Chimorel's Mission ...
New Aspirational Version
… to empower motivated people of all ages who have visions to transform themselves and improve the world. This is the new and improved aspirational version.
Old School Version
… to support motivated individuals and organizations as they achieve significant goals, solve major problems and to enhance each nation’s viability, one life at a time. This is the old school version. Which version do you like best?
Scroll down to see the picture transform and learn more.

Story Behind a Picture
You will find “Story Behind the Picture” scenes throughout our website. When you see Click pix for full size there will be a Story Behind the Picture link near the full size picture. If you have time, take the brief side trip.
Nature is reflected in many of our pictures to instill a sense of peace, to emphasize the beauty of the world we live in and to illustrate our concern for the environment. The theme behind these nature pictures is not always obvious.
Our pictures also reflect entrance ways and going somewhere themes. Many pictures will not have a story behind them. Sometimes you might just imagine your own meaning without any input from us.
You will also pick up on our theme of viability …
… for individuals this means becoming competent and caring, as well as, recognizing that we are all connected at a profoundly deep level.
… for organizations this recognizes that there are limits to growth, that in pursuit of profits capitalism carries with it an intense responsibility for the least of us, and that nonprofits serve best when they involve their constituents instead of merely “doing for the needy.”
… for the world this anticipates that the collective decisions we and our leaders make actually impact whether or not life as we know it will remain viable.
Sometimes a picture reflects the words nearby, perhaps a little humor or something to interest you in the diamond, gem or gold nugget waiting to be picked up.
We encourage you to explore each Story Behind the Picture, to discover a profound message or explain a picture’s theme. Reflect for a moment before you move on. Then click a link or tab to move on to the gems, diamonds and gold nuggets waiting for you.
So What Is the Story Behind the Home Page Picture?
What’s the deal with the dead tree on the shores of Hawaii. Yes, it is kind of majestic, but what does it mean? Scroll up and click the full page dead tree. You transformed the dead tree into a majestic fully alive tree with the light of the Universe streaming through its branches. This tree now grows near a castle in Ireland, not far from where the Irish potato famine occurred.
Is that you and someone you love admiring the tree’s grandeur? Real transformation is waiting for you. As you transform your life, you can transform the world. Will your famine girl persona transform to life in a castle sharing abundance with a transformed world?

You live in a world rushing frenetically toward an unsuspecting extinction (the rushing stream on the home page), but there are powerful forces waiting as you seek to transform your life and the world around you. Chimorel offers you a chance to slow down, to actually change your life and the lives of those you love, to move from scarcity (famine girl) to abundance (castle) and to share your wisdom with the world (Global Won Logo).
First, let’s make sure you are ok and enhance your life. Then, let’s make the world a little better together. At a profoundly deep level we are all connected. What I do to hurt you, wounds me. What you do to support me, enhances your life. Together, let’s make the world a little better.