How a Few Cans Become a Climate Imperative
Good Faith Distributor Invitation
Climate Change Products
Years ago a policeman pulled up behind my truck. I was parked on the grass facing the wrong way on a one way street, then …
Your climate clarion call may have been more dramatic than my gentle trip from a few cans to a full scale realization that life as we know it is imperiled. Perhaps one day it hit you that in 7-12 years our world could reach a tipping point. Then again, maybe the bell hasn’t yet rung for you, but debate won’t change opinions. Reality suggests that whatever could happen, will happen, if nothing changes.
As hurricanes become more treacherous, as coastal areas flood, as fires become more devastating, as ice melts releasing methane, as nation islands disappear, as climate and war torn refugees overwhelm their neighbors, reality rears its ugly head. There is no army strong enough to protect, when 70-80% of the world’s population is displaced, starving, desperate and angry. Doomsday is not yet here. Brilliant and inspirational minds are working on the problem. Let’s visit a few of them.
Artic Ice Project has developed and tested a peer reviewed process using what might be called white floating sand made mostly from silicon dioxide, a compound of two of earth’s most abundant materials, which is bright and reflective, yet in a form which has been proven safe to living creatures and the environment. For approximately $1 billion this process can preserve and restore Artic ice, thus reversing polar ice melt.
IndigoAg, an approximate $4 billion global network for growers, buyers and consumers seeks to sequester 1 trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by paying farmers to grow crops which will accomplish the task. The Nori Carbon Removal Marketplace pays farmers to remove carbon from the atmosphere through a verified process. It is building a robust and transparent marketplace.
Pakistan’s Tusanami planted over 1 billion trees to add over 350,000 hectares of reforested land. Pakistan is one of six countries that will be most affected by global warming.
Greta Thornberg: Greta’s School Strike for Climate has caught the attention of world leader’s everywhere and brought her international acclaim. She doesn’t like when people say something is important then don’t do anything about it. She has been able to bring this critical message home to leaders and regular people all over the world.
Carbon Engineering Ltd: Backed by Bill Gates, this company can profit by pulling carbon dioxide directly out of the air and turn it into a carbon neutral fuel.
The concern about climate change is based on undeniable fact. Weather conditions are becoming more severe. Island nations and coastlines are threatened. Catastrophic fires, floods, famine, pestilence plagues and as yet unknown tragedies loom on the horizon, But there is more. The food we grow with supplemental chemicals has lost much of its nutritional and mineral value with resulting increases in disease, heart conditions, obesity, imuno deficiency and other medical instability.
You are invited to join a movement to enhance the world’s food supply, make a major difference to reverse course on climate change and improve health. The possibilities are absolutely incredible. We have researched many companies that enhance carbon sequestration, reduce ice melt, increase the nutritional value in food and much more. This is a global effort. Members of our team can work with scientists, university professors, nonprofits, large and small companies, brilliant minds and many concerned volunteers from all over the world. The base of active professionals and volunteers expands daily. You too can get involved.
You can get involved now as an advocate. As we put a variety of projects together, we anticipate the possibility of investments and affiliate opportunities you can participate in. On the not too distant horizon is a plastic reclaim facility. In the near future we will be doing vertical hydroponics at the Sanctuary.
Oh yes, … then I explained to an un-trusting, but friendly cop, that I collected aluminum cans, spotted a whole bunch as I was driving home with several cars close behind and just pulled over and drove back to get the cans. Then I showed him the bag I had collected. He looked a little quizzical and watched carefully as I turned back into traffic and drove off into the sunset. There is a metaphor here if you want to pick it up. As the world speeds on towards self-destruction, a few of us pull off to collect the ideas which “can” make a difference. Yes, please join us. Your grand children’s kids will thank you.