We Are Ready to Hire Chimorel Clients
Tell us your need. We’ll make something happen.
Call 614-885-0000
Chimorel’s I Got a Job Program gives you the opportunity to hire people who have worked through many issues in their life and have proven their willingness to do real work. Some are professionals, some have been homeless, many have been struggling for a while.
Before they come to you, unless you participate in the training and work experience part of our program, they have worked for us in our training program for at least 50 hours and sometimes for more than 250 hours. They are tested, proven and ready to do what is expected.
Below you can get a glimpse of the people we support as part of our programs, as well as, protections we provide for you. Sometimes trainees are ready to work now. Sometimes you will want to wait until they work their way through our program.
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Temporary Workers
Some people have been homeless, are unemployed veterans, released from prison or may have other reasons they have been struggling with life, are working temporary jobs or may even have given up and just dropped out.
You can wait until these people have completed our training program or you can provide employment and support our efforts to work through the issues. If someone is problematic, we will replace them. When things seem to work out, enter a Temp to Hire program, then move into full employment.
We will provide you a Guaranteed Number of employees. We will work with you to provide basic needs while your Temporary Workers prove themselves. We can even help with college tuition and other training needs.

Professional Workers
Unemployed professionals can hone their skills, develop new skills, gain experience and pay their bills as a Temporary or Temp to Hire employee. Sales people, teachers, social workers, retired executives and people people may become Chimorel Resource Developers supporting our clients as they solve problems and achieve goals, during a transition period. Frequently these transitioning professionals can meet your need and may continue as a part-time Resource Developer.
All of these people provide you with a proven resource to meet your temporary or permanent hiring needs.

Illegal Workers
A growing concern among many employers is the desire to hire people who are legally allowed to work in this country. If you hire a Chimorel client, you know they have already been screened and are legally allowed to work in this country.

A Real Need
We have toned down the original picture, but there is a real need to provide jobs to girls who might otherwise use their attractiveness to pay for diapers for their babies, etc. We became aware of this significant problem after we initiated our transitional housing program. They struggled to pay their rent, but there was always money for booze and drugs as they entertained their boyfriends.
You don’t want to hire someone whose personal life keeps them high, pregnant and problematic. If they complete our program, however, you know they have worked through these issues in their life and are ready to work.

Take a deep breath in and out. Now another. You are about to learn of many ways we can enable your company to be more profitable, while supporting others. These inspirational strategies are worth taking a few minutes to explore.
Guaranteed Number | Temporary Employment
Meeting Temporary Basic Needs
Your EAP Program
Tuition with a Twist
Placement With a Twist
Work with a Nonprofit
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How Chimorel's Program Works
The most important part of any employment program is enabling someone to get a job. As an employer, this makes you pretty important. We anticipate you want to retain employees who are dependable and do what is expected. In order to meet your needs and to cover the costs of the program, Chimorel has developed a number of strategies, which include ‘temp to hire’ employment, a placement fee, an employment assistance program, asset management, and a variety of other options.

We charge our clients a tuition designed to cover the costs of developing stable employees. One way a client can pay at least part of this tuition is to volunteer a minimum of 50 hours within our job readiness evaluation phase. Job ready candidates then move on to positions within Chimorel or to ‘temp to hire’ positions with other employers. We hope you feel comfortable with paying a ‘temp to hire’ differential which covers our costs.
You may, however, have a policy against using any kind of temporary service, even when the intention is to test employees and enable them develop the job readiness, life skills and other skills that will enable them to stay and grow on the job. We will encourage you to rethink your ‘no temps’ policy, but if all you do is hire our clients and use some of the following strategies, we appreciate.
Guaranteed Number
You agree to hire a specific number of our clients, say ten. Together, we agree on a specific time frame during which we guarantee to cover this number of positions. If one of our referrals becomes a problem, we will replace that employee with another within an agreed time frame or we will refer more than the guarantee so that you will always have more than the agreed number.

Temporary Employment
Let’s say we enter into an agreement with your company to provide 12-15 ‘temp to hire’ employees for $18/hr with a four month guarantee. We pay your temporary employees $12/hr just like any temporary agency might.
Together we structure a program with elements like job readiness evaluation, work experience, drug screen and background check, limited group counseling and a modified career development class that doubles as your orientation program. Some employees also need child care, transportation, intensive counseling or college tuition.
We work with social service organizations, welfare departments and others to develop referral sources. In some cases we might support a referring agency with a modest referral fee when a client completes his/her program. We guarantee you 12 employees. We set up a pool of 25 clients and provide an average of 15 employees.
At the end of a four month period successful employees graduate and become permanent employees at your company. Perhaps your company’s tuition program helps some of these new employees go on to college. Graduates can work with Chimorel to accomplish many other goals in their lives, like college tuition, buying a home, group counseling and more.
Meeting the Basic Needs for Temps
Transportation: We may provide bus tickets. The temporary employees with cars may provide transportation for those without cars. We deduct a small fee and pay it to those providing transportation. Perhaps there is a need for Chimorel to provide transportation and we acquire 15 passenger vans and hire drivers.
Child Care: Some employees need child care and either pay a fee or volunteer as child care providers [1hr for every 4 hrs/child]. Arrangements are set up with Title 20 to help provide child care 24/7 if needed. Perhaps you help in covering the child care costs. Housing: Chimorel acquires, renovates and provides housing, deducting rent from pay.
Problematic Employee: When an employee is not working out, he/she is immediately brought back into the program. Two weeks pay is held back, thus there is a balance to offset individual intensive counseling and re-motivation. Drop outs can work for Chimorel and their program may be revised as needed.
Covering the basic needs for our clients is much more comprehensive than the brief description above, however, this brief description gives some insights.
Your "EAP" Program
You invest significant time and money training your employees. Perhaps one is starting to be problematic. Your employee has good skills and you would like to keep her. Perhaps she is a driver with several DUIs. Perhaps she has been a no call / no show several times or is frequently late. Whatever the problem, rather than lose a valuable employee, you refer her to our program and pay the $1500 fee upfront.
The employee starts a customized version of our job readiness evaluation. We discover she has significant family problems. One of her children is using drugs and her spouse is threatening divorce. We structure a program of intensive coaching and charge an enhanced fee covered by your insurance, by her volunteer efforts or as described next. The employee works through the problem and you retain a valuable employee. A portion of her wage is withheld to cover the $1500 fee or perhaps you provide this as a benefit.
This is an area worthy of considerable discussion. Losing problematic employees can have significant repercussions, including a violence at work incident, a homeless family, incarceration and more. Supporting a problematic employee can avoid significant costs to you the employer and to society.
Tuition With a Twist
We strongly encourage you to provide a program that will offer assistance with college tuition for your employees. If you don’t already have a tuition assistance program, we can enable you to provide a minimum $2000 benefit for $350. Through our College Bound program we will support each employee to develop a minimum of $2000 to pay for college, through a variety of strategies. The fee for this program is $350 for each participating employee. From this point, we can show the employees how to expand their tuition resources with “guaranteed scholarships” and other strategies.
If you like, we can work with you to develop a wide variety of other benefits for all your employees. These benefits can include child care, transportation, skill development and many other ways to enable you to develop and retain a stable work force.

Placement With a Twist
Maybe you have an absolute aversion to paying a fee to an employment agency. That’s okay. Just for a moment set the feeling aside while we explore a way to have a significant impact on employees.
A typical agency fee is 1% per $1000 of salary up to 30%. You ask us to find a special employee who will earn $150,000 and the fee is $45,000. It may cost us $15,000 to find this employee for you. We create a fund of $30,000 that will pay our tuition for 20 new hires at $1500 each. At a typical agency you would have found one employee. Through our program you find 21 “job ready” employees. Could you consider this “placement fee with a twist” as an option?

Nothing comes for free. This is an important concept at Chimorel. One way to look at this concept is: “As we ask you to support us, we will create many ways to support you.”
If you are a nonprofit organization, we will offer additional sources of funding and ways to serve your clients. If you are a college or training program, we will offer referrals and a strong retention program. If you are a government agency or foundation, we will design programs that coordinate with others to eliminate “the cracks” which many individuals fall through. These cracks create failure experiences for many who are already struggling, instead of success experiences for motivated individuals.
If you are an individual, we will offer ways to set and reality test goals, develop and implement action plans and support you when you need it. As a business we will offer ways to strengthen your employees, enhance your bottom line, solve a variety of problems and support your company’s growth.
If we do these things to help you, is it fair to ask you to refer clients to our program, to join us in fund raising events, to work together to create success for our mutual clients/employees and to develop creative strategies together that leaves no one behind.

Now hang onto your hat !!! We are about to discuss how you can create jobs and job readiness opportunities from assets you throw away or money you already spend. Perhaps you will also save a little money and create a stable resource for employees as well.
Every time your employees drop a pop can or a piece of paper into a trash can, they start a long, somewhat convoluted process that has significant costs. You or your landlord may pay $200+ every time the dumpster outside needs emptied. Twenty or fewer cardboard boxes can fill up this dumpster. Is that $10 to throw away one cardboard box? When the dumpster is full the cans, paper and cardboard are picked up by a $100,000+ dump truck, taken to a multi-million dollar transfer station and on to a landfill which might have cost over $1 million/acre to prepare. After approximately one lifetime (70 years) the expensive liners in this landfill will begin to fail and the health cost as toxins begin to leach into our water system will be significant.
Chimorel has developed recycling programs, which with just a little discipline can have a major impact on these costs. In addition the programs will create jobs and job readiness opportunities, as well as, improve the environment our children and grandchildren will live in.
We can enable you to develop a cradle to grave asset management program for many, perhaps all of the assets you acquire. We can provide cleaning services and waste disposal services that can reduce your costs and safely dispose of all your electronic waste and coordinate safe, cost effective disposal of just about anything you want to get rid of.
We can set up a program to recycle your computers, beverage containers, paper, cardboard and actually everything you dispose of. The initial cost to implement such a program can be less than emptying your outside dumpsters once or twice. We can provide trained staff to keep your office clean, find homes for your old computers, software and office equipment. We can inventory your assets and manage the acquisition and disposal of your assets.
A program using your staff to recycle cans and white paper is easy to initiate. Recycling cardboard involves a cost to prepare, store and transport the cardboard which is significantly less than $10/box ($200 empty dumpster / 20 boxes).
You can ask us to clean your offices and our staff will make recycling even easier, as well as, expand the items which can be recycled. By keeping your materials/items separated we eliminate the economic and environmental costs associated with disposing of trash in landfills and preserve resources that can be turned into useful products. This creates jobs and job readiness opportunities and potentially reduces some of your direct costs.
Computer Disposal
Typically you dispose of 20-35% of your computers and other office equipment every year. Many of these items contain sensitive data and toxic substances, which can substantially increase the risk and potential cost of unplanned disposal. We can find homes for your computers, etc. at Chimorel, at schools and churches, with inner city youth, at new business and nonprofit groups and in underdeveloped countries around the world. We will clean your hard drives, eliminate substantial EPA fines for improper disposal and work with you to provide computers to nonprofit groups you are interested in supporting.
Have you ever faced an audit of the software on your computers and discovered the documentation and disks/CDs were lost or stolen or buried in unknown drawers? As you may know there are substantial fines for not being able to document all the software on your computers. Is your inventory of computers, cell phones and all kinds of equipment stored on pieces of paper that would take weeks to organize and months to understand? Would you consider buying your computers, parts and service from a vendor who is also providing you a stable source of employees, while creating jobs and training many people to enter the work force
Creating Opportunities
Chimorel can help you manage your acquisition and disposal of assets. As you recycle items you would otherwise dispose of, you help us create jobs and job readiness evaluation/preparation opportunities. Many of these jobs are things that any one can do without extensive training. They give us the opportunity to watch people work and train them to become valuable employees. People with problems can’t do a lot of damage to an aluminum can, but they can work through the issues in their lives and become responsible employees.
When you dispose of computers and similar items, you give us the ability to provide higher level training opportunities, which can become valuable skills and new jobs. By working with Chimorel to recycle and redeploy assets you would otherwise throw away, you help us create jobs, training opportunities, ways to evaluate the job readiness for your future employees, and create opportunities for motivated individuals to improve their lives.

Working With Your Nonprofit
As an existing nonprofit with clients, staff and facilities, you may already be serving some of our prospective clients. You may in fact already be providing many services similar to those we offer. The reality is, however, that there is no shortage of people needing job readiness and employment assistance, especially in today’s economy. By working with you and many other nonprofit groups, we want to fill in the “cracks” in the existing system. And we suspect you know about a lot of gaps that keep people from getting services they need.

Maybe all we do is share job leads to expand the base of available jobs. Maybe we assist you to charge for your services in a way that adds revenue to your program. Maybe we pay you to use your facilities to serve a different clientele than you are currently serving. Maybe we create jobs for your clients through recycling, office cleaning and asset management. Maybe you are aware of needs we haven’t thought about. Undoubtedly, if we sit down together to explore what you do, we will discover ways to work together to be sure that no one is left behind.
Many Ways to Support
As we work together to enable you to develop a stable source of employees, there will be many ways you can support strengthening our resources. You can set up a payroll deduction to enable an employee to repay their loan for our fee. You can partially or completely pay/reimburse our fee if an employee meets certain conditions. You can help with fund raising projects. You can make a grant or loan to initiate a program.
You definitely want to notify us when an employee fails to show for work. You can work with us to solve transportation, child care, housing, EAP or other issues. You can develop a recycling, office cleaning or asset management program. You can provide tuition assistance for college or our program. You can use our ‘temp to hire’ and employment fee options. You can enable your employees to deduct donations to our charity from their paycheck.

We certainly hope you get involved with many or all of the above options. However, if you never do anything other than hire our clients, you are doing a lot to develop the program and assure yourself a stable source of employees.
Where Do Our Clients Come From?
We have hinted at where our clients come from above. You may want to have a little clearer picture, however. We have worked with a variety of agencies and institutions over the last few years to help more than 1000 people get jobs.
We would like to acquire one or more warehouses that will enable us to significantly expand our current program and have prepared a white paper that describes this warehouse program. We periodically provide this white paper to potential sources of new clients.
We have recycled over 3000 computers for Ohio Health and several hundred for what was BancOne. A number of companies recycle with us every year. We recycle electronic waste for the City of Columbus and SWACO. We have a growing web presence. As companies get to know us, they sometimes tell other people about us.

Our Executive Director has worked for a variety of colleges, is a business coach and works with several missionary groups. Occasionally, people from prisons, welfare roles, and a variety of similar sources find their way to our doors.
When appropriate we reach out to all of these potential sources. Most of the time people just show up. If you have a specific need, we will design a program to meet your need. The intention here is to say we open the door to anyone with a significant goal or problem. When you walk through the door with a serious intent and are willing to more than cover the cost, we will make something happen.
Rather than competing with other agencies and institutions for clients, we prefer to work with them to solve their problems and achieve their goals. Over the years, since 1972, we have supported thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations in a variety of contexts. We look forward to your business or nonprofit group joining us in our endeavor to make the world a little better.
The Next Step
Call 614-885-0000 or email Warren@chimorel.com
Warren or another staff person will determine your needs.
Then we will design something to meet your needs.

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