Imagine the possibilities! You may have just talked to a Chimorel Event Planner. You seem pretty interested, but you are also quite busy. Let’s explore how determined you are to raise say $50,000.
We use this introduction to our Affiliate Auction Program to get you grounded, to test reality and to speed the process of raising $5000 to perhaps over $1 million. $5000 is pretty easy (85x$100). A joint effort means you get $5000 and we get $3500 or $8500. $50,000 means 250 auction participants at an average of $200 each. (you=$35,000, Chimorel = $15,000.) Over $1 million means 5000 participants at approximately $250 each. (you=$1,000,000, Chimorel=$250,000.)
Our unique format below is a little like reading a series of emails which give you choices. This format actually speeds your learning and hastens your potential fund raising process. If your time is limited right now, just read the first “email” or two, then return when you have more time.
You can hold the auction at our Sanctuary in Delaware, OH, which is currently limited to about 50+ participants or you can hold auction events at your facilities to raise the most money, if you have space for 250 to 1000+ attendees.

Scroll to learn.

Setting Your Goal
Email #1 | Scroll to learn.
Yes, we help nonprofits and others generate funds to achieve their goals, but we are not a fund raising organization. As a legitimate nonprofit or someone seeking to achieve a significant goal, our nonprofit, Chimorel Services Inc, will enter into an affiliate or Special Project relationship with you. Together we will raise funds in a joint effort to make the world a little better. Sometimes, we even act as the nonprofit you wish you had, but didn’t know how or have time to create.
Your supporters and friends are going to buy groceries, take trips, buy a car and spend money on all the things they buy already. They can use a variety of Chimorel’s programs, including our developing (“Virtual”) Auction program to support a project you are planning and enhance your viability.
To illustrate we set a minimum goal of $5000, which means our joint auction goal would be $8500 to $10,000+. As a Chimorel affiliate, we typically share approximately 59% of the auction proceeds and do more than 50% of the work. You most certainly can increase this minimum goal. Just click B1 below.
Since 1972 Chimorel strategies have supported thousands of individuals and hundreds of nonprofits, small businesses and large corporations to solve problems and achieve goals. Chances are, however, you may never have heard about Chimorel, until someone told you about us. Our strategies and programs have enabled more than 1000 people to get jobs. We are beginning to reach out to touch the lives of 50,000+ people over the next several years. Our free Success Journey explains this goal and can inspire people to transform their lives. The journey is ready, but is not yet “button clicky.”
You have started a step by step process to explore fund raising as a Chimorel affiliate or through a Chimorel Special Project. You will want to test reality and to determine clearly what project you want to fund. You will learn a little about Chimorel and a lot about how to raise funds through our programs, BUT, nothing much will happen if you don’t do something. Choose one of the buttons below and make some decisions. … and ask for the Planning Workbook, which includes an Excel spreadsheet which is not available on this site.
You can speed the process by sending an email to or by calling 614-885-0000 with questions. If you call and we are out supporting someone, please leave a clear text message. Spell your full name & one or more phone numbers. Indicate what you want to do. Together we can make the world a little better. I want to. I believe you do also. Now make a decision, choose B1 or B2. You can do both.
B1 = I want to increase my goal.
B2 = I want to learn about fund raisers.
Involving Fund Raisers
Email #2 | Response to {B2} | Scroll to learn
You have established a tentative goal. Now you need to put in place the people who will enable you to achieve your goal. You also want to determine what you will use the funds for. The links below, begin this process. You can start with 5-10 people to contact or immediately ask 25+ people to get involved. You must provide contact information for yourself and at least one other person who believes in your program.
Your Core Group should both “give” money and volunteer time. Expect Core Group members to pledge $50-$100 and to volunteer 10-25 hours. Pledge means give, use Raise Right, agree to buy at the auction or to get a donation from someone else. If a potential Core Group member gives $50, expect a 25 hour commitment. If a potential Core Group member volunteers 10 hours, expect a $100 pledge. If they don’t meet this standard, invite them be a second tier, not a Core Group member. A second tier member will volunteer 25+ hours and/or “give” $100.
Soon you will stablish 10-25 people who will form your Core Group. This group will confirm the goal, determine the project and initiate the volunteer committees that will make your project successful. You will eventually develop a pool of 25-50+ committed volunteers who will determine the fund raising alternatives to be used.
When using a Virtual / Actual Auction, your volunteers will determine and procure many/most of the Auction items and invite 250+ registered guests. You also want to learn about Chimorel’s many Fund Raising Alternatives and may want to establish 10-25+ Sponsors.
After your first successful Auction, you can plan additional semi-annual, quarterly, even monthly future auctions. Before you conduct your first Auction you can use a variety of alternative fund raising activities to warm up. 250 people x $200 = $50,000. At some point you may want to invite sister or other friendly nonprofits to participate and can open the doors to Special Projects which enable your constituents to achieve their goals.

You are entering a step by step process to create all the factors you will need to assure your fund raising success. You must actively become engaged in each step and develop the determination/mindset/action steps required. To stretch your imagination a little, our Planning Manual below will consider both a $35,000 and a higher joint goal possibility. You will learn about other simulation projects and may become one of our future examples as your planning gels.
Another important step is to ask for the Planning Workbook. This Workbook is a second Manual plus an Excel workbook, This Workbook is not available on our site, partly because Excel doesn’t work well on websites, but also because asking is one of the first steps to establish your intention to make things happen. You will want this Workbook when you click B9. Now make a people decision.
B3 = I want the 25 person form and the Planning Workbook.
B4 = Here is at least one more person to contact.
Of course, you will choose the 25 person form,
you want to make things happen quickly right?
B3 | B4 | Go to Email 3 Learn About Chimorel

I Want to Increase My Goal
Response to Email 1 {B1}
You most certainly can raise more than $5000. We strongly suggest setting a $50,000 goal. Once you are determined to raise what you actually need to implement your vision, we will teach you how.
The secret to raising more money stems from your determination and from the commitment by the volunteers who support your fund raising.
Make the decision. Involve the volunteers. Set your goal high. Follow the step by step plan we provide. Accomplish your dreams. Your Joint Auction goal will be increased.
Tell us about your decision and ask for the Planning Workbook. Use Contact Us to call or email.
Go to Email #2: Learn about your Core Group and Volunteers
Go to Email #3: Learn about Chimorel
A Little About Chimorel
Email #3
Time to get to know a little about Chimorel. Eventually, Chimorel intends to acquire large warehouses (perhaps five in the greater Columbus /Franklin County area | many more throughout the US/world). Right now we have acquired a farm in Delaware where we have establshed the Chimorel Sanctuary.
At the Sanctuary people come to find peace, inspiration and empowerment, imbued with a sense of adventure. Each time you come we encourage you to make decisions to enhance your life and change the world.
At future warehouses, we will re-establish our I Got a Job program to initially support 200-1000+ welfare recipients, former inmates, homeless individuals/families and others who are struggling. This program provides a comprehensive assessment, program structuring, job readiness evaluation, work experience, skill and mindset training, career development, group & individual counseling, as well as, job placement, follow up and reentry as needed. We believe that many organizations working together can be more effective than one organization struggling against the odds. That is the purpose of joint / affiliate fund raising.
In time, each warehouse is expected to support approximately 1000 people each year, suggesting each warehouse could take 1000 people off welfare each year. The I Got a Job program will use the warehouse for about 27 days/mo. Working together, we will not only enable you to achieve your goal, but you will also be establishing the base for us to support others. We anticipate re-establishing our transitional housing program for 50+ individuals and families. Then we will grow this program also.
Prior to acquiring the first warehouse, we are holding quarterly, monthly, weekly and sometimes daily events at the Sanctuary for 50-100 people. We can hold an Auction at your facilities. All of these events and auctions will generate funds. When you are involved, you can generate funds for your organization.

Once we acquire a warehouse, at least one weekend each month we will hold Auction events with several nonprofit affiliates and Special Project members. The minimum goals for each warehouse Special Project/affiliate at that point will be $50,000 with at least 250 attendees, 50-100 volunteers and perhaps 10-25+ sponsors. Should this goal be initially outside of your comfort zone, you can work with other affiliates. Each project/affiliate will enter an agreement detailing who does what and how proceeds will be distributed. Below and through our Planning Workbook you can learn more about this process.
As we look toward the time when we acquire warehouses, we are following the same step by step approach we use when someone approaches us desiring to start a business. We go through an extensive process to put all the pieces together. You may be one of the initial affiliate groups who enter our Virtual / Auction program or events at the Sanctuary. You will learn about and can participate in some of our Alternative choices. You and your supporters will learn about virtual on-line bidding with a smart phone, tablet or computer. As you are ready, together, we will cooperatively plan targets for the number and value of items you and we procure, storing these items, the volunteers required, pick up dates/locations, and many other things. Our step by step process makes things easier than doing it alone. Our alternatives give you a wide variety of options, each of which can generate revenue for your project. Decision time, again:
B5 = We are a tax exempt charity and want to become a Chimorel affiliate.
B6 = I want to create a Chimorel Special Project.
B7 = Don’t know if I can handle all of this.
You want to learn to Involve Your Fund Raisers
B5 | B6 | B7 | Involve Fund Raisers
I Want the 25 Person Form
Response to Email #2 {B3}
Use Contact Us to call or email. Request both the 25 Person spreadsheet and the Planning Workbook. Choosing this option speeds your fund raising process.
Here Are 2-10 Contacts
Response to Email #2 {B4}
Use Contact Us. Include your contact information and the contact information for at least one other person who is committed to your organization. Email the following for each person: Name, Organizational Relationship, Phone, Email, Yes/No they know about Chimorel.
This is a reality check. You may not have all 25 committed people on board, but seeking abundance moves the needle.
Becoming a Chimorel Affiliate
Email #4: Response to Email #3 {B5}
Becoming a Chimorel affiliate and demonstrating we can work cooperatively together can start (1) with our $1000>$5000 program or (2) by becoming a Chimorel Nonprofit member. We will also consider two additional possibilities below. Don’t forget to ask for the Planning Workbook. Our actual beginning split is 59/41, but there are many ways to increase your share, so we use 60/40 in the discussions below.
First, let’s consider the $1000>$5000 program. When 10 of your supporters each give $100 to support a Chimorel project, we work with you to raise a minimum of $5000 for your project, before any additional split from auction proceeds. This means you complete an Agreement to set and achieve at least an $8500 Joint Fund Raising goal. You also receive ten Training Packets for your ten donors and learn how to use similar packets to begin your fund raising program. For a $35,000 goal the numbers would be 35-5=30. 30×60%=18. 18+5=23. You would receive $23,000 +/-.
The second choice, becoming a Chimorel Nonprofit member, suggests a less aggressive approach. Our $350 membership fee will be taken from auction proceeds before the proceeds are allocated. It may take more time to generate the support, enthusiasm and determination required to make a high goal auction successful. For a $35,000 goal the numbers would be 35,000-350=34,650×60%=$20,790. You would receive $20,790 +/-, instead of $23,000 +/-.
A third choice is to reduce your goals and commitments. Instead of a 60/40 split to you, we might provide you with a 40/60 split after expenses, or less depending on your involvement. In this case your primary role is to tell people about our Virtual Auction program. You don’t need to sign an agreement. You don’t need to provide volunteers or sponsors. You can help develop Auction Items or just rely on what we provide. You may or may not set a firm goal. You would most likely join another Group. You would introduce your supporters as to how to do virtual auctions. Typically, you would work with other affiliates or Special Projects who also have not yet developed the serious mindset to make things happen and might use our Alternative fund raising for your initial efforts.
A fourth choice is to just tell people about our vacation packages, cars and other high ticket items. When someone tells us they learned about our Auction program through you, you will receive 10% of the value of the item after expenses. Although, we will ask people who referred them and who is their favorite charity, this very minimal involvement option runs the risk of several organizations telling the same person about our program and the person not telling us you sent them. This minimal involvement runs timing and other risks, as well.
Ultimately, every relationship has the potential to become a $1000>$5000 program, step by step. The key is developing the mindset and commitment to work together to make it happen. Wherever you begin, you will see the steps unfold as you keep putting one foot in front of the other. Allowing yourself to be overwhelmed and stopping, means nothing much will happen. At a certain point you will get excited and determined, then you will make things happen.
Create a Chimorel Special Project
Email #4: Response to Email #3 {B6}
You do not have to be a nonprofit to raise money for a goal you have. Any truly motivated individual or organization can step up to an Action Planning or higher membership and create a Special Project to fund your goal.
There are three levels of Special Projects: 1st Level = $2500 to $25,000. 2nd Level = $25,000 to $500,000. 3rd Level = $500,000 and up. Once you develop the mindset and the internal sources of strength, you can raise any amount you need to achieve your goal, step by step.
Are you ready or do you want to learn more about creating a Special Project?
B7 = I still have questions.
B8 = I want to learn more about Special Projects. Close to return.
B9 = I see the vision. I’m ready. Take me to the Planning Manual.
Last link to learn about Fund Raisers
It Takes Work to Make It Happen
Email #5: Response to Email #4 {B7}
Raising $25-$35-$50,000 or more with an auction normally takes eight to twelve months of fairly intensive planning and implementation, as well as, a lot of hard work by many volunteers. If you are ready, our Virtual Auction program can reduce the time for planning, will smooth this process and will encourage higher levels of fund raising.
At the same time, our process allows you to step up gradually as you are ready, all by working cooperatively together. We will continue to get to know each other. Chimorel can provide initial training and documents, which include how to procure items, auction best practices and how to develop sponsors.
We really do want to help you achieve your project goal. You will learn about many ways to generate revenue in addition to our Auction program. Feel free to start our free Success Journey today. As an affiliate/member this success journey is automatically part of the training we provide. It really is free in that you don’t spend a dime. It does cost you the time and determination to learn the principles, implement the strategies and achieve your goals. When you qualify for Lesson 7 you will discover more than 100 ways that you and your constituents can fund achieving your/their goals.
Two passed by on the other side, but the Good Samaritan demonstrated his love. We are commanded to love. Helping each nonprofit and each individual to create ways to fund solving their problems and achieving their goals is how Chimorel demonstrates its love.

Once again, you can change your goal as you identify your supporters and plan other aspects of your auction. You can always call 614-885-0000 with questions, but don’t leave a voice mail, if I’m out helping someone or not responding to my phone. It is usually best to text me or to send a longer message to, then text me that you sent the message. Thank you. Together we can find ways to fund your goal. Here are your decisions:
B9 = I see the vision. I’m ready. Take me to the Planning Manual.
B10 = I will donate B10 I will Volunteer 25 hours.
B11 = Learn about procuring items.

Volunteers and Procuring Items
Email 6 {B11} Scroll to Email 7 and 8
Now might be a good time to take to a really deep breath. We will begin to plan to procure items. Procuring items will start with assigning volunteers. If you explored the Planning Examples Manual, you learned that raising $35,000 means you want to plan to have $70,000 worth of items and raising $65,000 means you want to have $130,000 worth of items available. Assuming that vacation packages, cars and other high value items may have a cost, best practice suggests we should identify people who want these items before the auction and get their commitment (credit card or payment plan) to purchase them upfront.
One or two cars (two or three vacation packages) could raise $10,000 after the cost of the items. Do this five times and you raise $50,000 with five to 30 people. When someone tells us what they want and puts the money down, they get the best service and a product that meets their needs, while we don’t have to come up with sizable advance funding.
After you have taken your deep breath, we roll up our sleeves and figure out how to make it happen, but first a little about volunteers. It is your volunteers who make it happen. To raise a minimum of $50,000 you want 50 or more volunteers. When you start using our Training Packages, we will show you how to generate perhaps $40,000 to $50,000 with maybe 28 volunteers. 50 or more volunteers give you flexibility and backup as you develop both a Guest focus and a Detail focus.
We hypothetically place a $25/hr value on your volunteers’ time. Most volunteers can generate substantially more, so let’s focus on creating the mindset that values time at a minimum of $25/hr. Later we will create a plan to enable each volunteer to realize their value. 25 volunteers working 25+ hours each should raise at least $15,525 (25 volunteers, $25/item, $25/hr). We want to move this mind set to a much higher level as we explore procuring items. Ok, now is the time to complete your list of the first 25 potential supporters. Finding items comes down to allocating volunteers, who then make it happen as we discuss below.
You want to allocate 2 or 3 volunteers for each of these three areas – Second Cars, Guided Travel Packages and ClickBank. It is good if the volunteers choose their assignments; however, you will discover many volunteers will welcome the adventure of stepping into the less familiar, especially when backed up with solid training. You should consider 2 or more volunteers for Renovation Packages. We will consider other area allocations shortly. There are Guest Focused volunteers and Detail Focused volunteers. 3/area suggests 2 Guest Focused and 1 Detail Focused volunteer per area.
Guest Focused volunteers discover the guests and plan some of the details which uncover what each guest wants. Guest focused volunteers set goals based on generating funds. This means a number of guests times an amount per guest. Once a volunteer’s goal is reached during the initial phases of the auction, raise the goal once, but not more to avoid burnout. A Guest Focused volunteer who has met his/her quota might welcome the opportunity to step into other areas. When things are going well, plan another auction and get more volunteers involved. The best thing a volunteer can do once they have achieved their goal twice is to enable you to find more volunteers.
Detail Focused volunteers execute the details and make sure everything flows well. Detail Focused volunteers set goals to make sure every detail is handled accurately and carefully, thus ensuring the flow. When there are not enough Detail Focused volunteers Guest Focused volunteers must handle some of the details. When there is an excess of Detail Focused volunteers, each Detail volunteer should step into some Guest Focus. Encouraging a blend of each focus strengthens your ability to raise funds. Don’t try to value one focus higher than another. Instead praise and reward volunteers who can both find guests and handle details. As your ticket sales progress, one of the most important details is to make sure you have plenty of ways for your Guests to spend their money. This might mean expanding your item procurement, but it may also mean creating more activities, raising the price of or creating more opportunities for meals, child care and parking.

Finding Items
Email 7
When you click B12 you will go to the Procuring Auction Items area of our website. You will immediately see suggestions for Guided Travel Packages, Second Cars, ClickBank, Recycling, etc. You should allocate 1-3+ volunteers each to explore Recycling, Surplus Inventory and Downsizing. You also want 2+ volunteers for each area to explore Sponsors, Activities and every other area in Extra Revenue. In the training packages, there will be links to follow to learn more. Consider allocating volunteers to Remodeling, if the skills and contacts are available within your group.
Thinking Outside the Box. And then you begin to think outside the box with Experiences, Services, Mission Related Items, other Fund Raising Items and Alternatives. You have already allocated 6-12+ volunteers to some of the top potential fund raising areas. Now you want to form a special Brainstorming/Creative committee of 3-10+ volunteers to explore additional possibilities.
The focus for your Creative Committee is less on inviting guests to buy specific items and more on finding, then promoting exciting, useful, unique, desirable items. This Creative group of volunteers should love being creative. They not only want to identify items which will attract potential guests, they also want to be able to tell the story that gets many people involved.
The Creative Committee will develop the announcement and pre-invitation material. This group/committee may include the pastor who will make pulpit announcements, the chairman of the board who will make podium announcements, the newsletter editor, artistic designers, creative writers, social media savvy marketers, other creative people who know your base and can get the word out, as well as, the original planners for your project. They will choose the type of items to promote. Then they will promote the items to your supporters.
The Auction Volunteers will actually manage and run the auction. We will explore Auction volunteers later. If you have enough volunteers you can form a committee to handle the auction. If not those on your various committees will also pull duty at the auction event.

Starting to Make It Happen
Email 8
The focus for much of Email 6 and 7 has been on allocating volunteers to procure items with a nod to the auction itself. If you reflect on the information, you also begin to dig into inviting guests. Your team will include a group of Major Item volunteers who will invite Guests targeting Second Cars, Travel Packages, ClickBank, Recycling, etc. Part of this group will include Detail Focused volunteers who will make sure the details are managed smoothly. These items will be most suitable to Buy It Now pricing and can frequently be sold repetitively. This provides a solid base to procure items.
Your team will include a Creative Group, which focuses on procuring and promoting a wide variety of useful, exciting, unique, desirable items. These items may be most suitable as Auction Items. They will generate excitement, attract a greater number of participants and will frequently be donated, thus the total value supports your cause.
We have considered a Major Item Group and a Creative Group. We have not yet discussed the Planning Group. The Planning Group consists of at least ten people gleaned from the first 25 supporters you contact.
In the Planning Example Manual is a sample email to Prospective Supporters. It is probably time to plan our first face to face meeting. It is your responsibility to arrange this meeting. You can view the Agenda below. You can donate $100 and agree to volunteer 25 hours using B10 below. We should meet with five to ten+ committed people who are knowledgeable about Chimorel’s Virtual Auction program. These people should know we will be asking for commitments of $100 and 25 hours.
As we wrap up this introduction to Chimorel’s Affilliate & Auction program, let me offer another opportunity. Within 1-3 years we anticipate being ready to acquire our first warehouse. Prior to that time, we anticipate conducting one or more Crowdfunding Projects. Nonprofits with projects that participate in our Crowd Funding Project can be included as part of our fund raising efforts, another way to generate funds for your project. You should know of this potential as part of your future planning. Once we are aware of your interest, we’ll call as time permits, but feel free to call us as well.
One final thought. See yourself as a member of your Core Group. This means you will donate $100 and agree to volunteer 25+ hours.
B9 = Yeah, I probably should explore the Planning Example Manual.
B10 = I will donate B10 I will Volunteer 25 hours.
B11 = Review Procurring Items and Volunteers.
B12 = Let’s begin to find items.
Planning Example Manual
Under your Chimorel file, create an Auction folder, then save the file below.
To Save: Hover over the document. Click the download icon, Save. Scroll to read all 14 pages.
Sample Prospective Email
To Save: Hover, Click three dots, Save. Scroll to read all 5 pages.
Make Things Happen
Email 9. Response to B10
Volunteering 25 Hours and donating $100 make things happen. There is a lot to learn ahead. These two steps make it real. Because you want to make it real, you will do both and become a core member for your project. Here are a few next steps:
B9 = See Planning Example Manual
Review Sample Agreement
Agenda for first meeting
Volunteer Planning Form
Integrity at Chimorel

B10 = Volunteer 25 Hours
When you ask someone to volunteer 25 hours, this is essentially a test of their potential commitment. The 25 hours can be spread out over time and most likely this commitment means I’ll do what it takes to get the job done, rather than a specific commitment for only 25 hours. A commitment of say 10 hours is hedging their bet and may be less than what will actually be volunteered, once the excitement of your effort begins. Ask for 25+. Take what is offered. Then build the excitement. We will teach you how, step by step. A volunteer commitment form is part of our Planning Example and available at the link above.
Virtual Auction Agreement
To Save: Hover, Click three dots, Save. Scroll to read all 6 pages.
There will be various agreements, depending on Virtual Auctions, Warehouse Auctions, Level of commitment, Etc.
The Agreement below is for Virtual Auctions and can be modified as needed if you want to
Conduct Auctions at your facility.
First Meeting Agenda
Be prepared. A lot will happen at this meeting in a little over 45 minutes. If you are not yet ready to write a check for $100 and to bring your completed Organizational Planning Form, don’t schedule this meeting. Go back, learn and reflect. This is not a sales meeting. We spend a great deal of time making things happen. We don’t spend much time hoping and dreaming.
- Briefly review your completed Volunteer Commitment form.
- Set clear initial goal.
- Determine project to be funded.
- Give it an inspirational theme
- Determine who will receive the funds.
- Review spreadsheet, work through # of people at $ amounts
- Consider a few high value items to procure
- Determine initial expectations to achieve goal.
- Determine initial/potential members of the Core Group (5-10+ people).
- Determine steps needed to involve these people.
- Agree to $1000>$5000 program or alternative option.
- Begin to invite ten $100 donors with those attending.
- Have those attending complete Volunteer Agreement.
- Determine who is eligible for Training Package.
- Verify emails for Training Package.
- Determine how to reach out to 25-50+ volunteers.
- Discuss Integrity at Chimorel briefly.
- Set tentative time for Virtual Auction. Location for onsite portion?
Know $5000 or higher goal. Know project & who will get the funds. Think about an inspirational theme in advance. Think about a few high value items you can find. Agree to $1000>$5000 program. Do we already have the contact information for 10-25 committed enthusiasts? If not bring it with you.
We will spend time planning using the Planning Workbook & Manual. Ask for them. Review them in advance. Have you read and thought about the Planning Example Manual? Do you want your event to be entirely virtual or to have part take place at your / our space?
Organizational Planning Form
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Integrity is one of Chimorel’s Core Values.
Integrity. Chimorel will follow the rule of law, but must go beyond the law to follow the Golden Rule with the highest commitment to integrity and abide by Chimorel’s Conflict of Interest Policy. Adherence to integrity frequently flows from a genuine belief in or a desire to live up to a Source of Strength outside of ourselves
Follow the Golden Rule
Abide by Chimorel’s Conflict of Interest policy
Live up to Source of Strength outside ourselves.
Click the Integrity link above to view our Conflict of Interest policy.