Group Annual Memberships
Click a picture below to explore one of our group memberships.
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Through our group memberships, you can strengthen your small business, nonprofit or corporation with coaching and a variety of programs. You can also support your employees, customers, clients and constituents.
Pause for a moment! Do you enjoy the delicate fragrance and beauty of the enterprise you are building? Great, savor the aroma. Let the delicacy overwhelm you. Be filled with the power of what your are building.
Now recognize that constantly evolving economic and disruptive forces can destroy your business or nonprofit, both large and small, perhaps even before you are aware of what is happening. You must learn to fail fast, eliminate waste, iterate and experiment continuously. Identify challenges and facilitate your own disruptive innovations. The beauty of your ideas is not enough. Learn to do it right or become kindling in the next firestorm. Did you pick up the diamond we just left for you?
As a small business, nonprofit, perhaps even as a corporation you can participate in our Cooperative Effort program. Click the Cooperative Effort link to explore this program in depth. Setting a realistic goal for your small business or nonprofit is the first step to becoming active with our Cooperative Effort program. Being active and using our ongoing coaching can keep your costs down, grow your business and support others.
Below are a few questions to provide insight into our Cooperative Effort program. As an active small business or nonprofit member understand and implement the steps suggested by these questions.

- Are you a Starter or a Finisher? A hare, owl, turtle or squirrel?
- What habits hold you back? What new habits do you want? What is your three step Action Plan?
- What do you do now to build your business / organization? Is it working?
- Are you willing to help others to earn the right for them to help you?
- How often can you attend a Cooperative Effort meeting?
- Will you invite ten people to each meeting? Ten / month? Call? Send emails?
- Will you collect business cards for yourself and for Chimorel?
- How much do you know about developing lists? Identifying a target market?
- Do you prefer making calls? Visiting businesses? Networking? Giving / getting referrals?
- Will you obtain and study books that teach you marketing skills?
- Have you taken the time to understand a little about Chimorel?
- Would you like a Yabutt Negator? It is part of your membership? If you ask for it?
- Do you want to explore alternative sources of income? Inside Chimorel? Outside Chimorel?
- How many responsibilities do you have? Do they take you away from your primary goal?
- Would you like to learn more about high integrity / principle based selling?
- Would you like to develop affiliate relationships where you are paid for your referrals?
- Would you be willing to pay other affiliates for making referrals to you?
- What is your current advertising budget? Would you like to get more for the same budget?
- How often do you brainstorm new ways to tell your story? Alone? With others?
- Are you willing to serve as a servant/leader within Chimorel? Volunteer? Paid staff?
Small Business Annual Membership
Scroll to learn.
Mmmm, how sweet the smell of success. The purpose of a Small Business Annual membership is to support you as you build your business, solve problems and achieve goals.
Your Small Business membership includes ten Starter memberships you can offer to your employees or customers. This benefit alone is worth more than than the cost of your Small Business Membership. During the first 30 days after enrollment, you can buy 10-20 additional memberships for $350-$700. After that we will periodically offer you additional opportunities to buy more memberships at $50 each, providing you stay actively involved. You can provide a significant benefit to your employees or reward customer loyalty at minimal cost.
Your Small Business membership entitles you to earn $10/Starter member, $20/Action Planner and $50 for each new Business Member you introduce. You can apply these earnings to ongoing coaching fees, higher level memberships or add them to your bottom line.
Your Small Business membership entitles you to approximately ten hours of coaching. Initially you will want to set at least one goal, reality test your goal and develop action plans to achieve your goal. With ongoing coaching we will work with you to take practical steps to achieve your goals. As you stay actively involved with Chimorel, you open the door to many other benefits.
Your Small Business membership is an annual membership. Each year you pay annual membership dues to maintain your membership. Next year you will upgrade to a 2100 Plan, which can be paid in installments, enrolling others and through an affiliate relationship with Chimorel.
Benefits Of a Small Business Membership
Automatic Upgrade: Our automatic upgrade feature enables you to upgrade from lower memberships to higher memberships & programs automatically, depending on your choices and active involvement.
Business Coaching: You receive up to five hours of business coaching from Chimorel coaches, including marketing assistance, answers to business questions and much more.
Cooperative Effort Program: You can participate in the on-line part of this program. Participation includes a coaching assessment for at least one issue/problem/goal as part of the coaching discussed above; networking opportunities and a variety of ways to expand your business. When active meetings are initiated in your city, you can participate in this aspect of our Cooperative Effort Programs.
Affiliate Programs: We intend to implement many affiliate programs which can offer additional income streams to you. You can establish an affiliate program through which others support you as you build your business.
Earn Money or Additional Coaching: As a Business member you earn credit toward additional coaching for every new member you enroll. See how much can I earn? With the right training you can also earn money for your referrals in our other memberships and programs.
Ten Starter Memberships: Once your membership is fully paid you receive ten Starter Memberships which you can provide to your employees or to your customers. Within thirty days you can buy an additional 10-20 starter memberships for employees and customers at $35 each, saving $40/member. After 30 days we will periodically offer additional Starter memberships for $50, a $25 discount.
Cooperative Advertising: Your Business Membership entitles you to discounts on ad books and other fund raising projects for Chimorel events. As available you may also participate in Chimorel Cooperative Advertising projects. We have in the past sponsored cooperative advertising on local radio. TV and at certain events. We intend to hire a Cooperative Advertising Manager who will create many more cooperative advertising projects.
Recommendation Privilege: A voting member receives a Recommendation Privilege. As you raise funds and develop other resources, you determine what Committee will allocate 50% of the funds and resources you generate. You can apply to use the funds generated to that Committee to support solving specific problems when you meet the appropriate criteria.
Special Project: As a higher level member, you may initiate a Special Project. You receive Create a Chimorel Special Project and will be assigned a Planner/Coach. You can use your Special Project to develop the resources to grow your business or for another purpose. If you choose to initiate a Special Project, you will most likely move on to a 2100 Lifetime membership.
Future Business Benefits: When we have 500 active Action Planner or higher level members, we will implement a member card good for discounts at over 60,000 restaurants, stores and other businesses nationwide. You can receive up to ten cards as part of your Small Business Membership.
Small Business Alternatives
Any genuine leader can find a way to initiate our Small Business membership. Here are some alternatives:
- You can pay cash, check or any credit card through PayPal.
- You can upgrade to a 2100 Plan membership and use one or more of the following strategies.
- You can use a payment plan, then initiate a Special Project to fund the growth of your business. Your initial earnings will be applied to your payment plan, then to your Special Project. Your Special Project starts after your second payment. We will teach you how to earn the rest.
- You can earn your membership by enrolling others, becoming a Resource Developer or generating funds through many of Chimorel’s programs.
- You can Buy Stuff at our Chimorel4U eBay or online store, at Chimorel auctions and through our Scrip program and your friends can support you by buying stuff. We credit part of your purchase toward your membership.
- You can find or donate stuff for us to sell in our store, on eBay, at auction or that we recycle and we credit you with part of the funds generated.
- You can become an Authorized Fund Raiser and have your friends donate toward your membership and your Special Project.
- You can start our free Success Journey and we will teach you more than 100 ways to generate revenue which can pay for your membership and fund your Special Project.
So, are we right? Are you the kind of motivated person who makes things happen? Click Small Business to initiate your membership.
Nonprofit Annual Membership
People are like delicate flowers. Prune them carefully and they will grow. Withhold the sun, rain and good soil and they wither. The purpose of a Nonprofit Annual Membership is to support you as you develop the funds, solve the problems and achieve the goals for your nonprofit organization.
Your Nonprofit membership includes ten Starter memberships you can offer to your employees or constituents. This benefit alone is worth more than twice the membership cost (10 x $75 = $750). During the first 30 days after enrollment, you can buy ten additional memberships for $350. After that we will periodically offer you additional opportunities to buy more memberships at $50 each, providing you stay actively involved. You can provide a significant benefit to your employees or reward your constituents at minimal cost.
Your Nonprofit membership enables you to earn credit toward additional coaching for every new member you enroll. See how much can I earn? You can apply these earnings to ongoing coaching fees or use them to serve your constituents.
Your Nonprofit membership entitles you to approximately seven hours of coaching. Initially you will want to set at least one goal, reality test your goal and develop action plans to achieve your goal. With ongoing coaching we will work with you to take practical steps to achieve additional goals. As you stay actively involved with Chimorel, you open the door to many other benefits.
Your Nonprofit membership is an annual membership. Each year you pay annual membership dues to maintain your membership. Next year you will upgrade to a 2100 Plan, which can be paid in installments, by enrolling others and through an active affiliate relationship with Chimorel.
Involve Your Constituents
Who are the people your nonprofit organization serves? What can they (or their friends & family) do to help? They may be homeless or feel hopeless. They may be so overwhelmed that they do not see a need to participate in developing the resources needed to serve them. Nevertheless, they need to get involved.
It will take a lot of effort on your part to organize a structure that can take advantage of the things your constituents can do to help. But, as they pay part or all of the cost of the services you provide to them, you will have the funds you need and they will strengthen their lives.
Now is the time to think about the difference between giving a fish and teaching to fish. By involving your constituents in creating the resources needed, you do much more than just raise funds. If I fold fliers for a mailing or make calls to raise funds, I begin to get a glimpse of what it takes to provide the services I receive. But there is a much deeper meaning to getting your constituents involved.

Ask Me to Pay My Way
I resent taking government handouts and taking your charity. Give me a chance to pay my own way. I welcome the opportunity. My self-confidence will strengthen. I may surprise you with my ability to develop additional resources.
Paying my way starts with little things. You might set a limit on what I receive, then ask me to participate. Maybe I can bring a friend who also needs support. Maybe you say “We’re working with Chimorel, would you like to talk to them about doing some volunteer work and learn how to get a job?”
You will have a major impact on my life, when you ask me to get involved. When you ask me to participate, you begin to implement Chimorel’s 0-4-0 concept at your organization.
When you are ready we will explore how Chimorel can enable you to get your constituents involved.
Nonprofit Benefits
Upgrade: You automatically upgrade to higher memberships & programs when you stay involved.
Nonprofit Coaching: You can receive up to ten hours of business coaching from Chimorel staff. You receive a reduced rate for ongoing coaching, depending on the coach you choose. We can refer you to many excellent coaches. We can provide a limited amount of coaching with current Chimorel staff. You receive marketing assistance, answers to business questions and much more.
$1000 > $5000 Program: 10 people giving $100 creates a base of support. $1000 supports a Chimorel Special Project. Chimorel will work with you to generate a minimum of $5000. Your 10 committed people could each ask ten people for $50 and it’s done, but realistically you probably should set a much higher goal and we will support your efforts.
Affiliate Programs: We have many affiliate programs which can provide additional income streams to you and you can establish an affiliate program to fund your nonprofit.
Earn Money or Additional Coaching: As a Nonprofit member you earn money or credit toward additional coaching for every new member you enroll. See How much can I earn?
Ten Starter Memberships: Once your membership is fully paid you receive ten Starter Memberships which you can provide to your employees or to your constituents. Within thirty days you can buy an additional ten starter memberships for employees and constituents at $35 each, saving $40 each, or $350. After 30 days you can buy additional Starter memberships for $50 each, a $25 discount.
Joint Fund Raising: Your Nonprofit Membership entitles you to participate in fund raising projects and other Chimorel events. We have in the past sponsored advertising on WRFD and at their Pastor Appreciation breakfasts. In the future we intend to hire a Coordinator who will create many more fund raising projects.
Recommendation Privilege: As a voting member you receive a Recommendation Privilege. This means that as we raise funds together and develop other resources, you determine what Committee will allocate 50% of the funds and resources you generate. It also means you can apply to that Committee to solve a specific problem for your organization using the funds generated.
Special Project: As a higher level member, you may initiate a Special Project. As with an Action Planning membership, you receive Create a Chimorel Special Project and will be assigned a Planner/Coach. You can develop the resources to grow your nonprofit. If you choose to initiate a Special Project, you will most likely move on to 2100 and 5000 Lifetime memberships.
Future Business Benefits: Once we have 500 active Action Planner or higher level members, we will implement a member card good for discounts at over 60,000 restaurants, stores and other businesses nationwide. You will receive ten cards as part of your Nonprofit membership. An on-line newsletter is in the final stages at this point.
Nonprofit Alternatives
For nonprofit leaders there is never a reason to not initiate a membership. Getting this far into our discussion strongly suggests you are one of those motivated people who make things happen. So here are some alternatives:
- You can pay cash, check or credit card through PayPal.
- You can use a payment plan and initiate a Special Project. Your initial earnings will be applied to your payment plan, then to your Special Project. Your Special Project starts after your second payment. We will teach you how to earn the rest.
- You can earn your membership by enrolling others, becoming a Resource Developer or generating funds through many of Chimorel’s programs.
- You can Buy Stuff at our Chimorel4U eBay or online store, at Chimorel auctions and through our Scrip program. We will credit part of your purchase toward your membership.
- You can find stuff for us to sell in our store, on eBay, at auction or that we recycle and we will credit you with part of the funds generated.
- You can become an Authorized Fund Raiser and have your friends donate toward your membership and your Special Project.
- You can start our free Success Journey and we will teach you more than 100 ways to generate revenue which can pay for your membership and fund your Special Project.
Yes, we make it easy to create a nonprofit membership. So, are we right? Are you the kind of motivated person who makes things happen? Click Nonprofit to initiate your membership.
Annual Corporate Membership

Click the picture above to initiate your
Corporate membership.
The corporate world can be dark behind the exquisite image, especially if the focus is only short term profits. Change this image and enable your strengths to touch the lives of your employees, customers and others you may never meet. Work with us to make the world a little better. Let us recycle the resources you might otherwise throwaway to grow gardens of strong people. Employ our trainees. Learn how we can combine what you do with our efforts and become more profitable as you help our clients and your stakeholders.
We will give you opportunities to Hire Our Clients, to receive Business Coaching, to safely Recycle your disposable assets. The purpose of a Corporate Annual Membership is to strengthen your business, provide benefits to your employees and to support others. Your business or nonprofit with 25 or more employees can initiate an annual Corporate membership for $1000.
Your Corporate membership includes 25 Starter memberships you can offer to your employees or constituents. This benefit alone is worth far more than $1000 (25 x $75 = $1875). During the first 30 days after enrollment, you can buy up to 100 additional memberships for $3500. After that we will periodically offer you additional opportunities to buy more memberships at $50 each, providing you stay actively involved. You can provide a significant benefit to your employees or reward your constituents at minimal cost.
You can add to your bottom line by introducing your clients and employees to Chimorel, by recycling and through a wide variety of affiliate relationships. You receive up to 20 hours of business/individual coaching for you or your employees. Thereafter, you receive a reduced rate for ongoing coaching. Your Corporate membership is an annual membership. Next year you will upgrade to a 2100 / 5000 Plan, which can be paid in installments, enrolling others and an affiliate relationship with Chimorel.
Corporate Benefits and Alternatives
The corporate benefits are similar to those for small business and nonprofit members. They include Automatic Upgrading, Business Coaching, Cooperative Effort, Cooperative Advertising, the Chimorel Cooperative, earning money or coaching for referrals, Recommendation Privilege, Special Projects and more.
The corporate alternatives are similar to those for small business and nonprofit members. They include paying cash, check or credit card; using a payment plan; enrolling others; buying stuff; and more than 100 other alternatives you can discover in our free Success Journey.
The Chimorel Cooperative is not yet fully developed, but there are still many ways to save in our Buy Stuff area and once you volunteer 25 hours.
Right now, you can reduce the cost of many things through programs like our Home Builder and Virtual Auction programs. There is a long way to go to find the best pricing on everything you need. We are negotiating with manufacturers, wholesalers and service providers. We have access to lower than wholesale prices on more than 5000 items. Let us know if you would like to participate in developing the Cooperative.
Cooperatives can take many forms. Chimorel’s cooperative is intended to be a producer, volunteer and consumer cooperative. A Producer Cooperative Cooperative is formed by manufacturers, wholesalers, service providers and others to market their goods and services to others while reducing marketing and distribution costs. A Consumer Cooperative has voting and affiliate members who may buy a wide variety of products and services at substantially reduced prices. A Volunteer Cooperative reduces costs with volunteers who trade their time for membership fees.
The 735 Plan offers ways to reduce costs when you support others, then ask for their support.
Here is a possibility. Our shopping mall has a few vendors. Warren bought $80 worth of pet medicine for $65. Chimorel received $12 in commissions. Your Special Project could receive $10 of this amount.
Because the Cooperative is not yet fully developed, joining is an informal process largely dedicated to supporting volunteers who have passed the 25 hour mark.
In the future Voting and associate members will be entitled to
(1) save directly on regular purchases for food, clothing, appliances, vehicles and a variety of other goods and services;
(2) offer their own goods and services (at an agreed upon discount) to other members;
(3) pool volunteer resources to build a house, start a business or accomplish many other things;
(4) buy large ticket items (boats, campers, tools, etc.) jointly, then share with other members according to a suitable agreement; and
(5) do such other things as the voting members and/or the board of the cooperative may authorize.
The Cooperative is intended to be a benefit for Lifetime memberships. Investors investing $500,000 or more may also participate in the Cooperative.