Create a Career Enroll
Start Now to Create Your Career
“Recruiter’s Fee:” $350 | $77×7 | $210 | $98 | $49 | $1000 Scholarship
Once you pay your “recruiters fee” we will instantly enroll you in our Create a Career program. We will “employ” you to find the job you have always dreamed of.
As a volunteer you will enter into a very intense 30 hour/wk program to find a job. If you go above and beyond, we guarantee you will have a job within three months. As noted, going above and beyond is a very intense 30 hours per week for approximately three months.
If what you are doing to find a job right now is not working, we challenge you to take the next step. Pay the recruiters fee. You will instantly have an intense volunteer opportunity which can lead to paid employment. You may work for a great company you uncover. You might even work for Chimorel.
And we will pay you real money, if you do what is necessary.
$25+ times ten is $250+/mo as a Create a Career Recruiter – available when you enroll.
$150+ times 20 is $3000+/mo as a Create a Career Manager – only if you qualify.
100 trainees in our I Got a Job program could pay you $50,000+/yr as a Work Experience Coordinator.
More than 100 other opportunities, for the right people. Start your free Success Journey today.
If you are not quite ready to pay the “recruiters fee,” keep reading. You will be able to start your Success Journey and follow tips to get any job. These opportunities are free. The seventh lesson in the Success Journey explores more than one hundred ways to generate revenue.
“Yes, I Need a Job”
If you are ready and serious, just click the Create a Career link and make it happen.
If you have questions, feel free to read all the information below.
If you choose, you can also spend several hours taking side trips to learn more.

This program may not be for you. You are expected to devote meaningful time, spend some money and take real steps to create a fantastic career. We can teach you everything you need to know and more. If you are truly willing to go above and beyond and make good decisions, we guarantee you will have a job within three months and we will help you Create A Career.
- You may take any job, while you determine what you really want to do.
- You may create an incredible position with a great employer.
- You may create an Independent Contract position.
- You may start your own off-line business.
- You may start your own on-line business.
Here are some tips to “get a job now.” No charge.
Click the “Create a Career” tab above / just close the “I Need a Job Now” tab to return.
That “go above and beyond” phrase is very important. It is the basis of our guarantee. If you are not sure about your ability to go above and beyond, we offer you a unique opportunity to begin our Success Journey absolutely free. Just register and confirm. Many, many doors will open. You will get our free eCourse How Can Chimorel Support You? with seven lessons. You can connect with us on other sites. You can explore your Why.
Getting distracted from your goal of getting a job? This is deliberate. As we said, this program may not be for you. If you spend a lot of time on distractions, you may not complete the program. If you are serious, however, there are four focus objectives:
- Get serious about creating a career.
- Get ready to find a job.
- Start looking for a job.
- Create a career.
These four objectives sound deceptively simple. Behind these objectives you will uncover 100+ “compensated tasks,” a fast track option, four steps to land a job, our above and beyond challenge, establishing a career goal, many skills, many opportunities, a not so subtle focus on the employer’s needs, matching your needs with an employer and creating a real career.
The brief 4 item list above does not adequately convey the depth of what is available. Perhaps that is a good thing though. If we gave you too much and you weren’t ready, we might scare you away. We really do want you to take the steps necessary to create your career.
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Let’s be absolutely clear. Your $350 “recruiter’s fee” creates an “imaginary job” with “imaginary compensation.” Your “$10,000 A” means your job hunt effort goes above and beyond what most people do in their job hunt process. Your Create a Career Agreement is not an employment contract. You earn real money only after you take the steps to generate real revenue. The “job” we “hire” you to do is your volunteer effort to get a job, perhaps a little more intense than many do.
The difference is the mindset you bring, the guidance we provide and the expectations we hold for you. Your mindset will determine if this program is for you. That mindset begins as a tightening in your abdomen. It wells up with energy flowing into your arms and shoulders. As energy flows to all parts of your body, your mind decides you will have the job you always wanted three months from today or sooner. Can you feel the energy? Can you make this powerful decision? If you can create this mindset, you may want to explore our …

Our guarantee under the Create a Career program is that we will continue to work with you for up to five months at no additional fee, if you complete expectations at an “above and beyond” level. The effect of this guarantee is that you essentially have significant additional coaching hours, if needed during months four and five, until you receive at least two acceptable offers or take a job you are satisfied with.
Be sure you understand that this guarantee is based on your performance at an “above and beyond” level. If you are late, do not complete assignments competently, do not do extra credit and take on special assignments, you forfeit the guarantee. The “recruiter’s fee” will increase to $500 or higher as negotiated.

Your Recruiter’s Fee provides real value. Your flash drive, CD or website access will have the Manual, the Gifts, other extras, many exercises and a mini-website to enhance your Create a Career Program. You also receive 5 hours of coaching and 15+ targeted emails.
Coaching is a self-discovery process with support and encouragement to guide you, challenge you, and hold you responsible. Coaching is action oriented, non-judgmental, objective, and honest. You will have a guide to help you climb the mountain of success. Your coach/manager will become a great friend who wants the best for you and who tells you the truth. Your targeted emails will quickly resolve problems and help you focus.
The Guarantee provides significant additional coaching for two additional months, as needed, when you go above and beyond.
Incidentally if you live in Columbus, OH, one of the extras you can choose is our ten session course. This course has been taught as a college course. Student’s in Warren’s classes who earned their “$10,000 A” had a job by the end of the course.

Below we discuss (1) your “recruiter’s fee”, (2) our expectation as you earn your “$10,000 A” and (3) the guarantee. Be sure to read all three sections to understand what is happening.
“Recruiters Fee”
To create your “Temp to Hire position” with Chimorel, you pay $350. This is real money, but dramatically less than you would pay most recruiters to find you a job. We call it a “Recruiters Fee,” but we will go above and beyond to help you learn how to “get” a job or better yet create a career.
If you have been down the recruiter road, you know that hiring a recruiter could cost you $30,000 for a $100,000/yr job. Even more occasionally. Although a recruiter may provide some coaching, you won’t get a comprehensive program designed to create a career you can love.
When an employer pays the fee, could you negotiate a starting salary of $120,000 or more by finding the job without a recruiter? If the employer is paying the fee, who is the recruiter working for? If less than 7% of all jobs are found through recruiters, what are your odds?
So you pay the Chimorel “Recruiter Fee” of $350 and step into an intense volunteer effort. Now you need to perform. Your “job” is to create a career. Of course, we will not “fire” you. We will pay you real money when you take advantage of opportunities we will provide. You really do need to treat your ”job” with us as your primary 30 hours/wk focus or as a 10-20 hour/wk “second job.”
$350 buys you the manual in electronic format, 5+ hours of direct individual coaching, 15+ targeted emails, 100+ “compensated” assignments, a three month “temp to hire” trial period, a guarantee and a lot more you will discover as you complete your course. Did you explore the list of extras?
Our Expectation
Our expectation in the full program is that you will be “earning $10,000” imaginary money during the next three months. Your earnings are imaginary, you can’t spend them. There is no employment contract. Be sure you understand this. It is part of your agreement with your Chimorel “recruiter.”
If you are working or need to get “any” job, the time frame may be extended to meet your needs. The following analysis is based on a $10,000 imaginary money three month “A.” You could change the analysis to meet your needs.
You will “earn $2000” imaginary money during the first month as a “trainee.” You read the entire manual and complete many assignments during this month. You work 30 hours/wk for four weeks each month, giving you approximately 1/3 week off each month. $2000 / 120 hours = “$16.67/hr.” imaginary money.
You can complete your tasks in less time, say 100 hours and earn “$20/hr” imaginary money. You can take longer to complete your tasks, say 200 hours and earn “$10/hr” imaginary money. Regardless of how long it takes you, make sure you complete your tasks well. If you have to do something over, you only reduce the value of your time. You don’t “earn” any more.
Let’s assume you successfully complete your assignments, during the first month. If so, you receive a “raise to $3000” imaginary money during the second month. $3000 / 120 hours = “$25/hr” imaginary money. If you do not complete your assignments the first month, you are less likely to earn an “A” in the course. Your trial period will be extended to four months. This could have the effect of requiring you to earn say $1000 imaginary money extra credit during the four month period to get your “A.”
Let’s assume you successfully complete all your assignments during the first and second month. If so you receive a “raise to $5000” imaginary money during the third month. $5000 / 120 hours = “$41.67/hr” imaginary money. Again not completing your assignments on time will have the effect of extending your trial period. If you have not done what you need to do to get a job by the end of five months, we will continue to work with you, but the “recruiters fee” will increase to $500 real money and the time frame will be extended to 7 months, regardless of the program you begin with. Of course, you can quit, but there are no refunds after the first week. You can also restart for a $50 restart fee.

Is there a cheaper alternative? Not exactly, but when you pay the $350 recruiters fee and sign the Agreement, we will immediately give you a real income opportunity. We will pay you $25+ every time you enroll a friend who wants to Create a Career. If you are the right kind of person, we might open the door to becoming a Career Coach/Manager. There are many other income opportunities available. When you initiate your free Success Journey you can uncover more than 100 way to generate revenue, just complete your assignments to earn the seventh lesson.
If you are the right kind of person, you could become an Independent Contractor for Chimorel. This will open many income opportunities. Once you have proven yourself, you may be invited to work with Chimorel. You will leave this area. Click the Create a Career tab above to return. You could coach others to Get a Job or Create a Career? Worth perhaps $50,000/yr, depending on your skills.
You could create a Chimorel Project to solve a major problem / achieve a significant goal. At each level you can generate revenue to achieve your goal. Level 1: $2500-25,000+, Level 2: $25,000-$500,000+, Level 3: $500,000+. Many other opportunities await as you demonstrate the mindset required.
And yes, you can opt for part of the full program at lower cost. Enroll now.

Absolutely !!!
Remember that part about “If we gave you too much and you weren’t ready, we might scare you away?” It’s true, but it was also a small test. If you didn’t have the mindset required, you could have stopped reading right then. Instead. Congratulations !!!
A major part of success with the course you are exploring is your willingness to keep going, even if you are discouraged, tired or overwhelmed with life. We are more than willing to tell you as much as you want to know about Chimorel and about this course. Below are some links to help you learn more, not only about the lessons, but also about Chimorel and about Warren (our Executive Director.)
Warning: You have already taken perhaps 5-10 minutes to explore this far. The information you can explore below can literally take hundreds of hours. Go as far as you need to. We want you to be comfortable. If you are an analytical, explore to your heart’s content. But, don’t waste a lot of time, either. Learning to make a decision based on relatively limited information is an admirable quality that can be valuable to you and a future employer. Once you are confident that you will go above and beyond and this course is worth more than the cost, make a decision.
Question: Why are there so many links throughout this “sales pitch?” I thought good marketing strategy was to not give prospects a way out until they make a decision. Your right! If this were just a sales pitch, we should not have any exit links. You need to know, this is not just a sales pitch, it is an offer to support you as you change your life and Create the Career you deserve. We undoubtedly will lose some “prospects” along the way, but that is okay. If you have the mindset to stick with the program, then our guarantee will work for you and you’ll have a job in three months or less. If you don’t have the mindset to stick with the program, we avoid a lot of foolishness. Most likely you really won’t be willing to go above and beyond. AND, when you really are ready, you can always come back. We don’t intend to disappear any time soon.

Lessons 1-5
These five lessons are the core of the course. Clicking this link will take you to the task list for Objective/Lesson 1: Get Serious about Creating Your Career.
The task lists for Objectives 2-5 follow: Objective 2 is Get Ready to find a job.
Objective 3 is Start to Look for a job.
Objective 4 is Create a Career.
Objective 5 is Extras: Land the Job.
If you are paying attention, you will see extras within each task list. You will also see the value earned as you complete each task. Click the Create a Career tab above to return. Click the Create a Career link below to enroll.

You have already had an opportunity to explore this program, when we invited you to begin your Success Journey today. This link starts a free Success Journey. It gives you an opportunity to explore your Why, shares Warren’s Why and gives you links to connect on other social network sites. Click the Create a Career link above to enroll.
Chimorel has voting directors, advisory directors and finance directors. Voting directors serve without compensation. Advisory directors and finance directors can be compensated based on performance. To explore this area will take a minimum of 20 minutes. If you get serious, you could spend more than 25 hours learning about Chimorel and becoming a director. Becoming an Advisory/Finance Director is a performance based income opportunity at Chimorel. Click the Create a Career link to the left to enroll.

Chimorel’s Website
You are on Chimorel’s website at You can spend significantly more than 200 hours wandering around this website and not find everything available. You can uncover income opportunities, learn to start a business, set goals and learn about recycling. You can fund projects. You can verify Chimorel compliance with local, Ohio, federal and BBB requirements. Exploring the Success Journey, the Extras and Become a Director all will take you on virtual journeys to learn more about Chimorel. When you are ready, you could initiate a Chimorel Special Project to solve a major problem or achieve a major goal.

These links give you an opportunity to learn about Chimorel memberships and programs. Create a Career is one program. Once you are a member, you have created an income opportunity. Depending on the level of your membership you can enroll others in memberships and programs and earn a referral fee. The Create a Career program makes you an Action Planner, which entitles you to enroll Starter and Action Planning members and to initiate a Special Project. The Create a Career program gives you an immediate $25+ each time you enroll someone else in the Create a Career Plan. There are 9 memberships and over 20 programs, each of which can be an income opportunity if you complete the training required. Click the Create a Career link to the left to enroll

If you are willing to volunteer a minimum of ten hours, you can learn about becoming a Resource Developer for Chimorel. You will spend more than 100 hours actually training to become a Resource Developer. This is a career path leading to Manager, Planner and Coordinator positions with Chimorel. If you are the right kind of person, this could start an Independent Contractor opportunity. You could then turn this opportunity into a career with Chimorel. Click the Create a Career link above to enroll.
You are Making a Great Decision!
Congratulations! You are deciding you want a job in three months or less. As you make this decision we want to caution you, we expect 30+ hours per week of intense job search effort as you pursue your “new job.” If you are working right now, we will work with you, but … This is a real commitment on your part. You truly must go above and beyond to qualify for our guarantee.
Did you feel the energy flowing when we talked about mindset? You are making a great decision. You live with the results of the decisions you make. When you truly go above and beyond, you will love your decision and the career you create.
Pay With PayPal: With PayPal you can pay with essentially any credit card … Out of your checking account … or with funds available in your PayPal account. Pay By Check: Use Contact Us to send a check.
Thank you for signing up. You have several alternatives available.
4 Options | Scholarship | 2 Payment Plans
Four Create a Career Options
- $350 The full program: You receive the manual, many extras, 5 hours coaching, 15+ targeted emails, the guarantee, an immediate income opportunity and much more.
- $235 10 Classroom Sessions: program includes the $49 Manual and ten classes, similar to those taught for college credit in the past. These classes are scheduled periodically on demand (with a minimum requirement of ten students/class) and are included in the $350 Plan. This option does not include coaching or targeted emails. Classes are currently scheduled only in Columbus, OH.
- $98 5 Lesson Manual: includes all five lessons, all the Gifts and Extras, but does not include coaching, targeted emails or the guarantee.
- $49 4 Lesson Manual: includes the first four lessons, as well as, some of the Gifts and Extras. It does not include coaching, targeted emails or the guarantee.
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Create a $1000 Scholarship
You create a scholarship that will cover your Create a Career course and support others, as well. You pay a minimum of $50, $75, $100 or a higher amount and agree to an ongoing monthly payment. You cover the balance of your commitment through our fund raising alternatives and will receive emails teaching you how to raise the balance. You receive the course material timed to the receipt of your funding efforts. Your donations are not refundable. The guarantee does not apply until more than $350 has been raised. Click donate to begin.
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Two Create a Career Payment Plans
- 7 weekly payments of $77 = $539:This alternative covers the full cost of your Create a Career Plan, as well as, a Small Business membership. It can be used towards any higher level membership or program you choose.
- 7 monthly payments of $110 = $770: This alternative covers your Create a Career Plan, as well as, a 735 Plan Lifetime membership. It can be applied to any higher level membership or program you choose.
Your payment plan is designed to upgrade to higher level programs and memberships. If you cannot afford a payment plan, choose to create a $1000 “scholarship” or one of the Create a Career options. For the Payment Plan, click one of the options then Subscribe to begin.
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