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Now click the Double Eagle and invite …
your family, friends, associates, even strangers to …
start their free Success Journey.
You can create an income opportunity. Perhaps, even more crucial,
you can develop a base of support as you enable people to enhance their lives.
As you begin your journey, may this experience start a long term relationship
that helps hundreds, maybe thousands of people, including those you love.

What Happens When You Register?
When you Register, (1) you stay in touch, (2) you begin your Success Journey and (3) you receive seven lessons in How Can Chimorel Support You?
Staying in touch means we will get to know each other much better. You will read and respond to the emails you receive. You will act on the dynamic strategies you learn. You will set at least one goal and begin to implement your goal with an Action Plan. Our Success Journey means we will support you. It might mean, you will support us. It can mean, together we will support others.
How can Chimorel Support you? is free. These seven lessons begin your powerful Success Journey. They contain more than 100 dynamic diamond, gem and gold nugget strategies that can change your life and reach out to support thousands of people.
Success Journey Lessons
Lesson 1: What is Chimorel? (10+ Diamonds)
Lesson 2: Set Goals, Develop Action Plans (30+ Gems)
Lesson 3: Your Secret to Success (30+ Gold Nuggets)
Lesson 4: Chimorel’s Action Plan 1 (Action Strategies you can implement in your life)
Lesson 5: Chimorel’s Action Plan 2 (more Action Strategies you can implement)
Lesson 6: Chimorel’s Action Plan 3: (even more Action Strategies)
Lesson 7: 100+ Income Opportunities (when you complete your assignments)
Click the links above to see a Table of Contents for each lesson.
Are you beginning to grasp the significance the simple act of registering can have on your life, on the lives of people you love and on the lives of friends you may not have met yet? Many doors are about to open. We believe that Leaders are Readers, so be willing to spend a little time learning. In the next few weeks, faster if you choose the Expedited Trip, you will discover things to read, goals to achieve, thoughts to ponder, more than 100 income opportunities and action steps that can transform your life.
This wealth of information is all FREE, almost. All you have to do is stay in touch, read, learn, act and get involved, as time permits. This does not cost money, but it does require time and intention. Soon you will learn that you really do have the time to change your life, then change the world.
Well, like we said almost free! You won’t spend any money, but you must put it the time, determination and energy to make your Success Journey happen. The first six lessons in this journey each come with a homework assignment. We suggest you find and click the link that enables you do all your homework assignments at one time, then forward these assignments just once. This will maximize your time, while you open the doors to achieve your goals. After you complete these homework assignments, you receive Lesson 7 which offers more than 100 ways to generate the funds you need to achieve your significant goals. You can also become an Action Planner to receive Lesson 7.
Now here is our second source of strength: invite others to participate in your journey. Support these people so that they can achieve some of their goals. Then you earn the right to ask for their support. The more genuine friends you can discover who will support you, the greater your power will be to achieve your own goals. Support them first. Then ask for their support.
May this experience start a long term relationship
which supports hundreds, maybe thousands of people, including those you love.
How Can Chimorel Support You? | The Success Journey
by Warren E Goodenow, Chimorel’s Director
When you start your free Success Journey, links in an electronic version of each lesson will facilitate your reading of a printed version of the lessons.
Table of Contents Lesson 1
Pg 1 Warren E Goodenow. Chimorel Mission. Available Lessons.
Pg 2 Goals. Table of Contents 1. Disclosures.
Pg 3 Our Challenge to You . Leaders Are Readers.
Pg 4 Stories Behind the Picture. Resource Developer. Leaders.
Pg 5 Missions & Vision.
Pg 6 Original Concepts.
Pg 7 2000 Strategies. Goals. Summary of Diamonds.
Your 1st Assignment. An Alternative Journey. Expedite Journey.
Table of Contents Lesson 2
Pg 1 Disclosures Set Goal. Paddling Upstream.
Pg 2 I Am Ready ( to set goals). Do It Quickly.
Pg 3 Setting Goals: Warren’s Message.
Pg 4 Let’s Do It – Examples Coming.
Pg 5 Mission, Roles & Goals. Developing Your Mission Statement. Be Alone.
Pg 6 The Roles & Relationships in Your Life. Roles & Relationships Form.
Pg 7 Process Flow Chart. Goal Setting Review.
Pg 8 Examples. Write Your First Goal. Providing Value.
Pg 9 What is the Cost?
Pg Pg 10 Make Goal Setting Happen. Action Planning. Chimorel Action Plans.
Pg 11 Simple Action Plan – Get a Job.
Pg 12 Thoughts About Action Plans.
Pg 13 Action Plans With Sub-goals. Example Sub-goal – Resource Developer, Revenue Stream.
Pg 15 Chimorel Action Plan with Sub-Goals & To Do Opportunities. Prioritize Roles. Process Flow Chart.
Pg 17 Warren’s Action Plan. Testing Goals Against Reality.
Pg 18 The First Source of Strength.
Pg 19 Summary of Gems.
Pg 22 Download Lesson 3.
Pg 23 Second Assignment.Success Journey, Membership.
Table of Contents Lesson 3
Pg 1 Disclosures, Think and Grow Rich (235 pages, parsed)
Pg 2 Introduction.
Pg 3 Initial Insights. Awake to Life’s Purpose. Riches vs Wealth. Vision.
Pg 4 Fourteen Principles +2.
Pg 5 Personal Analysis Questionnaire.
Pg 6 Thinking vs Awareness. The Principles. Principle 1: Desire This is where you start.
Pg 7 Bargain With Life poem.
PG 8 Principle 2: Faith This is what powers your plan.
Pg 10 Self-confidence Formula. Self-confidence Poem. Charles Schwab Story.
Pg 11 Principle 3: Autosuggestion This is how you influence your subconscious.
Pg 13 7 Action Steps to move from a wish to burning desire.
Pg 14 Principle 4: Specialized Knowledge This gives you the tools to make it happen.
Pg 17 Principle 5: Imagination This is where your plans are formed.
Pg 18 Principle 6: Organized Planning This transforms desire into action.
Pg 19 11 Leadership Attributes, 10 Causes of Leadership Failure, 30 Causes of Failure in Life, Self Analysis Questionnaire, I Got a Job, Create a Career.
Pg 20 Principle 7: Decision This makes it happen.
Pg 22 Principle 8: Persistence This is the will power to finish.
Pg 23 16 Symptoms of Lack of Persistence, 4 Steps to Develop Persistence.
Pg 24 Principle 9: Mastermind This is the power behind the plan.
Pg 26 Principle 10: Sex This is misunderstood. Seek to understand.
Pg 29 Link to List of a Few Men Who Have Learned to Transmute Sex Desire to High Achievement.
Pg 31 Principle 11: Subconscious Mind This is the connecting link.
Pg 32 Principle 12: The Brain This is the broadcasting station.
Pg 34 Principle 13: The Sixth Sense This is the door to the temple of wisdom.
Pg 38 Principle 14: Overcoming Fear This outwits the six ghosts of fear.
Pg 39 Fear of Poverty, Fear o Criticism, Fear of Ill Health, Old Age & Death.
Pg 40 Fear of Loss of Love, Worry. The Devil’s Workshop.
Pg 41 Present Moment & Divine Matrix.
Pg 42 Looking at Yourself. Some Questions to Guide Eliminating Negative Influences, Famous Alibis. Additional Resources: SOGR, 10 Diamonds, Rich Dad Poor Dad, 20 Nuggets, Welcome to the Opportunity, Leaders Are Readers.
Pg 43 Welcome to the Opportuity.
Pg 44 Your 3rd Assignment. Free Success Journey, Learn About Membership, Expedited Trip
Pg 1 Disclosures, Summary of Dynamic Strategies, Alternate Opportunities.
Pg 2 Membership. Special Project. 0-4-0. Liftoff. Resource Developer.
Pg 3 Business Development. Nonprofit Development.
Pg 4 Recycling. Catch your breath.
Pg 5 Chimorel’s Action Plan. Lesson 3. Free Success Journey. Follow Up. Complete Action Plan.
Pg 6 Are You the Right Kind of Person? Do more. Science of Getting Rich. Rich Dad, Poor Dad. 10+ Dynamic Strategies.
Pg 7 Achieving Chimorel’s Goal. Implementing Chimorel’s Plan. Min-Goals, Phases, Roles, Opportunities.
Pg 8 Method: 2500 – Mini Goals, Individual Intentions.
Pg 9 Identify and Obtain Commitments from Leaders. Complete Phased in Goals to reach 52,000. Train Leaders. Determine Focus Cities, States, Countries.
Pg 10. Gold Nuggets. First Income Opportunity. To Do Opportunity (friend assignment).
Pg 11 Did You Catch What Just Happened? think
Pg 12 What You Do. Gold Nuggets.
Pg 13 Sample Invitation.
Pg 14 Inviting people diamonds. Thoughts & Income.
Pg 15 Pros & Cons.
Pg 16 To Do Friend Assignment. Social Media.
Pg 17 I’m Going to Make It Happen. Emails & Scripts.
Pg 18 Learn More. Debt Reduction. 7 Gold Nugget.
Pg 19 Step By Step Financial Planning. Your Focus. 735 Plan.
Pg 20 Learn Menu.
Pg 21 I Got a Job Program. Create a Career.
Pg 22 Your Fourth Assignment. Accelerate assignments. Become a member. Expedite.
The Table of Contents for Lessons 5, 6 & 7 are not provided. Start your free Success Journey to learn more.

Your Why is that powerful internal force that drives you to success or failure. Everyone has a Why. Not everyone’s Why is clearly defined. Your success is a journey. We seek to support you on this journey. We will ask you to join us as we support others. We focus on success. When asked, we can teach you to change the mindset that leads to failure.
At Chimorel we create systems which enable people to solve problems and achieve goals. All problems. Any goal. Everywhere. But only, for those who develop the required resources. Let’s be clear. We cannot solve every problem, anywhere. We can teach you to deal with all the problems you have, achieve any goal you seek to achieve, and you can support us as we reach out to people everywhere you go. You can participate as we create the systems and develop the resources. On your journey you can establish a significant source of extra income and benefits for yourself. If you wish to learn more, we invite you to begin your journey by being very clear about what is truly important to you and why.
Our ‘What Is Your Why?’ question is intended to encourage you to begin our journey together with a clear focus on your life mission. We encourage you to explore the compelling issues behind your journey to date, then establish a clear life mission. This simple Why question can have profound implications for your life. Will you take the time to wrestle with Why you are here and then What you want to do about it?

“Warren here. Let’s work together to support thousands of people. My life mission is to support people as they achieve their goals. I look forward to supporting you and those you care about. I will have many suggestions to offer. I have supported thousands of people with Chimorel strategies since 1972. Let’s focus on your Why by considering questions like:
- When everyone is looking down at you in your casket, what do you want them to remember about you?
- What gets you really excited? Scares you to death? Do you love passionately? Do you hate with antipathy?
- What would you do with all the money you wanted and two months free time?
- Other than money, what are you really looking for?”
Although you may only have time to answer a few of these questions we encourage you to go further. Write down things that happened as you began to mature. Reflect on how those things affected the way you think and their impact on what happens in your life today. Establish your life mission. You can explore your life mission by clicking the Set Goal tab on most pages. We truly hope that exploring your Why becomes a worthwhile experience on your journey to success.
May this experience start a long term relationship that
supports hundreds, maybe thousands of people, including those you love.

Warren's Why
Sometimes Warren will tell a story or make an observation.
When Warren talks in the first person, you’ll see his picture.
“My life’s mission is to enable people worldwide to solve problems and achieve goals, one life at a time. I have developed a simple goal setting process I implement through Chimorel Services Inc. Chimorel is a nonprofit I started in 1972. The website you are exploring is filled with over 2000 strategies designed to enable individuals, small businesses and nonprofits to enhance lives, build business, fund projects and share our Sources of strength. Now let me tell you my WHY.
“At age 8, a coal truck hit me. They say I flew off my bike and landed fifty feet up the road on my head. In the hospital my anesthetic was ½ an aspirin tablet. As they operated, I talked to the doctors about that buzz in my right foot, during the operation. Apparently, the truck kept coming and ran over my foot. I had to learn to walk all over again. I wasn’t supposed to survive, but I did and I am truly grateful. I came to believe God has a purpose for my life. I want you to believe God has a purpose for your life, as well.
“Fast forward now to 1969. I am working with delinquent kids in an institution and they keep coming back. I think I really inspire these kids. They make commitments to change their lives, but they keep coming back. It becomes obvious that the problems are in the communities these kids live in, not in the institutions. Solutions have to be found with their parents, their schools, in the work place.
“By 1972 Chimorel was a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. I was planning programs, writing grants, developing over 2000 diamonds, gems and gold nugget strategies to change the world. And, I was learning that wonderful ideas must be funded with real money. I got grants, became a stock broker and business consultant, taught college and supported hundreds of people to get jobs. Today I bill my time at $350/hr and down as a consultant supporting people and organizations. Too often I give my time away, supporting someone who might pay me later. Lot’s of stories to tell. A few are on this website.
“Mrs Beautiful and I have been comfortable, but I wouldn’t consider us rich. We traveled several weeks every year. Most of our “things” are paid for, but there are still bills each month. I am semi-retired and no longer have to do what the “boss” tells me (although I rarely accepted being dictated to anyhow). I have spent a lot of volunteer time supporting others and money has been a little tight at times. Residual and investment income is changing that.
“I consider the “wealth” I can pass to my children’s children and with your support to others of immense value. Together we will share high standards, a work ethic, integrity, and a servant leader’s sense of purpose. Through Chimorel, I am reaching out to thousands of people around the world. Today, I support many as they solve problems and achieve goals. We are expanding our efforts. It takes real money and the support of thousands of people like you.
“Now it is time to fund the projects: Global Won, office and warehouse space, apartments for transitional housing, job training and recycling centers, plastic reclaim facilities, and much more. I intend for Chimorel to be there supporting thousands of people when I’m gone. This is my Why. I can’t do it alone.
“Will you join me in this vision? Tell me your WHY (in as great detail as you have time and willingness to share). We will get to know each other. Soon we may tackle a Special Project or two. We may enable you to earn more. I’ll ask you to become a Chimorel member. We can explore affiliate nonprofit and for profit possibilities. There will be many ways to work together. All this soon. Right now let’s just get to know each other. I believe that the foundation of all growth is the building of solid relationships. I look forward to getting to know you better.”

“Mrs Beautiful died 4/18/20 from cancer. Her passing was peaceful, no pain, at home with hospice care. Both sons and I were there at her death. I am grateful for these blessings. I enlarged a picture of us in Hawaii with her arms around my neck and beautiful flowers in the background. It was posted at the head of my bed. We talk to each other regularly. I still wore my wedding ring. Again I am grateful. I have more resources now. My projects can no longer scare her and I am stepping into many new ventures. You are invited.
“As you may know I run a nonprofit, Chimorel Services Inc, and a for profit, Chimorel Group LLC. Since 1972 the strategies behind the small nonprofit have … enabled more than 1000 people to get jobs, recycled tons of ewaste and other materials, supported thousands of individuals and organizations to change lives … Now you can join me.
“A while ago I spent approximately 3 years improving Chimorel’s website, rewriting our free Success Journey and our Create a Career program, and developing many of our other programs and systems. During much of 2020 I was also a caregiver for Mrs Beautiful. Quite honestly, this time tended to lead to a cloistered, disconnected existence with the potential to engender a scarcity and rather passive mindset. With support from my friends this is changing.
“The website and program refining process is never ending. However after a Next Level Discovery and Breakthrough training and following Marlene’s death, I made a decision that is changing my life. Yes, we will continue to refine strategies, make programs ‘button clicky’ and complete place holder screens on the website. But now it is time to make things happen. About two years ago, I had a spot of cancer removed from my kidney. I am currently cancer free and a survivor. Knowing this cancer story sets up the story in the next paragraphs.
“A friend and Director at Global Won invited me to attend Next Level trainings. These powerful, life altering trainings offer experiential leadership taught from an emotional intelligence viewpoint. As I looked at the cost of the programs, my scarcity mindset said no way, but I felt a strong call to listen and continued to browse their website. I discovered …
“… Tracy Austin had attended these trainings, learned he had cancer part way through and decided to celebrate his painful dying process. He inspired thousands as he told his story. The result was the Tracey Austin scholarship. His wife provided me a scholarship to the trainings and my life has changed to pursue abundance, connection and a dynamic determination to support enhancing the lives of 50,000+ people.
“One Sunday, after Marlene died and I sold my house to my son, I was deciding where I was going to live. Warehouse or farm? I decided farm. The next day, Monday, I learned about the 10.3 acre farm where we are now establishing the Chimorel Sanctuary. Tuesday I cut the deal, although it took some time and intense negotiation to work out all the details.
“About two years after Marlene died I felt led to click one of those pictures that pop up on the computer. It led to a dating site. I started to click away, then clearly I heard “It’s ok.” God led me to marry a new Mrs Beautiful. Pearl was the Pastor of a church she and her former husband built. She ran a restaurant she sold. We have moved into the Santuary and are building a rewarding life together, pursuing our mutual visions.
“Let me inspire you to join this vision. Realize with me the importance of interacting in the real world, rather than living life in a cloistered, scarcity mindset. Join the 5000+ leaders who will support enhancing thousands of lives, as we make the world a little better. Move with me from a passive, dis-connected mindset. Seek to bring a new dynamic, abundant spirit to many people, including you, me, your family and loved ones, even strangers who become new friends. Join us! Click the Single Eagle and Tell Us About You.”

Warren has had connections with over 25,000 people on a variety of networking sites; however, many of these connections had no real relationship. We have stopped connecting just to connect. We want to develop real relationships with people and organizations that can have a meaningful impact in making the world a little better. If you ask to be my friend, I will always say yes, then I’ll seek to develop a real relationship as time permits.
If you are a current friend on Facebook or a connection on LinkedIn expect to receive invitations to get involved. Sometimes these invitations may be to an affiliate auction. At other times these invitations will be to an event at the Chimorel Sanctuary or take other forms. We invite you to get involved. If it takes a while to peak your interest, that’s ok. We are all very busy people, but let’s stay connected. We absolutely want to develop a meaningful relationship that supports you, those you care about and strangers who will become friends.
We look forward to developing a meaningful relationship that supports you and others. You may seek an income opportunity. You may want to transform your life or support your friends to transform their lives. If you know of someone … who is struggling, but motivated, …or genuinely interested in supporting others … click the Double Eagle on any header and ask them to learn more. Then follow up. Invite them to start their free Success Journey. If you haven’t registered yet, use the link above. Once you register, connect with us and learn more.
LinkedIn: Many professionals. Great business connections. We have 500+ connections.
Warren Facebook: We frequently post longer, Inspiring / helpful / playful / thoughtful messages here. 2200+ on Warren’s page,
Chimorel Sanctuary Facebook: Chimorel page is developing.
More Sites Coming
After you Register & Confirm, if you have a moment, visit other areas of the website.
There is a lot to learn and many opportunities available.

If you don’t see a registration form below, your computer may be blocking the java script.
Click the yellow line above. Allow blocked content. Click yes. This code is checked frequently. We believe it contains no viruses.
Please Choose One of These Check Boxes
Success Journey: You will receive lessons in our Success Journey and make decisions to support others. Your Success Journey is about achieving your goals and about supporting others. You will receive periodic newsletters, invitations to events and opportunities to become more involved.
Chimorel Leader (Prospective Director): You are stepping up to become a Chimorel Leader. As a busy leader, you can focus quickly on inviting others and providing brief support or you can get seriously involved and create an income opportunity. This is where Prospective Directors start. Are you up to the challenge?

Notice !!!
Our website has been transferred from our former Muse site to this one built with Word Press. As you may know, Adobe no longer supports Muse. Access to all our pdf files was lost.
We have more “transformed” than 3000 pages to approximately 300 pages and added a lot of new material. It has been a complex and comprehensive project and has taken a little time.
All seven lessons of the Journey are complete, but the registration process is quite finished. For now just Contact Us and we will start your journey.
Lessons 4-7 are based on interacting with the website. These lessons are complete. Your Success Journey is powerful and transformational.
You can also click the Single Eagle to “Tell Us About You” which will initiate our newsletter in the near future.

It is common practice when an internet marketer is selling something to put prospects in a closed page environment intended to force a choice with special offers when you start to click away. Chimorel doesn’t follow this practice. You may note that our main menu is still visible, just barely, at the top of this Success Journey page. You can easily click away and come back as often as you want. Whenever you are truly ready you can register. It is important to us that you genuinely want to get involved. If you have not yet registered, we invite you to make your decision now!
The intention behind this Learn More section is to encourage you make a lasting decision, then take steps to develop a base of support and your marketing skills. Invite your friends, family, associates and even strangers who become friends to learn more about Chimorel. Develop your marketing skills. Scattered throughout our website are sections designed to teach you to market things, including our Memberships and Programs. Learning to market, to sell and to follow up will enable you to get a better job, to win your potential spouse and perhaps to believe in yourself.
For a few seconds let’s focus on inviting friends. When you support others, you earn the right to ask them to support you. As your friends transform their lives, powerful things happen for them and for you. When you learn to Follow Up and about Principle Based Selling, you strengthen your ability to support others. You open doors to an income possibility and establish a strong base of support. You do want to limit the number of people you invite initially. You are responsible for the initial follow-up for the people you invite.
To learn to Follow Up or about
Principle Based Selling click the links above.
If time is pressing, come back when you are ready.