This program coordinates with our Odd Job & Concerned Citizen Programs.
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Simulation | Odd Job | Concerned Citizen
If you cannot afford to pay Chimorel’s fees in cash, you may work for Chimorel or do odd jobs for Chimorel Members / Affiliates. The application fee for Client Assistance is $150 or fifteen hours of work. This fee may be the down payment on our I Got a Job program or an Action Planner membership. It opens the door to assistance from our Client Assistance Committee, which establishes specific criteria for ongoing assistance.
This program does not establish a voting membership. To become voting a member from the Client Assistance Program, a client would need to complete an Action Planning membership. The Membership fee is partially covered by the Client Assistance Program. A client in this program can earn the balance of his/her Action Planning membership.
Client Assistance Simulation
John has been living on the streets for over a year and doesn’t have the money for a Starter membership. One day a friend tells him about Chimorel, walks him into a library and logs on to Right there on line he applies to our Client Assistance program. He will send an email describing: (1) why he needed assistance, (2) his willingness to work and (3) what kind of work he could do. He didn’t understand it yet, but he was applying to our Client Assistance Committee to cover his $150 fee. The friend gets a relative to advance $50 for John.
The website tells him how to create an email address on Yahoo, which he does. In his first return email John is given five people to contact. He sends them emails. The next day John logs on to his Yahoo email. Each person replies to John’s email and asks him to answer some questions. John answered one of them with a lack luster response. This person emails John back suggesting he get serious. John gives up and goes out to pick up cans for today’s wine bottle. At the recycling center someone mentions Chimorel again. John gives them the finger and walks out not even getting his wine money.
That evening John goes to a shelter and hears about Chimorel again. He gets angry, blows up, hits someone and is taken to jail. That night John begins to think. He isn’t drunk this time. John asks himself why he is in jail. He had a phone call, so he calls the friend who comes down to get him when he is released. John goes to the friend’s house, works out the details and calls the people on the list. This time he is serious.
One person advances him $50 for doing yard work and picks him up at the shelter. A second person advances John $50 for his commitment to Volunteer five hours to work for Chimorel. John went back to the recycling center and does his work. He continues to work for 50 hours. He attends a goal setting session where he learns about Chimorel’s work for rent program.
John decides to enter the I Got a Job program. He works another 25 hours and earns his first month’s rent. He continues the training program, which leads to a full-time job working at the recycling center. During his training program he volunteers and lives in a property which is part of Chimorel’s Property Acquisition and Transitional Housing program. When he completes his training program, he receives a stipend and a job with real pay and benefits. He falls off the wagon several times, but someone is always there to pick him up and get him back on track. He starts attending AA.
The above story is a little fanciful. Some of the contacts John runs into don’t exist yet. He probably will need much more hand holding before he would leave a life on the streets. Chimorel does not yet have a recycling center. The Property Acquisition program is active but not yet acquiring apartment and warehouse properties. Other contacts can be set up quickly. We periodically have people visiting homeless shelters. You could be the friend who makes it happen. Are you one of the people who will pick up the ball and run with it?

Odd Job Program
For a $150 potentially deductible donation, you take the first step toward an altruistic Action Planner membership and receive 10 hours of work from two clients who pay part of their fees through our I Got a Job program. You complete your Action Planning membership with an additional $100 donation. If you receive the work, you don’t get a donation. If you allocate the amount to work done for Chimorel, you get a donation.
Typically you agree to listen to a client’s explanation as to why he/she should be entitled to a $50 advance in exchange for work he/she will do for you or for Chimorel. If you agree to support a client, you decide what he/she will do, then after the work is done you notify Chimorel to release $50 for the benefit of the client. You may want to participate in our Odd Job Supervisor Training before you have someone do work for you. This training will be available on-line. It currently is done on the phone with a Planner in Chimorel’s I Got a Job program.
The Odd Job Program is discussed in the Client Assistance Simulation for John. This program is ready to go when you are.
Start Your Odd Job Program
Before you invite a stranger into your home or business, you may want to complete Chimorel’s Odd Job Supervisor Training Program. Currently the training is done on the phone with Warren or another Chimorel Planner. In the future the training will be part of the CD / Download you receive with your Action Planning Membership.
To start your Odd Job program write a brief email indicating:
1. What tasks/project you would like someone to do for you (not deductible), or
2. Your willingness to fund at least 10 hours of work for Chimorel (deductible).
3. Your interest in completing the Odd Job Supervisor training.
4. Your willingness to evaluate client explanations – see simulation.
5. A brief explanation of what you think is likely to happen when you evaluate client explanations.
The tasks for your project should be relatively simple – lawn mowing, warehouse work, cleaning, and other things which essentially anyone could do. Each project or set of tasks should require approximately five hours work.
You should expect the client who works for you to work hard and do a quality job. You should be kind, fair and tough. Your donation entitles you to credit toward an Action Planning Membership, including all the benefits. When available you may receive a CD or a code for a special section of the website.
$100 covers two clients. $50 covers administrative costs. When you are ready, you can add $100 to implement your Action Planning membership and be entitled to create a Special Project. Or you can use your $100 to fund four more clients who need assistance. As before work done for you is not deductible, but work done for Chimorel is deductible. Include your name, address, phone and email. You can use Pay Pal below:
PayPal Odd Job
If you prefer to send a check, call us at 614-885-0000. If we’re busy helping someone else, clearly say your name an phone twice and tell us specifically what is on your mind.

Concerned Citizen Program
For a potentially deductible donation of $350 or more, you establish an altruistic Action Planning membership. You will also be invited to participate on a Distribution Committee – Client Assistance, Education & Employment, Business Incubation or Nonprofit.
You can start with an Odd Job Program, then step up to the Concerned Citizen Program. Along the way you will also become an Action Planner, eligible to initiate a Special Project.
Become a Concerned Citizen
If you are a Concerned Citizen, WELCOME!
The Concerned Citizen program is an altruistic program involving a donation of $350 or more. You make a donation targeted toward a specific committee. Most likely, you will also be invited to participate on a Distribution Committee – Client Assistance, Education & Employment, Business Incubation or Nonprofit.
To start your Concerned Citizen program, you can use
PayPal Concerned Citizen
If you prefer to send a check, call us at 614-885-0000. If we’re busy helping someone else, clearly say your name and phone twice and tell us specifically what is on your mind. You can always Contact Us.
To become a Concerned Citizen, write a brief note indicating which committee(s) you are interested in supporting. Again the committees are:
1. Client Assistance
2. Education & Employment
3. Business Incubation
4. Nonprofit Development
Clicking any link leads to several examples of these committees in action. Send your note indicating your interest to Contact Us.
Typically, in either program, you agree to listen to a client’s explanation as to why he/she should be entitled to a $50 advance in exchange for work he/she will do for you or for Chimorel. If you agree to support a client, you decide what he/she will do, then after the work is done you notify Chimorel to release $50 for the benefit of the client.
You may want to participate in our Odd Job Supervisor Training before you have someone do work for you. In the future this training will be available on-line. It currently is done on the phone with a Planner in Chimorel’s I Got a Job program.
These programs are discussed in the Client Assistance Simulation above for John. They are ready to go when you are.