Below are several of the projects Chimorel is currently working on. Waiting in the wings are many additional projects when we have time to consider them. We have terminated our involvement with several projects for lack of responsiveness.
Global Won | Change Your Life | Climate Change | Auction Warehouses | Unstoppable Connections
Create a Special Project

You come to the Chimorel Sanctuary to find peace, inspiration and empowerment, imbued with a sense of adventure. Then you begin to make decisions which can change your life and improve the world. We will be creating many exciting activities that are fun and empowering.
We are creating an AirB&B and space for many venues, including a Wedding Venue, Birthday Parties and many Special Events. We have a trampoline and bonfire area. We plan bounce houses, a climbing wall, a labyrinth and fishing.
We can enable your organization to raise funds through Auctions or you to fund a Special Project. We will grow mushrooms, vegetables, flowers, trees and fish using vertical hydroponics, aquaponics, vermicomposting and sustainable agriculture. There will be consignment and shopping opportunities, health and wellness experiences, more than one event center, training in many skills that can give you increased income and many, many opportunities to enhance your life and make a difference in the world. As we make decisions together we can impact our lives and the world for the better.

ACE, a bloc chain social media platform, will link worldwide projects to address major concerns like hunger, environmental degradation, causes of war, air and water quality and more. Chimorel has been developing seven teams (of 10-25+ people each) to step in to our Virtual Auction program and raise $600,000+ ($50,000-100,000/mo) to create the program development for Global Won.
Global Won isprovides a unified connection point to effectively address worldwide challenges for twelve core objectives connected to initiatives for Food, Water, Habitat, Health, Safety, Peace, Education, Prosperity, Oceans, Environment, Energy and Space. To learn more click the link above. You will leave this website. To return click the Current Projects tab.

Change Your Life Meetings open the door to support any motivated individual to 1) seek abundance, 2) enhance relationships, 3) invigorate health, 4) manifest vision and 6) change lives.
These fun, friendly, inspirational meetings can support you, those you care about and strangers who become friends. To learn more click the link above. You will go to another section of this website. To return close that section.
The concern about climate change is based on undeniable fact. The food we grow with supplemental chemicals has lost much of its nutritional value. We were part of a movement to enhance the world’s food supply and make a major difference to reverse course on climate change. The spearhead of this movement has since died, but the pieces can be put back together when we have managers in place.
The possibilities are absolutely incredible. We connected with many companies to enhance carbon sequestration, reduce ice melt, increase the nutritional value in food and much more. This can be a global effort. We can work with scientists, university professors, nonprofits, large and small companies, and many concerned volunteers from all over the world. The base of active professionals and volunteers expands daily. You too can get involved.
Once our newsletter is started, this is one of the opportunities we will share with you. You can get involved now as an advocate and if you have the time and determination required you can earn a very healthy income as a distributor/reseller. Are you ready to step up and make a difference.

We seek managers to implement both our climate change program and distributors for climate change products.

Chimorel plans to acquire large warehouses (200,000+ sqft) as part of its Auction, I Got a Job, Change Your Life and other programs. We will start with Virtual Auctions. We will conduct one or more crowd funding projects. We will have a building fund campaign.
As nonprofit affiliates and Special Project members plan their projects, they will step up to joint efforts which support this Special Project while raising $50,000 to $1 million+ monthly for their projects. Clicking the links above take you to our Auction program or to a discussion of how nonprofits can raise funds through our affiliate auction program.
Cheryl has a dream to provide a spiritual retreat called the Unstoppable Connections Ranch. As this becomes reality we will keep you posted.
For the moment we invite you to visit her site at the link above to learn more about how she is supporting unbreakable families and unstoppable teams.
Cheryl was awarded the Top 5 Next Brilliant Ideas for Humanity. To learn more click the link above. You will leave this website. To return click the Current Projects tab.