
PrestoPay and Donate

      One way to support your Special Project is to activate your Presto-Pay Starter membership. If you are not yet a member, Click Donate on the right to choose Membership Only ($100), Coordinate ($193) or Go It Alone ($383.50). These choices are explained under Memberships below. Click to refresh your understanding. The best choice as you begin is Membership Only. For now ignore the any amount choice. Once you have fully funded your membership with $100, fill in the form below and select submit. If you are not ready to contribute at least $100, fill in the form, then choose Targeted Agreement on the right.
      Return to the Scrip Challenge if you want to learn more before you decide to initiate your PrestoPay Starter membership.


      Your Starter Membership initiates and pays the NSF fee for your PrestoPay program. You automatically upgrade to an Action Planning membership, which enables you to initiate a Special Project.
      The commissions from RaiseRight Scrip can partially or completely fund your first level Special Project.  

Targeted Agreement

      Scroll down to save and complete the Targeted Agreement. You will make decisions in this agreement which can benefit you or Chimorel and will use your rebates to pay for an Action Planning membership. 

Targeted Agreement Form

Save this form to the Chimorel file you create on your computer. Click … to save.
Complete the form and send it to us using Contact Us.

PrestoPay Scrip Agreement

Save this form to the Chimorel file you create on your computer. Click … to save.
Complete the form and send it to us using Contact Us.