. Which of the following is not one of the highlights? M/C [2]
- Our current focus is on the Chimorel Sanctuary plus some other programs.
- We anticipate helping thousands of clients achieve major goals & solve significant problems.
- We need strong leaders to develop the required resources.
- Our 0-4-0 philosophy means nothing comes for free. Clients are expected to contribute more than the cost of their services.
- 0-4-0 also suggests that benefits available for active Board members who contribute to Chimorel’s success.
- We teach people to fish, rather than giving them a fish.
- A Prospective Director is expected to reflect on and accept our Core Values.
- A Prospective Director can become a Voting, Finance or Advisory Director, as well as a Committee member.
- Chimorel’s modus operandi is to set goals, test goals against reality, develop action steps, and then to implement the action steps.
- Goals can include time, learning, cash, other assets, programs, memberships and resource development.
- We want your service with Chimorel to be meaningful, inspirational and potentially profitable.
- We will ask for a bio, for you to register and confirm and for you to consider your covenant with Chimorel.
A: (2). Leaving out motivated changes our objective. People who are not motivated can waste a lot of time chasing rainbows.
Q: As a Prospective Director, you are expected to agree to our Board Covenant. We anticipate a minimum of a 10 year commitment and a $2000/yr goal, as you become a serious Voting, Financial or Advisory Board member. Prior to making this decision you can serve as a Prospective Board member or a Distribution Committee member and make a lesser commitment. T/F [2]
A: False. As a Voting, Financial or Advisory Board member you are expected to make a five year commitment and a $10,000/yr goal.
Q: Which of the following is not an element of a Dynamic Nonprofit? M/C [2] Open the tool to read the bold elements of a Dynamic Nonprofit. Beneath each element are additional points that explain the element.
- Clear Mission
- Dedicated Volunteers & Staff
- Board buy in, role clarity, preparation for roles
- Authentic Stakeholder Involvement
- Adaptable Proactive Organization – meets internal & external change effectively
- Expand Revenue & Relationship Generating Opportunities
- Fund Raising & Financial Stewardship
- Establish Brand Identity
A: (3). Board buy in, role clarity, preparation for roles is a point that partly explains the element Bold, Innovative, Responsive, Responsible Leadership.
Q: As you begin to invite people of influence or friends & family, strongly consider using a feasibility study and case statement by: Which is incorrect? M/C [2]
- Conducting a feasibility study with yourself (and others) to practice.
- Providing the Case Statement and Will You Support Chimorel in advance of conducting the Feasibility Study with the person of influence.
- Actually, providing information in advance of the feasibility study for friends & family is not the best practice.
- For Your Protection should be provided just before the final ask.
- Mission, Roles, Goals and Goals, Interest, Support can be left behind as a thank you for completing the feasibility study.
- The Feasibility Study consists of 12 pages. Before you provide any documents to someone, it probably is best to separate the pages into individual documents.
- When separating the documents renumber the pages: Case Statement & Feasibility Study 1 (for your information); Will You Support Chimorel? 1 (give before); Chimorel’s Case Statement 3 (give before); For Your Protection 1 (before final ask); Mission, Roles & Goals, as well as, Goals, Interest, Support 2, (leave behind thank you); Feasibility Study People of Influence 2 (give at beginning of interview, have two copies); Feasibility Study Friends & Family 2 (2 copies, use appropriate version).
A: (3) Providing advance information is appropriate for People of Influence and Friends & Family, but make sure you give the appropriate version. All the others are correct. Note 6 & 7 are not reflected in the 12 page document.
Q: The four page Program explanation is currently in the tool box. We have approximately ten programs in total. T/F
A: False. The Program explanation is in the tool box, but we have significantly more than 20 programs and new ones developing on a regular basis, depending on the needs of our members.
Q: Did you click the How Does a Nonprofit Raise Funds link? Did you ask for the 25 person Excel spreadsheet? T/F [2]
A: Your choice. If you want to learn how to raise funds or you are ready to initiate your Special Project, this link and request will support your efforts.
Q: Where did the Fund Raising Work Plan come from? Short Answer
A: Joan Flannagan’s The Grass Roots Fund Raising Book
Q: Regarding the Invite People Action Plan are all of the following correct? M/C [2]
- Decide how many people you will target.
- Modify our Brief Board Invitation to appeal to each kind of person you want to approach.
- Decide how your will keep Chimorel informed and what tools to use.
- Now that you are prepared, decide what specific people you will contact on the first pass.
- Make your calls.
- Evaluate your results. Think about the reason not to continue with a person. Give us your feedback.
A: No (1,5) After setting a target double the contacts you will actually make. Based on your approach, make your calls, send your emails or talk. Then follow up.
Q: There are 13 questions in this area, 9 point toward two or more dynamic strategies. T/F A: True This question does not count.
Q: Selling people memberships is easy. Just ask for a $100 or more, then smile. T/F
A: False. Yes marketing memberships can be easy, if you listen and target what you say to what is happening for the person you are appealing to. Absolutely do not just ask for money. Smiling is appropriate, but you really must listen, then talk about goals, needs, problems and dreams. It is really helpful to know enough about Chimorel so you can target what you say to their need. People don’t want to be sold. They do want to be heard.
Q: The engagements link is operational. T/F
A: False. The engagements section has not yet been written.
Q: You can use the concepts for marketing memberships to get a job, find a spouse, get a raise, build a business and a lot of other things. You can also use them to market memberships, programs, donations and generate funds for your Special Project. Selling or marketing is not about talking. T/F [2]
A: True. Marketing is about listening: to your boss, your potential spouse, your clients, and to the people you want to get involved with Chimorel. When you hear them, they are much more likely to hear you.
Q: “Hi Pastor! I just learned about a fantastic new program. I am really excited. All I need is $100 to make you a member. Could you write me a check?” What would be a better way? Essay [2]
A: Focus on the pastor’s need to raise money for the church building fund. Listen. Explain how the church could raise $200,000+/yr using Raise Right and other alternatives. 50% of 2000 members at $300/family is $300,000 x 90% is $270,000. That is a potential of 1000 Starter members and a lot of very positive things for the church’s objectives.
Q: Ted, I know you and Alice have been thinking about building a new home. How is that going? What is the most productive thing you said to Ted? M/C [2]
- “Ted, if I could introduce you to an organization that can help you save up to 20% on that $250,000 cost, how much could you save?”
- “If you could invest just $100 to start the process …”
- “Would it be worth it?”
- “Let’s not spend $5000 yet.”
- “If you don’t do anything more … if you stay actively involved.”
A: (3 then 5). Actually the step by step process leading to Ted’s using the QR code on your phone closed the sale. Ted made his decision at “Would it be worth it?” The close actually made it happen.
Q: People are always more likely to give to a cause you believe in, if you enable them to meet their own needs. Your training will suggest ways to tell people about Chimorel: M/C [2]
- Using a telemarketing script.
- Inviting people to Change Your Life or Introductory meetings.
- As you talk to people you know.
- Something is missing.
- All of the above are correct.
A: (5). Missing is when you meet a stranger.
Q: Walking with integrity does not mean: M/C [2]
- Tell everyone you know about Chimorel, and then ask them for money.
- Always tell people your name so they can check to see if you are from Chimorel.
- Also tell people your name so you can receive credit for your efforts.
- Sitting down at a computer and showing them the appropriate section to donate, enroll, etc.
- 2 and 3 are inappropriate.
A: (1). Do not ask people to give you money. Use a QR code, go to the website or give them an envelope addressed to the Sanctuary.
Q: Which is not one of the Secret Questions / statements? M/C [2]
- Would it be worth …?
- … to start the process.
- I expect you will …
- What will you do?
- ?
A: (3). They are less likely to respond to your expectations than to something that benefits them or holds them responsible.
Q: Which of the following Telemarketing Scripts is not appropriate? M/C [2]
- Friend: Be excited. Ask about something important. Let them talk. Ask would it be worth? Explain.
- Stranger 1st call: Be cool and confident. Do you have a few minutes? Immediately begin a sales pitch with fast paced urgency.
- Stranger 1st call: Be warm and friendly. … few minutes? Yes. … one important goal or problem. Brief Chimorel discussion. What goal … (Write it down) I promised … c h i m o r e l.com. Can I call you back? (set time). I’ll give insights about (goal).
- Stranger 2nd call: Be enthusiastic and friendly. Pick up on their goal. Ask questions. Listen. Invite them to initiate the appropriate membership or program.
A: (2). For the first call to a stranger, be warm and friendly. If no, I’d like to tell you about Chimorel soon. Set time. Give website. I’ll tell you more about how we support people soon. Avoid a hurried attempt to sell. Give space when appropriate. Come back later.
Q: Two ways to support Chimorel and develop friends who support your Special Project are to conduct Introductory or Change Your Life meetings. Tell us about planning, how and what to do if you don’t live in Columbus, OH. Essay [2]
A: Planning involves determining Where, When, What and Who Benefits. How involves talking to family and friends, inviting twice the number of people you anticipate, getting others to help and more. If you don’t live in Columbus it is more complicated, but we can support via phone, email and Zoom.
Q: As an Authorized Fund Raiser you need to know about For Your Protection and Follow Up. You can increase your earnings by inviting people to initiate their free Success Journey, becoming a Resource Developer, securing Sponsors and becoming an Action Planning and voting member. T/F [2]
A: True. You increase your earnings by establishing a Special Project then using your Recommendation Privilege to raise your commission level.
Q: If you are ready to take the next step: Do you understand the secret questions? Can you develop a telemarketing script for people you know? A stranger? Are you ready to plan an Introductory Meeting? Are you ready to do at least two of the 4-5 things under a Little Perspective? Short Answer [2]
A: Short answer = YES! Don’t forget to explore the rest of this section that gives you information and links for sales & marketing training, upgrading, progressing and our employee compensation plan.
Q: What decisions are you ready to make today? Essay [2]
A: You will write your own answer and choose the destiny you want to pursue.
Q: There are 13 questions in this area, 11 point toward two or more dynamic strategies. T/F A: True This question does not count.

Q: As you invite someone to get involved with Chimorel, first make a friend. Get to know what is important. Share something meaningful. Laugh. Enjoy the journey. Smile together. T/F
A: True. When a friend supports a friend, doors open. They want to know how much you care. Invite, then walk with them. It takes some extra effort to show you care.
Q: In the beginning … was the person who cared enough to find out “… why I was hurting,” “… that I was worried I couldn’t pay for all three children to go to college,” “that my dream house was just a little outside my current income,” “…that I had been wanting to start a new business for 8 years,” “that …”
All follow up must demonstrate that you care. At the same time encourage responsibility and self-reliance, while recognizing that procrastination is a pretty common illness. Set a time for the next contact with something worthwhile expected. Encourage them to call you. “So you would like to discuss how to pay for Sarah’s college in about six years? Would you mind calling me on Saturday around 4pm? If you forget, I’ll reach out to you around 4:10. Ok?” T/F [2]
A: True. Nuff said.
Q: Your follow up for the Success Journey supports their progress, perhaps every week or so at first. Encourage them to contact you. Answer their questions. Keep learning. Be aware of your time. Be supportive. Listen. Don’t just hope. T/F [2]
A: True. Nuff said.
Q: Once someone becomes a member, someone else takes over the follow up responsibilities and your income opportunities stop. They should have multiple goals and many action plans. The person who invited you to start your success journey probably knows a lot more than you do. T/F [2]
A: False. Your follow up continues as long as you want to continue learning and creating income opportunities – as a Resource Developer, Manager, Planner. Most people should focus on just one goal and action plan at the beginning. You, the person who invited you and the people you invite are on a learning journey together.
Q: If you are in the same program or train as a Resource Developer, you earn additional income. You earn a lot as a participant. Create a Career guarantees each participant a job in 2-3 months and provides a manual. We have more than 100 programs. ? T/F [2]
A: False. Your additional income comes from enrolling someone. Training opens the door to many additional sources of income. Create a Career guarantees that those who go above and beyond will have a job within three months. Participants in CAC get a manual, many gifts, 5 hours of targeted coaching, 15+ targeted emails, the Guarantee, an income opportunity and more. We have more than 20 programs.
Q: All follow up anticipates a certain level of support, which means you must volunteer a lot of time. One of our programs is Follow Up, which is always handled by a Planner. We have many ways to provide refunds. You are expected to chase people who don’t take their commitments seriously, hoping you can turn them around. You care, but you also hold people responsible. T/F [2]
A: False. You are not expected to volunteer a lot of time or to chase people. You can be paid to do follow up. We do not provide refunds after seven days without additional expectations. It is true that a hallmark of a great coach is to care, but also hold people responsible. The rest of the elements are false making the question false.
Q: Which of the following are other areas in which follow up is important? M/C [2]
- All of the following expect competent follow up
- Resource Developer, Manager, Planner, Coordinator/Coach
- Registering for an auction
- Registering for Change Your Life meetings
- Inviting Prospective Board Members
- After a meaningful donation
- Follow up is important only for 3, 5 and 6
A: (1). Competent follow up means you listen, you provide support, you hold people accountable, you care, you don’t chase rainbows.
Q: Real follow up ? Read & Think [2]
- 15-30 minutes times 100 friends = 25-50 hours/week = not real.
- Never enough resources … you are our voice, heart and hands, eyes & ears.
- 10 for five minutes this week, 1-5 or so every week or two = 50-100/year = quite doable.
- Your caring, answering questions, listening and genuine supportive concern for two to perhaps four weeks = quite doable.
- They move on to involvement with resource developers, managers, planners, meetings, adventure activities, fund raising, their own Special Project, listening to and supporting their friends.
- They become part of a growing community of caring, responsible people who take a few minutes each week to transform lives and make the world a little better.
- You support 100 people each year. They support 50-100 people each year. Soon we have a meaningful (even transformational) influence on …
- 5000, then 50,000, then 500,000, then 5 million and 50 million, perhaps even 500 million people.
- At this point tackling some of the most challenging issues in the world becomes realistic. No one is overwhelmed. Everyone is concerned and active to the degree they can be.
A: Read and think. Now begin to do.
Q: Real follow up ? Read & Think [2]
1. Resource Developer, then a Manager = 100-300+/yr = $15-$35,000+/yr.
2. Planner or Coordinator = 500-1000=/yr in groups = $50,000+/yr.
3. Income cap at $100,000. Unlimited benefits.
4. Chimorel Bucks: $15k = $30k, $35k=$70k, $50k=$100k, $100k=$200k.
5. We are all truly connected at a profoundly deep level.
6. Your great grandchildren will thank you.
7. As you support others there is a very strong possibility that you will grow as well.
A: Read and think. Now begin to do. There is a lot depending on your efforts.
Q: Follow up eventually requires your creativity and awareness. You’ll know what to do and you’ll also know when you are chasing rainbows. T/F [2]
A: True. When you become truly aware, you touch the face of God and the world becomes a little better.
Q: There are 10 questions in this area, 9 point toward two or more dynamic strategies. T/F A: True This question does not count.