Core Values

- Mission
- Integrity
- 0-4-0
- Goal Setting / Action Steps
- Support Anyone Who Wants Support
- Resource Development
- Financial Planning
- Personal Respect
- Willingness to Risk
- Source of Strength
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Mission. The key elements in Chimorel’s old school mission are to support motivated people as they solve problems and achieve goals. The extended version offers support to individuals and organizations and enhances each nation’s viability, one life at a time.
Support motivated individuals and organizations
Solve problems
Achieve goals
Enhance each nation’s viability
One life at a time
A current objective is to enhance the lives of 50,000 people throughout the world. Click the Mission link above to contrast our old school mission with our aspirational version.

Integrity: Chimorel will follow the rule of law, but must go beyond the law to follow the Golden Rule with the highest commitment to integrity and abide by Chimorel’s Conflict of Interest Policy. Adherence to integrity frequently flows from a genuine belief in or a desire to live up to a Source of Strength outside of ourselves
Follow the Golden Rule
Abide by Chimorel’s Conflict of Interest policy
Live up to Source of Strength outside ourselves.
Click the Integrity link above to view our Conflict of Interest policy.
0-4-0. Nothing comes for free. It is essential that Chimorel always support individuals and organizations who actively participate in and pay for achieving their goals and solving their problems to the degree possible. Chimorel must always “teach people to fish, not give them a fish.” Payment can be cash, work or otherwise; but should cover the costs involved and go beyond to help others whenever possible. Part of 0-4-0 is the concept of viability, which essentially means that we must move beyond our selfish interest to make the world a viable place for all.
Individuals and organizations must participate in paying for services provided.
Payment does not need to be in cash.
Payment should cover more than the costs involved to the degree possible.
We must make the world viable for all.
Click the 0-4-0 link above to view an extended description of this concept.

Goal Setting / Action Steps
Goal Setting / Action Steps. Chimorel’s focus is to support people as they set, clarify and reality test goals, then develop action steps to achieve those goals. When there are problems, we set goals and develop action steps to solve the problems.
Support people as they set goals.
Clarify the goals and test them against reality.
Develop action steps.
Set goals and develop action steps to solve problems.
Click the Goal Setting link to go to our Set Goal area. Click the Action Step link to view our section regarding Action Plans.
Support Anyone Who Wants Support
Support Anyone Who Wants Support. Some people may need/want support more than others. We focus on supporting those who want support and wait until others are ready. The desire for support and the willingness to be an active participant should be the only criteria limiting our involvement.
We seek to eliminate the cracks in the system through which people who want support desperately fail to receive the support they need.
In everything Chimorel does there should never be a reason why we can’t support someone who is seeking our support and is willing to pay their own way to the extent possible.
When this involves a possible conflict of interest (Board member, employee or other person with a duty to disclose) the person has a duty to disclose according to Chimorel’s Conflict of Interest policy prior to assistance being given.
The appearance of a duty to disclose is not sufficient to refuse support. The appearance of a conflict of interest does require adequate disclosure and implementation of safeguards to eliminate any actual conflict.

Resource Development
Resource Development. It takes time, money, energy, planning and other resources to achieve goals and solve problems. Chimorel works to develop these resources for every person and organization who or which becomes a client.
A primary focus is on developing the resources to meet needs.
Financial Planning
Financial Planning. We focus first on supporting people and organizations to develop the finances needed. Once the finances are available it is more feasible to develop the other things needed to achieve goals and solve problems.
Financial planning at Chimorel is very comprehensive. It starts with getting a job. It continues through everything that affects your ability to meet your needs. Because we expect each client to pay his/her/its way our first focus is on enabling each client to develop the resources needed to be able to pay their way

Willingness To Risk
Willingness to Risk. Risk is not a fool hardy venture. Risk is the willingness to step outside our comfort zone, extend our hand where others fear to tread and to take the steps needed to actually change lives and the world we live in for the better. If an action is not fool hardy, the Board will guide, Warren or his successor will decide after careful analysis with a spirit of cautious optimistic determination.
Read the above very carefully. We are absolutely not seeking to enter risky/fool hardy ventures. But frequently supporting others involves taking real risks. Part of this risk involves stepping outside our comfort zone, extending a hand where others are reluctant to go and taking meaningful steps to actually changes lives.
Another part of taking risk is to carefully evaluate steps that could pose real risk to Chimorel. The Board has a very important role to play here. If any Board member, Warren or Warren’ successors suggests a risky venture, the Board must decide the venture is not fool hardy. If a venture is indeed fool hardy, it will be obvious that this is the case. At that point the Board will decide not to continue.
Taking risk may be involved when seeking to eliminate the cracks through which people fail to receive the support they need.
There may be times when there is real risk involved. The Board will debate the merits and the risk, with careful consideration and make a recommendation giving sound reasons to proceed or not to proceed. This is the guidance the Board is to provide. If after thorough evaluation, Warren or his successor believes that we are not stepping outside our comfort zone, we are not extending our hand where others fear to tread or we are not taking steps needed to actually change lives and the world we live in for the better, Warren or his successor will make the final decision. At that point the Board is resolved from responsibility for the decision and it is up to Warren or his successor to implement the decision. This becomes a decision based on courage, strength and cautious, optimistic determination. The other side of risk is accountability. Neither Warren nor his successor will attempt a fool hardy venture.
Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength. God is our primary Source of our strength. We will live Him in our heart, not wear Him on our sleeve. Chimorel’s founders are Christian. We welcome Christians on our staff. We will knock gently and wait for the door to open. We will work with everyone and will respect your belief. We seek to serve first and will discuss our belief when you are ready. Our belief should never be a reason not to support you. It is instead the reason we seek to be supportive.
Relationships with others is our secondary source of strength. We are commanded to love one another. We are all connected. When we support each other we make the world a little better because we were here.
Chimorel is a faith based charity. An expectation for each Board member is that he/she is comfortable working with Christian values and Board members. We anticipate many on our Board may have a personal relationship with Christ and or express Christian values, but this is not required.
We intend to change lives and when appropriate will share our Sources of Strength with others as two option to enable people to find the strength to make changes in their lives. The intention is always to support regardless of your belief.
We believe God is inclusive and has provided many ways to approach him. We respect your approach to God with an open mind. We are all connected at a deep quantum level. Let’s make the world better for everyone.

Establishment & Modification Clauses
Establishment of Core Values. This section establishes core values to guide Chimorel’s Boards and Committees. During his lifetime it is the responsibility of Warren E Goodenow to ensure that Chimorel operates according to these guidelines. Upon Warren’s death/retirement the Board is responsible to operate Chimorel according to these guidelines and is to appoint a new person to ensure that these core principles remain in perpetuity.
Core values have been established to guide Chimorel’s Board. Warren, the Executive Director, has been appointed by the Board to ensure that Chimorel will operate according to these core values. The Board Bylaws establish Warren as the Executive Director until his death or retirement.
There are several unique concepts you should reflect on and be comfortable with. First, the establishment of core values that guide the Board. Second, there is someone with veto power to ensure the core values are followed. Third, the person with veto power can not be removed at the pleasure of the Board.
Modification of Core Principles. The spirit of the core values may not be changed. The words may be changed to meet changing conditions and new opportunities. When appropriate, new core values may be added.
The core values can be modified and added to.
The spirit of the core values can not be changed.