
You are watching the news and the broadcast says something that gets you thinking. Maybe you are an empty nester. The house is too big and the real estate taxes are eating into your retirement. Maybe your spouse passed away and you are looking around at all this stuff. The kids don’t want it and …
Now is the time to call Chimorel at 614-885-0000. We will help you plan to downsize. The $250 fee can easily be offset by donating some or all of your stuff. You will create a household inventory on a spreadsheet we will provide. Some items you will keep as you move. Smaller valuable items we will help you sell through our eBay store, Chimorel4u, or at auction. A donation not only can offset your planning fee, it can also help your favorite charity as it gets involved with our programs. We will help you plan to sell, donate or store your larger items, perhaps over an appropriate time period.
The important thing is to begin the planning process now, before something happens and all your stuff must be disposed of some weekend when there isn’t time to get the best value and have things go where you want them to go.
Now back to that household inventory. You want to go room by room, closet by closet, cabinet by cupboard, into the attic, down to the basement and out to the garage. The average family has more than $2000 worth of stuff hidden away that can be donated and then you plan what to do with everything else. If it isn’t worth your time to create an inventory, then donate everything you aren’t going to take and we will take the pictures and create our own inventory.
Even if you are not ready to downsize yet, good risk management means you should take pictures and create a household inventory for insurance and theft purposes.

Donate Surplus Inventory
On a much smaller scale, Chimorel currently receives donations of surplus inventory and has already purchased more than $150,000 in inventory for pennies on the dollar. We sold this inventory on eBay and also donated it to nonprofits for their fund raising events. The undistributed remainder has been stored in about 1200 sqft in Warren’s former basement. Now that we have acquired the Chimorel Sanctuary, we are making arrangements for larger storage capacity.
As you get involved in auctions and other ventures, you can approach retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers and others to donate surplus inventory. If you have manifested surplus inventory, Contact Us. We can probably help, either by taking your donation or for larger quantiles by putting you in touch with a liquidator. For unmanifested items of undetermined value, we may charge a processing fee.

Surplus Inventory
So what happens at the end of the season to all that merchandise. It has to go to make room on the shelves as the new things come in.
On a large scale, liquidators buy this merchandise for pennies on the dollar. Chimorel has accounts at several of these liquidators and occasionally acquires pallet load or a even truckload of surplus inventory, sometimes at less than 25% of wholesale. This inventory is shelf-pulls, customer returns and new overstock. Chimorel Group LLC can also be the liquidator and buy inventory directly from retailers. Our purchasing and warehouse capacity is not currently at the same scale as other liquidators. Retailers also donate items to Chimorel Services Inc and under the right circumstances can receive more as a donation than they might from a liquidator.
Surplus inventory can be manifested or unmanifested and typically must be transported from CA, NJ, FL, AR, SC, KY and other states. For manifested inventory we typically can see pictures and know the title/description, manufacturer, category, model#, condition, UPC, quantity, retail price, discount from wholesale and what retailer the merchandise comes from for each item. Un-manifested loads typically show some pictures, the number of overall units, the cost/unit and perhaps a listing of manufacturers and are cheaper.
Category Listings
Here is a category listing for one liqui-dator: Bicycles, Clothing, Cosmetics/HBA, Master Case Cosmetics, Domestics, Electronics & Accessories, Furniture, Fashion Accessories, General Merchandise, Handbags, Housewares, Jewelry, Miscellaneous, Shoes, Tools & Hardware, Toys.
Here is a category listing for a second liqui-dator: Apple Desktops, Apple iPads, Apple iPhones, Apple Laptops, Notebooks, Apple CD Displays, Apple Parts, Desktops, Laptops, Notebooks, Parts, Wholesale Lots.
Here is a category listing for a third liquid-ator: Wholesale Tools, Airsoft Guns, Electronic Accessories, Home & Garden, Knives & Swords, Lawn Mower Parts, Self Defense, Sporting Goods, Tactical Gear, Tarps, Tin Signs, Toys.
Here is a listing for a fourth liqui-dator: Automotive: Accessories | Parts || Clothing Shoes Accessories. Electronics: Batteries | Cameras | Car Audio Video Electronics| Cell Phones | Computers | Drones Quadcopters | Headphones Portable Speakers | Home Audio Theater | Home Phones | Printers Scanners Faxes | Security Surveillance |TV | Tablets eReaders | Video Games | Wearable Technology. Furniture: TV Stands | Wall Mounts | Entertainment Centers. General Merchandise: unsorted pallets. Health & Beauty: Diet Nutrition Vitamins Supplements | Hair Care | Home Health Care | Vision Optical. Home: Appliances | Décor | Heat & Cool | Kitchen Dining. Home Improvement: Generators | Hardware | Tools. Music: Instruments. Office: Electronics | Supplies. Patio Garden: gardening Lawn Care. Sports Fitness Outdoors: Exercise Fitness. Toys: Action Figures | Learning Education | Pretend Dress Up | Ride on Toys | Stuffed Animals | Vehicles Trains RC | Water Guns Foam Blasters.
Chimorel also buys government surplus items for its own use and for auctions. The important thing about the above listing of categories is that when we are ready (meaning funding and space are available) we can create income opportunities by picking up large quantities of surplus inventory. The supply of merchandise is there and there are many other liquidators. When we are ready to buy in very large quantities, we can also work through Alibaba to buy new at very low prices.