Learn How We Can Support ...

… You to get a job, develop a career, eliminate debt, build your dream house, start a business, help others and much more.
… Your Business control expenses, increase sales, develop marketing strategies, learn accounting, manage assets, recycle computers, advertise cooperatively, help others and much more. You will leave this section. Close tab to return.
… Your Nonprofit Group fund projects and strengthen your programs by getting your constituents involved. Close tab to return.
… you to Change The World and the lives of your family, friends and friends you haven’t met yet. Close tab to return.
The concepts behind Chimorel formed in 1969 when Warren struggled to determine why kids kept returning to the institutions he worked in. Over time Chimorel’s focus moved to financial planning and business consulting, then more broadly to supporting people develop the resources to solve problems and achieve goals. |

Homeless, Hungry, In Prison
“As you do it for the least of these … you have done it for me.”
“Give to … who multiplied it ten fold.” “Take from …. who hid it in the ground.”
As you get involved, we will reach out …to the hungry, … to the homeless, … to those in jail and to thousands of people around the world who need your support. We will teach people how to fish, not give them a fish. We will create jobs. We will teach stewardship. We will expect a lot. We will give more to those who multiply what they have been given. We will wait until you are ready to work.
Chimorel will support you initially by asking you to set a specific goal. If you are living on the streets, your first goal might be to have enough to eat today. Work for us today and we will make sure you have food and a place to sleep tonight. But don’t stop there. Set bigger goals… Take steps to achieve your goals … and we will enable you to achieve … a job, a better job, medical benefits, more benefits, a computer, a car, a place to live, a home of your own and much more. What we won’t do is give you these things. We will give you opportunities. We will listen. We will support you. Then we will ask you to do something. When you do it, your opportunities will increase. When you don’t, we will wait until you are ready.
"So why don't you just get a job?”
If it were only so easy. The reasons people are homeless or on welfare stem from a long history of decisions and circumstances that limit their opportunity to choose other alternatives. Katrina made thousands of people homeless. Sometimes the decision was a stubborn unwillingness to leave followed by a dramatic rescue. Sometimes the decision was fear or a desperate hope to stay with a loved one. Sometimes you leave and the hurricane destroys your home. People who become homeless do not always have control over the reasons. People on welfare learn to live with less and over time become habituated to their circumstances. It takes real effort to break the inertia.
The reasons above don’t begin to explain everything that happens in people’s lives that create the reason “why they don’t just get a job.” But before we can address the problems of homelessness and welfare we must at least be aware that there is more to solving the problems than just getting a job.
I'm Homeless or On Welfare or Leaving Prison
If you are homeless or on welfare and have taken the time to get to this part of our website, Congratulations!!! We believe you have what it takes to solve the problem. We are going to ask you to take a short trip with us to another area of the website. Then we will ask you to call us and start our Client Assistance program. At this link you can read John’s story to get off welfare. When you are ready, Contact Us.
If you are about to leave prison, we are developing transitional housing, work training and self-employment programs you may want to explore. We expect a lot, including remaining crime free, “volunteer work” which pays your tuition and board and most likely a serious mindset adjustment. We can teach you how to create your own business. When you are ready, Contact Us.
If you are not homeless or on welfare or leaving prison, we ask you to consider becoming a Concerned Citizen or join our Odd Job program. When you are ready, Contact Us.

Are you struggling? Do you know someone who is hurting?
“Our door is open … please let us know … we can provide support !!!”
When you are hurting, the first thing we will do is listen. We may listen for a few minutes, or perhaps for an hour or two. Then we will ask you to do something simple.
Perhaps we will ask you to write down a list of people who have been good to you. Get the name of the person who listened and told you about this website. Put that person at the top of your list. If you can’t think of anyone else, go do something to support someone. When they say thank you, put their name down next. Now do it again. Before long you will have a list of ten, or twenty, or fifty people. Come to a Chimorel Change Your Life meeting and we will open more doors.
The important thing is to reach out to someone else. Before long your hurt will come into perspective and it will be easier to manage.
When You Hurt, Reach Out … Support someone, or ask for support!
When you are hurting, the best thing you can do is to reach out and support someone else. If you are not yet ready to support someone else, reach out and ask for someone to support you. … to a friend, … to a spouse, … to the pastor at your church, … to Chimorel at Contact Us.
If you call us, please speak slowly, clearly and give us a phone number where we can reach you.
When you reach out to support someone else or ask someone to support you, you open a door that will eventually allow you to walk into a brighter, better day. It is a small step. There will be many more, perhaps, before the pain is gone. After you take the first step, keep on walking. We will be there if you want us to be, but we can only support you as much as you allow us to.

Go For the Gusto
Are you going for the gusto? Are you taking steps to make the good things happen?
If you are struggling, we’ll be there, but as soon as possible let the focus be upward !!!
Three of the pictures in our Support You section depict problems. One shows a happy person going for the gusto. We hope you are taking steps to make the good things happen. As quickly as possible, let’s set goals, test your goals against reality and develop an action plan to achieve your goals. Let the focus be upward.
If you are struggling, going for the gusto is tough. Know that it is the way you look at life which makes the difference. It takes less than a second to make a decision to change your life for the better. BUT, it may take years to clear away all the debris so that you can make that one second decision. When you are ready, we’ll set goals and go for the good things. If you need to clear away the debris, we’ll be there as long as you want us to be.

Solve a Major Problem
Problems come in all shapes and sizes. The best way to solve a problem is to set a goal, then take action steps to achieve that goal. Click the Set Goal link in the header or the link above to begin the process. You will leave this section of the website.
If you are really struggling with life, however, you may need a lot of support before you are ready to tackle your problem. If you need real support, let us suggest our 735 Plan. When you call using Contact Us, leave a clear message about your need. Repeat your name and telephone number twice.
It is really important for you to understand that Chimorel does not solve your problems for you. We give you suggestions, support and inspiration. You do the work. We’ll listen. You think about the problem, set a goal, develop an action plan and implement the action plan. We’ll support you. You do.
If you have explored other areas of our website, you may have discovered our 0-4-0 concept already. If God is your Source and you are willing to work, you can afford the cost of solving your problems at Chimorel. If you are willing to work, you can afford our fees even if God isn’t your Source, but you could be missing an important Resource Who can give you the strength you need.
If you want someone to wave a magic wand to make all your problems disappear, it probably won’t happen. Solving problems is a lot of work. You need to be serious. You need to listen to our suggestions, ask questions, think and do what it takes to make solving your problems real. Click Solve a Major Problem above for a step by step solution.