60 Characteristics of Jesus
Appreciative, Attentive, Available, Committed, Compassionate, Concerned, Confident, Considerate, Consistent, Content, Co-operative, Courageous, Creative, Decisive, Deferent, Dependable, Determined, Diligent, Discerning, Discreet, Efficient, Equitable. Fair, Faithful, Fearless, Flexible, Forgiving, Friendly, Generous, Gentle, Honest, Humble, Joyful, Kind, Loyal, Meek, Merciful, Observant, Optimistic, Patient, Peaceful, Perseverance, Persuasive, Prudent, Punctual, Purposeful, Resourceful, Respectful, Responsible, Secure, Self-controlled, Sincere, Submissive, Tactful, Temperate, Thorough, Thrifty, Tolerant, Truthful, Virtuous.

At the moment Chimorel’s Mastermind Group includes:
Abraham Lincoln George Washington Andrew Carnegie
Napoleon Hill Henry Ford Frank W Gunsaulus
Jesus Mohamed Ghandi
A Few Tongue In Cheek Comments
Combined with the Knowledge That We Really Can
Send Out Thoughts and Have Inspirations Come Back
This part of our group is perhaps a little esoteric. We don’t meet as often as we should. It is a little difficult to assemble this prestigious group, considering their status in life. Perhaps I have been negligent in setting a solid agenda for the full group. I have been less successful than Napoleon Hill in seeing my “invisible counselors” as personalities. An interesting sidelight is that Napoleon Bonaparte seems to insert himself into the group periodically, although he was never invited.
I have been more successful in “communing” with individuals in this group and receive intriguing insights when I call on them individually. These individuals seem to operate in the background, sending inspiration and awareness. Recently I added Dr Gunsaulus and Ghandi. Because we are all connected, I suspect my actual “invisible courselore” are more like a broadly based “universal committee,” rather than being limited to the list above.
Chimorel's Mastermind Critieria
We seek strong leaders who have the patience, kindness, courage and insight to enable Chimorel to have a major impact on the world long after we each are gone. Reflect for a moment on the group of “invisible counselors” involved in our current Mastermind Group.
Abraham Lincoln was controlled, frank, patient, forgiving, generous but firm. He was commissioned to execute the popular will, but strong enough to enforce his own convictions.
George Washington demonstrated leadership genius. He had charisma, energy and was a stalwart patriot.
Andrew Carnegie believed that a wealthy entrepreneur must assume the responsibility of distributing his fortune so that it would be put to good use, not wasted on frivolous expenditure.
Napoleon Hill was an inspirational writer and researcher of the characteristics necessary for success.
Henry Ford was concerned about his workers. He was complex and an effective planner. When told by the V8 engineers his design was impossible, he said “build it anyway ” and they did.
Frank W Gunsaulus was an avid reader. He was inspirational, a progressive social leader, an educational reformer, and a spiritual crusader. In one sermon he raised $1 million and went on to found the Armour Institute of Technology.
Jesus, among other characteristics, is tolerant, available, compassionate, forgiving, discerning and persuasive. Below is a list of 60 characteristics. Perhaps his greatest strength is the depth of his faith.
Mohamud inspires millions today because of his courage and determination. He demonstrated a love for the poor.
Ghandi was the embodiement of thoughtful, quiet, honest leadership. His powerful faith inspired over 200 million people to implement change through nonviolent protest.
God is my loving creator. He is powerful, caring and wise beyond my understanding. Although He is not a person, I believe each person can have a personal relationship with Him.
You will need time to be effective as a Mastermind Participant. You will need to commit yourself to working together cooperatively with the others in our Mastermind Group. The ability to work together without dissension is the primary criteria. Some of the other characteristics above would be helpful, as well.
Join Chimorel's Mastermind Group
Again, we are looking for strong leaders who have the patience, kindness, courage and insight to enable Chimorel to have a major impact on the world long after we each are gone. You must have genuine wisdom and real world experience. You must understand and welcome the concept of our “Universal Committee” or Master Mind.
We expect that our Mastermind Group will continue to consist of our invisible counselors. Real people come into the picture periodically; however, we do not seek them out. They provide support, then go back to their lives and on with other things. At some point Warren will no longer be part of Chimorel. He also will go on to another world. Prior to this time, it will be important to uncover a dedicated master mind group which will see Chimorel’s vision and continue its mission. If you could be one of these people …
… ask yourself if you can work in harmony to achieve incredibly big goals. You may start by working with one individual, one family, one business and one nonprofit. You will stretch your imaginations to delve into problems like world hunger, world peace, global warming and the fact that we are all connected.
You will change your life. You will change other lives. You will make the world a better place. If this is your vision also, you and Warren should have a serious conversation. 614-885-0000.