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Servant Leader Positions
As an Active member, you are invited to become a servant leader. You will assume specific Chimorel Responsibilities. A brief description of these leadership positions follows. More training in your responsibilities will happen when you make your choices.
Before you try to walk on water, we suggest you become willing to serve those you want to lead. We use this Christian reference deliberately, because we think there is a very important principle here. Being willing to serve others is where genuine leadership starts. Listen to their concerns. Meet their needs. After you serve them well, they may follow you where ever you lead. If you genuinely have their interest at heart, you can lead them where they need to go.
Meeting Coordinator
The Meeting Coordinator runs meetings and is typically part-time. He/she also arranges speakers and brainstorming sessions. Usually one coordinator manages one of every four meetings and generally should be supported by at least one Assistant to make certain all the details are completed. There should be a minimum of four Meeting Coordinators for each new chapter. The Meeting Coordinators could be their own assistant, but it is preferable if each Coordinator is assisted by at least one person training to become a future Coordinator.
A Coordinator begins his/her position as a volunteer, but should quickly begin to generate revenue from enrolling members, providing planning services, coaching and many other opportunities at Chimorel. This is a significant Leadership position with important responsibilities and many opportunities for service, as well as many earning opportunities.

A Coordinator determines and prepares the speaker or brainstorming topic for his/her meeting; ensures that timely invitations are sent; trains Action Leaders and Assistant Coordinators; appoints the Time Keeper, Recorder and Prayer Warriors; appoints, trains and monitors each Registration Person and the Executive Secretary. He/she acts as an Action Leader at meetings he/she does not coordinate. As suggested above as new chapters are formed, at least four Coordinators will lead each new chapter.
Coordinator Responsibilities
- Determine, appoint and train one or more backup coordinators and/or assistants to be sure all responsibilities are completed in a timely fashion.
- Determine & train Executive Secretary.
- Develop your “notebook” … Introduction, pictures with stories, business cards, position descriptions.
- Train Action Leaders to create and share their own notebook.
- Train Action Leaders to work with new participants to complete the “Please Register” form.
- As new chapters are formed at least four coordinators will be developed for each chapter.
- Coordinators are good candidates for Goal Setting Planners.
Prior to Meetings
- Determine the Speaker and agree on the topic.
- In the alternative set up an intensive brainstorming session.
- Interview and schedule speaker one month or more in advance.
- Write and “send” speaker confirmation email.
- Write and “send” invitations to speaker list.
- Ensure intensive brainstorming topic(s) are well prepared and appropriate.
- Write the invitation & reminder, ensure both are sent during the week prior to a meeting.
- Invitations announce next 1-5 speakers or the intensive brainstorm topics. Should provide notes from previous meetings
- Reminders “sell” current speaker and make announcements.
At Meetings
- Run 1 meeting every approximate four sessions.
- Read or appoint someone to read the Inspirational Speech.
- Welcome New Participants.
- Assign Action Leaders or ensure each New Participant has an Action Leader.
- Appoint & train the timekeeper, prayer warrior, recorder and registration person.
- Be sure each leader knows his or her duties.
- Act as an Action Leader when not running a meeting.
- Coordinator for the next meeting gets notes from recorder to write invitation.

Coordinator Assistant
A Coordinator Assistant is responsible to assist one or more Coordinators with all the above responsibilities. This is a training position which should step into a Coordinator position on a regular basis. An Assistant might replace a retiring coordinator or a coordinator starting a new chapter, assume responsibilities as a Planner, organize brainstorming sessions or establish new chapters as appropriate.
Action Leader
An Action Leader works closely with 1-3+ New Participants at each meeting to ensure they understand the complete Chimorel picture. Each Action Leader prepares a notebook with information to share with new participants and should be very familiar with the Cooperative Effort area of the website. Action Leaders follow up after meetings to answer questions, share the website and take care of items on the “Please Register” form. Your responsibilities as an Action Leader are to:

- Prepare your New Participant notebook. Scroll to view.
- Invite New Participants to meetings.
- Share your notebook with 1-3+ New Participants at each meeting.
- Complete “Please Register” form with each New Participant.
- Introduce New Participants and make 30 second elevator speech for/with each shy New Participant.
- Follow up after meeting with each assigned New Participant to answer questions, share website and take care of items checked on “Please Register” form.
- Refer potential speakers and intensive brainstorming topics, as well as, potential Action Leaders to appropriate Coordinator.
- Earn fees for enrolling new Starter and Action Planning Members.
- Action Leaders are good candidates for Coordinator Assistants and Resource Developers.
New Participant Notebook
Each Action Leader, Coordinator, Assistant and other Leader should create a New Participant Notebook, which provides information to help new participants learn about the Cooperative Effort program and members. Each notebook should have at least three sections: Information, Members and Forms. Each chapter will determine the specifics for each section.
The Information section most likely will have a handout that describes the program and may have other kinds of information, like upcoming events, etc. The Members’ section is likely to have business cards for those members the leader is actively working with. In a chapter with several hundred members and participants, the notebooks will probably not contain all the members. In a chapter with maybe 20 members, the notebooks might be similar. Rather than handing out lots of cards which must then be replaced, the Leader should have a contact list to hand out (which could consist of a copy of many cards). Specific people on the contact list can be highlighted to assist each new participant to meet appropriate contacts. The Forms section will be used to provide the appropriate forms (like Please Register) and when trained to do other things (like conduct a Market Analysis).
Because it is easy to forget/lose a Notebook it is best to keep them at the site where meetings are held. That way the Executive Secretary or another assigned person can keep all notebooks up to date.

Goal Setting Planner
A Planner provides the Initial Goal Setting Interview as a volunteer with the intention of developing a solid relationship and demonstrating the concept of a Servant Leader. A Planner provides ongoing business development, personal coaching, job placement and related services for a fee.
A Planner assists a member to set, then reality test a goal. Setting at least one goal, then testing this goal against reality is the first real step to achieving goals at Chimorel. Planners are a vital part of assisting our members to earn a 100% return on their investment.
As a member develops and implements an Action Plan to achieve his/her goal, the Planner will initially be paid from your membership fees. As you move to higher levels, you will pay your Planner for the coaching you receive. Ongoing coaching can enable you to build your business, enhance your life or fund a project.
We will consistently be looking for dynamic volunteer speakers. You might speak on a topic of interest or lead a brainstorming session. It is best to plan in advance whenever possible.
Once again, you need to have something to say that is of real value to our members, not just a sales pitch regarding your company. You need to be able to put on a dynamic, informative presentation. If you meet these criteria, we can take steps to invite people who should hear you speak at a regularly scheduled meeting.
As a Speaker, you automatically earn a Starter membership. You want to plan your event several weeks ahead. That way we can take steps to invite all the the people you want to hear you.

A speaker may be an Active member who has the ability to provide an inspiring, dynamic and informative speech, a consultant with our Business Development System or someone who can make a strong presentation that will enhance our members lives.
Executive Secretary: Recorder | Timekeeper
Registration Person
Recorder: If you accept this leadership position, you can have a major impact on the feedback we provide to our members and participants. At each meeting we have a speaker or we conduct a brainstorming session. A brainstorming session supports one or more members. As a recorder you transcribe notes of these powerful, informative discussions and write a brief, dynamic summary which presents the information, teaches new skills and inspires people to grow. Your summary needs to be given to the next meeting’s coordinator quickly, so it can be included with the reminder/invitation for the next meeting. Recorders earn Chimorel Bucks according to the level of commitment made. Until a Recorder is trained and appointed one of the Coordinators serves as the Recorder.
Timekeeper: You assure that each participant’s time is valuable, quietly but persistently. At the beginning each person should say their name, position and company. This is not the time for commercials. Speakers are limited to approximately fifteen minutes, plus about ten minutes feedback and questions, depending on how many speakers there are. You could use a green 3 minute, a yellow 2 minute and a red close card to help keep the speakers on track. Active Members can give commercials at the end of the meeting. You will determine a limit of 30 seconds to two minutes, depending on the time available. If someone begins to ramble, politely interrupt and mention that each person’s time is valuable. Timekeepers earn Chimorel Bucks according to the level of commitment made.
Registration Person: Handles cash and ensures each participant’s attendance is recorded. Registration people need to be responsible, friendly people who can make everyone feel welcome and important. Registration People earn Chimorel Bucks according to the level of commitment made. depending on the level of commitment made.
Executive Secretary: This is a paid position that is created once a chapter has established the cash flow to afford him/her. The Executive Secretary typically replaces a volunteer Recorder and may act as a Registration Person. In addition to recording notes at a meeting, the Executive Secretary will assist or take over responsibilities for scheduling speakers, creating notebooks, sending out invitations and reducing the administrative burden for Coordinators, Planners, Action Leaders and Managers.
These positions can be combined as appropriate; however, being both a Recorder and Timekeeper may provide some conflict timewise.

A Resource Developer is an Independent Contractor working with the Chimorel Group. You start as a volunteer. Once you have made certain commitments you become a Trainee, eligible to earn 50% of a Resource Developer’s compensation. When you complete your training, you become a fully paid Resource Developer. Click the link above to learn more.
A Manager starts as an Independent Contractor, but the level of responsibility and control suggests that most Managers will become employees. Managers are responsible to train Resource Developers. They may assist Planners and may become Coordinators, depending on the responsibilities. Once you explore the Resource Developer link, you could go on to other sections of the Resource Developer area to learn more about becoming a Manager.
Marketing Coordinator
Each city or chapter (if there is more than one chapters in a city) should establish a Marketing Coordinator position. The Marketing Coordinator begins on a commission basis, part-time potentially earning $20-35,000/yr. If they are the right kind of person, he/she would quickly move to a salaried position of $35-100,000/yr plus benefits. Benefits could exceed $100,000/yr+ in addition to a salary. A Marketing Coordinator could also be a volunteer for a church or other nonprofit with his/her “salary” flowing to projects for that organization.
Responsibilities are to coordinate the marketing efforts behind Chimorel’s memberships and programs. This would include, but would not be limited to higher level programs, memberships and our Cooperative Advertising program.

Initially, the Marketing Coordinator would ensure Action Leaders were trained and their notebooks complete. He/she will train or assist in training Action Leaders, Resource Developers, Managers, Meeting Coordinators, etc. The Marketing Coordinator is a Manager and could also be a Planner and a Meeting Coordinator.
The Marketing Coordinator should inspire Managers and Resource Developers to initiate regular Introductory Meetings and Pot Lucks at churches and other places with kitchen facilities. These Introductory Meetings and Pot Lucks should become regular monthly, bi-weekly or weekly meetings. Depending on the needs of the host and attendees the meetings might be scheduled mornings, afternoons, evenings or weekends. The meetings would typically include brainstorming sessions to assist specific individual or business members, which the Marketing Coordinator would plan or ensure someone else planned. Meetings also include speakers and other activities designed to enable participants to become members, to establish goal setting and action planning, and to accomplish the goals set.
As a Coordinator interested in setting up the Cooperative Effort program in your city, you would want to hire and initially fund part of the salary for at least one Marketing Coordinators in your area. This will dramatically lessen your responsibilities as a volunteer Coordinator or you could become the Marketing Coordinator. You would want to ensure the person/people you hire can quickly establish the marketing effort required to cover their salary.

Prayer Warrior
God is quietly very important at Chimorel. Sometimes we will lead the group in a prayer, but much of the time your job will be to say a quiet prayer before a meeting starts without necessarily drawing attention to yourself. Although you are not trying to attract attention, you do not need to be shy about God being a Resource you depend on either.
We are asking for God’s guidance and support. We don’t want to be “in your face” to those who have not yet asked God to be a Source of Strength. We are not afraid to let anyone know that God is our primary Source of Strength. When God truly is your Source, we will not need to remind you of the power you bring when you fulfill your responsibilities.
Our belief should never be a reason not to support. It is instead the reason we seek to support. A suggested prayer could be, “We thank each person for coming. Give each person a way to assist at least one other person today. In everything we do, bring us closer to your Will.” Once again, most of the time, this will be a quiet prayer done without bringing attention to yourself.
Prayer Warriors will also pray (during and after meetings) for significant concerns in the lives of our members and participants. Prayer Warriors earn Chimorel Bucks, depending on the level of commitment made.
Cooks & Child Care
At most Cooperative Effort meetings it is good to break bread together. Something good happens when friends share a meal. The charge is typically $7-$10/meal, but can be higher or lower, depending on many factors. Cooks initially earn their fees as they demonstrate their skills.
When child care is appropriate, we also provide child care. See Work with Chimorel to learn more about these two servant leader positions.

As Cooperative Effort meetings mature in your neck of the woods, Committees create an ongoing structure which develops leaders and creates opportunities for growth.
Core Board: Chair people of the various committees and Coordinators are typically Core Board members for each Chapter. Core Board members guide and set the stage for each chapter.
Welcoming: The Welcoming Committee are Active Members who assist Action Leaders in welcoming new participants.
Leader & Speakers: This committee trains Action Leaders, invites people to serve in various Servant Leadership positions and may step up to inviting Speakers and sending speaker invitations for each meeting.
New Member: Members of this committee work closely with Action Leaders to invite new participants to ongoing activities and to become members. All Active Members should participate on this committee periodically to call and email prospective and inactive members/participants and grow each Chapter.
Four Distribution Committees: Client Assistance, Employment & Education, Business Incubation and Nonprofit Development.These committees guide members and program participants to achieve their goals, to set standards and expectations (criteria) and to help members develop the funds required to achieve their goals. Click the link to learn more about these committees.
On-line Group: As our on-line group develops a committee may be developed to facilitate its functioning.
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Other Possibilities
You may remember discussion about being an Advertising Representative, Cooperative Advertising Coordinator or Benefits Representative. These and many other positions are “possibilities” that will happen when you step up and make them happen.
Chimorel Marketing Coordinators are needed in cities throughout the US and around the world. If you are interested in becoming a Marketing Coordinator, Contact Us.